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My Favorite Video Game Trailer [Daily Bloggity Entry #309]

El Héroe Oscuro

IG: elheroeoscuro
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    My Favorite Video Game Trailer

    14 June 2016
    Time: 11:29 AM ET
    Mood: I'm sick ugh

    I've played a lot of video games in my lifetime. As a result, I've seen a lot of video game trailers in my lifetime. I do my best to try to follow video game news as closely as possible so whenever I'm on the lookout for a certain game, I'll find it's corresponding trailer when it does come out. Trailers, in my opinion, help garner the want of the gamer. I believe that it's one of the most owerful influencers when it comes to whether or not a person will buy the game.

    While I've seen so many video game trailers, some stand up over the rest. They have the ability to either evoke emotion or just blow you away with the content in it. For myself, my favorite trailer is related to the former reason. With the trailer below for Dark Souls 3, it totally blew my mind. It did exactly what a trailer for Dark Souls 3 should suggest: helplessness. The music, the dark imagery, the intense size of the boss fights...all of it helped created this theme. Let me know what you guys think:

    What do you guys think? Do you think my reasons were valid? Does the trailer get a thumbs up or a thumbs down? What is your favorite video game trailer? Comment below as I'd love to hear and discuss with you what you have to say about this topic!

    Follow me on Twitter!

    ‡ As always, the "Daily Bloggity" is self written by myself and includes just some of my opinions on different mediums. If you have a subject that you might want me to touch on, feel free to PM me or comment below! I would love to hear some of your ideas! And remember, rate each entry so I can know what you guys like and what to improve on! Tune in tomorrow at 5PM Eastern Time for the next edition of the "Daily Bloggity!" Cheers! ‡

    - El Héroe Oscuro

