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[Pokémon] Never in the Wrong Time or Wrong Place


The steam from the warm bath rose from the rippling water. Corphish was gleefully treading about the relaxing liquid. Jeff sat on the lid of the toilet, which was placed down so that it acted as a seat, while Daedalus perched on the side of the tub, neutral but more happy than not. Corphish waded around the bubble bath and released some bubbles of his own into the air.

"How are you feeling?" Jeff asked the joyous ruffian pokemon.

"Corphish cor!" replied Corppy with visible merriment.

He smiled. "I'm happy this is helping." Corphish's happiness, even in his injured state, was contagious to both Jeff and Daedalus. Jeff was glad that Corphish was jolly no matter the situation.

"Is he this happy because I decided to become a trainer again?" he thought, proud of his decision to soldier on with or without Treecko.

"<Isn't this great, Dae? Jeff's a thing where he does the battles with us again!>"

"<You mean a 'pokemon trainer'?>"

Jeff stood up from the white toilet cover and moved over to the red marble sink. He utilized his tooth brush and began to scrub away at his teeth.

"<Yeah! Isn't it, Featherhead?>"

"<I don't know, Corppy. I guess it's good that he's not sulking around like a Staraptor, but battles? I don't fight other pokemon for sport; I do because I have to!>"

"<Where's your sense of fun? It's so enjoyable to do, battling against different kinds of pokemon,>" Corphish coerced him.

"<I'm sorry, but I'm not going to throw away my principles just so that I can have…fun. And how can you say it's fun?! For the better part of the battle, you were getting your claws and tail handed to you with a side serving of lemon for dipping!>" Daedalus trilled, offended and disappointed at his friend.

"<I won at the end!>" Corphish retorted, trying to defend himself like a student who's just been scolded by a teacher.

"<You're all bruised up! THAT'S supposed to be FUN?!>" he rebuked the once jolly pokemon. There was a brief silence on the side of the brushing of Jeff's sharp teeth.

"<You're a poop,>" Corphish mumbled, just loud enough so Dae could hear him.


"<You're a poop!>" said the water type, grinning slightly.

Daedalus didn't even bother to argue back; he rubbed his wing down his face in exasperation before flying onto Jeff's shoulder.

Jeff acknowledged the Taillow and attempted to say, "Hey," but he had a mouth full of toothpaste and saliva mixing together to form a creamy goo. He rinsed out his maw and splashed water on his face. Jeff looked out the window beside the mirror and noticed that dusk had forced the sun under the horizon. He leaned in closer to look up at the starry sky but saw no celestial bodies, only gray clouds.

"You done your bath, Corppy?" Jeff asked the pokemon.

"<Ask Mr. Poop over there!>" Corphish replied, giggling and pointing to Daedalus on Jeff's shoulder.

"<Oh, grow up, Corp!>" Daedalus sputtered in an irked response.

"<No, you! By the way, these bath salts Jeff put in are REALLY painful! Yet they're so relaxing…but very very painful.>"

"<That's terrific, Corp. Now get your feminine butt out of the bath so we can get a move on!>"

Corphish jumped out of the tub and landed on the tile, bringing water with him. They walked towards the hallway.

"<If by feminine you mean cute, then I agree,>" Corphish replied, sticking out his tongue.

"<Mature today, aren't we?>"

They reached the top of the stairs and Corphish looked down them precariously. He then looked up at Jeff with concern, who immediately understood. Jeff picked up Corphish and proceeded down the stairs. The stairs did not squeak with each heavy footstep. Once at the vestibule, Jeff put down Corphish and Daedalus followed after him.

Bayleef and Hitmonlee solemnly approached from the kitchen. They loomed Jeff slowly. Bayleef was the first to act. She raised her forelegs to Jeff's waist and wrapped two vines around his chest. Jeff leaned down and returned the ceremonious hug.

"<I'll miss you, Jeff. Come back REALLY soon and don't forget about… you know,>" she whispered hopefully.

Jeff stared at her expectant red eyes which glistened. He couldn't stand to see her cry so he reassured her, "I'll do my VERY best, Bay."

They held the hug for many seconds before letting go. Hitmonlee stepped up next. They shook hands, embraced, and slapped each other on the back all at the same time.

"<Give them hell, Jeff. Don't back down. And remember what I told you…no matter what. Trust me,>" his fighting friend encouraged.

"I will… Thanks for looking out for me, pal," Jeff said shakily, yet sincerely.

"<That's what friends are for,>" Hitmonlee answered, with a hint of a cold undertone in his voice.

The words stung Jeff as he thought about Treecko, who did the polar opposite of Hitmonlee. He decided to think about the task at hand again.

"Bay? Hit? Would you two like to come along?"

Bayleef thought about the question but then reluctantly shook her head in refusal. "<I should stay here…but be sure to call. I might come next time you come back.>"

Hitminlee's eyes lit up at the offer. He hadn't battled since he was a Tyrogue, but he looked at Bayleef and then the ground. "<I have some stuff to take care of…but I promise that I will the next time we see each other.>"

"Ok, then," said Jeff with understanding. "Also, you guys can make food, I assume? Just in case, I'm going to leave you guys some food that I packed earlier – it doesn't require heating or anything." He opened his rucksack, took out several zip locked bags, and placed them on the ground.

"Goodbye, you guys. I'll call you from the video phone as soon as I can."

He opened the door and his two pokemon trotted and flew down the steps onto the walkway, which was darkened by the night. Jeff began to follow them but something hard and sharp hit his lower spine. He flew forwards and tumbled down the stairs, landing on Corphish's back. The confused teen looked up at his assailant who was standing in the doorway.

"<And STAY out!>" laughed Hitmonlee.

Jeff would have laughed but only sharp exhales escaped his mouth, winded from the cruel joke. He rolled off of the not-amused Corphish and caught his breath.

"Well at least your goodbyes aren't as painful as your hellos! DON'T think I won't get you back for this!"

"<I'd like to see that day!>" Hitmonlee mocked with a hearty chuckle, closing the door.

Jeff let out a sigh as he and his pokemon went from the walkway to the sidewalk, where only a few streetlights cast dull orange glows on the barren road, like an industrial torch.

"Oh crap" Jeff brooded in his mind, "I forgot to ask Hitmonlee why he lied to Treecko like that! …Not that it MATTERS now. Oh well, spilled milk."

There was a silence except for the distant singing of Kricketots. A slight drizzle of wetness fell from the overhead cloud he inspected earlier.

"Well I can't send out Onix now," Jeff mumbled.

His pokemon seemed to be worried that the rain would dampen Jeff's mood seeing as it just started as they were resurrecting their journey. To prove to his pokemon that he wasn't a 'no-fun-Numel', as the expression went, he made an enthusiastic suggestion.

"Hey, guys!? How about we have a race from here into the forest?" he beamed cheerfully.

Corphish hopped around in agreement and Daedalus put on a smile and agreed. They formed a line in the middle of the street.

"Ok, from here to a good deal into the forest. No rules or limitations; just run straight ahead. Who wants to count down?"

Corphish took the offer. "Corphish… Corp corp… Corphish phish… Phish cor Corphish… COR!" he yelled sprinting on his many feet while Daedalus went by air.

Jeff was daunted by the unfamiliar countdown, so it took him a moment to pursue after them. They raced down the middle of the long, dark street. Daedalus had taken the lead and Jeff sprinted to catch up with Corphish. The water type's little legs were hindering his speed on the cement. Jeff shortly went past him and ahead, giving Daedalus a fly for his money.

Corppy, realizing that he couldn't catch up by regular means, took advantage of the 'no rules' rule. As he ran, he opened up his pincers to use his ranged attack, bubblebeam. He unleashed the bubbles at the two ahead of him. They whizzed by Jeff's head and legs, narrowly missing but causing him to instinctively maneuver himself to dodge. A large blue orb, however, clipped Daedalus's wing and sent him spiraling to the pavement in front of Corphish.

"<HAH, CAN YOU FEEL THE BUBBLES MELT, BI->" It turned out that Corphish was going faster than he thought, seeing that Daedalus's body closed in and Corphish ended up tripping over it face first into the rain-soaked cement.

Jeff didn't look back while running. They were all just on the edge of both the town and Route 101 now. The human aptly dashed over bushes and through the now-wet, mossy forest bed, running against the cloudburst. He made a good way into the woodland.

By now he was heaving from exertion as a consequence of the long run. He decided he would slow down and wait for the others. Jeff leaned against a tree and panted, struggling for a breath. He shut his eyes and waited; the heavy backpack he carried paid its toll on him. He breathed in and out, his heart pumping vigorously. Rain, which began to pour harder, leaked onto his face and into his mouth, quenching his thirst.

A shaking of a leafy branch could be heard.

"Corphish… Dae… I'm over…here!" he exclaimed through breaths.

The shaking continued and it became closer and from up high. He became paranoid so he shot his eyes open. He looked at the rain beating the tree canopies. There was nothing.

