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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Username: MrRocket515
Color: Purple
Game: Red, Crystal, Emerald Randomizer, Diamond, Blaze Black
Ultimate: Yes
Color: Pink
Game: Heart Gold
Ultimate: Not now.

I failed my Nuzlocke run of HG, so I'm using my shiny Furret to start a team of all-pink pokemon! (I only just beat the first gym, so no worries!) :D I might try to go for a shiny Jumpluff as well... But that would be testing my luck.
I am up to the 8 badges in Red.
My Purple team is
Grim the Muk level 71
Cecil the Nidoking level 70
Kofee the Weezing level 70
Patrick the Starmie level 70
Kai the Arbok level 70
and Gaygar the Haunter level 83

I am going to challenge the elite 4 next time
Username: Munchhack
Color: Red
Game: firered heartgold ruby pearl black
Do I have to have the same color for everybody?
I just started and im on my way through Petalburg woods. And I just found my 3rd team member!

Moss the Treecko lv 12
Lime the Lotad lv 12
Clover the Shroomish lv 6

I'm right now going to meet mr Briney and rescue his wingull.

Moss the Treecko lv 15
Lime the Lombre lv 14
Clover the Shroomish lv 14

I might do a Ultimate later, but do I have to stick to Green then?
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Yes hello, I'm just writing this to let you know that I've played SoulSilver up to Lance...but there is no way I can defeat him with my current team's levels. And I don't have the time to train it up. Therefore, I have decided to switch game yet again, to regular Silver. I'm sorry for any trouble caused by this.
Update for Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Brown).

Final Update (#4) on Platinum.
  • Surfed up to Victory Road, then breezed through the mountain.
  • Arrived at the Pokemon League and beat Barry.
  • Maxed out everyone EVs and did a bunch of moveset editing.
  • Time for the Elite Four!
  • Aaron was defeated by Tank, Sammy, and Mars.
  • Bertha was soloed by Manny with Avalanche, Earthquake, and Ice Shard.
  • Jetsie soloed Flint as well with Waterfall.
  • Lucian was taken down by Tank (Crunch), Sammy (Fly), and Kazza (Shadow Ball, Focus Blast).
  • Finally, Cynthia was up. After losing once to Garchomp's Sand Veil, I managed to defeat her. The video and play-by-play are below.



Hall of Fame:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Team Brown:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Tank the Careful Hippowdon, ♂ - L57 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Sand Stream
Moves: Earthquake, Crunch, Ice Fang, Stealth Rock
Final Stats: 243/153/157/73/117/62
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Mars the Bashful Infernape, ♂ - L58 @ Fist Plate
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Flare Blitz, Close Combat, ThunderPunch, Swords Dance
Final Stats: 176/171/110/133/97/154
Sinnoh MVP, Cynthia co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sammy the Impish Staraptor, ♂ - L57 @ Sky Plate
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Return, Close Combat, Fly, Brave Bird
Final Stats: 184/187/104/58/78/140

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Manny the Brave Mamoswine, ♂ - L58 @ NeverMeltIce
Moves: Earthquake, Avalanche, Ice Shard, Stone Edge
Final Stats: 244/222/112/86/90/91
Elite Four co-MVP, Cynthia co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Jetsie the Jolly Floatzel, ♀ - L58 @ Splash Plate
Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Waterfall, Crunch, Ice Punch, Dig
Final Stats: 185/180/93/94/79/177
Elite Four co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kazza the Quiet Alakazam, ♂ - L58 @ Choice Specs
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Psychic, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind
Final Stats: 142/71/68/233/136/153

Color: Purple
Ultimate: yes
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Ultimate Brown Run Black Update#3 (?)

