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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

I've been eyeing this challenge for a while now and I think it's about time I signed-up.

Username: James901
Color: Purple
Games: FireRed - SoulSilver - Emerald - Platinum - Black 2
Ultimate: Yes

I don't know when I'll get started but hopefully soon. :D
Update #4 on my FireRed Yellow Mono-Colour Challenge
Chapter 4: To be a Master

  • Having just caught Electabuzz, the end game has begun!
  • Fought a ton of trainers
  • Took down everyone in silph co. for easy exp
  • obtained Master Ball
  • Bumble Jab (Beedrill) and Greedy Cat (Persian) beat up all the trainers in the Saffron Gym
  • Bumble Jab and Buzzkill (Electabuzz) swept Sabrina
  • Obtained Secret Key in Pokemon Mansion
  • Beat up everyone in the Cinnabar Gym, and defeated Blaine.
  • Ignored Bill's request to go on a boat with him, and flew to Viridian City.
  • Took out all the trainers in the Viridian Gym, and all three party members got in on the action against Giovanni.
  • Fought Ronald on the way to Victory Road, and easily won.
  • Flew to Fushia and picked up the Strength HM, and taught it to Snorlax.
  • Flew to Celedon and spent a ton of money to buy a Thunderbolt TM at the game corner to teach to Greedy Cat.
  • Rushed through victory road dodging every single trainer.
  • Bought a ton of healing items in preparation for the Elite Four.
  • Deposited Farfetch'd and Snorlax, and started the beginning of the end.
  • Buzzkill totally destroyed Lorelei with Thunderbolt.
  • A good team effort took down Bruno with finesse
  • Buzzkill and Greedy Cat teamed up to take down Agatha.
  • Buzzkill destroyed Lance until Dragonite, when everyone had to get involved. It was a close match, but Buzzkill emerged victorious!
  • The final showdown! Everyone helped out in this fight, but Buzzkill did most of the work. All things considered, this was a pretty easy Champion fight, and I won first try! I've included a video recording of the champion battle at the link below for you to enjoy! : ) (Can't figure out how to embedd it)
Champion Video


This challenge was a lot of fun, and I'm glad it went so well. : ) I also think that I'm the first in this thread to complete a FireRed yellow challenge rather than a LeafGreen yellow challenge. : D The Ninetails/Sandslash exclusives may be tempting in LeafGreen, but Electabuzz is totally worth the horrible struggle to get to him.

Final Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Lv55 Bumble Jab (Male)
Nature: Careful
Moveset: Giga Drain, Brick Break, Twineedle, Aerial Ace

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Lv56 Greedy Cat (Male)
Nature: Modest
Moveset: Thunderbolt, Dig, Shadow Ball, Water Pulse

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
Lv61 Buzzkill (Male)
Nature: Quiet
Moveset: Psychic, Thunderbolt, Light Screen, Swift

Moving on to Johto!
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Johto Update #1:
  • Started game, naming myself Bleue
  • Got Machoire the Totodile
  • Got Mystery Egg from Mr. Pokemon and gave it to Prof. Elm after running into Rouge, my rival.
  • Made it to Violet City and caught Coton the Hoppip
  • Trained Coton to level 10 so he would finally learn an attacking move
  • Took down Sprout Tower
  • Beat Faulkner and got the Zepher Badge
  • Travelled to Union Cave and caught Poisson the Wooper
  • Made it through Union Cave and arrived in Azalea Town
  • Took down Team Rocket at Slowpoke Well
  • Defeated Bugsy and got the Hive Badge
  • Ran into Rouge and defeated him again.
  • Made it through Ilex Forest, obtaining Headbutt.
  • Went back to Azalea Town and caught Klaxon the Heracross
  • Trained Klaxon around Goldenrod City for the gym.
  • Defeated Whitney and got the Plain Badge!
  • Watered Sudowoodo and cleared the path
  • Made it to Ecruteak City
  • Went to the Dance Studio and defeated the Rocket Grunt there.
  • Went to Burned Tower, meet Eusine and Suicune, and defeated Rouge.
  • Defeated Morty and obtained the Fog Badge.

Currently: Heading towards Olivine City

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Klaxon Lv.22
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Coton Lv.22
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Poisson Lv.24
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Machoire Lv.25
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Ultimate Purple Monocolor Challenge HeartGold Update #4

Badges: 8

-Bruce evolved into Weezing in the basement of the Rocket thing in Goldenrod
-Did some PokeAthalon-ing so I purchase a Water Stone with which to evolve Cooper into a Cloyster
-Spent a few more hours Voltorb Flipping so I could teach Cooper Ice Beam
-With Ice Beam in hand, Claire was pretty easy
-Did Victory Road, grinded everyone up to around Lv.40, then did some moveset editing before taking on the E4! Should have grinded more, but I got bored of it.

