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My Blanks

  • 1,789
    So, it's been a little while since I last posted in this little blog, and... well, I still don't really have that much interesting things to say, but oh well :P

    So if it hasn't become clear by this stage, I'm a Scrubs fanatic. (How one could be anything but is totally beyond me). Most people who know me will also know that I'm quite into music in general. And so, when you cross these two fantastic things, you get...
    This little gem of splendiforous wonder.
    And here's what's brilliant- I'm gonna be meeting them tomorrow! Well, not specifically me, but they're going to be playing in the college bar, and I'm going to see them. I'd imagine they're going to do autograph signing and so on, so... Yes, I am very much excited about getting my picture taken with Ted.

    Look at him. He's so... confused.
    GAAAAAAAAAAH IT'S MY FAVOURITE TOO :3 I'm actually going to cry when they play it.
    Er-hem. Manly tears, of course. /gruff.
    So, I've seen them. And I've met them.
    I said it on my Facebook, I'll say it again- somebody please kill me so I can die the happiest man in the world. :D