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[Other OPEN] Metahuman: A Superhero RP


Magical Senpai and god of the closet.
  • 866


    Arkana City. Population 704,352.

    Just another city in the Pacific Northwest. Except for the fact that over the past year, there have been numerous outbreaks of so-called "metahumans" in the area. You know, ordinary people like you or I. Except these people have powers. Extraordinary abilities that separate them from the common folk. Some people use these powers for good, some even become heroes. The mysterious woman known as Thunderstep whose kinetic ability lets her run as fast as a car, or the shapechanger called Faceless who has liasoned with the ACPD and infiltrated several of the cities criminal cabals. Others use their abilities to commit crime. We've all seen the reports. The madman Maelstrom causing a cruiseliner to sink off the coast and flooding most of the port district for the better part of three months.

    Now, of course Arkana isn't the first time we've seen meta-humans. The speed at which meta-human's have been appearing however, is certainly new. Some extremists point their fingers at Force Labs, their experimentations with "Lightforce" energy having caused rapid mutations and other instabilities in the local ecosystems. Some have claimed the Merlyn Industrial building had some experimental equipment malfunction releasing a subset of Epsilon Radiation. Whatever the cause is, the statistics are in, and they all seem to conclude that the population of Arkana City is now roughly 2% meta-human. So to all the meta-humans reading this right now... what will you use your powers for

    NOTE: This will be a phase/mission based RP. Each phase will encompass one week of in world time, and each player will be able to choose a mission that their character will partake in, and thus the story will be able to flow around the characters actions.​

    -Main Square
    The center of Arkhana. Skyscrapers line the streets, and where it clears out you get the government buildings. Town Hall and the Arkhana Police Department are both located in this district, as well as many offices and official buisness headquarters.

    Being a seabound city, Arkhana Port is always bustling. Import and Export is a massive industry, and it's obvious that a large chunk of the cities income comes from here.

    - Eastgate
    Upper middle class suburbs. Also this mall is bitchin. Home of Arkhana High and Arkhana Fire Department

    Poverty stricken homes line the streets of Southside. Many abandoned warehouses are home to criminal enterprises.

    -Ulfric Von Force memorial Park
    Located in Eastgate, The cities main park is where around 70% of the cities recreational budget gets put.

    -Mount Ryft
    The inactive volcano just north of the city. Many wealthier families have manors built upon the side of the rocky crag.

    Outside the city and past Mount Ryft lies what is considered the Outskirts. Mostly crop and cattle farms, there is the odd gas station or general store located out here as well.​

    Superpowers and heroic abilites:
    Arkhana City is full of meta humans. Abilities and powers that ordinary humans can't even comprehend... most have relatively mundane to mediocre abilities though. As the player characters you have access to any one superpower barring the following list because power balance and whatnot:
    - Mind control (Grodd bad)
    - Time Travel (Flashpoint. Nuff said.)
    - Reality Warping (You don't have the infinity stones)
    - Omnipotence (You aren't a god)
    - Omnipresence (Second verse same as the first)

    A few guidelines:
    - Superman is hard to write for. Limit yourself in what you give your characters. Flaws and weaknesses are more interesting than blowing up buildings with lazer eyes.
    - Make sure the power your character has fits with both their origin story and the setting of the RP.​

    - Follow all PC and RPT rules and guidelines.
    - Listen to the GM's.
    - Be respectful to other players. If you want to do something big like destroying a part of the city with a runaway train, ask about it first.
    - This RP is rated M. That said, keep things appropriate. Keep those DMs clean.
    - Be creative, and have fun! Or else.​

    Sign Ups

    Name: (Real name, and alias if they have one... they should)
    Age: (14+)
    General Appearance: (Include a brief description or image.)
    Alias' Attire: (Same as above, )
    Personality: (Describe how your character thinks, feels, and acts.)
    Powers/abilities/weapons/etc: (Self-explanatory. Include the extent/limitations of these as well.)
    Origin Story (history): (General history about your character. This will include how they discovered they had powers, but not HOW they got them, as that will be explained in story)
    Any other notes about your character:​

    Accepter Characters
    Oddy as Copycat
    Godzil as Smokescreen
    Sephear as Noumenon
    Dusty as Shade
    adventure as Rubber​
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Metahuman: A Superhero RP

    Liz Vern "Copycat"

    Age: 19


    Physically fit from her years as captain of the Arkhana High gymnastics team, Liz has neck long black hair which she parts to the right. Also sleeves are bullshit.