-Joffrey took out Skyla with the help of some Hyper Potions
-Going through Twist Mountian, Wilco reached Lv.37 which means she could evolve but I can't let her because Krookodile is red : (
-Got to Icirrus City and "traded" to evolve Clegane into a Conkeldurr : D
-The Ice guy was therefore destroyed by Clegane
-Did some plot stuff
-Went back to the water route around the starting town and got the TM for Thunderbolt to teach to Marvin
-Marvin evolved into Beheeyem at Lv. 42 evolved in the Dragon gym (can you tell how much I actually know about this game?)
-Clegane stepped up to the plate again against Mr. Dragon 'cause she had the highest defense.

Screens (From this Update and the last one) :

The Current Team:
Team Rat!(aka purple)

Started game picked cindaquil
Got Mystery egg and returned to the professor beating my rival silver along the way
Sent a Rattata from my platinum level 1 (i woulda cought one on rute 29 but i was there for a hour plus trying and one never showed)
Fought through sprout tower
Beat falkner at level 13 with Focus energy/quick attack
fought through route 32 and union cave
Beat team rocket in slow poke well
Fought through Bugsy gym and beat him with flame wheel(egg move)
Beat Silver for a second time
Made it through ilex forest and taking a break

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Ability: Guts
Hyper Fang
Quick attack
Flame wheel

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Rock smash
Sand attack
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Beat Lance on Silver today!

♦ Picked Cyndaquil as my starter, which also served as my first team member. Named it Kastro.
♦ After beating Falkner, Kastro got joined by Menchi the Mareep. Later on, after Bugsy was defeated, Hisoka the Drowzee joined the team.
♦ Took down Whitney and proceeded to Ecruteak. Along the way, I caught a Sunkern that I named Kikyo. I didn't start training her until I had reached Olivine though, because it would be much easier to do so with the sea routes.
♦ Beat Chuck with a newly-evolved Menchi, and then defeated Jasmine.
♦ Shortly after, I caught the final team member, Meowth. I named it Leorio.
♦ After Rocket business, I took down Pryce with ease. After some more Rocket business, I beat Clair and made my way up to the Pokémon League.
♦ Will, Koga and Bruno went down without any trouble at all. Karen was also easier than usual.
♦ Lance wasn't a threat at all either, I had a well-rounded team that could take pretty much anything he decided to throw against me. So I beat him and earned the title as Champion of Johto!

Moving onto Kanto now, shouldn't take long.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kastro the Typhlosion, Lv 43 (♂)
Item: Amulet Coin
Flame Wheel, Quick Attack, Strenght, Earthquake

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Menchi the Ampharos, Lv 42 (♀)
Item: Charcoal
ThunderPunch, Light Screen, Fire Punch, Thunder Wave

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hisoka the Hypno, Lv 43 (♂)
Item: NeverMeltIce
Confusion, Hypnosis, Headbutt, Ice Punch

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kikyo the Sunflora, Lv 41 (♀)
Item: Miracle Seed
Mega Drain, Growth, Petal Dance, Sunny Day

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Leorio the Persian, Lv 41 (♂)
Item: Pink Bow
Shadow Ball, Headbutt, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap
Team Rat!(aka purple)

Started game picked cindaquil
Got Mystery egg and returned to the professor beating my rival silver along the way
Sent a Rattata from my platinum level 1 (i woulda cought one on rute 29 but i was there for a hour plus trying and one never showed)
Fought through sprout tower
Beat falkner at level 13 with Focus energy/quick attack
fought through route 32 and union cave
Beat team rocket in slow poke well
Fought through Bugsy gym and beat him with flame wheel(egg move)
Beat Silver for a second time
Made it through ilex forest
Defeated all the trainers on the rute befor golden rod (can not remember the name for the life of me)
Got radio card and beat whitney (shouldent have paralized a guts rattat :p)

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Ability: Guts
Hyper Fang
Quick attack
Flame wheel

