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[PKMN OPEN] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]


i'm writing my own damn story
  • 325
    Darker Than It Seems / sequel

    IC / OOC

    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
    The most infamous incident that occurred in Kanto; was the Rocket Bio Crisis. Team Rocket has been researching Pokemon and child development, and has tried to implement Pokemon genes to infant humans in hopes of creating a human capable of Pokemon power. There have been many failures which lead to the death of people and Pokemon, but success was imminent.

    Eventually, they have succeeded in creating humans with Pokemon power in which they planned to use for world domination. Though, the success was short lived, as the people quickly broke out of the rocket hideout at young ages. Several of these people have scattered through the Kanto region, and that, has caught the media's attention. Soon, Public information of these modified humans has been displayed throughout Kanto, and given the name: Hybrids.

    Years have passed since the incident and though the existence of the Hybrids have been revealed, most of the world has alienated them due to their unique capabilities, and will do whatever it takes, to exterminate them.

    20 Years after Giovanni and his team eradicated the Hybrids created during the 'Rocket Bio Crisis' - an experiment that infected Pokemon genes into innocent children and gave them abilities that only Pokemon were capable of - rumors have emerged that perhaps Team Rocket had not succeeded after all.

    Some escaped from Kanto and started a new life, their true abilities hidden from the public eye. What these Hybrids didn't expect was for the gene to be hereditary. What made them unique and feared was unwittingly passed along to their children - you.

    A new threat has risen, one that operates differently than Giovanni. Ruthless, cruel and twisted, not at all - but calculating, preying off of societies hopes and dreams. Katherine has vowed to finish what Giovanni started and rid the world of Hybrids permanently.

    With all regions on high alert for possible sightings and giveaways, Mr Tessaro [your science teacher] has requested your presence at his private lab in the school.

    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
    • First and foremost, please follow the standard PokeCommunity Rules.
    • This ties in with the above, nothing NSFW is allowed. This is rated 'M' but let's fade to black, yeah?
    • No excessive cursing for both IC and OOC - you can swear, just not every other word.
    • No godmodding. At all. Period. None. Zilch.
    • Literacy! No text speak, try to spell correctly, use proper grammar.
    • Bare minimum of two paragraphs within each post. Writer's block is unfortunately a real thing, so we can be lenient.
    • Quality over quantity.
    • Two posts a week, at least? This RP tends to move fast, as it did with the first so try and keep up. If you can't, let us know in the OOC or Skype Chat so we can slow down!
    • If you are going to be away for a certain period of time, please post it in the OOC or message us directly. We want to keep this RP active and if we have assume you've jumped ship, you'll be removed ):
    • Please no Gary/Mary Sues.
    • If you have any problems or need help, please don't hesitate to ask us!
    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

    1 : Emery Calder : Eevee / shatteredxfrost
    2 : Zero Estinja : Shinx / Gray-_-Hatred
    3 : Alex Hunt : Sandile / IcyIce
    4 : Garett Temero : Starly / ElBurrito
    5 : Anthony Sorrel : Machop / Godzil
    6 : Elizabeth : Porygon / Cheria
    7 : Versai Espera : Ralts / LinearAxel
    8 : Theo Delvan : Poliwag / Superjolt
    9 : Rail : Growlithe / Saiyakitsune
    10 : Arabelle Whinch : Gastly / Grassstrand

    THE NPC's
    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

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    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

    → → → → Basics ← ← ← ←

    NAME : Emery Calder
    AGE : 19
    GENDER : Female
    PARENTS : ? Calder ♂ [MIA] + ? Calder ♀ [MIA]
    HOME : Nuvema Town

    TYPING : Fire
    ABILITY : Flash Fire
    MOVES : Ember, Flame Wheel


    → → → → Appearance ← ← ← ←

    HEIGHT : 5'7"
    WEIGHT : 114lbs
    BODY BUILD : Athletic
    SCARS : Small but dark birthmark on her left wrist.

    → → → → Personality ← ← ← ←

    LIKES »
    ♥: Loyalty
    ♥: Banter
    ♥: Climbing
    ♥: Unpredictability
    ♥: Freedom
    ✖: Goody-two-shoes personalities
    ✖: Authority
    ✖: Responsibility
    ✖: Rules
    ✖: Tradition

    QUIRKS : Almost never ties her hair up, paces back and forth when nervous, sleeps only four hours at a time and if something is climbable, she's on it.