-Will was obviously tough, with 3/5 of my team being weak to Psychic and me being slightly underleveled for this. Dmitri and Cooper were the MVPs
-Koga wasn't terrible, but it was by no means a sweep. Bruce ended up being the MVP
-Bruno also wasn't as easy as you would expect. Wedge was the most help, closely followed by Bruce, the defensive wall that he is
-Karen turned out to be the easiest of the bunch, requiring only Robert and Wedge to take her out. Robert was an absolute beast, taking out Umbreon AND Houndoom all from behind a single Substitute
-Lance was a slow and laborious task that involved lots of Revives and potion stalling, but it eventually got done.

(Absolutely Terrible-looking) Proof:

The Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wedge the Crobat ♂, Lv. 43
Ability: Inner Focus
-Air Cutter
-Confuse Ray
-Cross Poison
-Dark Pulse

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Robert the Nidoking ♂, Lv. 42 @ Quick Claw
Ability: Rivalry
-Dragon Pulse
-Focus Punch

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dmitri the Espeon ♂, Lv. 41
Ability: Synchronize
-Shadow Ball
-Light Screen

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cooper the Cloyster ♂, Lv. 42 @ NeverMeltIce
Ability: Shell Armor
-Ice Beam
-Rock Blast

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bruce the Weezing ♂, Lv. 41 @ Charcoal
Ability: Levitate
-Fire Blast
Mono-Colour Yellow: Pokemon Gold Update #1
Chapter 1: A Whole New World

  • Picked Cyndaquil as my starter, and named it "FireSqueak"
  • Obtained Pokedex and Mystery Egg, fought Rival "Carlos", and delivered the Mystery Egg to Elm. (Carlos is my little nod to the hilariously stupid fanficton character "Carlos" in the RomHack "Pokemon Shiny Gold")
  • Entered Dark Cave to start the long quest of finding a Dunsparce.
  • Found a Dunsparce after only about 15 minutes, which is actually really fast. Was able to capture it, and named it "DrillDozer" It was also a female, which was good since Whitney's Miltank wouldn't be able to use Attract on it.
  • Fought my way through Sprout Tower, leveling up along the way.
  • Fought the Violet City gym by spamming Drilldozer's rage attack. Those birds didn't stand a chance.
  • Worked my way towards Union Cave ignoring Mareep along the way.
  • traversed through Union cave, ignoring Sandshrew along the way.
  • Beat up Team Rocket in Slowpoke well. Gold/HeartGold are the only games the evil organization stuff is tolerable since there isn't a ton of it, and at least Team Rocket in Johto has lots of great music attached to them.
  • Accidently triggered the fight with Carlos, and thankfully won.
  • FireSqueak burned down Bugsy's gym.
  • Went through Ilex Forest, got the Headbutt TM, and caught an Oddish to use as a Flash/Cut Slave.
  • After exiting Ilex Forest, I caught a Drowzee and named it "Mindmelter"
  • Went to the Goldenrod department store and bought two headbutt TMs, and an Ice Punch TM. (all three Party Members learned Headbutt, and Mindmelter learned Ice Punch)
  • Fought a bunch of trainers including the Goldenrod gym trainers to level grind all of my Pokemon to level 20.
  • DrillDozer made quick work of Whitney by spamming Rage. Clefairy's doubleslap quickly built up DrillDozer's rage, and when Miltank used Rollout, the battle was essentially over. There you have the easiest way to beat Whitney. : )
  • Picked up the Rollout TM, and taught it to DrillDozer.
  • Fought Sudowoodo with Mindmelter. Managed to freeze it with Ice Punch, and was able to use Confusion until I knocked it out.
  • Fought all the trainers in the Ecruteak Gym with Mind Melter and FireSqueak.
  • Morty was a pain in the butt, but I was able to eventually beat him with a lot of good luck where Gengar's Hypnosis kept missing, and DrillDozer's Rollout was able to power up. Went into the fight with FireSqueak paralyzed so he could fight Morty's first Haunter without being put to sleep.
  • Fought the Kimono Girls and got HM03.
And now you're caught up to where I left off!
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Platinum done!