    "Got a problem with that?"


    When on the job, Copycat dons a (sleeveless of course) black tracksuit.

    Accelerated Healing Factor: With her rapid cellular evolution, Liz body heals at around ten times the speed of the average human.

    Power Duplication: Liz body seems to draw on the environment around her, adjusting her capabilities based on what other metahumans she has come into physical contact with. The duplication of their abilities only lasts around thirty minutes before she reverts back to her base form, however, and her body can only seem to hold one "set" of powers at a time.

    Origin Story (history):

    Entry to physics. Not a class Liz had particularly wanted to take, but requirements are requirements. Her lab partners name was Garth Boon, a metahuman whose abilities enabled them to take the forms of different animals which they had encountered. After an unfortunate incident involving Liz turning into a cat in the women's restroom, she began to discover that her ability enabled her to replicate the abilities of other people around her.

    "Seriously Garth? Copycat? You done having a giggle over that bathroom thing yet?"


    Liz is a headstrong woman, who wants to make the world a better place. She feels that she's caught in a paradoxical position between a rebellious teenager and budding team leader, and doesn't want to have to make the choices that will decide what her future holds for her.

    I kick ass! I mean uh... we kick ass! Go us!

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    Name: Zachary North, "Smokescreen"

    Age: 23

    General Appearance:

    A little shorter than average (5' 5" (165 cm)), but built more muscular than normal. Zach has dusky skin, close cropped hair that is closer to charcoal gray than black, and amber eyes that look almost orange in certain light. He prefers comfortable clothes, going for function over form.

    Alias' Attire: Smokescreen wears black boots, dark gray cargo pants, a light gray sleeveless shirt, and a white gas mask. He wears a black canvas duster (knee-length coat with a mantle) that has been reinforced in the arms and torso for more protection. His attire is evocative of smoke or mist, lightening in color as it goes up, with the exception of the coat.

    Personality: Zach seems like your typical laid back "nice guy". He's not big on formality, and prefers a casual relaxed approach to new people and things. People tend to be awkward around him at first, as he can seem like he just doesn't care. He's more of an "ends justify the means" kind of guy, and doesn't care how a job gets done, only that it does get done. He can be a bit excitable, if he starts getting passionate about something, but by those same merits his temper can flare up unexpectedly. Underneath his cool exterior, he easily gets lonely, so he is eager to please and quick to step up.

    Powers/abilities/weapons/etc: Smoke Generation: Smokescreen can create and expel smoke from his body, with varying degrees of intensity. Thin white smoke is primarily water vapor, and merely obscures vision, while thick black smoke is nearly toxic to anyone breathing it in.

    Wind Manipulation: The ability to seize and control the air with sheer willpower. Limited in power, Smokescreen can create gusts of wind and to some extent shape his smoke, but not create whirlwinds, storms, or other weather phenomena.

    Origin Story (history): A military brat, Zach moved all over the country in his youth, and has been learning martial arts and self defense his whole life. He first learned of his wind powers in his late teens, noticing how the wind would seem to react to his emotions. An accident during a routine training exercise resulted in a fire on the base, and Zach foolishly rushed in, thinking he could access his powers and fight the fire. He overestimated his ability, but luckily he was rescued by someone more competent and no one was seriously hurt. On that day, he discovered his smoke powers, and he's learned to practice with his powers in less hazardous conditions.

