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Monster Within {A Pokémon/Poké-Morph RP} +PG-16+

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Geron looked to his right to see another mutant. Jeez, what up with all the new mutants? The person that spoke out was covered in armor and a pupitar next to him. "It is dangerous...no matter where we go." Geron pointed out. "want a berry?" Geron asked the newcomer. "My name is... Geron." as he grabed another berry.
Max smiled sure, ill have a berry!" and good point about the danger. oh and my name's Max, this is Pupitar." Max took a berry and sossed into the air, slashing with his elbow and cutting the berry into two. he handed one half to pupitar and stuffed the other half into his mouth, his sharp teeth puncturing the soft flesh of the berry, filling his mouth with juice. he swallowed and turned to pupitar. for somthing that had no mouth, it could really eat!
Apparently, whoever was conversing failed to hear Zero. He replaced his staff and relaxed slightly, "Whatever...being hunted gotten to my head..." He perked up his ears and eased in on the conversation; "Sure, I'll have a berry! Oh, and good point about the danger. I'm Max and this is Pupitar". Zero walked closer, friendly Trainers?, he though to himself. Chu clung to Zero's pant leg, scared. "Hello?" Zero called over, "Anyone there?"
Sirens broke out into the night silence, like wolves howling for the hunt. Jackie ducked her head and smashed through the fifteenth floor window of the waterfront office bulding, tumbling toward the misty waters of the port. Kingdra dove next to her, plummeting at the same speed. In her hand she had a disc, hopefully containing info on her experiments and family. She had snatched it from the private files of a B.I.O executive, until the secuirty guard caught sight of her.

She lifted her hands and slimmed down, and powered into the water like a bullet into a pineapple. Spinning and dancing in her watery paradise, she blasted through the ocean towards a more remote part of town. She crawled out of the water, and changed into her regular clothes that she had hid close by, underneath a pier. walking through the streets, Kingdra hovering next to her, she tried to look as inconspicous as possible. Then she heard them again, sirens, and close. She booked it into the alleys of the city, running quickly through sidestreets and alleyways. She knew them all, being a street rat herself since age 13.

Red and Blue glowed behind her, and she turned quickly into a sidestreet and ran into a group of other mutants. "Move or run!" she yelled, and she jumped up, grabbed the ladder from the hanging fire escape, and flipped over them, as the police closed in from behind.
Geron was about to answer to who ever said "who is there?" when he heard "Move or Run!" Geron looked to his right to see a girl jumped right over them, behind her, the police. "Ahh ****!" Geron jumped off into the air and easliy catches up with the girl running. "What the hell did you do to piss the police?!?" Geron asked her. Geron hoped the rest followed. Geron could still here to sirens.
Max began to run, but he had not built up speed yet, so the police jumped at him trying to take them down. one of them wasnt very lucky and had his hand on a tail spike. as the man tried to pry his hand off the spike, Max shook his tail, sending the man flying. Max continued to run, slowly building up speed untill he caught up to the other two. "what is going on?!" he screamed.
The truck continued to go along at a smooth pace, the veil of night keeping most of the city's traffic to a minimum. Tiffany sat in the corner of the truck's spacious interior, as it was a moving-van sort of truck rather than having actual seats. This suited Tiffany perfectly, as she would take up about three regular seats due to her wings. So there she sat, with her arms hugging her legs. To her left sat "Jigs", who was in the freak show as the "worlds fattest man". At the other end of the truck's spacious back compartment stood Harvey. He looked like a regular guy, except his nose stuck out about seven inches, and his neck was unusually long. "Bird man", they called him. Tiffany didn't feel like she fit in with these people. These people were all adults, having lived their whole life as outcasts. Being at home only in this dying buisness. But Tiffany knew what it was like to be normal. She missed it.