♦ Chose Piplup as my starter, named him Podeni. Caught Mendesian the Shinx soon after.
♦ Beat Roark easily with Podeni, and then went to Floaroma Town.
♦ Took care of Mars in the Valley Windworks and then proceeded through Eterna Forest to Eterna City.
♦ Gardenia was super annoying with Leech Seed and paralyzing, so I trained up some more and then beat her without difficulty.
♦ Took down Jupiter in the Hideout in Eterna, and then biked down the Cycling Road and eventually reached Hearthome City after some more wandering.
♦ Fantina went down easily thanks to Mendesian's Bite.
♦ Reached Veilstone City after a lot of trainers and walking. Defeated Maylene in the gym with both Podeni and Mendesian.
♦ Skipped almost every trainer on my way to Pastoria, since my team was overlevelled and I wanted to save some EXP for my next member.
♦ After Crasher Wake was defeated, I took care of the bomb business and then went to the foggy route to catch a Swablu! Named it Danube.
♦ Trained him up on the trainers I previously skipped, and then continued to Celestic Town where I beat Cyrus and got Surf.
♦ Before doing Surf sidequests, I went to Canalave, battled my rival and sailed to Iron Island. Got the egg from Riley there and hatched it, then equipped the Exp. Share onto the newly-born Riolu (named Turyan) and did the Surf sidequests.
♦ Challenged Byron and won easily with all my advantages over his typing.
♦ Meddled in Galactic's affairs and trekked north to Snowpoint City, where I crushed Candice and chased after Galactic some more.
♦ My next destination was Veilstone's Galactic HQ. Ransacked the place and beat some leaders, set the lake guardians free and climbed up to Spear Pillar to foil Galactic's plans.
♦ After going into the Distortion World and KOing Giratina, I went to Lake Valor and caught Azelf. Named it Lyari.
♦ Whooped some trainers on my way to Sunyshore City, cheered Volkner up and then beat him, earning my final badge in Sinnoh.
♦ Surfed up to Victory Road's entrance, went through it and ended up at the Pokémon League.
♦ Battled my rival, bought some healing items and then stepped in.
♦ Aaron was easy thanks to Danube's Flamethrower.
♦ Bertha was taken care of by Podeni and Lyari.
♦ Flint was a team effort.
♦ Lucian was swept by Lyari.
♦ Cynthia caused some problems, mainly with Togekiss and Lucario. I stood as the champion in the end, though.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Podeni the Empoleon, Lv 56 (♂)
Item: NeverMeltIce
Ice Beam, Stealth Rock, Surf, Flash Cannon

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Mendesian the Luxray, Lv 56 (♂)
Item: Zap Plate
Thunder Fang, Crunch, Toxic, Return

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Danube the Altaria, Lv 57 (♂)
Item: Dragon Fang
Sing, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, Fly

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Turyan the Lucario, Lv 56 (♂)
Item: Razor Claw
Swords Dance, Earthquake, ExtremeSpeed, Brick Break

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Lyari the Azelf, Lv 56
Item: Spell Tag
Shadow Ball, Grass Knot, Psychic, Nasty Plot
Ultimate Purple Monocolor Challenge HeartGold Update #5 (FINAL)

Badges: 16

-Got to Johto, and the first thing I did was deal with the Power Plant stuff and got my Radio Card Expansion
-Caught a Compoundeyes Venonat, a Frisky Stantler that I taught Thief, exploited swarms, then went on the hunt for a Chansey holding a Lucky Egg. Finally got one after about a half hour of looking
-Beat all of the Gym Leaders, then rounded them up in the Fighting Dojo (excluding Lt. Surge, Claire and Blue, because I'm lazy) and beat them again :)
-Gathered up an army of Lv. 41 Aipom with the Pickup ability so while I grinded I got some Rare Candies now and again. It helped A LOT!
-Whilst grinding outside Mt. Silver, I got a complete surprise and found a shiny Tangela! Caught her and named her Medusa :)
-Grinded everyone to Lv. 70 then took on Red. The fight was actually not bad at all for once. I mean, some items were tossed around obviously, but my strategies worked, too. Sunny Day'd early so there was a possiblity for Blizzard misses (there were quite a few), Light Screen + Light Clay from Dmitri, and Confuse Rays from the fast-as-anything Wedge were the highlights.