    Any other notes about your character: Not really the hero type, but still wanting the respect and attention heroes receive, Zach sees Smokescreen as more of an antihero, doing what he can with what he has. The fact that he's willing to break the law in the process (and sometimes for fun or profit) only adds to this image.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Metahuman: A Superhero RP

    Shaylee Martin


    General Appearance: Shaylee prefers dark colors, usually dark jeans, t-shirt, and her favorite grey hoodie. She?ll hesitantly wear dresses if the situation demands it of her, but she never wears anything revealing or really anything that draws too much attention to her.

    Alias' Attire: Shaylee?s uniform for her nightly duties is, quite simply, a motorcycle jacket, jet black with dark blue accents under the arms. She?s typically less picky with the rest of her ?uniform?, so long as it?s something durable but still allows her to move freely, her combat styles relying heavily on movement to allow her to fight when she has to.

    Personality: Standoffish would probably be a pretty good way to describe Shaylee. She enjoys other people?s company for sure, so long as they aren?t talking to or about her that is. She despises being the center of attention and will do anything to avoid it, especially hating people?s compliments as she really never knows how to respond to them. However deep down she really craves other people?s acceptance and respect. She?ll never accept a compliment with grace, but she will do anything to earn a person?s approval.

    She is also stubborn to a fault, a feature that has gotten her into trouble more than a few times in the past. She hates being ordered around when it feels like she isn?t being given the proper respect that she deserves, and if she feels like she has been slighted she?ll usually do what the person wants, but make sure she can throw every wrench in the works to upset that person?s plan. Calling her passive aggressive might be a bit of an understatement.

    Powers/abilities/weapons/etc: Shaylee has the ability of shadestep, or shadow teleportation. This is not actually teleportation, but the ability to move quickly through shadows and exit into another space. Usually this process is near instantaneous, making it seem like teleportation, but Shaylee can linger within the ?shadow world?, though this does come with its own drawbacks. Shaylee is unable to breathe when in this shadowy realm and her vision and hearing is somewhat distorted. She is only able to move through shadowed areas when in this realm, and the lighter an area is the harder it is for her to move through it. Moving through bright light, or anything lighter than an open street on a cloudy day, gives her a painful burning sensation.

    She is also able to drag other people and objects through this realm as well, though they are much more difficult to move. Small objects are fairly easy, but items become much harder to move the larger they are. People are a significant challenge, and moving them more than a couple dozen feet is near impossible. Also moving any object that creates light inflicts the same pain on Shaylee as does moving through a lighted area while using her ability.

    Finally Shaylee has limited combat skills. Her father working as an ambassador, she?s had the ability to travel around to multiple countries. Being the paranoid single father he was, he insisted that she be able to defend herself and has a basic understanding of several martial arts. The two she has learned the most were Krav Maga which she learned in Israel and Capoeira in Brazil. She isn?t an expert by any means and will probably lose any straight up fight against any truly skilled opponent, but with her powers and the element of surprise, she can typically hold her own in a short encounter.

    Origin Story (history): Shaylee grew up the only daughter of an American Ambassador. Her father rarely talked of her mother, all Shaylee knows is that she was an Israeli woman that died when she was young, never knowing exactly how it happened. As a result she travelled with her father from place to place, following wherever the government put him, living in Israel until her mid-teens, moving to Brazil until twenty after that. Being the daughter of an ambassador, her father, paranoid for her safety, insisted that she train in self-defense classes and always travel with an escort. In Israel she found the situation stifling, both her training and her inability to go anywhere by herself. She dutifully followed her father?s instructions, but often more begrudging than willfully.

    It was in Brazil that this changed for her. Hoping for more freedom, she managed to convince her father to enroll her at a martial arts studio of her choice, more because the Krav Maga style she had learned before had yet to cross the ocean. And so she found herself learning Capoeira instead, much more dance and acrobatics than actual self-defense. She also expressed her freedom (as well as her teenage anti-authority angst) by learning how to lose her protection escorts, something that filled her father (and her bodyguards) with no small amount of irritation.