Suddenly, something popped out from the bough of the tree parallel from him. He flinched and then looked up and a pokemon on the branch, who traveled on the wooden limb before its peripheral vision caught sight of the human. It stopped dead in its tracks and darted its head sideways. He had two yellow orbs leering into his. This was all he could clearly make out until a flash of forked lightning hit a little ways away. The electric strike illuminated both beings – each studied their respective counterpart. Standing on all fours on the branch was a light green skinned pokemon. The rain water trickled down from the green to the red underbelly. The muscular tail of the hauntingly familiar pokemon flinched. The pouring element dripped off of the end of the straight twig in its mouth.

Neither figure moved. They both remained in a still shock, like they were being paralyzed by a stun spore. Jeff recognized the pokemon as Treecko… the same Treecko he knew… the one who abandoned him. The stunned wood gecko also identified the astonished human. Their mouths slackened and eyes widened, ignoring the water droplets stinging their respective orbs of sight. The moment either seemed like or was several minutes long. The two gaping figures were drenched and neither knew if they were seeing the real thing.

Suddenly, movement in the bushed beside him caused Jeff's head to turn. At that moment, the Treecko turned and bounded away from branch to branch. From the bushes came Corphish and Daedalus, panting and drenched.

"<We've been looking for you and calling your name for the past several minutes!>" Corphish said, even though he knew it fell upon deaf ears.

Jeff darted his head back to where the Treecko previously stood.

"I… I saw… Treecko!" Jeff stuttered still in disbelief.

Corphish's jaw dropped. "<Really?! Where?! We'll go follow him!>"

"He was up there." Jeff pointed out the branch where he believed Treecko had stood. "He ran off once we heard the rustling… I think."

Corphish looked excited but Daedalus looked skeptical.

"I'm not sure. I don't think I even saw him. I was exhausted from running, then I closed my eyes. I probably just dozed off and was half asleep."

"<But what if it WAS him?>" Corphish protested.

"<Then the *sshole clearly doesn't want to be with us, seeing as he ran,>" Daedalus said hot-temperedly.

Corphish looked at him in surprise and discouragement. "<Fine…>"

Jeff, who was still stunned from the apparent vision began to walk forwards.

With a shaky, fearful voice, Jeff goaded, "Come on, guys… let's go catch a pokemon or something!"

The pokemon didn't protest as they agreed that it would probably take his mind off the bad dream.

"Heeeere, poke-poke-pokemonssss…"


The rain continued to pour into the night, creating cavernous puddles and sodden trees which excreted the fetid aroma of wet wood. The three comrades traveled through plants and bushes, soaked to the bone. The catching escapade was a flop. Corphish picked a fight with a Wurmple but got a face-full of string shot. He was still grumbling as he picked pieces of sticky silk from his face with his claws.

Jeff stopped and looked around him, surrounded by woods. Both he and his pokemon knew it. He was lost. Daedalus flew up and landed on his shoulder, covered by a saturated shirt.

"Do you know where we are Dae?" he asked him, bewildered.

The tiny swallow pokemon shook his head. "<How the hell would I know, we steered clear of this place ever since what happened way-back-when.>"

The dark brown haired male sighed and declared, "Straight ahead, it is. We're bound to hit a road eventually."

Jeff decided to pick Corphish up and continued tromping through the pouring rain. The intimidating torrent made it impossible to see where one was going. Jeff began to run as best as he could, clutching and struggling to hold up both pokemon tightly to his chest. He feared that they would get hypothermia from the deluge as he could feel their body temperatures drop. He would have put them in their pokeballs, but the two devices were buried at the bottom of his backpack and he would have to unload everything into the sopping dirt to get them. His hardest sprinting resulted in a jogger's pace since the thirty-five pounds worth of pokemon added to his substantial rucksack.

His forced dash came to a halt when he ran towards thick bushes which seemed familiar enough. The sudden stop was brought on by a misstep into a pothole-sized pitfall, which the rain filled to the brim, deceptively disguising its true deepness. His caught leg caused him and his pokemon to fall forwards into a bush. Corphish's horns missed impaling his hand by mere inches.

"Woah… Hey, there looks like a clearing on the otherside!"

He pulled his aching shin and foot from the hole and crawled ahead into the bush along with his pokemon.

"<Stop, I hear something!>" Daedalus hopped in front of them and outstretched his wings. When Jeff continued forward in the bush, Daedalus lightly pecked his face, causing him to curse and halt.

They were still and listened for sound. They heard grunts of male pokemon; they were relatively high and calm.

"<What would be out in this weather?>" Corphish whispered.

They silently squirmed through the bush and poked their heads through the leaves. What they saw was a massive, old tree which was like a colossus. The immense boughs of the tree were big enough to be small trees on their own. The canopy created a massive umbrella, even though most of the leaves had disappeared from the limbs of the old, wooden titan. The rain seemed to be tolling on the tree.

"My Arceus…" Jeff whispered to himself. "It's Treecko's home!"

They looked over from the tree, to its left, and saw a familiar outline of a figure silhouetted from the night by the rain. It was Treecko. Jeff wasn't dreaming!

"COR-," Corphish began to call, but Jeff cupped his hand over his mouth.

"No. Wait."

Corppy remained impatient and very excited. Daedalus, on the other hand, was surprised, but then glowered in contempt. Jeff was still in shock as he gazed at his old, cut-up and beaten starter.

They watched the grass type from the bushes. Treecko had a large, bowl-like leaf which was full of rain water in his green hands. He dragged the heavy thing towards the tree, grunting with each haul. By the resonance of his strained voice, it sounded like he had been burdened with whatever it was he was doing for sometime. Treecko got the leaf to the base of the tree before he carefully up turned the leaf onto a root. The wood gecko backed away from the tree with the leaf and waited for it to fill again. The leaf was filled almost completely before Treecko walked back towards his home with it in hand.

"He's watering his tree?" Jeff thought aloud.

The grass type, ignoring the pounding element on his back, made it back to the tree and, with paramount grace, poured the leaf's contents onto the roots. Jeff carefully examined Treecko's face with the action and his very soul was stunned.

Treecko had a look that he had never seen before. He was smiling! It was a genuine smile, not a grin of victory or a smirk of sarcasm. Jeff looked closer. The expression he had was that of extreme caring and calm bliss. This is what he looked like when he loved something. He treasured and loved his home more than anything, and caring for it was the one thing that made him happy, it seemed. Each trickle of water on the roots soothed and detached the Treecko. This was his heaven.

Jeff broke a smile. Not because something was funny or he was joyful, but it comforted him knowing that Treecko was finally happy. Jeff continued to watch him care for his home. His heart warmed from the cold rain as he watched the expression that he had always wanted to see from the grass type. Too bad it wasn't directly because of him. It crossed his mind to walk up to him and say hello, but he decided he would leave Treecko to his work. Many moments passed and Jeff's two pokemon looked at him expectantly. He noticed but ignored the duo. Treecko finished pouring the water and turned to continue the process. Lightning struck a little ways behind them, closely followed by the menacing clap of thunder.

After a few more moments of watching, Jeff crawled out of the bush the way he came and stood up.

"Come on, let's go!" he sputtered in order, awaiting the negative responses which were sure to come.

"<What?! We can't go! Treeck's there! We have to go talk to him!>" Corphish carped in protest.

"I know what you're probably saying, Corppy. But, no, we're leaving. I don't want to disturb him."


Daedalus raised a wing and cawed angrily, "<Shut it, both of you! I hear something!>"

Upon hearing Corphish quiet, Jeff also muted correspondingly. They listened carefully. A slight thumping could be heard over the rain. Daedalus pointed over to the left of the clearing, where the noise was coming from. The thumping and the breaking of branches grew louder and undoubtedly closer. Treecko stopped watering the tree and turned towards the noise. He imposingly walked towards the spot.

"Treecko, no, what are you doing?" Jeff murmured to himself under his breath.

"<What do you think it is?>" Corphish asked Daedalus.

The Taillow opened his mouth to answer, but suddenly a quick movement was performed from where Treecko approached. Suddenly, a medium sized net appeared from the forest and ensnared the wood gecko pokemon.

"<Arceus! What the?!>" he sputtered from underneath the cords.

Then a purple color emerged from wet, dark timberlands. A wet, sharp horn sparkled, catching the eyes of the three onlookers. Water trickled from the spiky dorsal of the hefty, amethyst-colored pokemon; surprisingly, the white underbelly was less noticeable than the rest of him. One thing that particularly established was the black eye patch on the pokemon's right eye. The horn-clad beast chuckled triumphantly as he slowly approached the trapped grass type.

"Nidoking?!" Jeff began to say aloud but Daedalus cupped his wing over his mouth to avoid being seen.

The memorable poison monarch picked up his catch by the ends of his net, making a bag of sorts. Nidoking whipped the grass type around his head in circles and walked towards the giant tree. He then slammed Treecko into the trunk of the tree, letting go of the net. There was a horrific crack, which Jeff hoped was just the bark. With a cry, Treecko fell to the ground, still tangled.

He felt completely helpless and pathetic.

"<Why can't you defend yourself? You're stuck in a damned net and at this coward's mercy. Come on. COME ON!>"

The determined wood gecko pulled himself to his feet in the rain, despite his countless cuts and bruises. He reared his head backwards and attempted to use his bullet seed attack.

