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Lucario and Arceus's Plan [PG-13]

"There are no tricks here!" Lysander said firmly, "If you can help me with my mission, we can both get what we want. I want power, and if I succeed, the prize is larger than ever!"

"Tell me, what Pokemon do you want?" Lysander urged, "No matter what pokemon it is, you'll have it if you help me."

"Welcome to the Jubilife High School Pokemon Tournament!" Principal Hawking started as students flooded into the large arena, "Where we will have our first battle - Midnight Avery Sparkle vs Silver Odile~! The arena landscape will be..." the principal chose a pink ball from the lucky draw machine and read, "Ice!"

The audience gasped.

"That's right! Ice!" The principal pressed a button and the Arena changed from a normal metal ground into an icy paradice with iceburgs and water.

"Midnight and Silver, please go onto the arena!" The principal ordered.

"All I want is simple!" Lysander told her, "I just need to make sure my...friend's plan goes well. And I'll be happy, he'll be happy, and if you help, you'll be happy-"

Just then a school boy rushed out of the school and inturupted Lysander outside. He gasped for breath, and pointed at Midnight, "A-Are you Midnight? You're wanted in the arena! The first battle! You need to go NOW!"

"Go, Midnight Sparkle." Lysander shook her hand, "I wish you best of luck. I'll be watching. Oh and the pokemon thing? Think about it...if you want your sister to feel jealous. Toodles."

And Lysander turned around with his Scyther and walked towards the arena.
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After another restless day in school waiting for the tournament, Lionel wandered around the school askig random people for a battle. As word had spread of his neighbors utter annihilation, most people ran off in the other direction. unwilling to get their pokemon completely destroyed. "Phooey." Thought Lionel, as he sat on the grass with Lucario next to him.
"I feel your pain." Luke agreed.
Lionel turned around distractedly, and caught sight of a poster about the tournament.
The Ten Competitors has been chosen! But because two of them didn't report to me, and were absent the previous day, they are disqualified (The new two RPers. Inactive till now)
Here are the Eight top trainers that will be fighting each other tomorrow!

Midnight Avery Sparkle vs Silver Odile
Lionel vs Sara Goodman
Lysander Chase vs Richard. J Hope
Aeon Erk vs Lucy Glaze

The Four winners will then be separated to two groups. Then the two winners will fight for the champion.

The first battle, Midnight Avery Sparkle vs Silver Odile will start tomorrow~!

Prepare yourselves!
"hmm..." I'm battling a girl? Bet she won't even last a second! Right, Luke?" Lionel turned around for reassurance from Luke.
"Don't underestimate ladies." Luke answered looking bored, casually blasting a irksome Paras off his feet.
"Thanks, I feel much better now." Lionel replied glumly.
"I think i'll go for a walk in Eterna Forest." Lionel said as he got up and stretched.
"I'll join you, I need some practice anyway." Luke sprang up, landing silently on the balls of his feet.
Unknown to them, a pair of piercing blue eyes watched them, having caught every single word. The figure shimmered once, displaying a flash of dark fur, before reverting back.
As Lysander went into the arena, he was brought to a VIP area for the Competitors. The VIP area included the first lane of seats, so Lysander could see every detail up front. No other competitors were there yet. Scyther sat on his lap and fell asleep. The fight with Vepsiquen must had been tiring. More and more students entered the large arena.
(Was the blue eyes suppose to be Fox?)

Sara was in Eternal Forest, leaning against a tree as she watched Fox try out his Extrasensory attack more. Earily before, at school, the girl had seen a poster that announced who was going to go up against who. Her name was on there, and she was to challenge a boy by the name of Lionel. She had no idea who the boy was, no suprise since she didn't pay attention to most anthing, nor what what of Pokemon he might have.

Fox, of course, didn't seem to care. Though this didn't surprise Sara either. The Zoroark was very confident in his ablilities, almost a bit cocky. The girl didn't care about that, however, since his confidence might trickle a bit down to her and it would help her.