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Rock smash
Sand attack

updated my purple mono run ^^
Ultimate Brown Run Black Update#4

This is officially as far as i've been in this game, so this should be fun,

-Went to Route 10 and got two (!) new member for the team, Winnfield the Bouffalant (who Joffrey was subbing in for) and Buzzar the Vullaby (who I honestly thought you couldn't get until after the E4, but will replace Wilco)
-Grinded the new recruits up to around Lv.40 to be on par with everyone else.
-Got my hands on a Heart Scale and used it to get Buzzar to relearn Nasty Plot
-Got through Victory Road without too much issue
-Grinded everyone to Lv. 50

Then on to the E4!
-Shauntal was a bit of a pain. Taken out by Buzzar, Marvin, and Renly. Quite a few close calls and a Max Revive were involved.
-Marvin, Clegane, and Buzzar took out Marshall
-Grimsley was cleared mostly by Clegane with a late game assist from Renly
-Caitlin was mostly taken out by Marvin's +1 Shadow Balls with Winnfield helping to take out Gothitelle
-Used my Master Ball on Reshiram 'cause I'm lazy. Hope I don't need it later on…
-N was a hairy situation that involved quite a few items and Renly being the only one left standing at the end. Ghetsis was pretty much the same story


The Current Team:
Quick team update. On my way to Snowpoint City.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Saber (Staraptor) Lv. 36 @ Amulet Coin
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Close Combat, Fly, Take Down, Wing Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Derpface (Bibarel) Lv. 36 @ Nothing
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Simple
Moves: Rollout, Hyper Fang, Surf, Rock Smash

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bugs (Buneary) Lv. 35 @ Fist Plate
Nature: Gentle
Ability: Run Away
Moves: Jump Kick, Drain Punch, Cut, Return​
Silver is now done with. Nothing interesting happened in Kanto, really...after all the gyms, I quickly trained my team up to Lv 60 and then faced Red.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kastro the Typhlosion, Lv 60 (♂)
Item: Amulet Coin
Flamethrower, Quick Attack, Strenght, Earthquake

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Menchi the Ampharos, Lv 60 (♀)
Item: Charcoal
ThunderPunch, Thunder, Fire Punch, Thunder Wave

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hisoka the Hypno, Lv 60 (♂)
Item: NeverMeltIce
Psychic, Hypnosis, Headbutt, Ice Punch

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kikyo the Sunflora, Lv 60 (♀)
Item: Miracle Seed
Giga Drain, Toxic, SolarBeam, Sunny Day

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Leorio the Persian, Lv 60 (♂)
Item: Pink Bow
Shadow Ball, Slash, Iron Tail, Mud-Slap
Ultimate Brown Run Black Update#5 (FINAL UPDATE OF THE ULTIMATE ZOMG)

-Nothing really exciting happened post-game, other than Buzzar evolving into a Mandibuzz at Lv. 54. Everyone was about Lv. 58 after doing the post-game trainers, then I proceeded to grind everyone to Lv. 70.

E4 Take 2!

One failed attempt later….
-Buzzar completely dominated Shauntal all by herself with +4 Dark Pulses all over the palce (also with the help of a lucky Blizzard miss)
-Clegane had to step in to tank most of the Marshall fight after his Sawk got a lucky crit on Buzzar. Renly stepped in to land the killing blow on his last pokemon.
-Clegane also made short work of Grimsley, with the help of a nice opener from Renly
- Buzzar and Winnfield both took equal parts in the Caitlin fight
-The only thing that gave me much trouble in the Alder fight was his Volcarona, but once I managed to get a Stone Edge off on it everything was fine. I mean, some items were definitely thrown around, but that's to be expected, right? : )
-Overall, Clegane and Buzzar were obvious MVPs, as their levels indicate.

Wooooooooooooooooooo! Kinda glad I'm finished with that one, and the whole brown ultimate in general. That was my first time finishing a gen V game and, man, was it ever a battle of willpower to get it done. Overall, I've had a blast with the whole monocolor experience. I'll probably decide soon rather to continue with my Red ultimate or take a break from monocolor and finish my water monotype.


The Team: