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[Challenge] Mono-Color Challenge

Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Green).

Final Update (#3) on HeartGold.

  • Played a bunch of Battle Frontier so I could teach some moves and new EV berries.
  • Taught Heat Wave to Quetzal and Bug Bite to Reaper.
  • Took the S.S. Aqua to Kanto, and I quickly made my way down to Fushia City, where I went hunting for a Lucky Egg.
  • After a few Chansey popped out, I got one to spawn with a Lucky Egg and stole it with Thief.
  • Defeated Janine easily with Quetzal's Psychic (from the TM) since I was there already, then fixed the Power Plant.
  • Woke up the Snorlax, stole the Leftovers, then killed it.
  • Went to Pewter City, where Basil soloed Brock easily with Petal Dance.
  • Moved on to Cerulean City, where I defeated Misty with Basil and Reaper.
  • Lt. Surge was next, and T-Rex easily beat him with Earthquake.
  • Trapper soloed Erika as well with Sleep Powder and Sludge Bomb.
  • Quetzal then swept Sabrina with Shadow Ball.
  • Surfed to Cinnabar Island, and T-Rex finally evolved into Tyranitar!
  • Found Blaine in the Seafowm Islands, and swept him away with Kermit's Surf.
  • After defeating all the trainers I could find in Kanto and beating the Elite Four a few more times, I took on Blue in Viridian City.
  • He was tough and required a team effort, but I defeated him in the end.
  • Defeated Clair and Lance in a double battle in the Dragon's Den, then defeated Silver's final team at the Pokemon League.
  • Challenged the Elite Four with their upgraded teams, and defeated them all pretty handily. Quetzal did very well here.
  • Then I took on Lance with my pretty underleveled team, and thanks to healing items and Kermit's Ice Beam, I was able to pull it out.
  • I knew I needed to grind some more to prepare against Red, so I got all the gym leader numbers and battled them for a few days.
  • Eventually I was able to get everybody to L75, and after teaching Basil AncientPower at the Battle Frontier, I was ready.
  • I climbed Mt. Silver with T-Rex's Rock Climb to face off against Red. Here's a video and play-by-play of the battle:



Team Green (Final):
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

T-Rex the Impish Tyranitar, ♂ - L75 @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Stream
Moves: Crunch, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Climb
Final Stats: 274/249/218/142/193/100
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Basil the Bashful Meganium, ♂ - L75 @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Petal Dance, AncientPower, Hidden Power (Water), Toxic
Final Stats: 247/132/183/176/170/167
Johto MVP, Kanto co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Trapper the Jolly Victreebel, ♂ - L75 @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moves: Leaf Blade, Leaf Storm, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder
Final Stats: 217/215/126/161/118/169
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Reaper the Lonely Scyther, ♂ - L75 @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Technician
Moves: Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Bug Bite, Swords Dance
Final Stats: 214/237/128/100/154/199
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Quetzal the Mild Xatu, ♂ - L75 @ Choice Specs
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Psychic, Giga Drain, Heat Wave, Roost
Final Stats: 208/128/119/237/125/196
Elite Four 1 MVP, Kanto co-MVP, Elite Four 2 MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kermit the Calm Politoed, ♂ - L75 @ Expert Belt
Ability: Water Absorb
Moves: Surf, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Rain Dance
Final Stats: 273/119/143/188/196/122
Lance MVP, Lance 2 MVP

Well, I've already finished LeafGreen. Played it alongside Gray on White too, because I got bored with it sometimes.

♦ I beat the first 3 gyms with Aspen the Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot, because it actually evolved fully before beating Lt. Surge.
♦ Went through the Rock Tunnel and wanted to get a Cubone in the Pokémon Tower, but realized that I needed the Silph Scope for it.
♦ Got the Tea in Celadon City and shoved it down some guard's throat, so I could get to the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City and get myself a Hitmonlee. Named it Teak.
♦ Trained Teak up in the Rocket Hideout, and obtained the Silph Scope after beating Giovanni.
♦ Backtracked to the tower, battled my rival and then caught a Cubone. Named him Wenge.
♦ Battled with him on trainers I had previously skipped, and he evolved into a Marowak! Then I went back to Celadon, and destroyed Erika with Aspen.
♦ Headed along to Fuchsia City and caught Mahogany the Kangaskhan after some searching. I also got Surf.
♦ Used her on the route to the right of Fuchsia, and then took down the gym.
♦ Before going to Saffron, I flew to Pallet Town and surfed downwards to Cinnabar Island, where a scientist resurrected Kabuto from a fossil that I had picked up in Mt. Moon. Named it Carapa.
♦ Since Carapa was too weak to battle right away (only at Lv 5), I switched back and forth between him and Mahogany in the Pokémon Tower, to get some Special Attack EVs.
♦ At around Lv 25, I felt confident in taking on the Silph Co. building. On my merry way to the top, Carapa evolved into Kabutops!
♦ Finished it up and then defeated Sabrina.
♦ The rest of the game was easy, really. Nothing too exciting, so I'll skip to the Elite Four.
♦ Lorelei was swept by Teak alone.
♦ Bruno required everyone's help, due to Machamp and its Bulk Up.
♦ Agatha was pretty easy thanks to Mahogany's Shadow Ball.
♦ Lance was also pretty easy, Mahogany took down Gyarados and then Carapa swept with Surf and Ice Beam.
♦ The Champion was really annoying, lots of Revives and Full Restores kept him in his place though.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Aspen the Pidgeot, Lv 54 (♀)
Item: Sharp Beak
Steel Wing, Fly, Wing Attack, Quick Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Teak the Hitmonlee, Lv 54 (♂)
Item: None
Strength, Bulk Up, Brick Break, Hi Jump Kick

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wenge the Marowak, Lv 53 (♂)
Item: None
Toxic, Earthquake, Double-Edge, Aerial Ace

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Mahogany the Kangaskhan, Lv 53 (♀)
Item: None
Shadow Ball, Thunder, Fake Out, Return

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Carapa the Kabutops, Lv 54 (♂)
Item: None
Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Surf, Rock Slide
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Black).