Final Picture:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

The Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wedge the Crobat ♂, Lv. 71 @ Leftovers
Ability: Inner Focus
-Air Slash
-Confuse Ray
-Cross Poison
-Dark Pulse

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Robert the Nidoking ♂, Lv. 70 @ Quick Claw
Ability: Rivalry
-Sunny Day
-Focus Blast

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dmitri the Espeon ♂, Lv. 70 @ Light Clay
Ability: Synchronize
-Shadow Ball
-Grass Knot
-Light Screen

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cooper the Cloyster ♂, Lv. 70 @ NeverMeltIce
Ability: Shell Armor
-Ice Beam
-Rock Blast

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bruce the Weezing ♂, Lv. 70 @ Charcoal
Ability: Levitate
-Fire Blast
-Sludge Bomb

Suprise Guest Appearance by:
Medusa the Tangela!
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
I've done a surprising amount since my last update. Sorry it's a little long! I might add more later today, if I beat the E4
Currently: Headed to the Pokemon League!

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Coton Lv.38
U-turn-Leech Seed-Mega Drain-Sleep Powder
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Poisson Lv.38
Strength-Whirlpool-Surf-Earthquake (Not great, I know, but I didn't want to have to leave members of my party in the PC).
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Machoire Lv.38
Slash-Ice Fang-Crunch-Waterfall
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Klaxon Lv.39
Horn Attack-Close Combat-Brick Break-Aerial Ace
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Meduse Lv.39
Wrap-Toxic Spikes-Sludge Bomb-Surf
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pecheur Lv.39
Signal Beam-Confuse Ray-Surf=Spark
Let's finish up my Red Ultimate, shall we? Just bought Black 2 the other day, so what better way to christen it? :p

Ultimate Red Monocolor Challenge Black 2 Update #1

Badges: 4

Name: Red
Starter: Nacho the Tepig

-Took out the first 2 gyms with Nacho alone
-Took the boat to Castelia, and immediately went north to Route 4
-There I caught 3 whole new member of the team: Boone the Darumaka, Del the Sandile, and Rooney the Scraggy. Boxed Nacho.
-Trained them up in the Virbank Complex, Battle Company, and the Castelia Sewers
-Took out Burgh with ease, Boone was the obvious star player
-Got to the Desert Resort and caught the 4th member of the team, Atlas the Dwebble
-Got to Nimbasa and trained up a bit in the surrounding areas
-Elesa was a bit tough only because I was still a bit underleveled.

Ultimate Red Monocolor Challenge Black 2 Update #2

Badges: 6

-Del evolved into a Krokorok in Clay's Gym
-Clay himself was pretty easy. Hi Jump Kicks for everyone!
-Went through Chargestone Cave, then felt like my mons were a bit undereleveled, so I Audino grinded everyone up to at least Lv. 35. In doing so, Atlas evolved into Crustle, and Boone evolved into Darmanitan : D
-Even after training up a bit more in Celestial Tower, Skyla still ended up being pretty tough, mostly because of her Swanna, who had STAB on my entire team. Needless to say, items were used
-Got a decent amount of free grinding done in Reversal Mountain, during which Del evolved into Krookodile and Rooney evolved into Scrafty : D : D
-I got STOKED when I realized I had access to Undella Bay pre-postgame, so we caught a new member of the team, Marina the Remoraid : D : D : D
-Leveled her up once and she became and Octilery : )
-Went through a bunch of random routes, and saved in Opeclucis City

Ultimate Red Monocolor Challenge Black 2 Update #3 (ULTIMATE FINAL)

Badges: 8

-Trained a bit on the route east of Opelucid, then took on the gym (man, this gym has the best design)
-Drayden went fine, it was fun to be Dragon Tail'd around :)
-Dealt with some legendary story stuff (ugh) then got to Humilau City
-Marina Bullet Seeded her way through the gym then her and Rooney took out Marlon without an issue
-Dealt with a BUNCH more story stuff, but I take back my "ugh", the story for this game are actually pretty sweet
-Did some moveset editing, then went through Victory Road, which was actually kind of rough, probably because I wandered around a bit too much instead of getting right to the point

-Shauntal was easy enough. More of a team effort than I expected, but that was just to avoid type advantages on her part
-Marshal wasn't terrible. Marina took out the first couple, then Del came in and had some nice confusion hax to get the victory
-Grimsley was easy. Atlas set up with Shell Smash and took out the first three and then Boone came in and finished the job.
-Caitlin was easy as well. Del took out the first one, and then Atlas came in again and swept up the rest
-Iris wasn't bad either! Team effort!