    PERSONALITY : Intrepid and stubborn, Emery has a strong desire to settle her curiosity that often overpowers her better judgement. She revels in the freedom her Uncle provides (by not caring whatsoever) and takes advantage of it at every turn. She finds it hard to connect with others that don't share her opinions and often comes across as hot-headed.

    Through all her faults, Emery remains to be honorable and loyal to those she becomes close with; dependable until something threatens her own agenda.

    STRENGTHS : Driven, Protective, Skilled

    WEAKNESSES : Rebellious, Self-Indulgent, Stubborn

    → → → → Background ← ← ← ←

    CHILDHOOD : Family is unknown, only makes friends out of convenience and has never had a relationship last longer than a weekend. She grew up with her Uncle Devlin but quickly learned that she was nothing more than a hand-off, a responsibility he had to take care of. She started to rebel and hard.

    SCHOOL/PROFESSION : Fresh out of school, Emery makes her money with the occasional odd job and a few shifts at the local coffee house when needed.

    • Parents No relationship.
    • Uncle Devlin Emery has a soft spot for her Uncle, despite not knowing much about him other than his love for hard liquor at all hours of the day.
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

    "C'mon, lets have some fun. We'll do whatever you want. Anything is fine as long as you don't get hurt, Right? "~

    → → → → Basics ← ← ← ←

    NAME : Zero Estinja
    AGE : 19
    GENDER : Male
    Father: Alphonse Estinja| Hybrid| Type: Electric| Alive
    Mother: Mary Aspralene| Human| Deceased

    HOME: Accumula Town.

    TYPING : Electric
    ABILITY : Analytic
    MOVES : Thundershock, Spark


    → → → → Appearance ← ← ← ←

    HEIGHT : 6'1
    WEIGHT : 121lbs
    BODY BUILD : Skinny
    TATTOOS : None
    SCARS : None

    → → → → Personality ← ← ← ←

    LIKES »
    ♥: Flirting with girls
    ♥: Manipulating People
    ♥: Being around others
    ♥: A positive enviorment
    ♥: Examining people
    ✖: Being betrayed
    ✖: Getting Caught off guard
    ✖: Being Alone
    ✖: Overly serious people

    QUIRKS : Zero studies people. A Lot. He examines and remembers every little detail a person can visibly show, ranging from their interests, likes, dislikes, the quirks they possess and even how they eat.

    PERSONALITY : Do not let his quirk fool you. Though he would seem to fit the description of a stalker who knows everything about you, his sarcastic playful attitude would seem to make up for his awkward quirk. He likes to hang out with friends and loves to flirt with girls. He often finds himself flirting with girls more than he should at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Because of this, the end results range from either a girl being interested in him/infatuated, creeped out, or a slap in the face; All of which he doesn't mind.

    STRENGTHS : Because of his quirk, in battle, he can thoroughly examine his opponent, and use that information against them if he already knows them.

    WEAKNESSES : The Unpredictability of others. If one were to find out his unique ability to analyze his opponent, all it would take to catch him off guard would be for the opponent to do something he isn't expecting.

    → → → → Background ← ← ← ←

    CHILDHOOD : Zero lost his mother after his birth. He never got to know her or know what she was like but he never let that get him down. He made a lot of friends in elementary school and was always a good boy, but somewhere during middle school, he developed a sarcastic, playful mischievous personality, along with a sharp mind. His father, Alphonse was a hardy strong man that Zero didn't necessarily looked up to, but instead, was a man he always appreciated. Alphonse was more like a close friend to Zero or even like a brother. Because of this, He's able to openly tell Alphonse anything, so he thinks he got his personality from his mother.

    SCHOOL/PROFESSION : Graduated high school and is currently searching for college. Sometimes he participates in working as a host for host clubs, where women would pay for his company. His charm makes him money, a wonderful thing~

    Alphonse, His brother like father.
    Mary, His deceased mother.
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    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

    Name: Alex Hunt
    Age: 18

    NAME : Alex Hunt
    AGE : 18
    GENDER : Male
    PARENTS : Father: Brian Hunt (Left on a journey.) + Mother: Shana Hunt (Water Type Hybrid) Shana is alive. Brian hasn't returned.
    HOME : Nuvema Town.

