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[PKMN OPEN] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

NAME : Arabelle Whinch
AGE : 19
GENDER : Also self explanatory.
Father: Jeremy Whinch-Metal Worker-Human-Status: Alive and well
Mother: Audrie Whinch-Cashier-Hybrid(Grass)-Status: Missing
HOME : Accumula Town.

TYPING : Grass
ABILITY : Chlorophyll
MOVES : Pound, Grass Whistle


→ → → → Appearance ← ← ← ←

HEIGHT : 5'8"
WEIGHT : 150 pounds
BODY BUILD : Average
SCARS : One goes across her right eyebrow, which also disrupts the growth of the hair there resulting in a small gap in the eyebrow. A few burns from the incident. Various small unimportant ones from childhood(We all have them :P).

DESCRIPTION: Arabelle is a rather average looking girl, with curly brown hair down to her shoulders, large brown eyes and a pale complexion she is the embodiment of `normal`appearances. She often wears a skirt that reaches her knees(often a pale-ish gray) and a long sleeve shirt rolled up to her elbows(often white). She is always wearing the leafstone necklace that her mother gave her.

→ → → → Personality ← ← ← ←

♥: Music and Singing
♥: Dusk
♥: Loyalty
♥: Dancing
♥: The outdoors
✖: Loudness
✖: Cities
✖: Tight Spaces
✖: Fire
✖: Unloyalty

QUIRKS : Pyrophobia(A fear of fire)

PERSONALITY : Arabelle has always been a bit reserved at first, conversing with others in short bursts with casual chit chat but not really being herself. She prefers to listen to others, enjoying listening to their opinions, how their day went, and stories about whatever. When she speaks it is often only in response to what another has said, reacting to their stories or offering advice on what is said. The side of her that is rarely seen is her funny side-She LOVES puns, and will sometimes slip a pun or joke in everyday conversations that often make people pause for a moment to comprehend what is happening. Loyal is something she is, as well as what she demands from others, if she is betrayed its hard to imagine how she will react. Arabelle tends to be a bit protective over her friends, pokemon and other loved ones.

STRENGTHS : Good listener, good at improvising, loyal

WEAKNESSES : Jumpy, can be gullible, grudge holder

→ → → → Background ← ← ← ←

CHILDHOOD : Life was rather plain for Arabelle. Accumula town was small but thankfully nestled in next to the sea and a forest that wrapped itself around the town as well. Being a child who loved the outdoors she found herself in the woods almost every day, frolicking through the forest as carefree as a butterfree. At home, she retained very few memories as her parents weren`t around all that often. She remembered that when they were around her mother was a bit overprotective and fussed over her, and her father always seemed tired though he tried to hide it with a smile that only brought out the bags under his eyes. When she began to go to school she grew a bit miserable, being kept indoors all the time rather than outside, but she made herself do good at school-her parents got happy when she came home with an A. It was at school that it happened . Grade 11 chemistry, some idiot decided to bring in their chimchar while dealing with pentaerythritol tetranitrate. Needless to say, there was an explosion, and an explosion means fire. Arabelle remembered her ears ringing, and a sudden feeling of weightlessness as she was thrown through the air... Silence, nothingness... Pain. Screaming, creaking, crying, crackling. She was facedown, why couldn`t she open her eyes? Why? When she finally could open her eyes she was immediately wishing she couldn`t, fire, fire everywhere. She opened her mouth to scream but she couldnt.. She couldn't even move. The fire only grew in volume and terror and she heard the screams of those that weren't far enough to escape the burning wrath. She remembered an arcanine approaching her, saving her, but at the time she could only think of one thing: Fire. Suddenly adrenaline ran through her veins and she flailed and fought in terror though the arcanine hardly flinched at her attempts. By the time she returned home she was terrified of everything, and wasnt really the same way again. She started singing lessons by her fathers insistance, and its believed thats the only thing that brought her back out of her shell.

Instinct High was the school she went to after that, her final year of school altogether. She wasn't as fond of this school, it was bigger, way more people than she was acustomed to, but she pushed through nonetheless. Arabelle eventually moved out to live in her own house. Shortly after moving out her father called her in a panic, he hadnt seen her mother for three days. The two set out on a search after alerting the police but came up empty handed, and to this days its unsure where her mother is, or if she is even alive.

: Arabelle works as a pokemon walker and babysitter, as well as singing ocassionally at local events or on the street.



Jeremy Whinch-Dad, your stressed even more now and I wish I could help you...

Audrie Whinch-I miss you a bit, and I do want to find you safe and sound... But Im not too sure I will.

NPC`s (Her clients, in game NPC`s, etc)

Willy Doogle-Your furfrou is aggressive... Kinda like you.