-WOO YEAH ANOTHER ULTIMATE DONE :D! I'll finish up my purple one next and then move on to something new. I'm thinking Gray or Blue maybe?

NOTE: My phone was acting weird so I don't even have a terrible phone camera screen of the HoF, but believe me I did it! My final time was 17:09! I got to watch the pretty Red Pokemon go across the screen with the awesome type pattern things!

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Boone the Darmanitan ♂, Lv. 58 @ Razor Claw
Ability: Sheer Force
-Fire Punch
-Hammer Arm

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Del the Krookodile ♂, Lv.60 @ Scope Lens
Ability: Intimidate
-Foul Play

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rooney the Scafty ♀, Lv. 56 @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Moxie
-Hi Jump Kick
-Dragon Tail
-Iron Defense

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Atlas the Crustle ♀, Lv. 61 @ Quick Claw
Ability: Sturdy
-Shadow Claw
-Rock Slide
-Shell Smash

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Marina the Octillery ♀, Lv. 62 @ TwistedSpoon
Ability: Suction Cups
-Bullet Seed
-Ice Beam

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So, Chrome thought it would be funny to close down before I had a chance to post my Unova adventure... I can't be bothered to rewrite it, being the lazy person I am. Luckily, I have proof of completing it:


My next color is purple, and the games will be Red, HeartGold, Emerald, Platinum, Black.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Loukos the Samurott, Lv 72 (♂)
Item: Scope Lens
Swords Dance, Aqua Jet, X-Scissor, Waterfall

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Latorica the Swoobat, Lv 71 (♂)
Item: BrightPowder
Psychic, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Air Slash

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rogozul the Gigalith, Lv 71 (♂)
Item: Soft Sand
Stealth Rock, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Strength

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Krapina the Eelektross, Lv 71 (♀)
Item: BlackGlasses
Crunch, Thunder Wave, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Yellow).

Final Update (#3) on HeartGold.

  • Kanto went really well. First I fixed the Power Plant, and while surfing on Route 10, I found a shiny Goldeen!
  • Then I went to Fuschia City, where I stole a Lucky Egg from the first Chansey I found, which also happened to be the second encounter on Route 15! Crazy good luck there.
  • Defeated the gym leaders in the Kanto order, then defeated the Elite Four again (Round 2).
  • Played a lot in the Battle Frontier to get some TMs (Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Stone Edge) and EV berrys.
  • Grinded a bunch on the Pokegear and gym rematches as well as the Elite Four to get my team to L70 after Rare Candies.
  • Scaled Mount Silver and faced off against Red. Here's a video and play-by-play of the fight.



Team Sunny (Final):
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Spike the Impish Sandslash, ♀ - L70 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Sand Veil
Moves: Earthquake, Rock Climb, Stone Edge, Swords Dance
Final Stats: 211/203/200/68/96/136
Elite Four co-MVP, Lance MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Vulcan the Quirky Typhlosion, ♂ - L70 @ Charcoal
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Eruption, SolarBeam, Focus Blast, Blast Burn
Final Stats: 221/142/129/209/133/188
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Drillbit the Impish Dunsparce, ♂ - L70 @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
Moves: Headbutt, Rock Slide, Glare, Dig
Final Stats: 270/156/135/99/116/71
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Palmer the Calm Exeggutor, ♂ - L70 @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moves: Psychic, SolarBeam, Sleep Powder, Sunny Day
Final Stats: 250/133/163/222/125/100
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Shock the Gentle Jolteon, ♂ - L70 @ Choice Specs
Ability: Volt Absorb
Moves: Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Charge Beam, Thunder Wave
Final Stats: 192/97/86/210/184/224
Elite Four co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Sabretooth the Bashful Raikou - L70 @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Reflect
Final Stats: 231/139/122/213/170/190

No Johto/Kanto/Red MVP.

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Farfetch'd - Cut, Fly [boxed]
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wooper - Surf, Whirlpool, Waterfall, Rock Smash [boxed]

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I've decided to go in backwards order for my purple ultimate, mainly because I dislike Unova and want to get it over with as soon as possible. So here's my first update on Black:

♦ Picked the female character and named myself Violet.
♦ Chose Snivy as my starter, but caught my first team member Nyx the Purrloin shortly after.
♦ Beat the first 3 gyms with her, and caught Hecate the Gothita next to Nimbasa City.
♦ Used this duo until I got through Twist Mountain. Just outside Dragonspiral Tower, I caught Alala the Mienfoo.
♦ Trained Alala up and then swept the gym with her.
♦ Meddled in Team Plasma's affairs and then took on the gym with Hecate and Nyx, with Hecate sweeping Drayden.
♦ Currently saved in Opelucid City.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Nyx the Liepard, Lv 50 (♀)
Item: None
Night Slash, Shadow Claw, Fake Out, Hone Claws

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hecate the Gothitelle, Lv 51 (♀)
Item: None
Fake Tears, Future Sight, Psychic, Faint Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Alala the Mienshao, Lv 50 (♀)
Item: None
Drain Punch, Bounce, U-Turn, Force Palm
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Yellow).