One more ultimate down!

Final Update (#3) on White 2.

  • Got the Colress Machine on Route 22, then went into the Seaside Cave after Team Plasma.
  • Boarded the ship and defeated Zinzolin after unlocking the gates.
  • Followed Team Plasma to the Giant Chasm and boarded the ship again.
  • Defeated Zinzolin and Colress without much trouble, then went inside the cave after Ghetsis.
  • Beat White Kyurem with some difficulty, then defeated Ghetsis with my whole team.
  • Got the Waterfall HM, explored the Abundant Shrine, then went through Victory Road, defeating Hugh at the end.
  • Maxed out everyone's EVs and finalized movesets, then took on the Elite Four.
  • Shauntal was first, and was defeated by Malice and Marionette.
  • Caitlin was easily beaten by Marionette, Nazca, Asmodeus, and Kuro.
  • Grimsley was taken care of by Z-Bolt, Marionette, Asmodeus, and Malice.
  • Marshall was last, and he was defeated by Z-Bolt and Asmodeus.
  • Finally, the Champion, Iris, was up. Here's a video and play-by-play of the battle:



Hall of Fame:

Team Black (Final):
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Nazca the Lax Sigilyph, ♀ - L62 @ Expert Belt
Ability: Magic Guard
Moves: Psychic, Ice Beam, Air Slash, Hypnosis
Final Stats: 166/89/146/182/102/148
Iris co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Mailce the Lonely Weavile, ♂ - L62 @ Expert Belt
Ability: Keen Eye
Moves: Ice Punch, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Low Kick
Final Stats: 194/221/99/61/116/181
Unova MVP, Elite Four co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Kuro the Quiet Umbreon , ♀ - L62 @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Psychic, Hyper Voice
Final Stats: 224/91/160/134/196/81
Iris co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Asmodeus the Modest Seviper, ♀ - L62 @ Black Sludge
Ability: Shed Skin
Moves: Sludge Wave, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Giga Drain
Final Stats: 193/124/99/185/92/118
Elite Four co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Z-Bolt the Adamant Zebstrika, ♂ - L62 @ Magnet
Ability: Motor Drive
Moves: Wild Charge, Bounce, Thrash, Thunderbolt
Final Stats: 181/194/93/105/93/165
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Marionette the Naughty Banette, ♀ - L62 @ Spell Tag
Ability: Insomnia
Moves: Shadow Claw, Will-O-Wisp, Sucker Punch, Pain Split
Final Stats: 159/223/110/113/77/129
Elite Four co-MVP

-Beat Mars and Juiter
-Beat Cyrus
-KOed Giratina
-Beat Volkner
-Sweeped Barry
-Trained everyone up to Lv. 60
-Took on the Elite Four


Now to train for Round 2

Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Terrorpin (Torterra) ♂ Lv. 61 (Dread Plate)
Overgrow, Impish Nature
Wood Hammer, Earthquake, Crunch, Synthesis
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bouquet (Roserade) ♀ Lv. 60 (Toxic Plate)
Poison Point, Naive Nature
SolarBeam, Sludge Bomb, Sunny Day, Synthesis
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cobalt (Bronzong) Lv. 60 (Mind Plate)
Levitate, Quiet Nature
Flash Cannon, Psychic, Rock Slide, Gyro Ball
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Fern (Leafeon) ♂ Lv. 61 (Sky Plate)
Leaf Guard, Gentle Nature
Giga Drain, Dig, Aerial Ace, Synthesis
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Odona (Yanmega) ♀ Lv. 61 (Stone Plate)
Tinted Lenses, Gentle Nature
Bug Buzz, Air Slash, AncientPower, Shadow Ball

HM Slaves: Starly (Defog, Fly), Onix (Rock Smash, Strength, Rock Climb), Bibarel (Cut, Surf, Waterfall)
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Sup jdthebud, I want to try your challenge (even though you didn't invent it) Also, I want to do two colors at the same time. I RNG'd Yellow based off of the Bulbapedia link you gave us. Also, I looked it up, and Purple's the opposite of Yellow on the color wheel, so Yellow and Purple are my two colors of choice. (I know I'm getting technical with this, but I get technical with a lot of things.)

Username: Samurott01
Game: For Yellow: (Red, Gold, Ruby, Diamond, Black), For Purple: (Blue, Silver, Sapphire, Pearl, White)
Color: Yellow and Purple
Ultimate?: Sí.

Alright, I'll release updates as often as possible. Peace!
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Green).

Update #1 on Emerald.