    She discovered her supernatural abilities one summer evening on her way home from her martial arts classes having (of course) skipped her escorts. Deciding to take a shortcut home, she ended up in a less than pleasant part of town and after a few twists and turns, found herself backed into an alley with an also less than pleasant gang cornering her. Her self defense training allowed her to bruise a few of them, but the half dozen remaining approached more carefully, several drawing dangerous knives. Not knowing what else to do, she found herself backed into a corner, then found herself in said corner, but also not. The world became shades of black, white, and grey around her, and she found the strange place suffocating her slowly, energy and breath seeping from her body. Panicked she ran as fast as she could, but instead seemed to glide along the dark wall, the perspective odd. Several more moments found her in another dark alleyway, this one completely empty. Eventually, she managed to regain her bearings and find her way back home, her head now heavy with thoughts and confusion.

    After another couple years, nearing her twentieth birthday, she convinced her father to let her live on her own back at the states, allowing her to attend college in person instead of online as she had been. And so with a small apartment, a job in a small coffee shop as a barista, too many hours of college, and a strange power she even then didn?t quite understand, she found herself in Arkana City.

    Any other notes about your character: Shaylee is able to speak Portuguese passably, and will often curse under her breath in the language if people upset her. Note that I do not speak Portuguese, so don't expect much.​


    [PokeCommunity.com] Metahuman: A Superhero RP

    Andreas Wilhelm Verfolger
    AKA Noumenon

    Age: 33

    General Appearance: 5?10, broad shoulders and well-developed musculature make for a powerful figure, with a strong jaw halfway between pointed and square. Andreas? skin is fair with a very slight tan. His eyes are an intense silver and tilted alongside thick, dark brown eyebrows in a way that seems to make him look as if he is always either thinking very hard or scowling over a light annoyance. Chocolatey brown hair is kept slicked back in a smooth business cut.

    When going about regular business outside of his home Andreas generally dresses in suits of varying blues and blacks, his favorite being a dark blue double-breasted suit with onyx buttons over a black dress shirt, dress pants that match his jacket and black dress shoes.

    Alias' Attire: Noumenon dons a thickly padded dark red, Gothic coat with a tall collar that covers most of his neck and a plate of dark metal resembling an elongated omega symbol laced into the chest. His legs are protected by fitted, flexible leather pants and heavy boots, both black. To hide his eyes as well as a decent portion of his face, Noumenon always wears a pair of nylon half-frame sunglasses with large, angular mirrored black lenses.

    Personality: Andreas is often quite cold and goal-oriented, nearly always thinking only about his own interests and how he can further them. He?s not exactly all that ambitious, but he knows what he wants and little else matters to him in the slightest. The extent of his kindness in most situations is that he won?t watch someone suffer right in front of him if he feels he can genuinely do something to help solve the problem, a certain sense of duty his otherwise privileged life has hammered into him. Andreas is nearly always courteous to anyone with actual authority over him or whom he is trying to garner assistance from or influence with, though regardless of the situation he never speaks more than he feels he must. As for the rest of the world...he hasn?t the patience or consideration to show real manners or friendliness, eternally curt, cutting and hostile or at best simply indifferent.

    The only thing to ever temporarily bury Andreas? apparent disdain for most of the world around him is when something powerfully stokes the flames of his ever-burning curiosity, especially ancient and/or mystical artifacts and ruins.

    Powers/abilities/weapons/etc: Andreas is a self-proclaimed Soul Sorcerer (if only because he couldn?t think of anything else to call it) His abilities revolve entirely around controlling his exceptionally powerful soul to affect the world around him, dividing his soul in up to 8 fragments, keeping one in his body to maintain his anchor to the living world while the others enforce his will upon his environment. The most common use of these fragments is to form blades that are perfect copies of the Siela A?menys. These soul swords grow in sharpness relative to Andreas? power, can phase through his own body or mundane inanimate objects without affecting them, have minor wills of their own that make controlling multiples at once easier and though they can be pushed by attacks like any other weapon, they cannot be harmed by anything that cannot harm a human soul.

