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MagLeaf 2.0

  • 74
    Pokemon: 20

    2-2-2 Magmortar Lv. X (MT, SW) (SW) (MT)
    2-2-2 Leafeon Lv. X (RR, MD) (RR) (MD)
    1-1 Heatran Lv. X AR/SF
    1-1-1 Flygon (SW) (RR) (RR).....may replace with Umbreon depending....
    1-1 Claydol SV/GE
    1 Uxie(LA)


    2 Premier Ball
    1 Luxury Ball
    2 Level Max
    1 Expert Belt(I'm aware that most, if not all professional decks don't have this card, but call me stubborn, but i'm reluctant to remove it unless I can find something really good to replace it with.)
    1 Palmers Contribution
    2 Looker's Investigation
    2 Broken Time-Space
    3 Bebe's
    4 Rosie's
    2 Night Maintenance
    2 Warp Point
    2 Switch
    1 Bench Shield

    11 Fire
    5 Grass

    Strategy: Very basically, get Magmortar energied up as quickly as possible by using Leafeon to attach up to 3 energy a turn. Flygon's there for free retreat, and i have switches and warp points for when i'm in trouble, and for abusal of Magmortar X's "Flame Bluster." That, combined with Fireball Bazooka can pretty much destroy anything that's not shielded. Add to it the fact that i can heal up to 60 dmg on Magmortar with" Flame Body" and Leafeon's "Energy Refresh" combined, and IMHO anyways, this could be a pretty powerful deck.

    Another thing i may or may not need help in is a definitive starter. I know that Eevee can evolve into Leafeon pretty quickly with CFF and Signs of Eeveelution and all, but i'm not sure if i should have a starter a la Sableye or something of that nature built into the deck as well. I have 2 Jirachi's with "One Desire" that could be pretty helpful, and depending on feedback could get 1 or 2 Mawile's(GE) for added suppporters/looking at prize cards, in addition to or in place of Azelf.

    I'm also wondering, because it's a stage 1 deck, whether Candies are as necessary? I tend to think not, but if they are, i'm going to have an awful time making room for them.

    Thanks again!

    By the way, this deck is a work in progress, so by the time you read this, it likely won't have the same cards in it, for what it's worth.

    Anyone know another card that lets you attach more than 1 energy a turn besides Togekiss or Leafeon? If so i'm thinking of running a MagmaPhlosion variant.
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    no expert belt is run in quite a few good decks like cursegar jumpoluff donphan gyrados and even an occasional luxchomp
    Completely reworked this deck. The changes are as follows:

    Pokemanz: 22
    3-3-1 Magmortar Lv. X MT
    2-2-2 Leafeon Lv. X MD
    1-1 Umbreon MD
    1-1-1 Typhlosion MT
    2-2 Claydol GE

    Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 24
    2 Interviewer's Questions
    2 Pokemon Collector
    1 Fisherman
    1 Judge
    3 Rosy's
    3 Bebe's
    2 Palmer's
    1 Premier Ball
    1 Luxury Ball
    2 Pkmn Communication
    2 Expert Belt
    2 Switch
    2 Warp Point

    12 Fire
    2 Grass

    Strategy: Very basically, use Leafeon X to attach 2 energies a turn(3 if it's active and uses Plus Energy) to Magmortar, and then attack with a supremely boosed Flame Blast. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. I realize that a lot of my cards will be rotated out, but I don't care about that. This is one of my dream decks so I want to realize it whatever the cost. I also realize that this deck is a pretty old archetype, so I'm updating it with newer cards so it hopefully performs better!
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    I'm not too sure what to say, everything i was going to tell you to change you changed in the second edit. Um.. i dont really like the ninetales but its not terrible either. I got nothing.
    Well, IMO, the deck still needs work, or at least a different strategy. So far, my buddy has been pushing using Ninetales to energy up Magmortar and Leafeon, but the whole principle of the deck is to have Leafeon X energy up Magmortar. See, his theory is, putting Leafeon X out too early will risk its neck and when it dies it won't be able to help you. My theory is to start with Spiritomb, evolve Magmortar and Leafeon. From there get Leafeon X in your hand, retreat Spiritomb, send out Leafeon and level it up. From there, Energy force, and Plus energy till Magmortar has at least 4 energy on it. If Leafeon is about to eat it, attach some energy to heal, retreat it, send out Ninetales to flame bash, and even if that fails i heavn't lost a pivotal portion of my deck. From there hopefully Magmortar can rape and i can build up another Magmortar and revive Leafeon if it's died.
    For the record, i feel the exact same way about Ninefails that you do. I don't like having to flip, but if it works its absolutely INVALUABLE to the deck. I've toyed with taking it out, but i don't have a better replacement lined up. :-/
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    *Update* Posted changes to this deck. Still wondering if it needs another starter besides Spiritomb, maybe in the vein of Jirachi RR? Also wondering whether i should ditch Smeargle/Unown Q for a 1-1 Bronzong SF.
    Reworked again. This is the most recent list.
    Pokemanz: 19
    2-2-2 Magmortar Lv. X MT
    2-2-2 Leafeon Lv. X MD
    2-2 Claydol GE
    3 Spiritomb AR

    Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 28
    2 Interviewer's Questions
    2 Pokemon Collector
    3 Fisherman
    1 Judge
    2 Palmer's
    1 Lucian's
    3 Bebe's
    3 Rosy's
    1 Premier Ball
    2 Pkmn Communication
    2 Expert Belt
    2 Switch
    2 Warp Point
    2 Dawn Stadium

    11 Fire
    2 Grass
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    - 2-2-2 Leafeon Lv X
    + 3-3 Ninetales (PL)

    Using Flame Bash, you can get with a bit of luck ridiculously many fire energy attached to Mortar. Also, it's much easier to set-up than Leafeon, since you need to level up Leafeon, then retreat
    I had this before. It sucked. I cant flip for crap, and imma flat out refuse to use anything flippy. I'm that bad. Plus i'm not taking the "Leaf" out of "MagLeaf." If you're really good at flipping then Ninefails rocks, but otherwise Ninefails is a free prize card. I get what you're saying though and appreciate the help, but for some reason, randomizers don't like me. Go figure.
    Maybe you can try this:

    -3 Spiritomb AR
    -1 Judge

    +4 Level Max

    I know Level Max is flippy, but it could really help leveling up Heatran and eventually Leafeon.
    Surprisingly, i like this idea too. For the longest time i've been trying to figure out what's been slowing my deck down. I guess it could be Spiritomb. I don't mind the flippiness on Level Max necesserily because it's the only way to level a pokemon up on the bench, which is essentially what I need here. Plus with no Spiritomb, i'm free to use trainers all the live long day. Problem is, so is my opponent. Still, I'll try it and post the results. I only have 2 Level Max right now though. BTW, Heatran's been out of my deck for awhile now. It simply MUST have a Level Max in order to be anything more useful than an anchor. It's a really powerful card and i'd love to use it, with a retreat cost of 4, it's impossible to level up any other way than with Level Max.