"<NOT THIS TIME, YOU RUNTY, LITTLE PUNK!>" he roared, grabbing Treecko by the face.

He picked him up by the head and drove the grass lizard and his arm towards the tree, smashing Treeck into his own home. Treecko impacted the tree and let out a muffled groan. Nidoking performed the slamming action again but harder. Treecko's head and back hit the hard bark, creating splitting pain before he blacked out. He slumped forwards onto Nidoking's claw; there were red marks as a result from the net being pressed against his face on his head and there was clear internal bleeding as there was a massive purple bruise on Treecko's back and tail.

Nidoking took the netted Treecko by the tail and began to walk into the forest. He swung limply from side to side. They walked out of sight into the raining forest.

The three onlookers remained in shock.

"<Oh 'ceus>" Corphish said, mildly slack-jawed. "<We have to go help him!>"

"<Why should we?! He wouldn't have done so for us!>" Daedalus protested.

Jeff remained in silence.

"<Well what's your decision, oh great leader?>" the sour Taillow asked Jeff.


There was a searing pain on every conceivable inch of my back and tail.

I stirred and realized I was not yet dead. No ground touched my body and I realized that I was on the move even though none of my limbs willingly moved. My eyes barely opened and saw that I was still surrounded by the net. I was hanging from that Nidoking's back. I tried to free myself but it was still to no avail. Rain stung my injured body while the heavy night breeze from the storm caused me to sway in the wind; I narrowly missed hitting one of his back spikes. In a continuous attempt to escape, I kept struggling.

"<Save your strength, pipsqueak. You'll need it for later.>"

I could only see behind me. I saw that we left the forest and were now in a clearing, one much bigger than the one where my home was. All of a sudden, we stopped. He dropped me to the ground where I saw him lift something up with much struggle. The poison type then whipped his tail at me, forcing me under whatever it was that he held up. The thing dropped to the wet grass with a 'clang'.

I took the opportunity to crawl out of the net and stand up. I found myself facing bars. I turned around. More bars. I was in a cube cage, not one of weak bamboo like the one Corphish and I were in, but one made of sturdy metal. I hopelessly fell to my bruised ass and accepted defeat for the time being.

"<You chill out there and cool down! Enjoy it while it lasts.>"

I lay down and curled up, wishing I was free.

What a sad sight you are! You basically let yourself get caught. You were completely helpless to do anything and this is where you ended up… STILL just as helpless as when he attacked you!

I felt utterly pathetic and useless. My face kissed the cold, wet, muddy ground. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't get free, I couldn't fight back, I couldn't even stand. There was no word in either my language or the human's that could describe how low I felt. I deemed the very mud I lay in to be of higher rank than me. I thought I should die then and there. All I could think about was when Seviper attacked us and how I went after him only to fail both myself and Jeff. We both wound up in that healing place due to my weak and dismal actions. I couldn't fail anybody ever again.

A familiar echo that I recognized from my past rang through my ears. "<Your number one priority is, above ALL else, your honor. Without it… what are you?>"

Much to my despair, my honor had been stripped back when I fought Seviper. Now… I AM nothing.

Sure I beat him in the end, but that meant nothing. I needed strength… power… speed… if I ever hoped to prove myself to anybody. But for the moment… I was nothing. I weakly beat the soaking, mud, sputtering some on my face. I was furious at the pathetically weak blow, but I knew that if I beat the ground again I would only get angrier. I hopelessly just lay there. Nowhere to go. No way to vent my self-induced frustration. No one to talk to. I knew that even if I did bullet seed him down, I still wouldn't be able to escape. I lay in a heap of my own bruises, rage, and torment.

"<Arceus, please… Strengthen me, evolve me, or kill me,>" I whispered to both myself and the mythical god. "<Just make me more than the pitiable, weak, pathetic excuse for a Treecko... for a pokemon… that I am now. Keep me from failure. Please…>"

I fell asleep, curled up in a ball, holding myself while shivering.

After awhile, the purple pokemon returned and stared into the cage, with a victorious grin. He made a clamor on the bars by dragging his horn across each one.

"<Wakey wakey, you sorry little pokemon. Hell, I bet a Caterpie is stronger than you!>"

"<Nidoking…>" I muttered coldly.

"<It's DAGGERBACK THE OPPRESSOR! Show some RESPECT to your captor, twerp!>"

"<Shove it, drill-ass!>" I retorted defiantly.

He picked up a small stone and placed in his claws. He then effortlessly flicked it at me, hitting me in my nose. I fell backwards onto my tail. I was secretly incredibly ashamed and embarrassed but I quickly stood up to prove I wasn't THAT pathetic, although I felt like it.

"<Hahah! A big mouth for someone who can barely stand. Don't be so cocky, you runt. Now I have a few questions and you better damn well answer them!>"

I walked to the other side of the cave and calmly leaned against the bars.

"<Where did you put those fossils?>" He asked, ALMOST nicely.

"<I don't know what you're talking about.>"

"<You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about! Tell me the TRUTH, damn you!>" he roared, clutching on the bars angrily.

I turned my scraped nose up at him and turned away, examining the new twig in my mouth.

"<YOU ASKED FOR IT!>" he growled. Daggerback, as he like to be called, opened his mouth and spat out many needle-like glowing pins. Two pins hit me in the right foot and the other two hit the shin right above. I found myself on a knee, crying out in pain. I quickly stopped and instead clenched my teeth and breathed heavily as the yells showed weakness.

"<WHERE ARE THEY?!>" he roared, obviously in dire need of these fossils.

"<I… wouldn't tell you… slimy piece of sh*t,>" grunted I, between pants of pain.

"<HRAAAAH!!!>" he bellowed, whirling around and hitting the cage with his tail. There was a tremendous echo and the cage rattled violently. The bars bent but not enough for me to escape through them. Looking at the bowed metal, an idea popped into my head.

I kept my cool, which irritated the poison pin pokemon even more. "<How did you get a cage like this anyways?>" I asked him, changing the subject to irk him.

"<NONE OF YOUR DAMNED BUISNESS!>" he yelled, peering into the cell. He walked away from it and began to pace back and forth. "<Where is that damned Seviper?>" he asked himself in a mumble. "<He was supposed to get that prick's friends for me.>"

"<Unconscious, in a crate on a ship, on its way to Kanto from Petalburg.>" I grinned smugly.

"<ERRGH. Then TELL ME, where are the fossils OR where are your friends!? Or else I'LL go find your friends MYSELF!>"

"<…What friends?>" I spat, quietly.

"<The ones that I caught along with you back at my home before you stole my fossils that I stole. That human, too. Where are they?!>"

I thought to myself, "<They weren't my friends… they were simply three guys who were in the wrong time and the wrong place.>" Of course I didn't tell Daggerback that – I liked to keep him in the dark.

In frustration, he rattled the cage before slamming his hand against it. I stood up and walked towards him with my oh-so-smug grin, glaring rebelliously into his brown eye and his eye patch.

"<I CAN'T DEAL WITH YOU RIGHT NOW! I'm going to have a snooze under that tree, outta this rain! Go crawl back under that net so you don't try to go anywhere!>"

"<Bite me.>"

"<I'll do MORE than just BITE you!>" he growled, shaking a purple fist. Daggerback then walked over to my left and slumped against the trunk of a tree, quickly falling asleep.

I looked around me; ahead there was the clearing, close behind me was the edge of the forest. I sat in the mire and turned my head to my right, where there was the border between the clearing and the woods until it curved at the end. I followed the circular perimeter, with my eyes, from the right to the left, ending where Daggerback was. I looked into the forestry and longed to be in there as opposed to a prisoner to THIS scum.

I rolled the net into a ball and placed my head on it, using it as a crude pillow. I hoped my home would be ok. I attempted to sleep but I couldn't, not with the rain and the burning pain. I sat up and looked at the four needles jutting out of my right foot and leg. I sighed and reached for the first one in my foot. I yanked it out and red blood and foreign sap-like substance exited the puncture wound. I made no effort to cry out; instead I bit down hard on the twig and reached for the second needle. After the third pin, sweat dripped down my face, my breathing grew heavy, and my green ankle and foot were coated with blood and poison. I yanked the final toxic thorn out and flicked it aside. The pin almost hit a brown-furred rodent walking out of the forest. It was that Zigzagoon I saw earlier!

He warily walked towards me.

"<Hey there, buddy! Looking good!>" he jeered, good-heartedly.

I shot him a glare.

"<Ok ok, don't get your tails in a knot! I'm willing to help you. Because I'm a nice guy, I'll let your rudeness from earlier slide.>"

"<It's ok, really. I can get myself out just fine!>" I insisted.

"<Yeah, and I'm Groudon's son! Just stay put and I'll be back with help in no time!>"

Before I could protest, he ran off. I sighed and noticed that I felt a little drowsy. I held my face in my hands, trying to stay awake. I would fall into a half asleep state and would have to slap myself awake. Much time had passed. The "trapped in a pokeball" feeling remained strong and constant. Where was that Zigzagoon?

Suddenly I heard a harsh whisper, saying, "TREECKO!"

My eyes shot open. Was I hallucinating? I took my head from my hand and looked to my right. To my shock and disarray, I saw Jeff pressed up against the exterior of the cage. I blinked twice, checking to see if I was awake.

