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life update

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 12,112
    hey i've been incredibly busy
    i pretty much rarely have free time these days. my life has basically been:

    • summer musical (mystery of edwin drood) finished up in july.
    • went directly into a play that the director wrote
    • got my puppy Renly
    • 10670241_1487059161573289_5713633287700506976_n.jpg
    • He's like four months old now.
    • I started another show in a town about another hour away.
    • I'm playing Hanschen in Spring Awakening. I'm pretty excited for it tbh.
    • I'm also making a cameo appearance in my local theatre's play.
    • I'm training people at work (I work for a call center for a major health insurance company)
    I've been pretty busy, overall.
    hi everyone i love and miss u all
    if you don't have me on fb, PM me, and I'll hit you up. :P