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fake your death.
  • 33,388
    So I'm grinding to level 50 on SoulSilver before taking on the Pokemon League and I'm going through Ilex Forest on Crystal. At the same time. Literally. Multi-tasking ftw.

    Syd can't get enough of that JHOTOOOO


    Aviex/Feraligatr (f)
    Surf, Ice Fang, Crunch, Thrash

    Mage/Pidgeot (f)
    Fly, Roost, U-Turn, Quick Attack

    Tara/Flareon (f)
    Fire Fang, Attract, Bite, Headbutt

    Fifi/Venomoth (f)
    Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Signal Beam, Psybeam

    Spark (soon to be Thunder Fang), Shadow Ball, Crunch, Cut (stfu)

    Waterfall, Aeroblast, Extrasensory, Dragon Pulse

    No, I don't typically use legendaries. Just felt like it. I'm aware of the bad movesets.


    August/Quilava (m)
    Ember, Quick Attack, Fury Cutter, Smokescreen

    Marauder/Wooper (m)
    Water Gun, Mud Slap, Tail Whip, Slam
    Hey, your Flareon has the same nickname as my Lapras in HeartGold and imported SoulSilver :D But I don't think you named yours after my pair (or did you? *it'd be pretty cool*).

    And the movesets aren't too bad :3 If you ask me, though, you should take out Feraligatr's Surf for Waterfall. Surf may have more power, but Feraligatr's more of a Physical Attacker, and Waterfall is a strong, accurate, somewhat easily accessible physical Water attack.
    I know, but you get Surf before Waterfall and at the time, I needed to replace Water Gun. I was considering deleting Aviex's Surf and Lugia's Waterfall and basically swapping the two, but I kinda don't want to use Lugia after the Pokemon League. My friend traded me a Gardevoir and it's pretty. ;; And you need Surf WAY more than Waterfall. Could always delete it again and again, but I'm lazy.
    Imported SS, too eh? xD I still need to grab a copy of the English HG. :P I gotta get mi amor something for our anniversary though, so yeah. :]
    My dad is holding onto my English SS (I reserved it down in MD, but I got HG up here in NY), so after I pay him I'll probably get it o3o

    Imported SS cost me nine games that I didn't play anymore + $20, and even though I couldn't understand 99/100ths of what went on, it was still worth it.
    It was a birthday present for me<3 Best one, and well worth the wait, seeing that HGSS came out a month after my birthday. But yes, definitely worth it. I can't wait to actually know what's going on! :D