Peter Pickle-Your skitty is a joy to be around, I just wish you could see that.

Tara Vitchel-Your houndour is a bit of an odd duck, your shiny chatot even more so.

Playable Characters

None ATM

Let me know if anything is off! I started this off very tired XD
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@Grassstrand Everything looks good to me~ You're ACCEPTED!

Here is your Pokemon :
[PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

Level : 5
Ability : Levitate
Moves : Hypnosis, Lick, Spite

Almost 10 people! I'll upload the IC once everyone gets their sign-ups in (: We should be able to start this off tomorrow~
[PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

NAME : Versai Espera
AGE : 20.
GENDER : Female
PARENTS : Versai's mother was a psychic type, she, along with Versai's father, died in a car accident twelve years ago.
HOME : Acculuma town.
TYPING : Psychic
ABILITY : Shadow Tag
MOVES : Confusion. Psycho Cut
Ami the Ralts
→ → → → Appearance ← ← ← ←
HEIGHT : 5'7
WEIGHT : 125
BODY BUILD : Slender

→ → → → Personality ← ← ← ←
: It's difficult to tell if Versai is peaceful or incredibly suppressed; either way she is incredibly calm and soft spoken. Thoughtful and calculated, she attempts to handle any problems or threats with words or clever, non-violent tactics—fighting is not something she's incredibly fond of; however, if pushed too far, it's almost as if something snaps inside Versai, as she can become quite vicious. She is generally apologetic and regretful once the thrashing has subsided and she returns to her normal, demure self. She also has a bit of a motherly side, having a powerful desire to protect and look after those she sees as children.

♥: Martial Arts
♥: Novels
♥: Cool/Cold Weather
♥: Quiet Places
♥: Starry skies
✖: Crowds/loud places
✖: People that are too forward/assertive/pushy
✖: Hot Weather/bright lights
✖: Disrespect/Disloyalty
✖: Feeling rushed

QUIRKS : Versai is often accused of being medicated, as she is simply too calm in situations that are stressful, or even dangerous. She has a habit of sighing deeply for no known reason, and occasionally looking off into the distance and completely blanking on those around her.
Maternal: Versai has a motherly side that tends to awaken around those younger than her. Towards these people she is incredibly caring, and protective.
Loyal: Versai's loyalty to those she feels comfortable with is unwavering.
Strategic: Versai is a highly tactical thinker, which helps her work her way out of dangerous or stressful situations with much less hassle than expected.
A limit: When pushed past her limit, Versai can be described as snapping. Her calm demeanor vanishes, leaving a violent, angered force in its wake.
Guarded: Versai is very hollow and very secretive to those she does not know, causing her to come off as cold and distant. This behavior will continue until she has reason to trust a person, which, due to her guarded nature, takes some time.

→ → → → Background ← ← ← ←

CHILDHOOD :Versai's parents were killed in a car accident when she was nine, leaving her in the care of her older brother. The rest shall be revealed within the roleplay.

SCHOOL/PROFESSION : Versai works at the Accumula library.

Hideki Espera (Brother) Serena O'Hare (Cousin) Avery Mujica (Best Friend)
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Well, I guess it's Poliwag for me xD

Sorry for taking so long... I have everything in mind, just need to find time to type it up at a computer, which will hopefully be in the morning :)

EDIT: Sorry, looks like it will have to be later this evening instead :(
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Sorry for how long this took! School days haven taken more out of my time. ^^;

NAME : Rail (no last name)
AGE : 19
GENDER : Female
PARENTS : Rail's father was a Fire type. She has no idea whether or not either of her parents are alive or dead.
HOME : Nuvema Town

TYPING : Dragon
ABILITY : Tough Claws
MOVES : Twister, Scratch


→ → → → Appearance ← ← ← ←

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Rail has dark skin and long, black hair that flows down to her back and green eyes. Her skin is surprisingly smooth and fair, although she does have a few scratches and cuts due to her recklessness. Most of those are hidden by her clothing if only because she can't be showing any of that during working hours. Rail wears a V-neck grey shirt with diagonal white stripes in the middle, and faded black jeans that are ripped and torn in multiple areas. Her green and black shoes are visibly worn out, but are held fairly well together.

HEIGHT : 4'8"
WEIGHT : 90lbs
BODY BUILD : Light, little to no fat, and some muscles in her arms, legs, and torso from her constant physical activities.
SCARS : None that are permanent. Nearly all of her 'scars' heal and fade away in a matter of days.

→ → → → Personality ← ← ← ←

♥: watch people suffer
♥: sweets (preferably sweet buns)
♥: eccentric people
♥: fire
♥: dangerous stunts
✖: boring people
✖: restrictive rules
✖: big crowds
✖: sour foods

QUIRKS : If Rail sees something that's dangerous or is told not to do something, she will do that thing. Rail instant reaction to most rules is to break or bend them as much as she possibly can.

