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Misadventures at Hogwarts: Term 2

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~Change the World~
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    This is for all the people who were at the RP "Misadventures at Hogwarts" thread, and any new people. You guys can keep your characters, but you could also just write your description to. This is the characters second year at Hogwarts, so have fun!

    Name: Karli Linin
    Gender: Female
    Looks: Her kinked long brown hair is a little longer, and she has grown a little over the holidays.
    Description: She is kind on good days, and she knows lots of new spells. (she learned them over the summer holiday)
    Age: 12
    Clothes Under Robes: The usual grey school shirt, with a Gryffindor tye
    Pet: Feather Duster (the snowy owl)
    Hair: I little longer, but other then that it looks the ay it used to
    Eyes: Still a greyish blue colour
    Voice: Her British Accent, is the same as it always was.
    I walked down the paths of Diagon Alley. I had finished my school shopping, but all I needed to do was get a new robe. I walked into the store. I got a perfect robe, and just the right size. I was looking forward to my second year of Hogwarts, and seeing all my friends again.
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    Name: Joshua Bates (Or Batesy)
    Description: Plays Quidditch for Gryffindor, is a Beater, likes Chocolate Frogs, named owl: Snowy, If found some Galleons, would want to save it, is tall, brave, has brown hair, blue eyes, brave, hopes to be an Auroa (Or however you spell it).
    I walked down Diagon Alley with all of my things. I was staying with Terra's family at the Leaky Cauldron. Since Terra had other things to do, I walked down the streets alone. I saw Karli come out of a store.
    "Hey Karli!" I said running up and hugging her. "It's been a while hasn't it?"
    Name: Johann Sebastian Bache
    Gender: Male
    Description: Has gotten more muscular since last year, and knows more spells. He still loves Karli, hasn't even temped to flirt with another girl. His pet dragon Flame, is now full grown and twice as powerful as a normal dragon.

    That summer my father and I kept fighting on where I should go to school this year. Hogwarts or a New Zealand school. I helped my fathertame the dragons that have gone wild for no reason. I also trained Flame to collect himself and now get mad at the first insult.
    "Yeah!" I said. "Oh sorry! I'm just a bit hyper active! I haven't been here for weeks and I haven't seen any of my other friends! So what did you do all summer?"
    "Any ones we might need?" I said remembering the voices back at Hogwarts. "Also, did you learn anything about the voices?"
    Name: Berii Asakura
    Gender: Female
    Description: Her hair grew longer since last year, about 3 inches below the shoulder, she grew taller, and she learned more spells, but her personality is still the same.
    "C'mon, I just need one more thing!" Berii said excitedly, dragging Conrelia.

    "Okay, But I can't still believe your leaving again." Cornelia said.

    "Don't worry remember I'll write you everytime I can." Berii said, running towards the shop.

    She was about to go in the shop but she bumped into someone and fell. She looked up, the girl looked like Karli but she thought she might be mistaken.

    "I'm sorry." she said, standing up. She bowed politely and walked in the shop. When she got in, Cornelia already bought her things. Berii smiled and looked at her things.

    "All my stuff are complete, right?" Berii asked, as they walk out the shop. Cornelia nodded, following Berii.
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    I feel bad for not being in the last one, so I'll see if I can get into the groove of this one.

    Name: Tristian MacLeod
    Gender: Male:
    Looks: (my actual description from when I was in 7th grade, or, in the wizard world, a second-year) Heigth: 5'9, brownish hair, a bit heavy-set.
    Description: MacLeod (prefers to be called by last name) has transferred from an American school of witchcraft and wizardry to Hogwarts for his second year after being told he wasn't right for the American school. He's usually quiet, but wants to make a good first impression with anyone who he knows will be going to Hogwarts too. Although shy, he's a bit smart and has a desire to do something good in the world with his powers.
    MacLeod was wandering about Diagon Alley, looking for a few potion ingredients to finish his personal collection for use at Hogwarts. He hides in a shadowy corner as he begins to watch a nearby group conversing, and is debating whether he should join in or if someone will be outgoing enough to see him alone and greet him...either way he's worried...what if they hate him for being American?
    Name: Aerin Mindelove is her alias, however, her true hearth is Liadan Raveneal

    Age: Twelve

    Appearence: From her disappearence last semester, Liadan had an odd spell removed from her. She had been plagued with a charm that affected her personality and appearence. The young teen know can be seen as 5'9" and quite attractive, with a Roman nose and white blonde hair that trickles down her back in soft waves. The girl still retained her sparkling emerald eyes and plush lips. Her body became thin and lanky with a femininely muscular sense. Liadan also has a spray of freckles sprinkled over the bridge of her nose and underneath her eyes.

