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Mega and Shadows Super Fantastic quiz thread!

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Amateur Collector
  • 12
    Considering i wasn't getting any hits with this on my own thread, I decided to give this its own thread! In order to Select a prize, You must check out my trade thread. In order to boost views and get more people involved!
    I will try to do these at least once a week, So I hope you all at least try!

    1. All answer must be submitted In a PM, Confirm that you wanna enter by posting first on this thread! Any answer Submitted On the Thread will be disqualified.
    2. Winners will be determined by Correct answers and time submitted. If No one has all answers correct, then the winner will be decided by whoever has the most correct answers.
    3. This is for fun! Please do not PM me whining if I didn't choose you as the winner. I researched my questions Carefully. If you find your answers to be correct and I didn't choose you for an incorrect answer, please submit a link with the proof of that and I'll ammend it immediately.
    4. Entries must be submitted before Friday, May 29th 2009 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time.

    We will select 3 winners!
    1st place: 1 legendary shiny or one EV'd Shiny!
    2nd place: 2 regular shinies
    3rd place: 1 regular shiny!

    1. Name the following pokemon by their pokedex Description
    Wild Duck Pokemon:
    Lonely Pokemon:
    Spitfire pokemon:
    Atrocious Pokemon:
    Scout Pokemon:
    Star shape pokemon:
    Screech pokemon:
    Symbol Pokemon:
    Guts Pokemon:
    Thorn Pokemon:
    Old Shrimp Pokemon:
    Beckon Pokemon:
    Balloon Pokemon:
    Land Shark Pokemon:
    Verdant Pokemon:
    Blade Pokemon:
    Renegade Pokemon:

    2. In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Describe the method used to Get a Macho Brace.

    3. In the anime series, name 2 pokemon that stole Ash's hat.

    4. Name the 7 legendary pokemon that have not made a real appearance in the movies (Not including Arceus, that movies coming out in July)

    5. In the manga "The Electric Tales of Pikachu" what method did Misty (Kasumi to some of you) use to challenge Ash (Satoshi) in order for him to get his Cascade badge?

    6. In Diamond and Pearl, What does the unown message say in entrance of the Solaceon Ruins?

    7. Have you ever found yourself Singing the Poke' Rap? (Be honest!)

    Come one, Come all! Post that youre interested on here then PM me your answers!
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    bumz, yo guy this quiz itz great fun mind, u should try it out! it brings out great memories ;)
    i would like to try, great idea!
    Sure I'm down. I'll PM the answers.
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    free bump, lets get goin lads, great quiz
    Please read the rules. Games to win Pokemon are not allowed here seeing as they just create spam.

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