First and Final Update on Sapphire.

Name: Sunny
Rival: Brendan
Starter: Torchic

  • Started with Torchic, then caught Seabreeze the Wingull on Route 103.
  • Moved on through Petalburg to Rustboro, and caught Speedy the Nincada on Route 116.
  • Seabreeze was able to take down Roxanne with Water Gun, along with some help from Speedy's Sand-Attack.
  • Hitched a ride to Dewford after saving Peeko, and delivered the letter to Steven.
  • Took down Brawly with Seabreeze's Wing Attack mostly.
  • Went to Slateport and caught Shockwolf the Electrike on Route 110.
  • Defeated Team Aqua and delivered the Goods, then defeated Brendan on Route 110.
  • Defeated all the trainers I could find around Mauville, then played a ton in the Game Corner so I could buy a Thunderbolt TM.
  • Used it on Shockwolf, then challenged Wattson.
  • He was really tough as you can imagine with my team. After some luck and many healing items, Shockwolf was able to win.
  • Right after the battle, Speedy evolved into Ninjask!
  • Continued on through Fallarbor Town and Meteor Falls, where I caught Moony the Lunatone.
  • While I was doing that, Seabreeze evolved into Pelipper!
  • Defeated Archie on top of Mt. Chimney, then hopped down to Lavaridge Town.
  • Flannery wasn't too hard with Pelipper's Water Gun.
  • In the desert, Shockwolf evolved into Manectric!
  • Made my way back to Petalburg, where I defeated Norman without much trouble.
  • Got the Surf HM and used it to train on the water routes and grab the Thunderbolt TM from Wattson.
  • Moved on to Fortree City, defeating the Weather Institute and Brendan on the way.
  • Winona was easy as pie with Shockwolf's Thunderbolt and Thunder Wave paralyzing Altaria.
  • Moved on to Lilycove City, and headed to the Safari Zone to catch YingYang the Girafarig.
  • Also caught Pyre the Vulpix at Mt. Pyre, then got the Red Orb at the top.
  • Did a bit of training for Pyre, then evolved her with a Fire Stone into Ninetales!
  • Surfed to Mossdeep City, where I defeated Tate and Liza easily.
  • Dove into the depths of the sea to defeat Archie again and free Kyogre.
  • Went to Sootopolis and defeated Kyogre, then took on Wallace, who was easily taken down, mostly by Shockwolf.
  • Defeated all the trainers I could find, then headed to Victory Road, and Pyre soloed Wally at the end.
  • Reached the Pokemon League, then did a bunch of EV training moveset finalizing.
  • Use Rare Candies to get everyone to L53, then took on the Elite Four.
  • Sidney was soled by Seabreeze (Surf, Blizzard, and Shock Wave).
  • Pheobe was soloed by Speedy (Swords Dance + Shadow Ball/Aerial Ace).
  • Pyre defeated Glacia's first Glalie with Fire Blast, then Shockwolf took down the rest with Thunderbolt/Thunder.
  • Drake was soloed by Moony (Calm Mind + Ice Beam).
  • Finally Champion Steven was up. Here's a video and play-by-play of the fight.



Hall of Fame:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Team Sunny (Final):
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Shockwolf the Calm Manectric, ♀ - L54 @ Magnet
Ability: Lightningrod
Moves: Thunderbolt, Bite, Thunder, Thunder Wave
Final Stats: 170/79/84/148/100/148
Steven co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Seabreeze the Rash Pelipper, ♀ - L54 @ Mystic Water
Ability: Keen Eye
Moves: Surf, Shock Wave, Fly, Blizzard
Final Stats: 155/76/138/152/77/91
Hoenn MVP, Steven co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Speedy the Docile Ninjask, ♂ - L54 @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Speed Boost
Moves: Aerial Ace, Shadow Ball, Swords Dance, Baton Pass
Final Stats: 150/150/75/62/77/189
Elite Four co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Moony the Hasty Lunatone - L55 @ NeverMeltIce
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Psychic, Ice Beam, Calm Mind, Explosion
Final Stats: 152/81/73/157/119/124
Elite Four co-MVP, Steven co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