    The fragments of Andreas? soul can also enter inanimate objects to give them life and minor sentience to serve him like golems or living weapons. Larger objects require more fragments to animate and they can be made sturdier for Andreas? purposes, but do not share the ethereal durability of the soul swords and can be destroyed by any sufficient force. The last practical use of Andreas soul sorcery at his current level of power is to put a fragment of his soul into another living being. He cannot control living creatures like he can objects and having a piece of his soul in them serves only to connect them, the pull of his soul and its seperated piece wanting to reunite allowing him to track whomever the fragment resides in. This method only works on those with room to spare in their bodies, simply being rejected by those with especially large or blazing souls, or magical beings whose power significantly exceeds his own.

    The soul fragments and soul swords all pulse with a flowing, ethereal blue.

    Origin Story: Andreas grew up as a spoiled but very intelligent rich boy in Frankfurt, where his parents? obsessive collection of rare items drove him to be equally enamored with valuable, hard to find items. However, whereas his parents simply wanted expensive things nobody else had that they could brag about them, Andreas? obsession was with ancient artifacts and ruins, places and things with history, with power figuratively and - in that creative, childish corner of his mind - sometimes even literally. Between his intelligence and the resources at his disposal Andreas earned high degrees in Archaeology and History by the time he was 23 and quickly began to travel the world at his leisure in search of undiscovered ruins and the treasure troves of interesting things therein.

    Eventually the cost of Andreas? expeditions outpaced their profit and he was forced to either stop dipping into his share of the family fortune or be cut off altogether, and that would be far too damaging to his wanderlust. The Merlyn Corporation was quite willing to sponsor his investigations at the cost of access to any artifacts he discovered if they deemed them enticing enough, in which case he may not get them back. The record isn?t clear as to whether the company sought out the man or vice-versa, but what is clear is that Andreas became one of the company?s many field researchers as well as one of their best.

    The arrangement worked out very well for everyone involved over the course of six years until Andreas sniffed out an open but apparently unexplored ruin deep underneath one of the many hillforts of Lithuania where a very old sword was hidden, lost to time. Delving into the ruins was a simple enough task; in a single day, Andreas found the altar of the sword in no time. Siela A?menys, the ?Blade of Souls? was in reach after such relatively little time and effort that Andreas? excitement beat out his wisdom and he approached the sword?s altar without stopping to consider how strange it was that he?d encountered no traps or even obvious barriers thus far.

    Just as the foolish explorer reached the blade he felt a cold pressure on his heart as if it were being squeezed by an icy hand and before he could move something cut him...and yet he felt no pain as his vision dimmed. The last thing he saw was himself, lying in front of the altar as if he and his body were no longer one. A cloaked figure stood over his mortal vessel, holding the sword he?d been sure was his only seconds ago. The stranger lifted the Siela A?menys and drove it into Andreas? chest with both hands. All went dark.

    When Andreas opened his eyes the blade and his assailant were nowhere to be found. There was a large scar where the Siela A?menys had impaled him but otherwise he seemed in perfect health. During his return, it became clear he was no longer entirely human. Wisps following him, dark murmurs in the shadows, waking up from an indecipherable nightmare with a sword stabbed into his chest that was a perfect copy of the Siela A?menys aside from writhing with a blue light that made it appear as if it were made of glass and filled with a raging azure inferno. Despite keeping his new abilities a secret Andreas was still shocked at how little disappointment the Merlyn Corporation showed for the expedition?s failure. He was even given some time off to ?recover from his trauma? and compensated, though the company was not responsible for his well-being while working aside from funding his trips.