Suddenly, she was interrupted in these thoughts by a giant jerking of the truck. She heard the screeching of tires and the wailing of sirens. With a great crash, Tiffany was sent flying out of the back of the truck, the large gate in the back having been broken loose. Terror struck into Tiffany's hear like a knife, as the seconds of groundlessness stretched into what felt like hours. Her mouth opened in a voiceless scream and she flapped her wings like mad, as things went from slow motion to overly sped up. Tiffany could feel herself rising up into the air, but she kept her eyes completely shut. Her heart felt like it was trying to fly out of her chest, and the only way she could keep it in was by yelling at the top of her lungs, over and over and over again. Eventually, she stopped screeming and wrapped her arms around herself, still feeling scared. Still rising higher and higher, Tiffany's wings soon tired out and she let herself slowly flutter back towards the earth. Like awaking from a nightmare, she opened her eyes and looked down. Unfortunately, she was met with another nightmare. There, directly below her, was the body of Harvey, along with a few other of her "co-workers" spread across the pavement. Every one of them looked lifeless. From so high up, they seemed like dolls, cast aside by an uninteresded child. Tiffany couldn't take it, and rather than lightly touching down to the ground, she altered her course and went on at full speed. She just wanted to get away from it all! Unfortunately, Tiffany's wings were still tired and she felt herself begin to spiral toward the ground. And there, right in front of where she was going to land, were three running figures. Tiffany closed her eyes, and braced for impact.
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Max didnt hear what anyone said, his eyes were fixed on what was falling through the sky. he did his best to flatten his spines on his back and he ran under where the flying thing was going to land. as he braced himself for the impact that was going to happen. he curved his body like a slide, so whatever landed would slide to the ground off of his tail. he heard pupitar say something and felt a tiny weight leave his back and use his head as a springboard. pupitar intercepted the falling thing and carrying its weight on her back, slid down max's body. Max stepped over the flying thing and looked at it. it was a girl with wings! Max could still hear the sirens behind him, so ignoring anything she said, he hefted her over his shoulder and ran after the others.
Jackie looked back, suprised to see two, no three other mutants following her, she wasn't sure what exactly was going on. She rounded a corner and saw that they were cornered, a police car had sliced off the alleyway. She panicked, and stopped short. She knew that she could blow it away, but at what cost. Her fear for using her power made her hesitate. Luckily, Kingdra had no such worry. He blasted past her and Hydro Pumped the car away, it flipped and slid against a wall. She quickly caught sight of the two cops crawling out, they looked okay.

"This way," she yelled, not even knowing who she was directing. She ran into another sidestreet, heading towards the pier.
still running with the girl, Max watched as the kingdra mutant hydro-pumped a car a great distance. Max whistled. he was still ignoring the girl on his back as he saw where they were going. he skidded to a stop. "umm guys? i cant swim. well i can, but not very well." Pupitar began shoving him forward closer and closer to the water." Pupitar stop i cant breathe under water!" pupitar continued shoving untill they were right up against the water, and then he jumped in! Max didnt know what to do. he had to stay with his friend, so he jumped into the water. "oh i hope pupitar's right."
Somehow, thankfully, one of the running figures was able to break Tiffany's fall and safely bring her to the ground. However, she had only a moment to take notice of what the guy looked like before she was snatched up, which wasn't too hard thanks to her size, and carried over the guy's shoulder. What surprised Tiffany was that he was another B.I.O. "experiment". Running at his side was someone who looked like they were part bird pokemon. Leading the fleeing trio was a girl who was both part kingdra and had a kingdra by her side. While Tiffany was observing all this, she was too shocked at finding others of her kind to do anything. Eventually the Tyranitar Guy, along with his cargo of Tiffany, reached the peir. She heard a gunshot, but couldn't see anything because of the way she was being held. This is when Tiffany promptly fainted.
Jackie jumped into action, noticing that the mutant she know saw was part Tyranitar had stumbled into the water. She wasn't a rocket scientist, but she quickly figured out rock+water=a trip to Davy Jone's locker. Even worse, the girl on his back had fainted, she also saw that she was mixed with some kind of bird. "She looked over at Kingdra, who was waiting patiently at her side.