"Who do you think we're going to go up against Fox?" Sara asked, though she didn't expect an answer. "I don't know myself. Of course, the only types we need to worry about are bugs and fighting types. Though we should watch it for steels and other dark types, I guess..."

Obviously, Sara had taken what she read online, on a site called "Serebii.net", very seriously. She also read the areas where Fox seemed to be good at. Though he seemed to be strong in both the physical and special attacks, and he was quite fast, but he lacked int he defenses. Though that didn't really matter if he was able to hit first and hit hard.

"Well...not matter what Fox...lets just hope that we...that I can pull myself together and we can actually attempt to fight."

Fox turned to his trainer and grinned, showing that he had every confidence that she would pull through. Sara smiled back and continued to watch Fox as he started to work on small amounts of his Night Burst attack.
(okay later on in the story i will get salamander to evolve.)

Silver walked to school the next day and looked at the posters. The Ten Competitors has been chosen! But because two of them didn't report to me, and were absent the previous day, they are disqualified Here are the Eight top trainers that will be fighting each other tomorrow!

Midnight Avery Sparkle vs Silver Odile
Lionel vs Sara Goodman
Lysander Chase vs Richard. J Hope
Aeon Erk vs Lucy Glaze

The Four winners will then be separated to two groups. Then the two winners will fight for the champion.

The first battle, Midnight Sparkle vs Silver Odile will start tomorrow~!

"So I guess we are going to fight Resha and Midnight" Silver said to Salamander who jumped up in agreement. "Okay we're going to train after school." Silver said to Salamander returning him to his Pokeball. He walked to History and almost fell asleep when Salamanders Pokeball shook waking him up and he continued to work. When he finished all his classes of the day he walked towards the woods and trained on trees and rocks. He was happy to have trained today and went home. He ate dinner wondering how Salamander ate if Silver couldn't even see his mouth. Silver was glad to see Salamander eating and enjoying his moms cooking. "Thanks for the food mom" Silver said as he walked upstairs with Salamander walking close behind. "Night." He said to Salamander as he fell asleep. His mom made a little bed for Salamander so he wouldn't have to be squeezed onto the bed.
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"Luke! use dark pulse! Lucario ran and somersaulted as the Haunter launched a shadow ball at him. The area's temperature immediately dropped as Lucario released a wave of horrible dark energy at the Haunter. The Haunter fell silently to the floor, it's body releasing a few wisps of smoke. "Godd job Luke!' smiled Lionel.
"Meh." Lucario replied swinging easily up on a tree.
"Sigh... Why are you so cocky? You act like your'e unbeatable." Lionel said, exasperated.
"That's cause I am, genius." Lucario rerplied. Suddenly, Lucario's ears perked up. He leapt from the tree and whispered," Follow me."
Lionel followed without a sound, trusting Lucario's better judgement.
As they rounded the corner, Lionel caught sight of a girl standing next to a wolf-like creature that was about the same height as Lucario but had darker fur.
"What on earth is tha..." Lionel stopped at the sight of the other creature firing a streak of dark matter straight at them...
(OOC: This is supposed to be a misunderstanding between them. Zoroark was actually practicing.)
"And my name is Lucy Glaze. I'm challenging you in the pokemon tournament." Lucy said with a smile. Lucy noticed Aeon was looking at her Ponyta."Nice Ponyta you have there. I can see that you have taken care of it well" He said with a smile.
"Thanks." Lucy looked at his Pidgeot and said,"You have a nice Pidgeot as well. He looks well trained."
"Just asking,are you ready for the tournament?"
"Alright, then. Good luck I say to you and let's have a fun battle. Let the best trainer win." Aeon said, still smiling. "I'm ready anytime for the tournament. Sure, I would gladly hang out in the sun and relax but this tournament could be fun. I just don't get people who just participate in things just to win when it's not worth it if you're not having fun at the same time." Aeon said as he heard from afar that the first match would begin. Aeon just shrugged his shoulders. He didn't cared for who he would compete against. All he wanted was to have some fun.
Lysander raised an eyebrow as the girl Midnight stepped into the arena. Their eyes met, then she looked away. Silver Odile was nowhere to be seen. No matter, he could wait.