"Quite the situation you landed yourself into!" he said with an upbeat smile.

"<What do you want?>" I asked him with coldness. I still remembered why I was angry at him.

"I'll get you out of here in no time! You'll probably want to be free ASAP."

"<I don't need your help!>" I hissed, resolutely.

"<Oh yeah, because you're CLEARLY well on your way out; digging the tunnel out of there while humming to the 'Great Escape' whistle, I see?!>" That familiar sarcastic voice… Corphish. He, along with Daedalus, was standing behind Jeff, Corphish with a huge grin burned onto his face.

"<What the hell are you doing here? Did that damned Zigzagoon find you?>" I asked, irked.

Dae bitterly inquired in confusion, "<Zigzagoon? No, Jeff over here said we had to save you after we saw what happened at that tree!>"

Great, they saw that! Just when I thought I couldn't be more ashamed of myself THEY had to see my pathetic state back there!

I turned my back to them in contempt and embarrassment.

There goes my last chance of any honor.

"Hang in there, Treeck! I'm getting you out!" Jeff encouraged, pressing on the bars.

At first he tried to pry the bars apart. After the strenuous failed attempt, he took another approach. He tried to lift the wet cage up.

"<Jeff, that's not gonna work,>" I told him.

He didn't and couldn't listen. He continued to try to lift the heavy thing, but the bars were dripping wet and it didn't move at all. He stepped back, the night rain still pelting them.

"Damn it! ...I know!" he exclaimed.

Jeff walked backwards several meters. He then ran towards me and the cage. He rammed into the bars, creating a vibrating clang. He recoiled from the hit and growled.

"Don't worry, Treeck," he said, holding his shoulder. He walked back and then did it again, creating the booming metal sound again. Jeff grimaced upon the hit and shook it off.

"<Stop it! That won't help! I can take care of myself!>" I urged. I admit I felt a wave of respect for him for doing what he was doing, but it wasn't helping.

He ignored me and Corphish joined in with his crabhammer attack. They didn't notice that Daggerback was asleep on the other side of the cage. Corphish's attack hit a bar, moving it slightly, but in turn making a huge noise.

"<Get out of here! I don't need you! You'll wake him!>" I stipulated with tremendous stubbornness.

"<You heard him! Let's leave the prick!>" Daedalus agreed, although I was shocked at his choice of words.

With inflexibility and pain, they continued, all the while making a strident clamor. Just then Daedalus noticed the half-blind Daggerback by the tree – he was waking up!

"<Idiots! Run!>" I scolded.

It was too late.

"<Well, well, well! It seems my bait worked like a charm! Like Rattata to cheese!>" He got up from the tree, where he was almost invisible with the downpour and the pitch-black.

Jeff and Corppy stopped banging. The three slowly edged to their right, into the clearing, preparing for a fight.

"<Shouldn't you be teaching some kids to learn the alphabet, Barney?>" Corphish taunted, much to my annoyance.

"<Wh… what are you talking about, ruffian?! ERGH, never mind! Either go into the cage willingly or I'll MAKE you go in there!>"

Then Daggerback walked towards them, his back turned to me. I seized the opportunity. I jumped up and began to pound my tail against the bar which was slightly dented. It moved a little. I landed and looked over at Daggerback. He swung his tail with medium force, hitting Jeff in the face and Daedalus, who was on his shoulder. Both pretty much cart wheeled in mid air before landing in the grass. Corphish, in anger, began to unleash a torrent of bubbles from his claws, which increased in size with the rain.

I leapt again and, with every ounce of strength, hit the bar. It bent, but still not enough. I hit it again; I could feel the cuts from my tail reopen and bleed. I grimaced but paid no attention. I hit the metal cage barricade. It curved further but a smear of blood was left on the crooked pole. I looked back over and saw Daggerback with his massive foot on Corphish, pressing him into the ground. With frenzied doggedness I jumped up, let out a cry, and swung my tail as hard as I possibly could. I felt the metal bend with my tail. I landed on one knee and looked up – the bar was arced so that it touched the bar to the left of it.

It looked like I could squeeze through. With a self-satisfied smirk, I jumped up and grabbed the bent bar and the metal shaft to the right of it with my hands and feet. I wedged my way through the small gap and landed on the wet grass. I turned to look at the Nidoking; he had the three in his arms and was walking back towards the cage. He noticed that I was out of it and began to charge towards me.

"<HEY!>" he roared.

I had no choice; I ran into the raining darkness of the forest.


The pirate-like Daggerback, in a grumble, lifted the cage and threw the three under. He quickly bent the obstructed bar back into place. Corphish and Daedalus were still, but barely, conscious. Jeff's bag was thrown into the clearing so he couldn't pull any fast ones.

"<Conceited, pompous, moronic prick,>" Daedalus muttered, getting to his feet.

"<Who? T-Cko?>" Corphish asked. "<What happened here? You used to be the one sticking up for him and I was the one who hated the jerk… Oh, I guess I still do, a little.>"

"<I can't stand his type. Selfish, arrogant, disobedient…>"

"<Yeah yeah, I get it. Could he BE any more of an ass… But still… he was our friend.>"

Daggerback walked from their position and, with paranoia, kept a look out for the escaped Treecko under the shade of the rained-upon tree.

The duo of pokemon complained to each other while Jeff remained unconscious. They stopped upon hearing light scampering in the forest behind them. Daedalus and Corphish edged towards the noise, peering into the forest. Suddenly, a brown, furry rodent pokemon leapt from the bushes and fell face first in the wet grass. Embarrassed, he sneakily got to his feet and shook water from his spiky brown-beige fur off.

"<Hey, buddy! I couldn't find anyone but I…>" he stopped talking once he reached the cage and looked around in confusion. "<Hey, where did the mean, green guy go? …Hey, I made a rhyme!>"

"<Wow! I can rhyme, too! Get us out. Don't make me shout. If you don't I'll crabhammer you into the next route!>" Corphish threatened.

"<Corppy, please! Sorry about him, he hates the rain,>" Daedalus lied. "<But can you sneak over to the bag in the middle of the clearing and get out the pokeball in the side pocket and then bring it back over, please?>"

The Zigzagoon was distracted. He stared, stunned at Jeff, who was still unconscious. "<It's him…>" he whispered to himself.


The Zigzagoon snapped out of it. "<Yes. Of course I will! I'm Rishi, by the way,>" he said with surprising, yet put-on confidence. He sneaked on the side of the cage that Daggerback wasn't on and eyed the bag from afar. He peered around the corner to see the poison pin pokemon turned away. Rishi gulped and dashed for the bag. His running legs trembled with fear, but he made it to the bag and hid behind it just as the Nidoking turned. Seeing nothing, he twisted back around.

Rishi sighed and ripped open the pocket with his mouth. A pokeball spilled out and he picked it up in his mouth. He began to dart back but then stopped out in the open. Daggerback was staring at him, tapping his foot. Rishi was frozen stiff. He dropped the pokeball in his mouth and began to ran the way he came. Rishi dashed by the cage, with tears in his eyes, yelling, "<I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Tell him I tried!>"

And then he was gone.

"<Coward,>" Corphish spat.

Daggerback leered into the cage and said, "<It's Q and A time, isn't it?>"

Then a bright green pellet shot from where the Nidoking's tree was. It hit him in the side of the head.

"<HEY!>" he bellowed, turning in the direction of the shot.

The snarl awoke Jeff. He groaned, holding his head, looking around. As he sat up against the bars, Treecko appeared from where Zigzagoon ran off.

"Treecko?! How did you get out?!"

"<A great search and rescue team you guys are… You should make a rescue squad!>" he said, walking in front of the nearby pokeball.

"<Oh shut up and get us out of here! Start by releasing Atlas from that pokeball>" Daedalus ordered, unkindly.

Treecko simply folded his arms, standing behind the turned Daggerback, and claimed, "<No.>"

The soaking wet, eyepatched Nidoking heard this and turned around. "<You…>"

The wood gecko answered with a massive volley of bullet seed. Jeff was awed by the sight. The array of light green seeds shot from his throat and pelted Daggerback. While the pokemon was stunned, Treecko jumped up and whacked him across the face with his tail. Daggerback's horn tore the tail's flesh, slowing the grass lizard down.

The night storm didn't let up; all it did was wash the blood from their wounds.

The purple beast kicked Treecko forwards, who sprawled on the ground. He then shot three purple pins from his mouth. One missed but hit the pokeball, causing the device to ricochet to the right. One narrowly missed Treecko's head, and one went through his tail. The grass starter growled in his throat and bit through his replacement twig, as the long purple needle literally pinned Treecko's tail to the ground. He couldn't move it without extreme pain; the needle stuck out of the top end but also stuck into the ground.

Daggerback slowly approached Treecko, laughing a hearty snicker. He raised a foot over Treecko's head, preparing to knock him out.

"<Not THIS time, either, you runty little punk.>"

Treecko didn't back down; he glared into the brown, angry eye and began to shoot another bullet seed. Both of their actions were halted when they were blinded by a massive bright light coming from beside the cage. Materializing from the light was the titanic rock snake, Atlas. Both fighters were equally shocked, although Treecko hid his more than Daggerback.