    TYPING : Water
    ABILITY : Water Veil
    MOVES : Water Gun and Bubble


    → → → → Appearance ← ← ← ←

    HEIGHT : 5'11"
    WEIGHT : 190
    BODY BUILD : Toned to Muscular
    SCARS : Scars across his shoulder, on his arm and the back of his head.

    → → → → Personality ← ← ← ←

    LIKES »
    ♥: Swimming
    ♥: Girls, especially on the beach.
    ♥: Photography
    ♥: Nature
    ♥: Cooking

    ✖: His Father.
    ✖: Liars
    ✖: People who disrespect books.
    ✖: Large Fires
    ✖: Pollution

    QUIRKS : When around fire, Alex tends to walk around or sit further away from where the fire is. He loves taking pictures and always has a camera and a some sort of device that he can upload them to the internet from anywhere, even in nature. He loves swimming and is fairly active in nature. He can't stand his hair being in his eye or around his ears. He hates not being able to see. He is addicted to dry meat or types of jerky. Alex can also be really smart. He tries to play the cool guy in most cases, but hides his smarts from others.

    PERSONALITY : Alex is a guardian to people and pokemon. He will sometimes help people and pokemon that don't deserve it or want it. He hates his father with a passion for leaving him and his mother when he was young. Alex can also be very... friendly... with girls and sometimes ends with him with a hand print or bag of ice on his face. However, he does respect girls more than most would think. He will sometimes act before thinking, which ends with him in hot water.

    STRENGTHS : Adaptability. Agile. Guardian.

    WEAKNESSES : Impulsive. Hates total darkness. A bit too friendly to females.

    → → → → Background ← ← ← ←

    CHILDHOOD : When he was young, after his father had left, he played with his best friend, Ayumi. A girl from Sinnoh. They played all the time with each other and for the longest time, everything was fine. At the age of 10, when Ayumi's parents had left Ayumi home alone, there was a fire. Ayumi had invited Alex over to watch movies while her parents were gone, as they would be gone for the entire day. When he had arrived to her home, the house had already been engulfed in flames. Without thinking, he ran inside. The door was locked and he couldn't get in. He quickly looked for a window, picked up a rock and hurled it inside, shattering the window. He quickly climbed in, but when he did, a shard of glass caught his shoulder and cut deep. He didn't notice because he wanted to find his friend. He called for her and he heard her call out for him. He put her arm around her and they headed out. Part of the roof splintered and crashed into both of them. part of the wood had went into his arm, causing it to bleed. He struggled to his feet with her, but he would not give up. They got to the door and something crash over his head with massive force. He started to see blood pouring from the back of his head. The door opened and both fell into the arms of firemen and water pokemon.

    She had severe burns, while he had none. But he had 3 large cuts that would never fully heal. After this, he was blamed by Ayumi's parents for starting the fire on purpose because he didn't get burnt. Ayumi and her family moved as soon as she was better. He was never able to say good bye and never learned on where she moved to.

    The rest of his childhood, he went to school and made some friends. But none could ever compare to Ayumi.

    SCHOOL/PROFESSION : He just finished school and has been taking pictures for money. It could be specific things or just pictures at events. He also makes a ton of money around the holidays by baking with his mother.

    ~ Shana Hunt, Mother (Alive): You are the best mother in the world! You helped me learn how to cook. And always there for me. I love you! It's too bad Dad couldn't see that. She has a Lillipup, but it was more like a pet than anything.

    ~ Brian Hunt, Father (Unknown): Dad... you helped me with survival skills as soon as I was old enough, but I will never forgive you leaving us when I was five. You haven't said or even sent a letter to make sure we are ok. I do wonder if you ever truly cared. You were from Johto and you had a Totodile, I will find and for you to tell me why you did what you did.

    ~ Ayumi, Childhood Best Friend (Alive): Ayumi... I wish I had gotten to say good-bye before you moved. I don't know why your parents took you away... I hope to see you again one day.

    ~ Yuki, Close Friend (Alive): Yuki is one of my close friends. We both live in Nuvema. We act silly together, we act as if we are dealing drugs when it come to cookies. She is obsessed with me and my mother's baking. She can be extremely violent when teased about her short height. I still tease her though. It usually ends up with me on the ground. She also really hates clowns or pokemon the remind her of clowns. She also will sometimes make a boop sound when she taps me on the shoulder, hand, or face.

