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My Art Studio

I have eczema problems too... but all over the body :/

Interesting, I've never seen the art studios on my campus... so this is where all the magic takes place, huh?
ya blue i agree with abnegation xD id give to have wat you have ><

i gots eczema all over my hands an arms >.< its nasty but i got to take care my skin better
@Gav: It's easy enough to get, trust me. XD

@Blue/Leaf's #1 Fan: Oh dear. I grew up with eczema problems, for most of my childhood I had to cope with rather...bad eczema on the top of both my hands, and some of my knee caps too. But thankfully with a bit of medication that gradually disappeared.

@Maya: Yeeees you do, if anything, you'd need a decent amount of Vaseline slapped onto your dry skin daily, because your skin is dry in the first place due to a lack of moisture.
so vaseline is the trick ya? XP

did u get rid of your eczema that way too blue?
More or less. XD;

I used actual medication called...Eumovate? I think that's what it's called, I probably mispelt it, though. Oh, and Vaseline. A combination of those two soothed the irritated skin rather slowly, but it did the job of healing it eventually.
I'm not too sure, it's just made me want to draw (which I'm not very good at, hence the reason why they would be very bad ;;) something. Just a random urge, lets say? I'm now not sure what to draw... XD;

Aww, I'm sure you wouldn't be bad at drawing at all! You should make a random drawing of a Pokemon or something and blog it. :D

whoops, haha, wrong account. :x
I'm baaaaad. D: XD I can livejournal it I suppose. Hmmm, maybe a Pokemon... that's a good idea. Thank you for the suggestions. :DD
Yeah, I can't draw that well either... most of my graphics are (bad) vectors or (semi-decent) recolors. But my iSketch creations are masterpieces, lol

I use a product called "Cetaphil" to moisturize my skin, along with several prescription creams for infections since I have a bad habit of scratching my bad spots :/
Ooh I love looking at peoples' iSketch pictures, even just for the hilarity. Reminds me of the iSketch event during the Get-Together, I really had a lot of fun in that because there were so many people drawing amusing pictures. XD

Cetaphil? I don't think I've heard of that, but after looking it up...yeah, I can see how it can help the skin, more or less operates like Eumovate. Eczema is very irritating and can be pretty embarrassing as well, lord knows as I was growing up I had several people comment "What's a matter with your skin? o_0"
XDD I participated in my first one this year actually, it is really fun iSketch, but whenever it switched to me I'd get stuck on what to draw. ;; Hilarious all the same, especially when it's a stick-man I've noticed.