Atlas, irritated by the rain, let out a bellow and picked up the cage with ease in his stony jaws. He flung it into the air and it flew towards the two. Daggerback began to flee, but Treecko couldn't. The Nidoking was in his charge stance so that he would evade the falling object better, but instead of charging the group he barreled towards the forest. He knew he couldn't stand up against Atlas.

Instead of bracing himself, Treecko shot a bullet seed at Daggerback as an apparent last stand. The seed dug into the horned back of the poison pokemon, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground before trying to retreat again.

Luckily for Treecko, the falling cage was bottom-heavy, so it fell on him without crushing him.

"<Great job, Atlas! Now TREECKO is back in the cage!>" Corphish half-scolded, half-chuckled.

"<Sorry, dude,>" Atlas apologized, lifting the cage off of Treecko and throwing it towards the Nidoking who was getting up.

The rolling enclosure narrowly missed hitting the running away Daggerback and rolled beside him.

"<I'll be back, and I'LL BE BACK SOON, YOU F…>"

The rest of his sentence was cut off by Atlas's triumphant bellow. Treecko ripped the needle from his tail with a grunt. He broke and clenched it in his hand, causing blood to drop with the shards of the purple pin.

Treecko emotionlessly walked towards Jeff and the human did likewise. The two best friends glared into each other's eyes. They stood in silence. Darkness surrounded them and their bodies were soaked from the torrent. While the two stared-off, Corphish looked nervously between Daedalus, who glowered at the grass type, and Atlas, who used his tail as an umbrella for his scarred head. Daggerback continued running away from them until he was out of sight. Treecko and Jeff still stared into one another's eyes, while the others awaited their reactions. Still nothing; no words were spoken and no muscles moved.

The wood gecko looked down at himself before looking back up at Jeff. "<You're still worthless, Treecko. Still… worthless…>"
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Good chapter. I continue to be impressed at how much you improve every chapter, so great job there. But, of course I have plenty to complain about. Like always. ^^

Jeff sat on the lid of the toilet, which was placed down so that it acted as a seat, while Daedalus perched on the side of the tub, neutral but more happy than not.

This didn't flow well. It was a long sentence, and 'neutral but more happy than not' doesn't sound right. Think of rewording it.

Jeff stood up from the white toilet cover and moved over to the red marble sink.

Red marble? Interesting choice in bathroom decor. XD

"<No, you! By the way, these bath salts Jeff put in are REALLY painful! Yet they're so relaxing…but very very painful.>"

Heh. That's Corphish for you.

Hitmonlee's eyes lit up at the offer.

"Oh crap".

Corrections in bold.

A slight drizzle of wetness fell from the overhead cloud he inspected earlier.

Replace wetness with moisture.

He made it a good way into the woodland.

What they saw was a massive, old tree which was like a colossus.

More description would be helpful here.

I stirred and realized I was not yet dead. No ground touched my body and I realized that I was on the move even though none of my limbs willingly moved. My eyes barely opened and saw that I was still surrounded by the net. I was hanging from that Nidoking's back. I tried to free myself but it was still to no avail. Rain stung my injured body while the heavy night breeze from the storm caused me to sway in the wind; I narrowly missed hitting one of his back spikes. In a continuous attempt to escape, I kept struggling.

Nice job here! I liked this a lot.

Daggerback, as he liked to be called, opened his mouth and spat out many needle-like glowing pins.

He swung his tail with a moderate amount of force, hitting Jeff in the face and Daedalus, who was on his shoulder.

I guess that's about it. Lots of CD here, between Jeff and Treecko. Hitmonlee showed some development as well, by not going with Jeff. But that ending... Nice. I wonder what you're going to do with Jeff and Treecko as well. Great chapter, so keep it up!
Thanks, I really appreciate the review.

I added more description to the tree and I'll fix the other stuff later.
Depending on which forum you read this at first, this might look familiar...

Grammar mistakes I present to you, grasshopper!
He utilized his toothbrush
Also, "utilized" seems like a strangely technical term to use in this context...

"You done with your bath, Corppy?"

seeing that Daedalus's body closed in and Corphish ended up tripping over him face first

He made it a good way into the woodland.

"Do you know where we are, Dae?" he asked him, bewildered.

"Woah… Hey, there looks like a clearing on the other side!"

had been burdened with whatever it was he was doing for some time.

"<Where did you put those fossils?>" he asked, ALMOST nicely.

Both pretty much cartwheeled in mid air before landing in the grass.
A lot of these are either two separate words not spaced apart or one long "word" that needed to be spaced apart...

Not grammar per se, but:
while Daedalus perched on the side of the tub, neutral but more happy than not.
"Somewhat happy" would have sufficed and wouldn't have sounded so funny...

Yay for the return of everybody's favorite evil psycho Nidoking, Daggerback! And with Jeff and Treecko reunited under... well, I wouldn't call it the best of circumstances, but...

And while it would have been all sweet and mushy if Treecko had made up with Jeff, from a character development perspective, it was preferable that he hasn't forgiven quite yet. And whether you realize it or not, you DID end this on a cliffhanger... Will Treecko decide to travel with the group again or not? And now that Jeff's gotten over his emo stage, can Treeck do the same?

Aww, what's poor Daggerback gonna do now with Atlas ready to pwn him? Chicken out again? I loved his hasty retreat! Though the mystery of the stolen fossils remains...
And Corppy's rhyming and reference to Barney? Priceless XD

Trying hard to speak, and
Fighting with my weak hand
Driven to distraction
It's all part of the plan
When something is broken
and you try to fix it
Trying to repair it anyway you can

I dive in at the deep end
You become my best friend
I wanna like you but I don't know if I can
I know something is broken
and I'm trying to fix it
Trying to repair it anyway I can


The heavens leaked seemingly infinite amounts of the water like a broken Bidoof dam. The occasional daunting thunderclap followed the equally menacing nearby lightning strike. Jeff, who was steeped with water, remained barely standing, facing off against the diminutive, dark-lime green reptile.

The brash Treecko leered boldly into Jeff's green eyes, focused only on them and not the cuts and bruises burning his entire body. The other pokemon waited impatiently, all for different reasons.

The unspoken showdown was finally broken by Jeff. He asserted the smallest of grins and said, "Hey there, Treecko."

The wood gecko remained still and silent. All he did was continue to glare callously into the human's eyes. Jeff reversed a step, taken aback, a little intimidated even, by Treecko's less than warm reply. The standoff of eyes began once more, a battle Jeff was fated to lose.

Atlas winced from the rain and looked down, seriously considering digging down into the subterranean for shelter. Corphish snapped his claw, the anticipation killing him. The seemingly infuriated Daedalus seemed to struggle to keep himself in one spot.

"I… I…"

"<If you want me… you're going to have to catch me… and then fight me,>" Treecko said without a hint of mirth or fun in his voice.

Jeff looked to Corphish, the resident charades expert. The ruffian pokemon pointed at him and then began to run on the spot. After that he pointed at Treecko and then back to Jeff before raising his claws in a Rocky-esque fashion.

"You…want me to… FIGHT you?"

Without even a shrug, Treecko stared hard into Jeff's eyes, signifying the answer.

"Erm…I… Corphish…do you want to-"

"CKO!" the grass lizard replied in either a curse or a sharp 'no'. He crossed his arms in disagreement. Treecko then pointed at Jeff and then brought his finger towards him.

"<You and me… one on one.>"

Jeff began to understand.

Daedalus drew his line. "<This is ridiculous. That's it!>"

The tiny swallow pokemon lunged at Treecko, knocking him to the ground. Daedalus began bashing at him with his wings and the rare beak strike.


"<You selfish – b*stard – think about – someone - other than – your sorry – green hide – for once – you have – virtually – nothing – to prove!>" Daedalus yelled between each batter.

Treecko took the beating – he didn't even defend himself; he took it in what can either be interpreted as 'taking it like a male' or 'taking it like someone who knew he deserved it'. Jeff ran over to them and held back Daedalus. The increasingly bloodied Treecko looked up at the enraged bird who was starting to settle down. He defiantly stared at his attacker and then spat blood into Dae's face – some of the sputtered blood fell back onto his own torn-up mug, though it was quickly washed away by the rain.

Daedalus went into a frenzy and pecked his way from Jeff's barring hands. He then began to go at the wood gecko again, who remained calm and collected even through the beating.

"DAEDALUS!" Jeff roared. He pulled a pokeball from his pocket and pointed it at the Taillow, who was barely visible in the night. "RETURN!" Daedalus disappeared in the beam of red.

Unexpectedly, Jeff pulled out two more pokeballs and shot them at Atlas and Corphish, who also were recalled to those strange, spherical devices. Treecko's eyes showed minor shock at Jeff's drastic actions, but he then blinked it away and stood up. The two locked eyes in a brief minor showdown. Treecko nodded and, like a secret code, Jeff replied with a nod.

