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I'm the Guy who made that crappy Underhell comic!
  • 10
    Someone told me there was no support for Pokemon Sapphire so I'm starting over with Emerald.

    How do I add new Pokemon to Pokemon Emerald using HexManiacAdvanced specifically? Not even a lot, just like maybe, I dunno, 20 at most? I don't even need them all to be fully realized I just need most of them for unplayable bosses in trainer battles. Like suddenly a Team Magma grunt stops relying on Pokemon and whips out an attack helicopter or battle mech.

    I tried the option HMA had, but on test playthroughs the new Pokemon just comes up as "????????", the attack data is there but the sprite and name are blank. And I'm starting to get frustrated with trying to find a solution online, all the articles I've come across are painfully old dating to before 2020 and don't even bring up HMA. No links to tutorials, just straight answers right here on this thread, please and thank you.
    Moving this to "The Correct Section" does not help in any way or fashion, you guys continue to be of no help.....
    HMA doesn't truly support expanding the Pokémon table.

    It used to, but it would just cause a whole bunch of issues.

    So, you cannot use HMA to add more Pokémon.

    If you are intending on making these Pokémon NPC-only, you can technically replace the ? "Pokémon" between Celebi and Treecko, though if you want them to have unique cries you will need to follow another tutorial.