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Meet & Greet Guidelines (。◕‿‿◕。) [updated 20/05/2023]

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  • 37,467
    • they/them
    • Seen Apr 19, 2024

    - follow our road for a good time!

    This part of the forum is dedicated to all the new members that join our community as well as the returning members that have been away for a while! As a new member, you are highly encouraged to create an introduction thread and meet the community. You'll be welcomed by members and staff alike; it's a great opportunity to get to know the members here as well as those people with bold names that help run the place!

    You can check out the staff list here to see the current staff members, administrators, and our very wonderful owner Sheep.


    Anyone with a DARK PURPLE, PINK, BLUE, GOLD, ORANGE, TEAL, EVERGREEN, or PERIWINKLE username will be more than happy to assist you in whatever problems you may have.

    If you find yourself a little overwhelmed by everything this forums has to offer, please take a look at tokyodrift's Pokécommunity Guide! It gives you a basic run down of everything you can do to maximize your Pokécommunity experience.

    Please try not to ask for help about how the forums work here, as we have a very helpful section dedicated solely to questions and answers regarding the forums themselves, called Feedback & Support

    Questions regarding various topics can be asked in their respective sections. For example..

    • If you're stuck in a Kalos game and are unsure of where to go or what item is best to use, check out the Previous Generations section!
    • If you want to find a trade for any of your Pokemon, check out the Trade Corner section!
    • If you know the lyrics to a song but just can't remember who composed it, try asking in the Entertainment & Media section!

    ..And so on. We have sections for almost everything here on PokéCommunity, so browse until you find what you are searching for. If you can't find it, ask in Feedback & Support or ask a staff member! The designated staff members who can help you out can be found right HERE. Do contact any of us if you need help or have questions about certain forums!


    → Do not make a thread if you've been active for more than a month

    Once the New Member (New Member ) tag is gone, you've graduated to a regular user and therefore don't need an introduction thread.

    → "Leaving" threads

    Please keep all leaving posts to the New Users Chit-Chat thread! You may also post there if you have recently changed you username during on of our annual name change threads.

    → No advertising

    Please do not use your introduction thread as a platform to advertise your YouTube channel or other off-site projects. This is pretty much considered SPAM most places on the forum, barring a few exceptions which you can read about in those specific area's rules. Put all links and banners in your signature instead, as they will show up anywhere you post then, without taking away from the topic at hand!


    → Don't make a thread if you posted on PokéCommunity within the last 30 days

    If you've been gone for less than thirty (30) days, please don't create an "I'm back to PC!" thread, since that's not long enough to be considered absent. If you want to announce your return and have been gone for less than thirty (30) days, you are more than welcome to do so in the New Users Chit-Chat thread.

    → Do not create an account & pretend to be a new member (sockpuppeting)

    Alt accounts are now against PokéCommunity policy. You can find more about this policy here. Moderators can check IP addresses, so please don't do this! By extension, this means all alt accounts are not allowed for the purposes of preserving a username unless administration permission is granted.


    → Follow all PokéCommunity Rules

    All PokéCommunity rules apply here. These rules also apply everywhere else in the community, so be sure that you're aware of them! It's easy to avoid double posting when you want to quote several members in a thread. Just click the multiquote button one every post you want to quote, before clicking reply at the bottom of the page!

    → Copy & pasted/generic welcomes

    Please don't copy and paste your greetings. Also, we want to encourage you to do your best to steer clear of the generic, "Hi there, Bob! Welcome to PC" or "hope you enjoy PC!" posts. Welcome people individually! It doesn't have to be a long novel, but just try to be personal in your message, as that is much nicer. Asking questions is a good way to engage a new user.

    For example:

    • "When did you get into Pokémon?"
    • "What's your favorite generation or favorite Pokémon?"
    • "What inspired you to join PC?"
    • "What is your favorite ROM Hack so far?"
    • "Will you share more about yourself?"

    You can also use this information to inform new members on what sections they might enjoy best! If they disclose that they play the Pokémon TCG, direct them to the TCG section! Or, if they mentioned they really enjoy anime, you can link them to our Anime & Manga section

    → Remember not to Mini-mod

    We know you're excited about welcoming and helping new members, but please remember to use the report button if you see something wrong! New members make mistakes sometimes, and a friendly reminder about the rules or making suggestions is fine! But be mindful not to call out members or take the rules into your own hands. Contact any of the moderators if you're not sure about something!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Meet & Greet Guidelines (。◕‿‿◕。) [updated 20/05/2023]

    If you feel intimidated, take a calm breath and relax! We're all here to have fun and get to know new friends, nobody is going to be angry if you ask for help. You can especially always approach the Meet & Greet moderator! We're here for you and are friends ready to be made!

    These rules were written with the help of previous Meet & Greet moderators

    including sheep, cid, & starwalker

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