PERSONALITY : Rail is the silent, opting to observe others and let her actions speak for her. When she does speak it's because she finds the people around her interesting enough to converse with. When she does start talking Rail is not afraid to speak up her mind and let everyone know what it is she's thinking. Because of this, it is difficult for Rail to have friends since she is a little hard to bear. Rail is not afraid to do whatever it takes to a point, even going as far as defy her very own nature just to rub it in someone's face. Rail is also not afraid to flirt with whoever she likes and will change her approach depending on the person, often being very open and forward with someone that's naturally shy and acting subtle and aloof with those that are clueless. To Rail, it's mainly a game and if she wins? She has herself a nice prize. If she loses, there is always another interesting person to flirt with.

STRENGTHS : Rail has incredible resolve. It will take quite a lot for her to break and she takes pride in that. She is also very resilient, able to take more punishment because of her naturally tough skin that was partially built up thanks to all of the dangerous stunts she has done.

WEAKNESSES : Her resolve is also her downfall. Because she hardly gives up on anything, she can be tricked and even if she were to succeed, the realization that she fell into someone else's hand will crush her quite a bit.
→ → → → Background ← ← ← ←

CHILDHOOD : Rail remembers very little about her childhood. Just that she woke up in Nuvema Town one day. She does not know how, when, why, or even who, but none of that really mattered to her in the present. Pushing away any and all questions, Rail found some way to make a living in Nuvema Town and take care of herself. She isn't going to let something as not remembering her past get in the way of living life the way she wants, and she wants to live on the edge.

SCHOOL/PROFESSION : Rail works as a barista at a local cafe in Nuvema Town. It was the first and only job she applied in if only because the owner of the cafe felt bad for and decided to give Rail a shot. After a single day of impressive work, Rail became a welcomed member to the cafe's crew.

RELATIONSHIPS : None so far.
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Here we are, sorry again this took so long! I accidentally deleted part of the character history section :( it's getting pretty late though, so I'll get that fixed up tomorrow

→ → → → Basics ← ← ← ←

NAME : Theo Delvan
AGE : 17
PARENTS : His father was a hybrid, though both of his parents died when he was very young. He was adopted soon after by a woman named Miran, who he refers to as "Auntie Miran"
HOME : Nuvema Town

TYPING : Poison
ABILITY : Liquid Ooze
MOVES : Acid, Smokescreen


→ → → → Appearance ← ← ← ←

HEIGHT : 5' 5" (though he will insist he's taller)
WEIGHT : 127 lbs
SCARS : Just minor scars from fights he got into when he was younger

DESCRIPTION: Short for his age, but otherwise fairly average build. He has thin black hair, the hair in the front-center above his forehead naturally sort of spikes up (kind of like a mohawk but only there in the front). Wears a dark red t-shirt (it's NOT maroon!), baggy blue jeans, black and white sneakers that are beginning to fall apart and left untied more often than not. He wears a watch on his right arm that stopped a few years ago (it's stopped at 7:06AM to be specific).

→ → → → Personality ← ← ← ←

♥: Daydreaming
♥: Soda
♥: Auntie Miran's cooking
♥: Music
♥: Making others laugh
✖: Bullies
✖: Loneliness
✖: Long, complicated explanations that use big words
✖: Early mornings
✖: Bugs

QUIRKS : Theo tends to slouch even when standing/walking, which makes him look shorter than he really is sometimes. He will also tap/bang on things and hum or make other noises while he walks, usually to the beat of whatever music is stuck in his head. You'll see him drinking soda almost all the time, which he will continue to slurp loudly even when the cup is down to just ice. More recently, there have been days where he's had extremely bad breath, he's not really sure why though. Sometimes it will take him a while to notice it.

PERSONALITY : Theo can come off as... sort of annoying, though it's never really intentional. He likes to act tough, and has tended to get in fights with bullies. Despite acting tough, he won't back out of fights (though almost always gets his butt kicked). He often acts without thinking, making rash decisions. He's not dumb, he just doesn't always use common sense. Sometimes he will say something rude or insulting without thinking, though he never means to offend anyone. He's always full of energy, can be pretty loud at times, and is usually pretty stubborn. He can be somewhat sarcastic, he is generally kind though, and likes to try and make people laugh. When he's at home, things tend to be more relaxed. If need be, he'll drop everything to go home and take care of Auntie Miran.