Name: Green
Rival: May
Starter: Treeko

  • Started with SpeedRacer the Treeko, and caught Puncher the Shroomish in Petalburg Forest.
  • Defeated Roxanne easily with SpeedRacer, then saved Peeko from the Aqua Grunt, and SpeedRacer evolved into Grovyle!
  • Got a ride to Dewford Town, where I defeated Brawly with some difficulty.
  • Continued on to Slateport City, and Puncher evolved into Breloom!
  • Defeated May on my way to Mauville City and defeated all the trainers I could find.
  • Wattson wasn't too difficult with Puncher's Bulk Up and Mach Punch.
  • Got Rock Smash and moved north through the Feiry Path to Fallarbor Town.
  • Caught Pineapple the Lombre on Route 114.
  • Defeated Maxie on top of Mt. Chimney, then hopped down to Lavaridge Town.
  • Took on the gym, and defeated Flannery after several tries.
  • Got the Go-Goggles from May and caught Dragonfly the Trapinch in the desert.
  • Trained him up a bit, then went back to Petalburg City, where I took on the gym.
  • Norman wasn't too hard to defeat, with Dragonfly able to take out Slaking with numerous well-timed Dig attacks.
  • Got Surf and taught it to Pineapple, then went back to Mauville City, where I did Wattson's quest, then saved.

Team Green:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pineapple the Quiet Lombre, ♀ - L33 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Faint Attack, Quick Attack, Return, Screech
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Puncher the Adamant Breloom, ♂ - L33 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Effect Spore
Moves: Mach Punch, Mega Drain, Headbutt, Bulk Up
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dragonfly the Brave Trapinch, ♂ - L33 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Arena Trap
Moves: Secret Power, Crunch, Dig, Rock Tomb
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

SpeedRacer the Rash Grovyle, ♀ - L33 @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Leaf Blade, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Screech

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Zigzagoon - Pickup, Cut, Rock Smash

I've been playing a lot of my monocolor challenges lately, and I completed Ruby not too long ago. Actually did that before Silver, but just for the sake of posting more organized and according to chronological order, I'll just update Silver first.

♦ Started up the game and began by catching a Sentret and a Spearow. Named them Maple and Spruce, respectively.
♦ Trained them up along the way to Violet City, and also in the Sprout Tower. Challenged Falkner and beat him.
♦ Continued south and caught a Geodude in the Union Cave. Named it Boxelder.
♦ Thanks to its typing, the Slowpoke Well and Azalea City Gym were no match.
♦ Battled my rival and went through the Ilex Forest, to reach Goldenrod City.
♦ Bought some TMs in the Department Store, and then challenged Whitney and won.
♦ Trekked north and caught a Pinsir in the Bug Catching Contest, whom I named Hemlock.
♦ Took on the Kimono Girls in the Ecruteak Dance Theater, beat my rival in the Burnt Tower and crushed Morty with Boxelder.
♦ Made my way to Olivine, climbed the Lighthouse and found out that I needed to cure Amphy.
♦ Surfed to Cianwood City, and challenged the gym while I was there. Chuck was a piece of cake thanks to Spruce.
♦ Got the medicine, flew back to Olivine and healed up Amphy. Jasmine went back to the gym, so I went there as well and defeated her.
♦ Went east of Ecruteak to Mahogany Town, and up to the Lake Of Rage. Caught the Red Gyarados to have as an HM Slave, replacing Croconaw.
♦ Infiltrated Rocket's Hideout with Lance, and got Whirlpool. Beat the gym with Hemlock.
♦ Prof. Elm called and said I should go to the Radio Tower in Goldenrod, so that's what I did. Found out that Rockets had invaded the place, so I went and took down the entire organization for good. Got a Silver Wing for my trouble. Thanks, Director.
♦ Went through the Ice Path east of Mahogany, and reached Blackthorn. Took on the gym, but was unable to beat Clair due to her Kingdra. Trained my team up a bit and then pulled it off.
♦ Since Clair wouldn't give me the badge unless I brought her a Dragon Fang, I went to the Dragon's Den and found one. Was rewarded with the badge and a TM that I'll never use.
♦ I could now use Waterfall outside of battle, so I went to Mt. Mortar and hunted down the Karate King. Defeated him and got a Tyrogue as my reward. Named it Rimu.
♦ After some vitamin abuse and level grinding, Rimu evolved into Hitmontop! Too bad I haven't even used it in battle yet
♦ Went to the Pokémon League, and brought down each member one by one. Easily.
♦ Lance wasn't tough, Maple and Boxelder had supereffective hits on all of his Pokémon, so he went down pretty quickly.
♦ About to go to Kanto.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Maple the Furret, Lv 48 (♀)
Item: NeverMeltIce
Headbutt, ThunderPunch, Shadow Ball, Ice Punch

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Spruce the Fearow, Lv 46 (♀)
Item: None
Drill Peck, Pursuit, Fly, Fury Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Boxelder the Golem, Lv 46 (♂)
Item: Charcoal
Earthquake, Selfdestruct, Rock Throw, Fire Punch

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hemlock the Pinsir, Lv 46 (♂)
Item: None
Strength, Swords Dance, Guillotine, Submission

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rimu the Hitmontop, Lv 45 (♂)
Item: None
Swift, Rapid Spin, Mud-Slap, Dig
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Green).

Final Update (#2) on Emerald.