The grass starter turned and went down on all fours. He looked back, hit his tailed rear, taunting Jeff, and shot out his tongue at him before darting off into the rainy, dark forest. His physical pain hastened his run instead of hindering it. With a moment lost to comprehension, Jeff immediately took off after him. He, of course, didn't run in a straight line since that concussion to the head was compromising his balance for the time being. As fast as he possible could without falling, Jeff raced after Treecko. The rebel wood gecko quickly disappeared into the overgrowth and foliage. This didn't keep the determined human from pursuing.

Jeff ran blindly into the forest, stopping only on occasion to listen for rustling over the loud slaps of rain hitting leaves. The downpour created a proximity barrier so that it was nearly impossible to see what was past the thousands of droplets. He sprinted with all of his strength through the woodland. He was so focused on running that he didn't bother to think that this would be futile. His vision and orientation was impaired enough from the rain and concussion without Treecko being able to climb trees and blend in with the plants and trees. Jeff looked up and around before sprinting over logs and branches some more. He wasn't sure if Treecko was watching him or not, but he was oblivious to the fact that he was going in distorted circles.

The veins above his eyebrow bulged from exertion. His forced hurtles were leaving him sucking in every conceivable molecule of oxygen for breath. He kept running through every inch of the forest that he could, even with his backpack on. Jeff's nostrils were flaring, his hair dripping wet, his teeth clenched, and his lungs and leg muscles were in overdrive. During his bewildered sprint his foot caught a root and he went flying onto the limbs of a split branch which appeared to be struck by lighting, apparent by the charred end of it. He fell on his left shoulder with a grunt. Jeff didn't instantly get up, instead he rolled onto his back and lifted up his t-shirt sleeve. He looked at his bicep and watched water trickle down to meet fresh blood brought on by four small, crude scratches which were complimented by small broken piece of bark.

The scratches were very close to an old scar that he had never forgotten. The scar from the Scyther went from his shoulder, and it almost curved around his arm down to above his elbow. How he obtained it was the memory that traveled with him wherever he went. The scar was a large white line with red tinting the edges; it was clear Jeff was too proud to get stitched following the event…either too proud or he didn't want the scar to ever heal. He poked the bumpy, old wound and remembered when Treecko saved him for no reason. It baffled him why he did that then and why he was doing this now.

Was it because he chose to be stubborn and purposely a handful upon being assigned a trainer so Jeff wouldn't want him anymore? Was it because of that tree he cared so much for or did he just hate the idea of being tied down with someone? Why would a bad-*ss like Treecko ever save him when he really didn't care about him in the first place? Chivalry, perhaps?

Jeff threw away the mental questions and stood back up. He took off through the forest but found himself tripping again, falling into moss and foliage. He got to his hands and knees, spitting out a green leaf from his mouth. Jeff took the rucksack from his back and placed it beside him, still looking down. He reached into the outer most pocket of it and felt two twigs in his hand: his own, which he hadn't used for so long that he had forgotten when the last time was, and Treecko's, which was given to him the night he left.

"Damned rain… damned forest… damned Treecko."

He heard nothing but he saw two green feet appear in his downward field of view. Jeff looked up and found himself at eye level with Treecko. Jeff expected him to have a hand outreached to help him up, but there was no such thing. The pokemon simply stood, staring out of the corner of his eye with his arms folded.

Treecko probably decided to stop the pathetic chase due to the realization that running was the coward's way out. He decided to face the challenge with courage and collected confidence. He didn't seem worried about losing mainly because he was positive he'd win if Jeff even had the psychological guts to fight.

"Have you decided to stop this and come with me, Treecko?" Jeff asked hopefully.

Although Treecko's eyes remained still, Jeff guessed that he was probably insulted by the idea that he would abandon all pride and cave to the suggestion.

Treecko began to walk away from him until he stopped, a good four meters away.


He suddenly turned and, with the battle-loving grin that Jeff had suddenly come to fear, dashed towards him. He jumped right before he would have hit Jeff's face and went into a backwards flip. His tail flew up and hit Jeff in the face with such power that he was sent from on his hands and knees to on his back.

Stunned, Jeff merely looked up at the rainy night sky and spat out saliva and dark red blood, which formed in his mouth, and the two trickled pathetically down his cheek. Treecko had landed with such grace, but Jeff, for once, could not enjoy it. The entire lower portion of his face was numb. He looked down his chest at Treecko, who stood at his feet.

"<Get up.>"

"…Why?" Jeff asked, obviously in response to his hostile actions and not the order, itself since he still couldn't understand. "What's wrong with you?"

Treecko answered just as coldly. "<Get up.>"

Jeff did get to his feet, but at his own will.

"I don't want to fight you… I won't," he said, earnestly.

Treecko ran towards him again and lunged. He hit Jeff with his hand, right below where the human's ribs ended, dead-center. He had evidently aimed for the winding-effect. It worked. Jeff recoiled two steps and half-doubled over, but quickly straightened himself.

"<The weakness of the trainer reflects the pokemon.>"

Treecko jumped up and whipped his tail across Jeff's face. A mixture of more blood and saliva shot from his mouth and landed on a nearby plant. The force sent Jeff instinctively stumbling in almost a circle just to keep his head from spinning all the way around. Before Jeff could react further, Treecko lunged at him similar to the first time, except higher up on his chest. The hit sent Jeff falling backwards. He crashed to the ground, his head hitting the trunk of a tree. And that hit was the last straw.

That single blow to the head changed Jeff's entire state of mind. The fury that he wanted never to use on his pokemon again returned... and it returned with a vengeance.

With overwhelming anger and adrenaline storming in his eyes, making them a sharper green than usual, he hissed, "You want a fight… you got it."

Jeff stood to his feet and clenched his fists. Treecko grinned, amused at his old friend's anger. The calm gecko brought his finger once more towards him, egging Jeff on. The human walked towards Treecko in the rain, careful not to get ahead of himself, but he found himself speeding up, eager to get a hit in. Treecko took advantage of this and flanked Jeff's left and jumped up, whacking his tail into his shoulder.

Jeff grunted as it felt like a stone hit him, but he remained standing. He turned and spat.

"I'm proud of you, Treecko. You're not sinking so low as to use your pathetic bullet seed on me!"

Treecko grinned in competition. Even Jeff's taunts wouldn't be able to get under his green skin. With apt speed, he lunged at the human. Much to both of their surprise, Jeff got the drop on him. He brought his hand across in a curved punch and, in what seemed to be like slow motion, hit Treecko across the face. The impact of his knuckle bones hitting Treecko's snout was, to Jeff, sadistically satisfying. The last time he hit Treecko, he felt it was his biggest mistake of his life. But this time… he was loving it.

The impact noise of the two bodies sounded exactly like the ridiculous, stock punch noises in TV shows, but Jeff didn't complain. He felt his love for the fight return as he felt like just like he did when training with Tyrogue in preparation for leaving. The speed seemed to return to normal in Jeff's eyes and Treecko was sent sprawling to the human's left.

Treecko was stunned in mid-air at the unexpected hit, but he quickly righted himself before hitting the ground. He bent his legs to absorb the shock from the log he was headed towards, and in turn, reversed the force to bound off the wet log and back at Jeff. He saw the body, silhouetted by the night and rain, maneuvering in the air to hit him, but he let his primal instincts overtake all other senses. He ran towards Treecko head on and grabbed the mace-like tail with both of his hands, ignoring the slapping brunt it had with them.

Jeff used Treecko's momentum as well as his own to swing him around in circles by the tail. Instead of letting go and throwing him, Jeff edged towards the tree beside him and slammed the wood gecko into the trunk. Jeff let go on collision; Treecko's face was the first to hit the bark and the rest of his body wrapped around the trunk. He slid to the ground.

The determined Treecko, with astounding effort, managed to pull himself to a sitting position. Refusing to admit defeat, Treeck began to stand up and shakily walked towards Jeff. The grass starter was on the brink of collapse. The human, who was still in his bloodlust-mode, clenched his fist and arched it towards the ground, so it barely hit the wet dirt. His hand went from down to up, catching Treecko in the jaw. The lizard went flying up and back, and, still in a standing position, he hit the trunk with a blunt 'BIFFT'. He then slid to the base of the tree, head slumped forwards and unconscious.

The fight was over.

Jeff's anger began to cool down as he looked at Treecko. He then began to realize what he had done. The comprehension sunk in.

"I… Treecko. Oh, Arceus! I didn't mean to do that. Oh damnit! Are you alright?!"

He knelt down in front of the knocked out pokemon, checked his pulse and held him in his arms. Treecko's breaths were labored and very light. Jeff completely forgot about all of Treecko's wounds. He was sure he was hurting him just by touching him, even if he was unconscious.

"I'm so sorry…" Jeff took out Treecko's pokeball, and after a moment of hesitation, tapped his head gently with it. Before dematerializing into the orb, Treecko's left eye winced.

And then he was gone.

The ball shook…


Then it locked.

Jeff shakily stood and looked around in the rain. There was nothing but torrents of water, trees, and the night behind them.

"Where the hell is the pokemon center?!"

The aggravated human took out another pokeball and shot the beam straight upwards.

"TAIII-" the pokemon began to say in a hassle as he appeared in the air.

"Yeah, yeah. Now go find the pokemon center and HURRY! …GO! THANK YOU!" Jeff angrily ordered Daedalus, who flew off.