    William, Close Friend (Alive): William can be extremely lazy, sometimes sleeping till noon. We are both friends with Yuki. He is really strong and great at every type of Unova Sport, making him extremely popular among both genders. However, his IQ is probably below average. We act like brothers and usually treated like brothers. He his better than me for land sports, but I am superior in the water. However, I can hold my own against him. I guess you could say we are two sides of the same coin.

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    You're ACCEPTED!

    Here is your Pokemon :
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

    Level : 5
    Ability : Rivalry
    Moves : Tackle, Leer


    You're ACCEPTED!

    Here is your Pokemon :
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

    Level : 5
    Ability : Anger Point
    Moves : Leer, Rage, Bite


    Here is your Pokemon :
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

    Level : 5
    Ability : Run Away
    Moves : Tackle, Sand Attack
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

    → → → → Basics ← ← ← ←

    NAME : Elizabeth (Goes by Liz)
    AGE : 18
    GENDER : Girl
    PARENTS : Father was a Dark Hybrid. He is deceased. Liz never knew him.
    HOME : Accumula Town.

    TYPING : Dark
    ABILITY : Technician
    MOVES : Feint Attack, Pursuit


    → → → → Appearance ← ← ← ←

    HEIGHT : 5'4"
    WEIGHT : 120 lbs
    BODY BUILD : Slim
    SCARS : A few small ones on arms/legs from childhood mishaps.

    → → → → Personality ← ← ← ←

    LIKES »
    ♥: Alone Time
    ♥: Peaceful Surroundings
    ♥: Technology
    ♥: Books
    ♥: Cool Weather
    ✖: Stress
    ✖: High Expectations
    ✖: Deadlines
    ✖: Boys hitting on her
    ✖: Pretentious People

    QUIRKS : While outwardly laid-back, Liz is a very anxious person. She tends to over-analyze everything and spontaneously obsess over whatever happens to pique her interest. She rarely has "panic attacks" per se, but she does frequently withdraw into herself when things become too stressful. She also tends not to notice when light levels dim, and can usually be found sitting in very dark rooms not having noticed that the sun had set.

    PERSONALITY : Shy and relatively reclusive, Liz loves relaxing, whether it be reading a good book or spending a weekend playing a video game. While not specifically "lazy," Liz has a lot of problems with anxiety, and prefers to avoid difficult tasks. She also has a surprisingly short temper, and tends towards one of two extremes: silence or yelling. That said, she does have a surprising wit about her, and has a surprising number of friends.

    STRENGTHS : Analytical, Observational, Focused, Tech-Savvy

    WEAKNESSES : Withdrawn, Antisocial, Lazy, Indecisive

    → → → → Background ← ← ← ←

    Liz's father died when she was an infant, and she has no memory of him. Because of this, she has a close relationship with her mother. Her life has been a good, if relatively uneventful, one. She did decently in school, but didn't stand out in any particular subject, and although she had a large circle of friends, few of them were very close ones.

    SCHOOL/PROFESSION : Just out of school, Liz makes money by working in a local restaurant. Which she hates.

    Parents Never knew her father, close with her mother.
    Friends Large number of acquaintances from school, but doesn't spend much time with them
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    @Cheria ohmygosh, I love your character! Welcome to the RP <3

    You're ACCEPTED!

    Here is your Pokemon :
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

    Level : 5
    Ability : Trace
    Moves : Tackle, Sharpen[/QUOTE]
    This looks really cool! A very neat for an RP and I'd probably have to create a brand new character for this. Is it alright if I reserve a spot? It's late tonight, but I'll make one tomorrow!
    I'd like to join! I'll get my SU posted as soon as I can :)

    This looks really cool! A very neat for an RP and I'd probably have to create a brand new character for this. Is it alright if I reserve a spot? It's late tonight, but I'll make one tomorrow!

    You're both reserved! (: Want me to save you a preferred starter at all?
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

    NAME : Anthony Sorrel
    AGE : 18
    GENDER : Male
    PARENTS : Father: David Sorrel, human, police officer and single parent.
    Mother: Blake Rose, Hybrid, status unknown.
    HOME : Accumula Town.

    TYPING : Grass
    ABILITY : Chlorophyll
    MOVES : Vine Whip, Synthesis


    → → → → Appearance ← ← ← ←

    HEIGHT : 6' 2"
    WEIGHT : 184 lbs.
    BODY BUILD : Lean and wiry.
    TATTOOS : A black rose on his right forearm.
    SCARS : None.