YingYang the Sassy Girafarig, ♂ - L53 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Inner Focus
Moves: Return, Earthquake, Psychic, Thunderbolt
Final Stats: 159/139/83/105/86/116
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pyre the Gentle Ninetales, ♀ - L53 @ Charcoal
Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Flamethrowr, Confuse Ray, Fire Blast, Will-O-Wisp
Final Stats: 147/94/86/133/137/128

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zigzagoon - Pickup, Cut, Rock Smash [boxed]
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Psyduck - Flash, Rock Smash, Dive, Waterfall [boxed]

Username: Queenditto
Color: Black
Game: Blaze Black (Using only pokemon I can get in Black though, just want the harder levels)
Ultimate: No
Pokemon: Zebstrika, Seviper, Sigilyph, Chandelure, Umbreon, and Honchkrow

I will update with the elite four pic :)
♦ Went through the final route and then challenged the Elite Four.
♦ Defeated N and Ghetsis, and then continued with the postgame.
♦ Caught a Staryu and a Sableye to add to the team. Named them Hydros and Zelos, respectively.
♦ Spent a lot of time training everyone up to Lv 65, and then started with the actual postgame itself.
♦ Went through it very quickly, did some moveset finalizing and then took on the Pokémon League again.
♦ Shauntal was easily defeated, mostly with Nyx.
♦ Grimsley was almost swept by Alala, but Scrafty put up a fight in the end.
♦ Caitlin was fairly easy, but Metagross took a while to take down.
♦ Marshal got defeated by the whole team.
♦ Alder proved to be a bit troublesome, but I managed to defeat him.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Nyx the Liepard, Lv 73 (♀)
Item: Scope Lens
Night Slash, Shadow Claw, Fake Out, Return

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hecate the Gothitelle, Lv 73 (♀)
Item: Miracle Seed
Shadow Ball, Toxic, Psychic, Energy Ball

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Alala the Mienshao, Lv 74 (♀)
Item: Razor Claw
Drain Punch, Bounce, U-Turn, Hi Jump Kick

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hydros the Starmie, Lv 73
Item: NeverMeltIce
Thunderbolt, Cosmic Power, Surf, Ice Beam

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zelos the Sableye, Lv 72 (♂)
Item: BrightPowder
Foul Play, Shadow Claw, Zen Headbutt, Will-O-Wisp
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Yellow).

Update #1 on Platinum.

Name: Sunny
Rival: Barry
Starter: Turtwig

  • Started with Turtwig, and after I got to Oreburgh City, I caught Spirit the Ponyta.
  • Roark was really tough but I was eventually able to win thanks to a ton of Potions and Growl (lol).
  • Moved on to Florama Town and caught a male Burmy off a Honey Tree, then defeated Mars in the Valley Windworks.
  • Soon afterwards, Burmy evolved into Mothim!
  • Went through Eterna Forest to Eterna City, and renamed Mothim Baggins.
  • Took on the gym, and Baggins won easily with Bug Bite and Confusion.
  • Defeated Jupiter in the TG Eterna building, then headed down Cycling Road.
  • Went through Mt. Coronet to Hearthome City, where I got Shock the Eevee from Bebe. Then we explored Wayward Cave.
  • Went back to Hearthome and challenged the gym. Fantina was tough, but we beat her with a team effort.
  • Moved on to Solaceon Town, and after grabbing the Thunderstone in the Ruins, Shock evolved into Jolteon!
  • Headed to Veilstone City, then skipped down to the Valor Lakefront, where I caught YingYang the Girafarig.
  • Continued on to Route 213 and caught Seabreeze the Wingull, then backtracked to Veilstone City to take on the gym.
  • YingYang (Psybeam) and Spirit (Fire Blast) took down the entire gym and Maylene with ease.
  • Went back south to Pastoria City and beat all the trainers around the city, including Barry.
  • Wake was not hard to beat.
  • Defeated the Grunt who bombed the Great Marsh, then headed north from Solaceon to Celestic Town.
  • Beat another bomb-toting Grunt, then Shock took down Cyrus easily.
  • Got the Surf HM, and used it to explore all the water routes now accessible, then headed to Canalave City.
  • Defeated Barry, then took on the gym, and YingYang (Earthquake) combined with Seabreeze (Brine) to beat Byron.
  • Got the Strength HM from Riley (skipped Iron Island for now), then felt Team Galactic blow up Lake Valor.
  • Went to investigate and defeated Saturn, then helped Lucas out and defeated Mars as well.
  • Made the trek to Snowpoint City, where Shock (Double Kick) and Spirit (Flame Wheel/Flare Blitz) easily took down Candice.
  • Having learned Flare Blitz at L46, directly after the battle, Spirit evolved into Rapidash!
  • Visited Lake Acuity and found out that TG was up to no good in Veilstone City, so I headed there.
  • While I was in the Warehouse, Seabreeze finally learned Air Slash at L47, and evolved into Pelipper!
  • Eventually found Cyrus, and defeated him easily with Shock's Double Kick and Thunder.
  • Beat Saturn again and released the Lake Trio, then started to climb up Mt. Coronet after Cyrus.
  • I am saved in Mt. Coronet.