    Ever since Andreas has been a man obsessed - well, more obsessed. He now searches specifically for magical artifacts, the only thing he can think of that may lead to some understanding of what happened to him or why he was still alive.

    Sephear's Noumenon is Accepted!

    We discussed him in detail after all. :D

    Dusty's Shade is Accepted!

    Beautifully written. Welcome aboard.
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    Hi Oddy! So, are the metahumans' real identities hidden in this world? Or are most open about having powers?
    Hi Oddy! So, are the metahumans' real identities hidden in this world? Or are most open about having powers?

    Mostly hidden for sure. There are a few who are open, but it's a very uneasy relationship with anti-meta activists and government organizations trying to study and use them.
    Mostly hidden for sure. There are a few who are open, but it's a very uneasy relationship with anti-meta activists and government organizations trying to study and use them.
    Alright! I'll have an SU up soon, if that's ok :D
    [PokeCommunity.com] Metahuman: A Superhero RP
    Name: Jorah Jackson

    Alias: Rubber

    Age: 15, will turn 16 in a few months

    General Appearance: Until a few months ago, Jorah's body had always been rather lean and skinny. He was always the pale, geeky kid who didn't garner much attention from anyone. Since his powers emerged though, his body has started developing. It's as if puberty hit with light speed - his voice has started to darken, his muscles are getting more defined even when he isn't working out, and he is beginning to look more like a man than an 8 year old kid as he honestly pretty much did up until the age of 15.

    He hides his changing body and newfound muscular shape by wearing slightly oversized, loose fitting clothes. Usually this is t-shirts with some nice nerdy print, with checkered shirts on top. Sometimes he also wears a hoodie or jeans jacket on top of that, and he mostly dons regular loose fitting jeans and sneakers below.

    Alias' Attire: Due to the nature of his powers, Rubber is pretty much forced to wear a soft spandex suit of the most stretchable and elastic material he's found. He has a few spares, as the suit certainly isn't as sturdy as his body is. It looks a bit ridiculous, but those who know what he does also know that it's necessary. He used to wear a completely black one, for the sake of stealth, but as metahumans become famous there is some level of prestige in looking good. As Rubber's name got more well known, he opted for colored details. Instead of just an opening for his eyes in the suit's head, he started wearing a pair of gold colored goggles. Doubled as better protection anyways! He also wears rubbery boots and gloves, both a bright red color.

    He wishes to one day get recognized enough for his efforts that he be recruited by an agency of some kind, or hired by somebody with enough money and technology to make him a proper elastic suit that didn't rip quite as easily.

    Personality: Jorah is a generally kind and considerate soul who alternates between having a cheerful glimmer in his eyes and a forlorn stare. He was always kind of quiet in school and in any gathering of other people, being somewhat of an introvert. When with his close friends though - or more recently, his dad after they rekindled contact and shared the big secret of his metahuman status - Jorah bubbles out and easily becomes a bundle of spilled thoughts.

    He values justice, but prioritizes mercy when possible. He doesn't like having to make hard choices, and he can get scared when things get very real and very dangerous. There is a slight clumsiness about him despite his well defined body structure, due to his body being in the process of developing more rapidly than what would be normal for a teenage boy.

    School was never his favorite thing, and he doesn't quite ace tests with ease. He gets bored easily with math and science, but takes more interest into history, psychology and society. People fascinate him more than objects, but he usually prefers to watch people from afar rather than talk with them to try and figure out how they see the world.

    Powers/abilities/weapons/etc: Rubber is a name that encompasses what he does quite elegantly. Jorah's body is near indestructible. Since his powers emerged, he has at least not been able to scratch it or break it in any way himself - and he has of course tried.

    Not only that, but he can alter its physical state to become elongated or compressed together, although the latter doesn't seem to have nearly as many practical uses as the former; compressing his body parts also makes his suit hang weirdly around him or his belt to fall off, so, preferably nope. This works for all his tissues and limbs, even his brain and bones. It doesn't hurt him and his thought processes don't seem to slow down - although his reflexes do become slightly worse if he stretches out for several meters; the nerve signals get longer distances to travel, after all.