  • Went north through the Weather Institute and defeated May before getting to Fortree City.
  • After I got the Devon Scope, I caught Chameleon the Kecleon. Trained her up on trainers I skipped before.
  • While in the gym, SpeedRacer evolved into Sceptile! Winona wasn't too difficult with my team pretty high leveled.
  • Moved south to Lilycove City, skipping the trainers I could. Went into the Safari Zone, where I caught Quetzal the Natu.
  • Taught Quetzal Psychic, which I bought from the Game Corner, then went back to those trainers.
  • While I was doing that, both Quetzal and Dragonfly evolved into Xatu and Vibrava!
  • Taught Dragonfly Fly, then went to Mt. Pyre, where I got the Magma Emblem.
  • Found the Magma Hideout on Mt. Chimney, and defeated Maxie at the end of it.
  • Now it was time to defeat Team Aqua at their Hideout in Lilycove, which I did, then Surfed to Mossdeep City.
  • Took on the gym and defeated Tate & Liza without much trouble.
  • Defeated Team Magma again at the Space Center with Steven's help, then got the Dive HM.
  • Used Dive to find the Water Stone in the Abandoned Ship and used it on Pineapple, who evolved into Ludicolo!
  • Went Diving and found the Underwater Cavern, where I beat Archie for the only time (wish you battled both leaders twice).
  • Defeated all the trainers I could find on the water, then went to Sootopolis, where I talked to Wallace about Rayquaza.
  • Went to the Sky Pillar to waken Rayquaza, then back to Sootopolis to watch the cutscene.
  • Took on the gym, and Dragonfly evolved into Flygon!
  • Juan was easy enough, his Kingdra didn't get enough Double Teams off. Pineapple and SpeedRacer combined to win.
  • Did a bunch of EV training, then went to Victory Road.
  • Defeated Wally easily with Quetzal at the beginning, then made my way through to the top of Ever Grande City.
  • Used Rare Candies to get everyone to L52, then took on the Elite Four.
  • Sidney was too easy with Puncher using a couple Bulk Ups, then Mach Punch swept.
  • Pheobe was then swept by Chameleon, who used Substitute and Shadow Ball to great effect.
  • Galcia was swept by Puncher, who used Sky Uppercut on her whole team.
  • Drake was a little harder. Everyone besides Chameleon and Puncher got some licks in.
  • Finally, Wallace was up. Here's a video and play-by-play of the battle:



Hall of Fame:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Team Green (Final):
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

SpeedRacer the Rash Sceptile, ♀ - L53 @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Leaf Blade, Pursuit, Aerial Ace, Brick Break
Final Stats: 170/104/97/162/104/145
Hoenn MVP, Wallace co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Puncher the Adamant Breloom, ♂ - L54 @ Black Belt
Ability: Effect Spore
Moves: Mach Punch, Sky Uppercut, Return, Bulk Up
Final Stats: 153/200/110/72/74/100
Elite Four MVP, Wallace co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pineapple the Quiet Ludicolo, ♀ - L52 @ NeverMeltIce
Ability: Swift Swim
Moves: Faint Attack, Quick Attack, Return, Screech
Final Stats: 177/85/98/138/128/83
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dragonfly the Brave Flygon, ♂ - L52 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Earthquake, Fly, Dragon Claw, Crunch
Final Stats: 158/167/93/105/94/126
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Chameleon the Kecleon, ♀ - L53 @ Spell Tag
Ability: Color Change
Moves: Return, Shadow Ball, Focus Punch, Substitute
Final Stats: 146/139/100/64/150/74
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Quetzal the Relaxed Xatu, ♂ - L52 @ TwistedSpoon
Ability: Early Bird
Moves: Psychic, Calm Mind, SolarBeam, Sunny Day
Final Stats: 145/96/94/144/91/126

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Yayyyy it's about time I got around to finishing this run B )

Ultimate Red Monocolor Challenge Platinum Update #3 (FINAL)

-Once I got Surf, I went straight to Fuego Ironworks and picked my old buddy Stannis the Magmar and the TM for Flamethrower
-Took Stannis out of the PC and immediately Pokesav'd him into Magmortar since I already have the Magmarizer : D
-Also went around and got the TMs for Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, and Light Screen, all for Casper : )
-Dhyana evolved into a Medicham while training in Iron Island
-Also got the Metal Coat in Iron Island, so I could evolve Umberto into a Scizor : D
-Stannis and Dhyana ate Byron for Breakfast
-Got some Heart Scales so I could teach Umberto Bullet Punch and Dhyana Ice Punch B)
-Dealt with the legendary bullpoo that I don't care about
-Stannis and Umberto completely beasted the Candice fight
-Went around getting the TMs for Earthquake and Psychic, both to teach to Stannis, the latter of which seems like a really odd thing for him to be able to learn, but I can live with it :P
-blahblahblah legendary stuff
-The Volkner fight came down to Stannis being the last poke standing and living with 2 HP. Super close.
-Got through Victory Road, grinded everyone to at least 50, then got sick of grinding and gave the E4 a shot

-Casper and Stannis took out Aaron for the most part, with Dhyana sniping a kill on Heracross while he healed
-Bertha was easy, with Starkly seeing most of the action
-Flint was the trickiest fight yet, perhaps a bit surprisingly so
-Umberto took out most of Lucien's crew, with Stannis and Casper also making appearances. Let me tell you, it felt dammmmn good to get a burn off on Gallade B )
-Not gonna lie, I saved right before Cynthia and had to reset a few times before I got the perfect battle. And man, when I got it, it was beautiful. It involved teaching Attract to Starkly right before the fight to immobilize Garchomp to be able to get her down. Stannis also had some beautiful confusion hax, a couple involving him being able to take down Milotic with Psychics without getting hit by any water. Perfect battle, even if it took a couple times to get. No shame.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

The Team:

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Casper the Rotom, Lv. 52 @ Spell Tag
Ability: Levitate
-Light Screen
-Shadow Ball

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dhyana the Medicham ♀, Lv. 52 @ Mind Plate
Ability: Pure Power
-Ice Punch
-Power Trick
-Zen Headbutt
-Hi Jump Kick

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Umberto the Scizor ♀, Lv. 51 @ Quick Claw
Ability: Technician
-Bullet Punch
-Iron Defense
-Night Slash

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Starkly the Octillery ♂, Lv. 52 @ NeverMeltIce
Ability: Suction Cups
-Ice Beam

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Stannis the Magmortar ♂, Lv. 53 @ Odd Incense
Ability: Flame Body
-Confuse Ray

1) Apologies for the double post, combine them if you must. It has been a couple days since I posted last, though.
2) I dont have the patience/willpower to play a DS game right now, so I did another Gen III game to tide me over.