    → → → → Personality ← ← ← ←

    LIKES »
    ♥: Open spaces
    ♥: Games
    ♥: Food
    ♥: Laughter
    ♥: Hanging out
    ✖: Bullies/meanies/jerks
    ✖: Bringing down the mood
    ✖: Losing
    ✖: Drama
    ✖: Dogs

    QUIRKS : Tony is always moving in some way, from roaming around the room to bobbing his head to music only he can hear. When anxious, he runs a hand back through his hair, resulting in it being messier and spikier the more nervous he is. When deep in thought, he'll rub his chin and tap his foot.

    PERSONALITY : Tony is a fun-loving, joke-telling, attention-seeking party animal. He craves excitement, enjoys pushing himself to the limit, and overall just wants to have fun. He's not oblivious to the hardships in life, he just actively chooses to meet the day with a smile, and wants others to feel the same way, taking it upon himself to lift spirits and raise morale. He enjoys playing games or competing with other people, and doesn't hold grudges, but he doesn't forget his losses, either. Even in quiet or serious moments, he'll try to add a little cheer or levity, to sometimes mixed results.

    STRENGTHS : Resilient, creative, protective.

    WEAKNESSES : Impulsive, lacks focus, overly hard on himself.

    → → → → Background ← ← ← ←

    CHILDHOOD : Despite growing up without a mother, Tony always tried to make the best of things. His father had enough stress without having to worry about taking care of a kid, so Tony always put on a happy face. He kept at it, always trying to be the best friend, student, or person he could.

    SCHOOL/PROFESSION : After graduating high school, Tony got a job at a bakery. He doesn't like waking up so early, but the employee discount makes it worth the hours.

    Parents: While he doesn't know his mother, Tony works hard to make his father happy. David, for the most part, leaves his son to his own devices, taking very little interest in his son, as long as he stays out of trouble.
    Friends: Tony knows a lot of people, but doesn't have any true friends.
    [PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

    → → → → Basics ← ← ← ←

    NAME : Garett Temero
    AGE : 20
    GENDER : Male
    PARENTS : Father: Gavin Temero (Human – Deceased) Mother: Claire Temero (Poison Hybrid - Deceased)
    HOME : Nuvema Town

    TYPING : Poison
    ABILITY : Poison Point
    MOVES : Poison Sting, Cross Poison


    → → → → Appearance ←← ← ←

    HEIGHT : 5'10"
    WEIGHT : 152lbs
    BODY BUILD : Athletic
    TATTOOS : Black Seviper running up his right arm.
    SCARS : N/A

    → → → → Personality ←← ← ←

    LIKES »
    : The Outdoors
    :Bladed weaponry
    : Being betrayed
    : Meeting new people
    : Arrogant people
    : Being controlled

    QUIRKS : Often gets lost in his own thoughts, has what some people would call an "unhealthy" addiction to ice cream, and he often fidgets with random objects around him.

    PERSONALITY : Garett doesn't care much for being around other people and keeps to himself whenever possible, however he doesn't mind having a close friend or two. Garett has been known to be resourceful and adeptat using items in unconventional ways. He can be very stubborn, hardly ever backing down from fights and being very reluctant to change plans once his mind is set. Garett is also loyal to the few people he calls friends and often times goes into a blind rage when his friends are hurt or when he's betrayed. Despite being resourceful, Garett doesn't always think things through and often gets himself into fights and other risky situations. He also has no problem breakingthe law or going against his own judgement if that's what it takes to solve aproblem.

    STRENGTHS : Crafty, Protective, Adaptive

    WEAKNESSES : Stubborn, Reckless, Loner

    → → → → Background ←← ← ←

    CHILDHOOD : Originally from Kalos but moved to Unova with his Aunt and Uncle at the age of 5 after the deaths of his parents. He grew up poor and saw very little of his Uncle as he usually traveled for work. He used to be a fairly social child before witnessing the deaths of his parents, which caused his demeanor to change drastically. Constantly fighting off bullies in school as he grew up only increased his dislike for people and anti-social behavior.

    SCHOOL/PROFESSION : Garett does various manual labor jobs uch as roofing or lawn care to try and put some food on the table and support his family.

    RELATIONSHIPS: •Aunt Carol: One of the few people Garett is close to and will actually talk to.
    •Uncle Glenn: Despite being relatively close to Glenn, Garett doesn't know much about him. All Garett really knows is that his work is important and secret and that he usually has to travel far away for his job.