Several pain-staking minutes later, the soaked flyer returned and urged Jeff to follow. Jeff thanked him and complied. His strength allowed him only to jog at full force. He followed the Taillow, only able to see him using the white underside of his tail as a guide.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! You don't FIGHT your own pokemon in anger! You don't KNOCK OUT your own pokemon!!" Jeff mentally scolded himself.

As he ran, he remembered how much he enjoyed punching Treecko.

"Was that because you were mad at him? Was it an anger release for everything that has happened? Or are you really a horrible person, like Daggerback?"

Jeff tripped over two more roots before catching up to Daedalus.

"TaaaiLOW," he chirped, hovering in one place.

Jeff slowed down beside him and saw him looking at a white light through the trees as well as the muffled tone of human and pokemon voices which seemed to amplify with the sound of the familiar sliding door. It seemed the forest finally ended! He let out a relieved half grunt, half laugh and walked out of the woodland.

There it was, the rectangle shaped structure which was the answer to all of their questions. Fluorescent lights shot out of the windows and the door of the white building. The red, flat roof of the building housed a sign, saying "Pokemon Center". The quaint building was surrounded by no more than ten buildings – nine houses and one pokemart.

Jeff slowly trudged towards the entrance while Daedalus flew ahead. He landed near the exterior of the center and began to hop beside the left side. Much to his shock, he saw the brown wire of an extension cord plugged into an exterior outlet which was hidden behind a bush and it led into the forest. The wire was barely sheltered by the rain.

"<… Oh, Corphish,>" Daedalus chuckled.

"Come on, Daedalus! Get your feathery butt over here!" Jeff pried, almost too rudely. He reluctantly complied and flew through the night and onto his shoulder.

The automatic door swung open for Jeff and he was stunned by the overflow of trainers and their pokemon. The cries of hurt pokemon and the like snivels or comforting words of their trainers drowned out the torrent outside.

"This had better not be a bunch of wimps who are afraid to get wet," Jeff scoffed, squeezing between pokemon and human alike. On his way to the crowded front counter, he almost stepped on a terrified purple rodent, known as a Rattata, who had run off from its young trainer. Jeff basically shoved the three guys in front of him to the ground before finally getting to the counter. He withdrew Treecko's pokeball and placed it with his hands on the counter.

"My Treecko needs help, right now!" Jeff pleaded, preparing to release the wounded pokemon from the capture device.

"I'm sorry, you're going to have to take a number," the pink haired nurse apologized.

Jeff looked at the roll of numbers beside his hand and saw that twenty-three would have been his. He then looked up at the ticker on the wall which said, "Now attending to 8."

"Pick a number?! My Treecko doesn't have time to wait for that many pokemon to come and go! He could die at any minute…I think. It's HARDLY fair that a Spearow with a… twisted ankle gets to go before me while my pokemon is holding on for his life!"

"I'm sorry, but we are taking all of the patients from the Petalburg City center after some disaster a few nights ago. So we're taking all of the pokemon who have fought in the gym plus our normal amount of patients. We have four pokemon who are probably worse than your Treecko since they were too badly off to even have the strength to go IN their pokeballs." Nurse Joy explained, calmly.

"Right… sorry," Jeff apologized, guiltily looking downwards.

"We'll try to accommodate you the best that we can but we only have four beds and the pokemon using them should be in the ER at Petalburg right now and they won't be able to leave, let alone move, for many hours as we still have to stabilize them. The best I can tell you is 'help your Treecko hang on and wait, please'."

Jeff turned around somberly and looked up to see a guy his age with a blue track suit on make eye contact with him. It was Blane, the jerk with the Piplup. Jeff quickly pulled out Daedalus' pokeball and returned him to its confines as Blane walked towards them.

"Hey! I remember you. You're that guy with the Taillow who attacked me."

"Jeff's the name. How's that Piplup of yours?" he asked cynically.

"He's a little beaten up right now. He just needs some rest," Blane answered.

"Ohh, is that so?! Well, don't worry; I'm sure he has a GREAT, GRATEFUL trainer who will take care of him instead of sending him into more battles," Jeff replied with heavy sarcasm which flew straight over Blane's head. "I hope they pick your number soon," he told him, this time with seriousness.

"How's…Da…eee…daday? Daydal…os…THE TAILLOW! Did he pick a fight with an angrier trainer?" Blane asked with his own derision.

"No… he hasn't," answered Jeff, becoming irritated, but then an idea struck him. "Sayyy…do you still have your bike?"

"Yea, it's out front. Why?"

"No reason…" he lied. Jeff quickly darted his head to the side and pointed at Nurse Joy. In excitement, he yelled, "HEY! IS THAT A POKEMON BATTLE?!"

"WHERE?!" Blane instantly asked, turning, like when one feigns throwing a ball to a Growlithe.

Like a Rhyhorn, Jeff plowed through the crowd and to the door, which slid open upon his approach. He craned his head around before spotting the blue bike in the night across the path, tied by a tree to avoid the rain. Jeff ran towards it and threw Corphish's pokeball beside the bike. The orange water type appeared and looked at Jeff.


"<Rushy, rushy!>" Corphish exclaimed, clamping through the cord with ease.

Jeff had gotten on the bike and he looked back to see Blane walking out the front door. No time to get Corphish's pokeball from his pocket, after placing it back, he picked up the pokemon and literally squeezed him into the handlebar basket.

"HEY! THAT'S MY BIKE!" Blane yelled, beginning to run towards them.

"<Ooo! It's like Grand Theft Bike! Can I do bubblebeam drive-bys?>"

Without a word, Jeff pedaled as fast as he could down the wet dirt path.

"BASTARRR…" Blane yelled but his voice was cut out by the rain as well as the Doppler Effect coming into play.

The ride was smooth, for Jeff, anyways. Corphish was lodged in the basket in such a way that his tail came up the meet his eyes, and his feet were pointing upwards.

"<Jeff, I know you had to get me in here quickly, but I'm getting discouraged looking at my own ass… It's not as cute up close, I'm afraid.>"

He didn't hear him. He didn't even realize Corphish was speaking. Jeff was too busy lost in thought about Treecko and the pokeball. He wondered how he would take it and whether he would even be ok.

They rode up to the gate of Petalburg City and went in. Jeff turned left but found himself stopped by police tape. Where there was usually a pokemon center there was a crowd of police and investigators inside the yellow tape, looking at the damaged building. The front right corner of the red and white, double story center had appeared to have been destroyed as rubble had caved in.

Jeff dismounted his bike and returned the lodged Corphish to his pokeball. He then walked over to the closest police officer who was talking to Nurse Joy.

"Excuse me, what happened here?" Jeff asked, surprised and confused.

"Huh? Oh," the officer said, looking at Jeff. "A few days ago, in the night some pokemon… an Onix, went wild near the outskirts of town. It eventually made its way to the pokemon center. The damned thing wildly attacked the center before continuing its path of destruction back into the forest."

Jeff's mouth opened in shock. He reached into his backpack pocket and fondled Atlas's pokeball in worry.

"Luckily no one was hurt. If you see an Onix with a scar on its face… or ANY Onix in particular… don't try to be a hero. Run to the authorities and tell them where you saw it. Got it, kid? And if you needed the pokemon center, go to the one in Oldale. You clearly can't use this one."

Jeff barely nodded as his every muscle clenched. Blood began to drain from his face and he suddenly began to become very afraid of his backpack.

"Was Onix the cause of this destruction? No way would a gentle guy like him never attack a pokemon center for no reason! Besides, Onixes have fights all the time; it's not unlikely for one to have a scar on its face!"

Jeff kept telling himself that and got back onto his bike. Nurse Joy walked up to him.

"Jeff? Is that you?"

"Hey, Nurse Joy… Yeah, it is," he responded. "I have another weird question for you…"

"Of course, Jeff," she said soothingly.

"Well…" He took in a deep breath. "Me and my Treecko had a fight… a bad one. After it I couldn't understand him… or any pokemon anymore. Did I break the bond we had by being an awful friend?"

Nurse Joy paused and looked down uncomfortably. Her look said it all. "I'm sorry to say it, Jeff, but that is highly possible…not that you were a bad friend but the fight. It must have been pretty hurtful to both of you to make that switch in your head flick back off. Although, it's not unheard of."

"Oh… I understand. Is it possible for it to… come back?"

"Jeff, it's not going to be permanent. Of course it will come back, eventually, especially with a gifted individual like yourself. Just give it time and care… like a new tree."

"Yeah… ok… thanks," he answered. "That's easier said than done," he pondered to himself.

"Well, I've got to get going right now!" Jeff explained. "I'll see you later and under less pressing circunstances."

"Goodbye, Jeff. Remember what I said."

"Ok! Bye!" he replied, turning Blane's bike around.

Jeff biked to the top of the street across from him and looked down the daunting slope.

"Here goes nothing," he whispered, gulping. He then rode down the incredibly steep street, parallel to the ravaged pokemon center. Jeff was headed for the docks.

He was accelerating at a dramatic rate. Luckily for him, with the rain and the night, the street was barren of traffic. "Ok, now is probably a good time to use the brakes," he thought, becoming worried. He lightly squeezed the handlebar brakes. Of course, he did not decelerate. He burned the very asphalt he was going so fast on.

