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My Visit

  • 1,789
    (In case the first wasn't enough to make you notice, my title's will all start in "My", like Scrubs episodes).

    So yeah, yesterday I met up with my buddy DrFuji, who came to Ireland all the way from Upside-downia :) We had a pretty awesome day, which consisted of much walking around, then sitting down, then walking around some more. It was odd to talk about the things we usually talk about, but in person :P

    So a fair bit happened during the day. We got some food and consumed about half a chicken each. We both got a look at 3DS', and.. I learned that Pidgeons are out to get me :/ But, I survived. :D

    Here's a picture of us two:

    It IS actually us in the photo, but I didn't really want to post our faces. So quick photoshopping ftw :D

    I know I'm forgetting all about various hilarious references and all, but eh. It was a really awesome day, and it was interesting to meet someone in person after having spoken to them for the better part of a year. Cool beans :)

    So yeah, that concludes blog entry number two :P
    Yay. Though I can already tell who Derry is.

    That's cool, guys. Wish I could do that :<

    Did you guys dance together or what?
    We didn't dance, we just thought of excuses to ban you :)

    Wednesday was super awesome and cool even though it manily consisted of walking, talking, sitting down and eating chicken for five hours since there was basically nothing else to do.

    IMO, gira is a cool guy, but he is cooler in person :P
    I never doubted your words, Derry. Sadly, this also leads me to think I'm going to get banned anytime now. *runs*
    Oh please Derry. We danced, had dinner, saw a movie, and played a heck of a lotta bowling. It was super fantastic and you are nothing but a majorly jealous person, Truality.

    (that'd be more effective if I knew your real name).

    (and for the record, we did none of the afformentioned things. See if I didn't add this part then someone, somewhere, wouldn't catch the sarcasm :/).

    It should be known that DrFuji is also awesome in person. He said "throw anotha shrimp on the bah-beeee", and... I thought it was pretty funny, anyway...
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