"Kingdra, get the girl and keep her above water!" she ordered, and he shot forward, his tail barely in the water but still gliding effortlessly above. He supported her awkwardly between her wings and went off. Jackie swam underneath the Tyranitar-Man and started pushing frantically upward. She got him above water and started after Kingdra, going towards a small cove that she knew was almost impossibly to reach except by boat, and she could have Kingdra guard the entrance. She looked back to see if any others were coming.
Geron was surprised to see so many different mutants that he didn't know. when they were heading towards the pier when the Kingdra and her owner jumped in the water. "oh no, I'm not swimming!" Geron yelled as he spread out his wings and started to flap, until he was air-borne. "I'll take the girl! let your Kingdra help Max!" he yelled to the Kingdra mutant. Geron went to grab the girl on Max's back.
(Aaand... I think I'm going to drop out before I become a problem. I'm busier than I predicted I'd be over the next week, and apart from anything else, I'm taking longer than I thought to think up a plausible character for this RP. Thanks for the reservation, but I just don't think I can do this RP right now. Sorry for messing you around!)
Max felt a weight disappear off of his back as he landed in the water. he looked up to see the girl being lifted off of his back by Geron. meanwhile he continued to sink. Pupitar had air trapped under his armor so she could sort of float, he only had his spikes sticking out of the water. Max grabbed Pupitar and placed her on his back as they began to sink into the depths. then the Kingdra girl pushed him up and they began swimming towards a secret cove.

Max landed in the cove coughing. the girl wasnt able to carry him all the way in, so he had to walk through the water, and he jumped over a deep space. landing in the soft sediment. he pulled Pupitar off of his back and laid her down in the sand so she could rest. "Wherrrre arrre we?" Max asked as he laid down in the sand.
Luke watched the streets below, closing his eyes to sense the aura of passers by. His Lucario was by his side focusing into the distance. They turned to face eachother. "Mutants?" Luke said. "Yes" Lucario thought.

Luke thought for a moment. These were the first they had found in weeks.

"How many?" Luke asked. Lucario blinked, "five". "That much?!" Luke said. He was shocked by such a large group.

"Where are they?" Luke asked. "The cove by the river," thought Lucario. "Better get going then." Luke replied as the two jumped the next gap and ran across the rooves towards the river.
Tiffany awoke, the dark clouds of unconsiousness slowly rolling away from her mind. Unfortunately, that brought back the memories of the crash. Everyone she knew... was dead... And now, here she was, still alive. There were three others that Tiffany could see in this new surrounding. A kingdra fused girl, about her age. There was the bird guy from before, who she could now tell was part pidgeot. And, lastly, was the only one of the three Tiffany really remembered, who was the Tyranitar Guy. All four of them were now in some sort of semi-cave. The ceiling wasn't very high, but the inside of the cave was still spacious. Also, Tiffany could hear the gentle pulsing of waves. Tiffany felt scatter brained. She still couldn't really focus her thoughts. "Who... Who a-are y-y-you?" she managed to say, backing as far back into the cave as possible. These people... could they be trusted?
"Don't worry, you're safe here," Jackie answered the nervous looking mutant. "My name is Jackie, and this is a cove I found a while ago."

She looked around at all the other mutants. She gulped, and started to explain herself. "I'm really sorry you all got involved in this, but the police were chasing me because I snatched some information from a B.I.O building. I think it might contain info on the mutation process, and I'm hoping to find a way to reverse it. If you're interested you can stay around while I go out and get my laptop and try to upload it.." she sort of ler her sentence wander off, hoping someone would jump in.
When he heard the sirens, Zero and Pichu forgot their anonymous guests and departed quickly. They made way to their hideout, an abandoned warehouse in the Southern District which Zero has furnished with stolen goods. He entered through a window and he and Chu plopped down onto a large, leather couch, "Ugh...Stupid police..." He mumbled, before dozing off.
"Hmm... that explained the police." Geron finally manage to say. Geron looked down at the girl he had carried. like he expected she wasn't that heavy due to being part bird. She also had a terrified look on her face. Something bad must of happened Geron thought grimly. "Don't worry. you can trust us. My name is Geron. that tyranitar dude who saved your life is Max." Geron Explained. Right then pidgeotto flew into the cove. "ahh there you are coward." Geron said to pidgeotto. He felt a huge wave of guilt in returned. "I'm sorry, I was joking pidge." Geron usally called pidgeotto pidge to calm the pokemon down. it usually worked, this time, it didn't. Geron then suddenly remember, what happened to Johnathan?
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