Team Sunny:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

YingYang the Rash Girafarig, ♂ - L45 @ Luck Incense
Ability: Early Bird
Moves: Psychic, Earthquake, Return, Thunderbolt
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Baggins the Calm Mothim, ♂ - L45
Ability: Swarm
Moves: Air Slash, Psychic, Bug Bite, PoisonPowder
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Spirit the Gentle Rapidash, ♀ - L47 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Flare Blitz, Strength, Fire Blast, Bounce
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Seabreeze the Serious Pelipper, ♀- L47
Ability: Keen Eye
Moves: Surf, Shock Wave, Fly, Air Slash
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Shock the Hardy Jolteon, ♂ - L46
Ability: Volt Absorb
Moves: Double Kick, Shadow Ball, Thunder, Thundershock

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bidoof - Surf, Rock Smash, Rock Climb

Username: Buzz Buzz
Color: Red
Games: Soul Silver, Ruby, Platinum, White (I already did Fire Red)
Ultimate: Yes

I'm finally making this an ultimate, so I can say I finished at least one color. I've got a question though. I was planning to use a Rotom in Platinum and I was wondering if I could 'hack' in the event to make it a Fan Rotom. The color stays the same I guess and it wouldn't be any problem if I couldn't, but I thought it'd be better to ask.
I've got a question though. I was planning to use a Rotom in Platinum and I was wondering if I could 'hack' in the event to make it a Fan Rotom. The color stays the same I guess and it wouldn't be any problem if I couldn't, but I thought it'd be better to ask.
If you can activate the event to get the Secret Key (which unlocks the room IIRC), then sure, especially since the type doesn't change IIRC. There are Mystery Gift programs you can use for that I believe. Another example of this kind of "event hacking" is to get Zorua/Zoroark in B/W, which I used in my Gray Monocolor.


Also, I have been thinking about this for a while now, but over in the Monotype thread run by NecrumWarrior, there is a rule that one additional Pokemon can be traded in if it's not in your game, as long as it is part of the regional Pokedex (such as version exclusives and the fossil pokemon in B2/W2). It must be at a lower level than your weakest team member, or an egg (strongly preferred method).

I like how this works for the Monotype, and am considering adding this rule here. Any thoughts on this? I am inclined to add it unless a lot of people object to it.
One of my favorite parts of this challenge is teambuilding, as this can a lot of the time be more challenging, or at least more strategic, than actually playing the challenge. A fairly large aspect of the teambuilding process is choosing which game from each generation to play. For instance, when I start up the gen IV leg of my purple challenge I'm going to do it on Pearl as that is the only gen IV game where Misdreavus is available. Doing this eliminates the possibilty of using Espeon, as you only get the free Eevee in Platinum. Those sort of choices are always super intriguing for me to sit and puzzle out, figuring out the risks vs. rewards. I personally feel that the new rule implementation would subtract from the "challenge" of the teambuilding process. Of course, I wouldn't stop doing the challenge because of it, but my official vote is still no.
Like Huggermugger I really like the teambuilding. I too think this rule would take away the challenge and choices you have to take whilst building your team. But I can also see where some people would prefer this rule as it makes challenges where fewer pokémon are available a bit 'easier'. Just like the choice between Espeon and Misdreavus, you have to choose between Honchkrow and Houndoom in a Black Mono Color in Sinnoh. I'm not really inclined to use it if you decide to put it in (I might), but I can see where it comes in handy. I wouldn't be disappointed either way, but I'm gonna vote yes, 'cause even if the rule's there you won't have to use it.