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[Released] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

Monster following & more starters

After some longer time with no updates here (all imgur images didn't work for some time), here are some updates once again!

I added a feature where the player can chose which monster is following him:
[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

(Still working to finish walking and jumping animations for all the monsters that are already available.)
Also you can now use a predefined skill for every monster while exploring, to get rid of obstacles:
[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

Also i started working on the other starters that will be available in the game and their skills.

Spectral Frog:
[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

Spectral Eagle:
[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

Also Spectral Eagle will have a new debuff type "Shock". When attacking a shocked enemy, it will trigger some additional damage.

Currently i'm working on the next big demo update that will include all 4 starter monsters as well as some other bigger changes
(enemy monster will move around freely while you are exploring and you will be able to avoid battles if you want by not touching them)
Next version should be available around September.
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If the Kickstarter goes well, would other operating systems and platforms be a possibility? I'd love to play this on my Switch a few years down the line.

Either way, this game looks great so far and I'll definitely be pledging at least a dollar or two!
Demo 2 Preview, Upcoming Kickstarter

Hey all,

I've worked hard in the last months on bringing a second improved demo version.
Currently it is being tested on our discord channel and I'm fixing the last bugs.
While all of it is getting polished, I wanted to post a preview
of the changes for the upcoming version

Selecting starter monster
It will be possible to select any of the four spectral familiars as your starting monster.
Spectral Wolf, Spectral Eagle, Spectral Toad, Spectral Lion
[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

Monster Abilities
You will be able to switch which monster is following you.
Also you will be able to use different monster abilities to get rid of obstacles or help you explore.
[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

New Monsters
Besides the three other familiars, there were a couple of other new monsters added to the game.
[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

Extended Blue Cave Area
The Blue Cave area was extended and includes one additional Champion monster
[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

Minor Changes
- There is quite some +2 equipment available now
- Some of the existing monster's Skill Trees were adjusted
- Health bar now shows additional information
- Shield is now capped to the monsters max health
- Every monster has a resistance now
- Start combat screen now focuses on monster weaknesses/resistances
- Heal skill now preview the amount that would be healed
- Enemy heal and shielding skills are now stronger
- Experience and gold gained from enemies was balanced down a little
- Merchant in Keeper's Stronghold sells better equipment
- High jump boots were changed to Double jump boots
- More small changes

Participate in testing
If you don't want to wait for the official release of the second demo version on steam you can
participate in testing on our discord channel

Upcoming Kickstarter
While finishing up the second demo version,
I'm also preparing the Kickstarter page that is supposed to go live later this month. Stay tuned!
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It's happening!

Later then planned, but finally going to launch the Kickstarter for
Monster Sanctuary next week and release the second demo version alongside it!

[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

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This game is great. Its like a combination of Pokemon and final fantasy. I am happy you got so much support on kick start after you took the big risk to quit your job. I hope you can continue to work on this game and maybe even make new ones in the future. GOOD LUCK!!!
It's been absolutely crazy seeing how popular your game has been getting. Never expected to see it on Reddit, let alone have 4000+ upvotes with a few golds.

I'm loving everything you're doing with this game
Cool,but...this has..nothing to do with Pokemon. Why was this allowed to be up here?
Sorry if this came up as rude,I'm not the greatest with words >_>
Cool,but...this has..nothing to do with Pokemon. Why was this allowed to be up here?
Sorry if this came up as rude,I'm not the greatest with words >_>

There are some other games here that has nothing to do with Pokemon either. Games Showcase is for any kind of games
hi i played the the demo and defeated 4 champions and one question is it possible or will be possible to evolve your monster
I've been following the development of this on Twitter for a while but only now did I find out you're a member of the PokeCommunity as well.
Regardless, this game keeps getting better and better.
Full time development, Beta launch, Publisher

Long time no update - After the successful Kickstarter I'm able to work full time on the game and I'm working hard to the milestone dates promised to the backers!

[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

Some news: I have a Publisher now! Team17 (developers of the Worm games, publisher of recent indie games like Overcooked, Escapist, My time at Portia) - this will allow me to focus more on actual development of the game.

This is a new Trailer they made for the game!

[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

I launched the Backer beta version of the game - compared to the demo version it contains two new areas, 13 new monsters, Keeper Duels (against NPCs) and the Monster Journal feature

[PokeCommunity.com] Monster Sanctuary - Demo is out!

People who missed the Kickstarter but still want to support the project or join the beta - Istill have possibility open to become a Late Backer for some more time.

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