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Mikazuki's Shop

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"Someday, I will..."
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    [PokeCommunity.com] Mikazuki's Shop
    Mikazuki's Shop
    [PokeCommunity.com] Mikazuki's Shop

    1. NO HACKS you will be reported to the mods if you're caught knowningly trading hacks. Clones are acceptable.
    2. Do not ask for cloning in my shop unless it's pertinent to our trade. We have a cloning thread for a reason.
    3. Provide as much information as you can about the Pokemon you're proposing to trade me.
    4. If you need an idea of what I'd like to know, refer below to my own descriptions and copy-paste it back to me with your trades information.
    5. I will most likely only be posting Pokemon that are hard to obtain or unusual. The main focus of my shop will be TSV/RNG breeding.
    6. If you are unfamiliar with TSV/RNG breeding it means make a request using my order form. If you know your TSV, I can breed to match it. When you hatch the egg I trade you, the Pokemon will be shiny.
    7. If a Pokemon you receive from me has my OT and TID, it is NOT REDISTRIBUTABLE. My Pokemon are not to be redistributed without my consent.
    8. If you have a problem with something you receive from me, let me know. I'll reimburse you or trade you something else, but whatever you have a problem with must be traded back to me.
    10. Please only one request at a time for the time being. White listers may request as many as they'd like.
    11. *Important* Payment for any service should be made in Shiny, Event, or a copy of whatever Shiny Pokemon you hatch from my eggs. I have the right to refuse a request or payment offer prior to acceptance of your request should I deem the proposed payment not adequate.
    12. *Important* If you want a redistributable Pokemon request it using below form. Do NOT redistribute or clone my pokemon. If you're caught you'll be reported, infracted, and blacklisted from my shop.

    Varies, Usually available daily provided you schedule a trade ahead of time 7 AM-5 PM EST. I have a fairly difficult schedule at the moment as I work as a Police Officer/Paramedic. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a trade either PM me here on PC or get me on the Pokecommunity Discord @Mikazuki#1718.



    Current RNG/SR projects

    Shop Window

    TSV/RNG Breeding (Main Focus of Shop)

    Basic CSS Style borrowed from Altairis​

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    Hello my dear friend! Congrats on the shop :)
    I have a few request for when you next get a match for me!
    TSV: 0569
    Pokemon: Pumpkaboo (Small Size)
    Pokeball: Dusk Ball
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Timid
    Ability: Any
    IVs (I'll do my best to match as close as I can): Any
    Egg Moves: Any
    I can provide the parent!

    TSV: 0015
    Pokemon: Spritzee
    Pokeball: Heal Ball
    Gender: Female
    Nature: Modest
    Ability: Aroma Veil (if no HA match, it's okay!)
    IVs (I'll do my best to match as close as I can): Any
    Egg Moves: Any
    I can also provide the parent :)

    Thank you so much :)
    What are your TSVs? I only have 2501
    My next match with it would be great for another physical attacker :P Any request or another surprise?
    Hey there, I have a question about the payment options for the Pokemon. Would a clone of the Pokemon that is hatched fine or will you require something else like one of my shinies?

    Do you also breed for 5/6 iv?
    Hey there, I have a question about the payment options for the Pokemon. Would a clone of the Pokemon that is hatched fine or will you require something else like one of my shinies?

    Do you also breed for 5/6 iv?

    I will breed 5 ivs at least. 6 is all luck of the draw. For payment a clone of the hatched pokemon will suffice. I honestly do this for free most of the time. I just keep them as trophies. Itll have you OT and TID so i will NOT redistribute.
    I'd like something then please, for payment I'll send you a clone of the hatched Pokemon.

    FC and IGN: Alex, 4012-8970-0049
    TSV: 0347
    Pokemon: Froakie
    Pokeball: Dusk Ball
    Gender: Male
    Nature: Timid
    Ability: Protean
    IVs (I'll do my best to match as close as I can): 31/x/31/31/31/31
    Egg Moves: Toxic Spikes
    Do you have some other evolution from the same event as I got a leafeon from someone. I can offer you the unova hat pikachu in exchange.

    Unfortunately I do not at this time. I'm waiting for my contact in JPN to get another form and will upda te you accordingly. I apologize for making you wait, I'm in a job transition and in the process of preapproval for a mortgage at the moment so it's taking a toll on all my trading, breeding, etc. I'll definitely let you know first when get some more stock and what I end up with.
    Unfortunately I do not at this time. I'm waiting for my contact in JPN to get another form and will upda te you accordingly. I apologize for making you wait, I'm in a job transition and in the process of preapproval for a mortgage at the moment so it's taking a toll on all my trading, breeding, etc. I'll definitely let you know first when get some more stock and what I end up with.

    No its okay. Good luck with everything .. let me know I'll wait :)
    Hello there! I would like to make a request

    FC and IGN: 2939-0991-7792/Iceshard
    TSV: 0975 (Moon)
    Request 1

    Request 2

    Request 3

    I hope you'll accept them :) As payment I can clone them after hatching and send them to you. Or you can check out my shop for a pokemon you may want, link is on the footer :)

    Thank you!
    I have some good stock for that. Which would you like the most. I don't have a ton of time at the moment as I'm transitioning jobs. I'll work on then as quick as I can

    Thanks! I like the fomantis the most :) second cranidos, and third totodile :)
    No rush man :) I can wait
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