    On top of this, his rubber body is developing increasingly well defined muscles (that are becoming increasingly difficult to hide for others) that give him superhuman strength. The heaviest thing he has lifted so far is a car. He wants to try a truck, but since the car still felt heavy, he's not sure he's ready for that yet. His strength seems to still be growing though...

    Basically, Rubber is a slippery bastard whom you can't pierce or crush, and who will also punch you back with even more force. Unfortunately, all Jorah knows about fighting, he's learned from movies and video games, so anybody with actual martial arts skills will have that advantage over him in close combat and he'll have to rely on his supernatural body to keep him alive. So far, it hasn't failed.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Metahuman: A Superhero RP
    Origin Story (history): Jorah is the son of a dock worker and a bank director's assistant. The Jackson's divorced roughly ten years ago, and his mother reclaimed her maiden name eventually.

    The boy was kind of lonely growing up, until he finally met like-minded spirits in high school that he could truly feel he wanted to call true friends. Although his mother had made sure to get him into a "better" high school in the Eastgate district (Arkana High), one of his old demons followed and ended up in his parallel class, from which he still bullies Jorah whenever he gets the chance to, mostly about his good-for-nothing father and the divorce, even after all these years. But also for Jorah's general geekiness. He survives better these days than when he was younger though, thanks to his new friends, and when he's around them he blossoms into a talkative, positive person. Unfortunately, his parents basically never get to see this.

    He first noticed his powers around four months ago, so relatively recently. It took several strange happenings for him to realize what was going on. First, he took a tumble down the stairs in his mother's apartment complex, but ended up completely unscathed. Surprised, he attributed that to luck and went on with his day. But the next evening, he fell over on the bike in the street on his way home from a friend. A stranger approached, and Jorah was grateful that somebody seemed to want to help him get back up. But instead, the stranger tried to mug him. Shocked and scared, Jorah pushed him aside. He practically flew into a dumpster several meters away. The mugger spat out something about stupid metahumans and pulled a knife on him. Panic took over as the enemy lunged and forced the knife into his belly. No pain came though, only a ripped shirt. It took a few seconds for them both to realize that, after which Jorah once again pushed the mugger as hard as he could, grabbed his bike and left the scene in a hurry without looking back.

    In hindsight, as Jorah has spent a lot of time trying to research on the web where powers come from and why certain individuals gain certain powers, he has realized that the clumsiness he displayed back then - falling down the stairs and tumbling with the bike - was likely due to his body suddenly starting to evolve too fast for him to keep full control of himself. He skipped school the day last month when his class was due for a health check-up, and to his relief nobody has come after him yet reminding him to go. See, needles don't exactly work as intended on his skin, and he was terrified that the nurse might figure something out when she saw how fast his body was developing, all of a sudden.

    He didn't dare to tell his mother about the revelation that he was a metahuman, and he also didn't really want to tell his friends. Instead, he visited his father, something that only happened once a year, at best, and told him the whole truth. Mr Jackson was warmed by the trust his son had in him, and vowed to support and protect him in any way he could. Ever since, Jorah visits his dad regularly, who lives at the edge of the Portside district, and updates him on everything he does as a vigilante in the night.

    Any other notes about your character: He's bisexual and slightly allergic to cats, dogs and horses. He's determined to be a "good hero" type of metahuman, but also to not reveal his identity to anyone else. Especially not his mother.
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    Alright! I'll be gone until Saturday or Friday evening now though, haha, so can't post until then. Auf widersxjnen x
    Mission 2 please... if this is actually what the gorilla does in the blurb for mission 1?
    Since our latecomers are like... SUPER late (Pun fully intended at this point) i'll be claiming mission 6 for myself.