"If we want to improve, not only do we need to fight more and practice more, we need to observe other trainer's styles and movement, and add them to your own deck of cards." Lysander told himself, and Scyther, if he heard him, "Let's see if Boss has good taste. Let's see if she's good enough to help me get what we want."

Lysander crossed his hands, "This battle is getting cool." he smiled at his own lame joke and continued waiting.
Sara, who had finished her training a little while ago, was now in the stands of the arena. Fox, once again in his human form, looked at the feild with interest. The girl had no doubt in her mind that the Zoroark was already thinking of a strategy to try to work with the area. Sara knew that she should be doing the same thing, so she tried to think about what could be done.

I hate ice, Sara couldn't help but think, I really, really hate ice. Its so slippery. Of course...that might not be a problem for Fox. He seems quite agile and I'm sure that he's able to handle himself with that. Now we just have to watch our Flamethrower attack so that we don't melt the whole field....Then again, we might be able to use that to our advantage.
(The story begins!)
As Richard arrived back to home, he noticed that his Uncle was gone. He saw a note near his computer, which said:

Your dad called me so I had to rush. Spend your time somewhere else. Do not stay in this house today. And hide this message somewhere nobody can't find as soon as you read this."

As he read this, Richard felt something strange about his Uncle's writing. He used to write clean and smooth, but this note was quite dirty. It felt like his Uncle was rushing writing this note.

-Okay. Maybe I should go out for a walk again.

As he left the house, he noticed one of the classmates, Sam, running towards school.

-Sam, what's wrong?
-Oh hi, Richard. Didn't you know? There is a pokemon tournament match right now in the school.
-Oh really? Who are fighting? Oh, yeah. It was Midnight and Silver.
-Do you want to see the match?
-Yeah, sure. Let's hurry.

So they ran to the school as quick as possible. When they arrived, they noticed that there were no students in the school, but people were gathering in the arena.

-Whoa look at this crowd!
-Tell me about it. And look! That's Midnight.

A girl was standing in the middle of the icy arena. It was Midnight, the first contestant. But where is Silver?

-Okay, Sam. I have to sit somewhere where other contestants sat.
-I think I see it.

Then he pointed at the empty seats with a boy sitting there. He also looked familiar.

-Okay then. Thanks Sam. Gotta go.

Richard ran to the VIP seats so that he won't be able to miss the match. He wanted to see the strategy of the other contestants so that he could use it as an advantage. As he reached the VIP seats. he quickly sat on the chair which was in the corner. The other boy was sitting on the middle chairs. So, it was only 2 of them. With curiosity, Richard asked the boy:

-Hey, who are you? What pokemon do you have?
(sorry but i have a life and i'm only one person.)

Silver walked into the arena with Salamander by his side. "Sorry i'm late. Had to finish some homework and overslept." He said exhausted since he had to run all the way to the arena. He slipped on the ice and bumped into Midnight. "Sorry." He said to her getting up and heading to his side of the arena. "Okay Salamander lets do this buddy." He said as Salamander jumped onto an ice platform avoiding the water. "We can do this Salamander!" Silver yelled as Salamander let out an intense roar. "show off" Silver muttered wondering how Salamander sounded so different. "Okay lets do this." Silver said waiting for someone to say the battle can start.
"Let the first battle of the Pokemon Tournament BEGIN!" The Principal shouted excitedly, "Get ready, and good luck! On my count to three! ONE-TWO-THREE!"

"-Hey, who are you? What pokemon do you have?" A boy asked Lysander. He looked awfully familiar.

"The name's Lysander Chase." Lysander answered, "You're sitting in the VIP corner. You're a competitor too?"