- Dependable (he may not be the best when it comes to fighting, but even if it's not a fight, you can count on him to be there)
- Good caretaker (he's taken care of Auntie Miran for years now, he would do the same for anyone else close to him)
- Well-intentioned

- The thought of being completely alone
- Impulsive
- Stubborn
- Impatient

→ → → → Background ← ← ← ←

CHILDHOOD : Theo's parents died when he really young, he barely has any memories of them. Some way or another after his parents died, he ended up homeless on the streets in Striaton City for a couple of years. Eventually he wound up in children's home, where he would be adopted by a woman named Miran, whom he affectionately calls "Auntie" Miran. She took him to his new home in Nuvema Town, and got him into school, and they've lived together ever since.

SCHOOL/PROFESSION : Currently still in school, but does have a job delivering the morning paper on Sundays

Auntie Miran - took in Theo and raised him as her own. Though she was older than most women who had children (she was in her fifties at the time), she never let that stop her. She's now in her sixties, and has problems with memory loss, Alzheimer's most likely, the doctors said. Theo is very close to her.

Nikki Estraya - Theo's best (and probably only) friend. Pretty similar to Theo in some ways (at least personality-wise). Their class schedules this year are almost completely opposite, so they don't get to see each other that often lately. When they were younger, whenever Theo was in trouble, he was probably there alongside him.
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@Superjolt You're ACCEPTED!

Here is your Pokemon :
[PokeCommunity.com] [M] Darkest It Can Be [OOC]

Level : 5
Ability : Water Absorb
Moves : Water Sport, Water Gun

YAY! All spots are filled now so I'm going to go ahead and submit the IC thread (:

EDIT : Submitted the IC Thread!
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Hey guys, I am not a GM, but I do want to add some things to the thread for those who may not be in the Skype Group, or did not see the questions before they were buried.

How do pokemon evolve that are supposed to evolve by trading?
One it reaches a certain level, it can evolve. Shatteredxfrost will be keeping up with everyone's pokemon and she will tell you when it can evolve. (I would also keep up with your own pokemon so that you don't forget what attacks it knows ect.)

What Unova Universe does the RP take place in? Black or White?
The two universes will be as one. So Black City and White Forest will both exist. All the differences between B/B2 and W/W2 will all be in the RP.

With Unova having seasonal changes, what season does the RP start in?

Other notes to bring up, Shatteredxfox will also give us a time for how long each route will take. I do not know if these times change based on the route or not. That will have to be told by Shattered.
Glob, rereading Rail's bio makes me want to fix it up. Would that be fine? :o I'm not gonna change anything about her, just clarify and word it better. Give her some more detail. It's really obvious to me how little time I spent on it. I just felt rushed since I was in class and was not gonna be home to properly type it last night. .w.;;
Glob, rereading Rail's bio makes me want to fix it up. Would that be fine? :o I'm not gonna change anything about her, just clarify and word it better. Give her some more detail. It's really obvious to me how little time I spent on it. I just felt rushed since I was in class and was not gonna be home to properly type it last night. .w.;;

I don't think there would be a problem with it. I think we have all done it before, even I have done it some with mine on here. If anything major changes, just let Shattered or Gray know.
Glob, rereading Rail's bio makes me want to fix it up. Would that be fine? :o I'm not gonna change anything about her, just clarify and word it better. Give her some more detail. It's really obvious to me how little time I spent on it. I just felt rushed since I was in class and was not gonna be home to properly type it last night. .w.;;

Of course! Let me know when you've changed it and I'll give it another read~
I have added the following relationships to my My Bio/SU.

~ Yuki, Close Friend (Alive): Yuki is one of my close friends. We both live in Nuvema. We act silly together, we act as if we are dealing drugs when it come to cookies. She is obsessed with me and my mother's baking. She can be extremely violent when teased about her short height. I still tease her though. It usually ends up with me on the ground. She also really hates clowns or pokemon the remind her of clowns. She also will sometimes make a boop sound when she taps me on the shoulder, hand, or face.

~ William, Close Friend (Alive): William can be extremely lazy, sometimes sleeping till noon. We are both friends with Yuki. He is really strong and great at every type of Unova Sport, making him extremely popular among both genders. However, his IQ is probably below average. We act like brothers and usually treated like brothers. He his better than me for land sports, but I am superior in the water. However, I can hold my own against him. I guess you could say we are two sides of the same coin.

They have a bit more than the others, but in time, I want to expand more on the others. Just don't know what to add to their status yet.
Do you also accept RP beginners whose english may not be the best? And I also have not played the gen 5 and 6 of the original pokemon games. If yes, I'll gladly fill out the application :)
Do you also accept RP beginners whose english may not be the best? And I also have not played the gen 5 and 6 of the original pokemon games. If yes, I'll gladly fill out the application :)

Of course! We have no current openings but I will let you know when we do (:

Any possible openings in the future?~

Yes, a little down the track. We will need 2, maybe 4 new characters in the future. I will let you know when applications open again!