Ultime Purple Monocolor Challenge Emerald First and FINAL Update

Name: Mauve
Starter: Mudkip

-Mudkip handled everything, including Roxanne, until we could get to Granite Cave, where we caught both Wedge the Zubat and Loki the Sableye
-Both members pulled their weight in the Brawly fight
-Wedge evolved into Golbat on the route south of Mauville
-Wattson was really tough, needed to use pretty much every healing item I had
-Got to Fiery Path and caught Bruce the Koffing
-Flannery wasn't terrrrible, sent everyone else out before Sableye came in and Dug most everything else to death. Wedge ended the ordeal with a bunch of flinch hax
-Norman was fairly easy. Got to troll Slacking with Loki using Dig
-Wedge evolved into Crobat like a happy boss at Lv.35 in the Weather Institute
-Bruce evolved into Weezing on the May fight right after that
-Bruce also made short work of Winona
-Got the Super Rod in Mossdeep, then went to Lilycove to catch Hal the Staryu
-Tate and Liza were predictably rough, Loki was the only one standing at the end.
-Got Dive, went to the Abandoned Ship and got a Water Stone to use on Hal to evolve it into a Starmie :)
-The Juan fight went pretty well. Got to finish of Kingdra with a Selfdestruct B )
-Grinded everyone to 50-ish, then E4

-Sidney was alright. It's looking like Wedge and Hal are gonna carry the other two through this
-Loki sort of redeemed himself during the Pheobe fight, but still needed a lot of assistance
-Hal led the troops in the Glacia fight
-Hal swept Drake's entire team single-handedly
-Hal also dominate the Wallace fight, with honorable mentions to Bruce, who exploded in Milotic's face because I didn't want to deal with it


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wedge the Crobat ♂, Lv.51
Ability: Inner Focus
-Air Cutter
-Confuse Ray
-Shadow Ball
-Sludge Bomb

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Loki the Sableye ♀, Lv.51 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Keen Eye
-Shadow Ball
-Faint Attack
-Brick Break

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bruce the Weezing ♂, Lv.50
Ability: Levitate
-Secret Power
-Fire Blast

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hal the Starmie, Lv.55 @ King's Rock
Ability: Natural Cure
-Ice Beam

HM Slaves:
Zigzagoon: Cut
Taillow: Fly
Marshtomp: Strength, Rock Smash, Dive, Waterfall
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Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Green).

Update #1 on Platinum.

Name: Green
Rival: Barry
Starter: Turtwig

  • Started with Atlas teh Turtwig, and after I got to Jubilife City, I caught Masquerade the Budew.
  • Masquerade defeated Roark easily with Mega Drain.
  • Moved on to Florama Town, and Atlas defeated Mars in the Valley Windworks.
  • Directly after the battle, Atlas evolved into Grotle!
  • Went through Eterna Forest to Eterna City, and I caught Liberty the Bronzor on Route 211.
  • Took on the gym, and Atlas defeated Gardenia with Curse and Bite.
  • Defeated Jupiter in the TG Eterna building, then headed down Cycling Road.
  • Explored Wayward Cave, then went through Mt. Coronet to Hearthome City.
  • Fantina was tough, but we beat her with a team effort.
  • Moved on to Solaceon Town, and caught Reaper the Scyther on Route 210.
  • Masquerade evolved into Roselia!
  • Explored the Solaceon Ruins and Lost Tower, then headed to Veilstone City.
  • Reaper destroyed the gym and Maylene with Wing Attack.
  • I am saved in Veilstone City.

Team Green:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Reaper the Lonely Scyther, ♂ - L33 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Technician
Moves: Wing Attack, Secret Power, Steel Wing, Fury Cutter
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Liberty the Impish Bronzor - L29
Ability: Heatproof
Moves: Extrasensory, Payback, Confuse Ray, Earthquake
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Atlas the Hasty Grotle, ♂ - L30
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Razor Leaf, Tackle, Bite, Curse
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Masquerade the Rash Roselia, ♂ - L31
Ability: Poison Point
Moves: Mega Drain, Grass Knot, Growth, Stun Spore

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Bidoof - Rock Smash, Cut

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Doing a double update this time, for Silver and Ruby. Just for the sake of it not being too long, I won't go in that much on details.

♦ After defeating Lance, I started my journey in Kanto.
♦ ...Well, haven't really got much to say. I beat all of the gyms, fairly easy as well due to my well-rounded team.
♦ When I defeated Blue, I went on to train for Red. Got everyone up to Lv 60, and then took him on. He was a bit more challenging than usual, but it worked out fine.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Maple the Furret, Lv 60 (♀)
Item: NeverMeltIce
Headbutt, ThunderPunch, Shadow Ball, Ice Punch

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Spruce the Fearow, Lv 60 (♀)
Item: None
Drill Peck, Return, Fly, Steel Wing

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Boxelder the Golem, Lv 60 (♂)
Item: Charcoal
Earthquake, Explosion, Rock Throw, Fire Punch

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hemlock the Pinsir, Lv 60 (♂)
Item: None
Strength, Swords Dance, Guillotine, Submission

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Rimu the Hitmontop, Lv 60 (♂)
Item: Leftovers
Swift, Triple Kick, Mud-Slap, Dig