If it's Richard J. Hope it's a good chance to convince him.
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"I totally agree with you. Winning isn't everything. Having some fun is what I want."
Lucy said to Aeon. "Well,I'll see you later. I'm going to watch the tournament."
Lucy looked at her watch. "Oh no! We'll be late! Let's go Ponyta!" Lucy hopped on Ponyta. "Hope to see ya there! Let's go!" Ponyta ran as fast as he could. They finally arrived at the arena. Lucy saw the VIP area for competitors. She sat down and noticed other trainers. Lucy thought,"Hm....these must be the other competitors."
Lionel dodged out of the way as the Night Burst attack hurtled at him. Luke followed suit.
"Hey! What's the big ide... Huh?" The pair had already disappeared in the shadows. "How rude..." Thought Lionel. He looked at his watch and found out that they were laid for the long-awaited first match of the tournament. "Sweet mother of Mewtwo!" Lionel swore, "We're late!" He returned a stony-faced Lucario to his pokeball and made a dash for the Eterna Forest exit.

When he finally arrived at some seats that were marked with a 'VIP seats-Competitors only' sign, he noticed a boy and a girl standing on a frost-covered battlefield, the're two pokemon, A Sphericalesque(not sure if its a word :p) dragon and a creepy ghost with tentacles for hair. The two pokemon were staring daggers at each other, and Lionel felt sure that their trainers were doing the same thing. Turning away from the arena, he took a look at his fellow competitors. Lionel recognised most of them from the noticeboard. There was the boy with the scyther and the girl that had a ponyta. He suddenly noticed with a jolt that one of the competitors was the girl in the forest.
He marched up to her at asked rather angrily, " Who are you? Why did you attack us?"
A man with blue eyes that sat next to her stared curiously at Lionel.
Sara looked tensely at the field as she watched the ghost and the strange looking dragon stare eachother down. The Principle had said that the tournament had begun, yet neither had attacked yet. The girl wondered at this and wonder, too, if maybe she should do the same thing in her battle.

Sara suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder, making her jump as she turned around to face a young attendent. Fox also turned around and glared at the boy, his body posed so that if anything happens, he'll be ready for it.

"I'm sorry miss for startling you," the young attendent said, "But are you by any chance Miss Sara Goodman?"

"Y-yeah, I am," Sara answered, giving the boy a strange look.

"Then may I ask that you move to the VIP part of the stands?" The boy asked, not unkindly. "It is were all fighters should be."

"Oh...you don't say..." Sara said, looking to where the boy pointed. She saw a closed off section with three people alread in it with their Pokemon. Sara recgonized two as a Ponyta and a Scyther, but the third she didn't quite know, though she senses that it was quite strong. Fox also seemed to be looking at the third, which looked like a blue dog with spikes. Although maybe 'glare' would be the better term.

Without a word, Sara and Fox moved from their seats down to the VIP area. She and the disguised Zoroark sat right next to the boy with the blue dog-like Pokemon. The girl simply noded at everyone before turning her attention back to the arena. Sara felt quite uncomfortable in such a small place, but she doubted if she could leave now.
Lysander watched as a girl and a boy sat down next to a Lucario. The boy's eyes were strange, he had never seen someone's eyes in that kind of colour...and it was so big.

Anyway, Lysander shook the sleeping Scyther and it woke up, then said, "Watch their battle, Scyther. You have to learn."

Where's the girl's Pokemon? Although Lysander was telling Scyther to pay attention, he was actually looking at the girl.

But Lysander didn't say anything about it and waited for the match to start. The third match will be his match, his battle with a boy named Richard J. Hope.

"We can't lose on the first round, Scyther." Lysander patted it's back, "It's too humiliating."

Scyther tilted his head, confused, then imagined the scene where everyone in school laughs at him and nodded seriously.

"Good. When the tournament finishes," Lysander whispered so softly, "We'll call the other guys Boss Cyrus mentioned and begin phase one. I received Cyrus's Limiter just now."
Aeon looked as Lucy was riding away on her Ponyta. The first round of the tournament was about to begin and since he had nothing better to do so why not look at the battle? With the help of Airforce did he fly back to the school and found his spot on the VIP stand. He and Airforce took their places and looked at the battle.