    Personality: Young Raveneal is no longer distant but in contrary quite the opposite. The girl has become quite sociable and polite as well as more studious, determined to beat out the other second years in terms of grades. She's no Mary Sue and is not perfect, because of this new revelation. It has greatly affected her emotions though on the outside, Liadan continually remains kind and polite.


    Liadan walked through Diagon Alley, parcels in her arms as she decided to take a rest from her tiresome shopping. Her eyes wandered to a tightly knit group of adolescents conversing. The young girl fidgeted, wondering whether or not to approach them.

    Go ahead, Liadan, just go on. You're a lovely young girl and I'm sure the lot ahead are just as polite!

    Her mind urged her forward, as if controlling her own two legs. Swallowing her nervousness, Liadan smiled weakly.

    "Hello... I'm er... Liadan."
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    "Well then, I have to go get some things for Feather. I except to see you all soon" I said turning around and walking to a store with thosands of owls in front of it.

    Inside the shop, all sorts of different animals were making loud noises. I had bought a new Golden Cage. It had a handle at the top, shaped like a feather. I did a spell, that transported the cage back to my house; ready to be packed for next weeks train ride to Hogwarts.
    I walked into the shop where Karli was. A slipped next to her.
    "Meet me in the Leaky Cauldron!" I said. "So we can discuss the matters of the voices attacking Hogwarts! I'll be at Flourish and Blotts getting some books!"
    I slipped out and walked down the street into Flourish and Blotts. There were a tonne of people there.
    "What's the commotion?" I asked a woman.
    "Gilderoy Lockhart is here!" She said.
    I squezed through and saw a blonde haired man. That was Gilderoy I assumed. Ignoring this, I bought the books I needed and walked to the Leaky Cauldron.
    "Voices. How childish. I have better things to do, then talk about the past" I thought. I walked out of the store. I saw the crowd around Flourish and Blotts.
    I saw Gilderoy.
    "What a idiot. To bad people didnt read "The Chamber of Secrets: The new Start" I thought the stroy would have spread. People still believe his fake stories? I thought as I shook my head in disbelief and walked away from the crowd.
    Liadan's heart sank as the group dispersed. Her greeting had been ignored and this hurt the girl in an unimagineable way. Sighing, the young adolescent turned, only to be confronted by a boy hiding shyly in the shadows.

    "Hello," she said, confused as to why he did not follow with one of the others.

    Perhaps he didn't know them, Liadan.

    Oh shut up...
    Appearance- He is sort of a rebel with some things. He's 13, but he can be very mature, and has wisdom beyond his years, but is never one to show it. He has slate hair, with some silver and white highlights, and it sometimes covers his eyes, but he can handle it most of the time. His eyes are silverish, almost the same as his eyes.
    Personality- We shall see that soon.

    Zeth walked through the Leaky Cauldron, without a robe on or anything, just sme everyday clothes that he always wore when he was at home. If he had things his way, no one would wear any of those black robes, but he would have to live with it. Wand in his pocket, he strolled through the stores, his legs seeming to have a mind of their own, for they moved in perfect sync with the rest of him.

    Shyly, MacLeod looked at the girl who had greeted him, wondering what he should say. He decided to go on the safe side and merely repeat her salutation.

    "Hello..." He replied. "If you don't mind my saying this, I appreciate your greeting me...the group I was watching wouldn't even look at me. Did they act the same way to you? Oh, and by the way, I'm Tristian MacLeod, but I usually go by my surname...weird, huh?"

    He laughed nervously...if he hadn't scared her off by now, then hopefully she would stay for a while and chat. A friend would be useful right about now, he thought...
    Liadan smiled. At last, she had found a member of the vast magical community that would willingly talk to her.

    "It's not odd in the least, MacLeod."

    Her emerald eyes glistened with a faint happiness that brought about a small bout of laughter from the girl. She felt quite elated by the knowledge that she wasn't completely alone is this crazy world of witchcraft and wizardry.

    "In turn, I ought to give my name. I'm Liadan Raveneal, a pleasure to meet you. But back to your inquiry. They small group did seem to ignore my pleas for a polite conversation. The lot didn't seem to pleasant to begin with, though."
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