♦ For Ruby, I started off with Treecko and got up to Rustboro, where I traded my Slakoth for a Makuhita.
♦ Beat the first gym with it, and then caught a new one in the Granite Cave. Caught an Abra as well. Named them Larch and Cypress, respectively.
♦ Trained them up a bit, and then took on Dewford. Once that was out of the way, we continued our adventure.
♦ Way up in the Fiery Path, I caught a Torkoal that I named Locust. Soon after, Afzelia the Spinda joined our team.
♦ Smacked down leaders and trainers left and right, my team was pretty solid. I still decided to add Doduo when I got to the Safari Zone, whom I named Meranti.
♦ I had to grind everyone up about 5 levels before taking on the Elite Four. I also did some moveset finalizing.
♦ The Elite Four wasn't too difficult if I recall correctly. Steven was tricky though, mainly his Metagross, but victory was ours.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Larch the Hariyama, Lv 52 (♂)
Item: Soft Sand
Brick Break, Fake Out, Belly Drum, Earthquake

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Cypress the Alakazam, Lv 51 (♂)
Item: Magnet
Psychic, Shock Wave, Recover, Calm Mind

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Locust the Torkoal, Lv 50 (♂)
Item: Charcoal
Flamethrower, Body Slam, Heat Wave, Toxic

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Afzelia the Spinda, Lv 50 (♀)
Item: Sea Incense
Double-Edge, Hypnosis, Shadow Ball, Water Pulse

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Meranti the Dodrio, Lv 51 (♂)
Item: Lax Incense
Fly, Steel Wing, Tri Attack, Drill Peck
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Green).

Update #2 on Platinum.
  • Got Dawn's Pokedex back and got the Fly HM, then went south to Pastoria City.
  • Along the way, Atlas evolved into Torterra!
  • Went to the Great Marsh, where I caught Darter the Yanma, and then caught a male Tangela and a female Carnivine.
  • That Carnivine took FOREVER to find. Anyway, I retaught Sleep Powder to Tangela, then bred him and Carnivine.
  • Got an egg, and out hatched Venus the Carnivine, with Sleep Powder as an egg move!
  • Started training her up with an Exp Share on the trainers around Pastoria City, and Liberty evolved into Bronzong.
  • Took on the gym after defeating Barry, and Darter evolved into Yanmega!
  • Crasher Wake was not very difficult with my grass types, although Floatzel was tough with Ice Fang.
  • Chased the Grunt bomber and talked to Cynthia, then went up to cure the Psyduck.
  • Talked to Cynthia again, then continued on to Celestic Town, where I soloed Cyrus with Reaper.
  • Got Surf, and after exploring all the water routes and newly acessible areas, I surfed to Canalave City.
  • Cleared out Iron Island with Riley, then took on the gym.
  • Was able to defeat Byron mostly with Masquerade, and we had our 6th badge.
  • Since Masquerade had learned Petal Dance, I used the Shiny Stone from Iron Island to evolve him into Roserade!
  • Team Galactic blew up a lake, so I went to defeat Saturn and Mars.
  • Trudged north to Snowpoint City, where I was able to defeat Candice without much trouble.
  • I am now saved in Veilstone Cty.

Team Green:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Darter the Sassy Yanmega, ♂ - L43 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Speed Boost
Moves: Air Cutter, AncientPower, Silver Wind, Defog
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Reaper the Lonely Scyther, ♂ - L43 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Technician
Moves: Aerial Ace, Cut, Rock Smash, X-Scissor
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Masquerade the Rash Roserade, ♂ - L42
Ability: Poison Point
Moves: Giga Drain, Petal Dance, Growth, Stun Spore
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Liberty the Impish Bronzong - L43
Ability: Heatproof
Moves: Extrasensory, Payback, Strength, Earthquake
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Atlas the Hasty Torterra, ♂ - L43
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Wood Hammer, Bite, Earthquake, Rock Climb
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Venus the Lonely Carnivine, ♀ - L42 [boxed]
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Vine Whip, Crunch, Return, Sleep Powder

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pelipper - Fly, Surf, Defog [in party]

Welp, started my Diamond adventure.

♦ Picked Chimchar as my starter, named him Camphor. Just under Jubilife City, I caught a Starly that I named Hickory.
♦ Went along to Oreburgh City, and went into the mine to find Roark. While in there, Camphor evolved into a Monferno!
♦ Took on Roark and defeated him easily thanks to Mach Punch.
♦ On the way to Floaroma Town, I beat up some Galactic Grunts. Hickory evolved into a Staravia as well.
♦ After meddling some more in Galactic's affairs in Floaroma, I moved on to Eterna Forest, where I caught a Buneary. Named her Araucaria.
♦ Trained her up in the forest, and eventually reached Eterna City. Took down the gym, which was super easy since I had both Camphor and Hickory.
♦ Team Galactic were at it again, so I brought them all down one more time in their hideout.
♦ Went down the Cycling Road, crossed Mt. Coronet and got to Hearthome City. Nothing interesting there except for a rival battle, so I quickly moved on to Solaceon Town.
♦ Took on all the trainers around the routes, bought some Moomoo Milk, and ended up in Veilstone City.
♦ Challenged the gym and won again thanks to the combo of Camphor and Hickory.
♦ About to help Dawn with the Galactic Grunts outside the storage.

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Camphor the Monferno, Lv 29 (♂)
Item: None
Scratch, Mach Punch, Flame Wheel, Taunt

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hickory the Staravia, Lv 32 (♂)
Item: Yache Berry
Aerial Ace, Double Team, Quick Attack, Wing Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Araucaria the Buneary, Lv 27 (♀)
Item: None
Pound, Frustration, Quick Attack, Jump Kick
Alright, so my computer is being stupid, so i'm doing the Johto leg of my Purple Monocolor on my actual cartridge for once. Because of this, I obviously won't have any screens, but I'm also gonna switch to doing lots of smaller updates because I also don't have access to the Word document where I keep all of my notes so I want to post stuff before I forget. So, without further ado...

Ultimate Purple Monocolor Challenge HeartGold Update #1

Name: Violet
Starter: Totodile
Rival: Infared

-Got to Dark Cave with Totodile, after which I caught the first member of the team, our buddy Wedge the Zubat
-Falkner was a bit tought because, well, Lv.13 Zubat :p. It took a couple shots, but i got lucky with confusion hax. The X Accuracy helped, too
-Bugsy was simple, because at that point Wedge was Lv. 19 and had Wing Attack
-Wedge evolved into Golbat on Route 34 whilst looking for out second team member, Walnut the Pineco. Headbutting is annoying.

The Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wedge the Golbat ♂, Lv. 22
Ability: Inner Focus
-Wing Attack
-Confuse Ray

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Walnut the Pineco ♀, Lv. 10
Ability: Sturdy
-Bug Bite

HM Slaves:
Totodile: Cut, Headbutt
♦ Took care of the Galactic Grunts and helped Dawn retrieve her Pokédex.
♦ Made my way south to get to Pastoria City, and picked up a Hippopotas on the way. Named him Palisander.
♦ Trained it up along the route, and went through the route under Hearthome City as well, just for some extra experience.
♦ Defeated Crasher Wake in the gym, and then chased down a Galactic Grunt with a bomb.
♦ Eventually brought him down, and Cythia told me to go to Celestic Town, so that's what I did.
♦ Went into the ruins and got Surf from Cynthia's grandma.
♦ Flew to Hearthome and challenged the gym. Palisander was great here with Bite.
♦ After Fantina was taken care of, I went on some Surf sidequests, where Camphor, Hickory and Palisander all evolved!
♦ Araucaria evolved as well, on the way to Canalave City.
♦ Battled my rival and took on the gym, which was a piece of cake thanks to Camphor and Palisander.
♦ Sailed to Iron Island for some training, and later went to Lake Valor since Rowan told me so.
♦ Defeated the Galactic Commander Saturn, and then went home for a quick trip to Lake Verity, where Mars was strutting around like she owned the place. Swept her and continued to the third and final lake, located next to Snowpoint City.
♦ The entrance was blocked, so I took on the gym instead. Candice didn't stand a chance against Camphor.
♦ With Candice defeated, I could access Lake Acuity, where my rival and Commander Jupiter were already arguing.
♦ After that, I flew to Veilstone to storm Galactic's Hideout. Took a while, but managed to do it.
♦ Went up to the Spear Pillar to confront Galactic one final time, with some help from my rival. I also ran away from Dialga.
♦ With that out of the way, Sunyshore City was my next stop. Found the gym leader and persuated him to have a battle with me, and then whooped him. Ain't that something
♦ Later, Jasmine gave me Waterfall, which granted me permission to make it to the Victory Road and Pokémon League.
♦ Everyone got up to about Lv 50 when I was done in the Road, and then I used some Rare Candies.
♦ Aaron was easy thanks to Camphor.
♦ Bertha was taken care of by Palisander and Araucaria.
♦ Flint required a team effort.
♦ Lucian surprisingly got beaten by Camphor, thanks to his Shadow Claw.
♦ Next up was Cynthia, who didn't put up much of a fight.


[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Camphor the Infernape, Lv 54 (♂)
Item: Fist Plate
Close Combat, Shadow Claw, Flamethrower, Brick Break

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Hickory the Staraptor, Lv 51 (♂)
Item: Yache Berry
Aerial Ace, Close Combat, Quick Attack, Fly

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Araucaria the Lopunny, Lv 51 (♀)
Item: Magnet
Thunderbolt, Sunny Day, Return, SolarBeam

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Palisander the Hippowdon, Lv 53 (♂)
Item: Icicle Plate
Earthquake, Crunch, Yawn, Ice Fang
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Green).

Final Update (#3) on Platinum.
  • Took on the Team Galactic Warehouse and HQ, defeating Cyrus in the end and freeing the Lake Trio.
  • Followed Cyrus to the summit of Mt. Coronet, where I defeated Mars and Jupiter with Barry's help.
  • Jumped into the Distortion World and barely defeated Cyrus.
  • Back in the real world, I went to Sunyshore City and defeated Volkner easily with just Atlas.
  • Surfed to Victory Road, then made my way through without too much trouble.
  • Did some EV training and moveset finalizing, then used Rare Candies to get everyone to L57.
  • Time for the Elite Four!
  • Aaron was handled by Liberty, Darter, and Venus.
  • Bertha was defeated by Venus and Masquerade.
  • Flint was tough with my huge fire weakness, but Atlas and Reaper were able to defeat him. Stealth Rock helped a lot.
  • Lucian was defeated by Liberty, Darter, Reaper, and Venus, who used Quick Claw to great effect.
  • Finally the Champion was up. Here's the video and play-by-play of the battle against Cynthia:



Hall of Fame:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Team Green:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Darter the Sassy Yanmega, ♂ - L67 @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Speed Boost
Moves: Air Slash, AncientPower, Bug Buzz, Psychic
Final Stats: 195/107/109/182/91/113
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Atlas the Hasty Torterra, ♂ - L68 @ Soft Sand
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Stealth Rock
Sinnoh co-MVP, Cynthia MVP
Final Stats: 210/182/130/100/117/111
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Masquerade the Rash Roserade, ♂ - L67 @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Poison Point
Moves: Petal Dance, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Stun Spore
Sinnoh co-MVP
Final Stats: 155/90/79/216/127/141
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Liberty the Impish Bronzong - L67 @ Mind Plate
Ability: Heatproof
Moves: Zen Headbutt, Payback, Gyro Ball, Earthquake
Final Stats: 166/147/180/98/166/49
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Reaper the Lonely Scyther, ♂ - L68 @ Sky Plate
Ability: Technician
Moves: Aerial Ace, X-Scissor, Brick Break, Swords Dance
Elite Four co-MVP
Final Stats: 168/184/100/77/112/150
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Venus the Lonely Carnivine, ♀ - L68 @ Quick Claw
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Power Whip, Crunch, Return, Sleep Powder
Elite Four co-MVP
Final Stats: 197/190/84/118/98/58

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Pelipper - Fly, Surf, Defog [boxed]
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Psyduck - Flash, Surf, Waterfall, Strength [boxed]

Ultimate Purple Monocolor Challenge HeartGold Update #2

-Caught Robert the Nidoran♂ on the route north of Goldenrod
-He evolved at some point later, not sure when exactly
-Whitney was take care of by Robert and Walnut, with Walnut closing up the battle by Self-Destructing in Milatnk's face
-Got to Ecruteak, met Bill, backtracked to Goldenrod, got Dmitri the Eevee
-Went to Olivine, got the Good Rod, went all the way back to New Bark Town, caught a female Shellder, went to Cherrygrove, caught a male Corsola (which took HOURS), all so that I could hatch a Shellder that will know Rock Blast. (The egg has of yet to even hatch)
-While training up Dmitri in the Lighthouse, Wedge evolved into Crobat at only, like, Lv.23 or something :)
-Morty was easily bitten to death by Wedge, who was Lv.26 going into it

The Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Wedge the Crobat ♂, Lv. 28
Ability: Inner Focus
-Air Cutter
-Confuse Ray

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Walnut the Pineco ♀, Lv. 22 @ Quick Claw
Ability: Sturdy
-Take Down
-Bug Bite

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Robert the Nidorino ♂, Lv. 26 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Rivalry
-Horn Attack
-Focus Energy
-Double Kick

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dmitri the Eevee ♂, Lv. 23 @ Soothe Bell
Ability: Adaptability
-Tail Whip
-Quick Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Shellder Egg [unhatched]

HM Slaves:
Sentret: Surf, Cut
Update on Ultimate Monocolor Challenge (Green).

Update #1 on White 2.

Name: Green
Rival: Hugh
Starter: Snivy

  • First thing I did was to activate Challenge Mode, then started the game in earnest.
  • Chose Snivy as my starter and named her Majesty.
  • Caught a Purrloin for Cut later on, and she was infected with Pokerus!
  • Majesty beat Cheren with Growth and Vine Whip.
  • Moved on to Virbank City and trained some in the Complex, and Majesty evolved into Servine!
  • Took on Roxie, who was pretty tough. I had to set up multiple Growths to power up Leaf Tornado enough to pull it out.
  • Visited the PokeStar Studios, defeated the Team Plasma grunts, then sailed to Castelia City.
  • Went to the Sewers and into the grass area, and caught an Eevee.
  • Trained Dryad and Majesty a bit in the Sewers and the Battle Co., then took on the gym.
  • Burgh was defeated without too much trouble.
  • Moved on to Route 4, where I defeated Colress, then continued on to Nimbasa City.
  • Caught my next two team members on Routes 5 and 16, Compactor the Trubbish and Limey the Solosis.
  • Beat all the trainers around the city, including the Desert Resort, Lostlorn Forest, and Route 4, 5, and 16.
  • Since the Moss Rock is only accessible by trading before the Elite Four, I used an evolution editor to evolve Dryad into Leafeon!
  • Challenged the Nimbasa Gym and defeated Elesa with a team effort. Dryad did most of the work though.
  • Moved on to Driftveil City, and Limey evolved into Duosion!
  • Realized I hadn't named my Leafeon, so I took her to the Name Rater and called her Dryad.
  • Took on Clay, who wasn't very difficult with all my Grass types.
  • Visited the PWT and defeated Team Plasma on the ship, then got Surf from Cheren.
  • Did some exploring with Surf, then went through Chargestone Cave to Mistralton City.
  • Explored Route 7 and scaled Celestial Tower, and Majesty and Compactor evolved into Serperior andGarbador!
  • Took on Skyla's gym defeated her with a team effort, with Majesty leading the way.
  • Directly afterwards, Limey evolved into Reuniclus!
  • Got a lift to Lentimas Town and saved the game.

Team Green:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Dryad the Naive Leafeon , ♀ - L40 @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Leaf Guard
Moves: Razor Leaf, X-Scissor, Dig, Swords Dance
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Majesty the Quirky Serperior, ♀ - L41 @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Leaf Blade, Leech Seed, Return, Coil
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Limey the Serious Reuniclus, ♂ - L41 @ TwistedSpoon
Ability: Magic Guard
Moves: Psychic, Future Sight, Signal Beam, Recover
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Compactor the Gentle Garbador, ♂ - L40 @ Black Sludge
Ability: Stench
Moves: Sludge Bomb, Seed Bomb, Body Slam, Toxic Spikes

HM Slaves:
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Purrloin - Cut [boxed]
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Ducklett - Fly, Surf
[PokeCommunity.com] Mono-Color Challenge

Psyduck - Flash, Strength

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