"If I brake suddenly, I'm going to flip. All I can do is keep going…"

Jeff did exactly that. He neared the water, but luckily for him it was a clear path to it. The rain made it impossible for him to know for sure, but he recalled there being a pier at the end of the street. Sure enough, there was a planked walkway which was a few feet off the water. Jeff braced himself for the inevitable plunge into the water.

Through the rain, he saw a rock on the pier, moving about wildly. He neared it rapidly and his heart sunk. He tried to maneuver he bike's course as much as he could without falling. It was no good. The front wheel hit the rock and everything seemed to slow down.

Just as they hit, before flying into the air, he managed to yell out a panicked, "F*CK ROCKS!"

The rear of the tandem lifted off the ground and Jeff found himself no longer on the bike. The bicycle flipped and went soaring over the edge of the pier, but not before the wheel hit his face. Jeff was not so lucky. In a mess of flailing limbs he landed on the wooden dock and sprawled until his right leg was awkwardly hanging over the side.

"Geo… geo… geo…" a hoarse voice said along with the thuds of something big coming towards Jeff. The beaten human groaned and attempted to move. Suddenly a rock with arms and eyed appeared in his field of view.

"Dude?!" the rock pokemon asked with worry.

"I'm terrific… and you?" he replied with sarcasm, trying to straighten out his aching limbs.

The Geodude pulled him so that he wouldn't have to. After a minute, Jeff wobbly stood. He noticed that the Geodude was cringing from the torrents, as well as the waves brought on by the storm.

"You need some shelter?" Jeff asked him, who nodded.

Jeff gestured him to follow. They walked down two piers over and onto the dock. He encouraged Geodude to go onto the familiar boat, which swayed to and fro. Jeff knocked on the door three distinct times.

"Mr. Briney?! Are you there?!" he called.

The door opened and the old sea captain's eyes widened.

"Jeff! I was wondering when you'd get back!" he greeted.

"Is everything fixed?" eagerly asked Jeff.

"Yes, they just finished the repairs yesterday afternoon."

"Can we come in? Geodude needs to get out of the rain," he explained.

"Of course!"

They followed Mr. Briney down to the small but homey boat cabin. There was a large steering wheel at the center of it. Jeff saw Peeko perched on a desk next to an oil lamp and some cartography maps.

"Do you think we could go to Dewford now? Please?!" the teen urged. "It's a one way trip for me, but not for Geodude here."

"Are you crazy? In THIS weather? Sure, I've been through worse, but still!" protested Mr. Briney.

"Please. It's an emergency! My… this Treecko is really hurt and I couldn't use any of the other pokemon centers. If we wait it might be too late!" pleaded Jeff, unsure about Treecko's condition.

The captain sighed. "Very well. I can't say no to a hurt pokemon. Why don't you get some rest and I'll start up the engine?"

Jeff thanked him and complied, turning to lie on a cot on the right side of the cabin. He thought about Treecko but he instantaneously fell asleep.

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A bell tolled, waking Jeff up. He arose from the cot and groggily looked around.

"We're here, Jeff. Just barely made it, too! I can't believe you slept through that whole thing," Mr. Briney stated.

"Thanks for the ride!" he answered, still half-asleep. He picked up his bag and began to ascend the stairs, topside.

"No problem. Going through that storm made me feel like I did when I was your age! I'm going to be docked here for awhile, though. If you need to go anywhere else, you know where I am," the captain chuckled.

"See you around, Geodude." Jeff opened the hatch and his face was pelted with rain. It was no longer night, the sky was gray, but it was still raining. He reluctantly pulled himself back into the element. Almost slipping on the deck, he stumbled onto the pier.

Jeff closely examined the small island town. He would have said it was the size of Oldale Town, except coastal and it had one landmark building: the gym. The large building was huge compared to the other, smaller houses. Directly at the end of the pier was the pokemon center. Without a second guess, Jeff dashed towards it. While he ran, something caught the attention of the corner of his eye: three destroyed beach houses, to his right on the beach. He quickly dismissed it and charged towards the only salvation for his pokemon.

He burst through the automatic doors, almost tearing one off the track. He ran through the empty pokemon center and up to Nurse Joy, who was waiting happily at the desk next to the plump, pink body of a Chansey.

"My Treecko is hurt! He needs some help. I don't know how serious it is."

"Of course. If you could release him from his pokeball…" she asked, sweetly.

Jeff swung around his backpack and dug out the pokeball. He was reluctant to open it, afraid Treecko might be DOA. He closed his eyes and pointed it onto the desk. The still wood gecko materialized on the counter. His eye was barely open and his breathing was much worse than before.

Incredibly weakly, he heaved, "<You… put me in a… pokeball… and took me… from my… home? You… you…>"

Even though all Jeff could hear was, "Cko… tree ckotree… treecko cko… cko cko tree…treecko… cko? Cko… cko…" By the very look and tone of voice, he knew that he had made a huge mistake… even though he only wanted to help him. Treecko gave him a final betrayed leer before Nurse Joy took him to the ICU, with the Chansey following.

"He just needs a lot of rest," she replied with the obligatory answer of reassurance.

"If you'd like to wait, there are some magazines that you can read. Then I'd like to ask you about what happened."

Jeff really didn't want to talk about what happened so he said, "I'll be back soon. There's something I need to do."

Feeling awful and particularly angry at himself, Jeff burst out the door and, without a second thought, stormed towards the Dewford gym. He was waterlogged from the continuous downpour, but he still tramped towards the gym in determination. Jeff approached the beige painted building and opened the front doors. He walked in and drew near the front desk, which had a lanky, bored security guard behind it.

"I'm here for a battle," Jeff explained.

"Go on in," he replied monotonously. "Brawly is training his pokemon."

He entered the door to the left of the broad desk and walked in. He found himself on the perimeter of a green, hardwood-floored gym. The set up had reminded Jeff of the room where he and Hitmonlee had practiced fighting back before Hit had evolved. Surrounding the battlefield were bleachers running five feet above the floor. On the other side of the gym, Jeff made out three figures doing stretches. One was a man with blue hair like the ocean. The green floor heavily contrasted with his orange T-shirt and blue shorts. The other two figures appeared to be pokemon. Both were the size of children but they differed heavily in appearance. The one to the gym leader's left was a plump-looking yellow pokemon reminiscent of a sumo wrestler. On the human's other side was a skinnier pokemon with a gray skin tone and a small tail.

Jeff took off his wet shoes and walked towards the three. On closer inspection, the yellow pokemon had red blotches on its cheeks as well as black, glove-like hands and the gray pokemon had three crests on its head. He stopped in front of the three and they stopped the routine stretching.

"Hey, I'm here for a battle," Jeff stated.

"Woah, slow down, little dude," the twenty-something year old said in a heavy surfer accent. Jeff had to chuckle under his breath; the accent instantly reminded him of Keanu, his brother. "My name's Brawly, and this the gym for fighting pokemon, in case ya' didn't know." He outstretched a hand, to which Jeff shook it.

"I'm Jeff, from Littleroot Town."

"Ohhhh yeaaah, four dudes from Littleroot Town came by here a day or two ago."

"Four?" responded Jeff, confused.

"Two sets of two. Both at different times," he explained serenely.

"Well, anyways, I'd like to battle you."

"Radical! We were in the mood for a battle, seeing as y'can't surf in this weather. Rules are… two on two. First one to have both pokemon wiped out loses. Go to your side and choose your dude!"

Jeff nodded and walked to his side of the field, in front of the door. He stood firm and reached for his pokeball.

"Machop, you're up, dude," Brawly said, sending the gray pokemon forwards.

"Ok… Corphish! Let's go!" Jeff stated, pointing the pokeball at the floor.

The shimmering orange body of Corphish appeared on the green gym floor. He looked around, confused, but soon got into the groove of things and prepared himself for a fight.

"<About time!>" Corphish crowed.

"Let's keep it ranged, Corp!" Jeff advised, quietly.

"<Bring it on, you…ugly…dinosaur…human…thing…ummm…err…B*STARD-*SS!>" Corphish struggled to taunt. "<Wow, I haven't made any battle insults in such a long time I think I forgot how!>"

"<I'll take you down no problem. I could beat a crustacean like you surfing blindfolded!>" the Machop haughtily replied.

"Ok, dude! Use a karate chop!"

The gray figure began to run towards Corphish, determined and with his hand straightened out.


Corphish opened both of his pincers and precisely shot bubbles at the Machop like a machinegun. The waving blue orbs quickly hit the fighting type, bursting painfully on contact with his gray skin. Although the volley slowed the Machop's charge, he was a determined pokemon. He ran straight through the bubbles, but was hurt in the process.

"Corppy! Ready for close quarters!"

Corphish nodded and put one claw forward to defend and brought one claw back to retaliate. The superpower pokemon brought a chop down, but the water type blocked the cut with his defending claw and brought his other pincer up the Machop's jaw in a vengeful uppercut. He fell back and landed on his tail. The fighting type tried to get up but Corphish already ran towards him and he felt the cold wet pincer hit his face. Machop fell backwards, with his nose and mouth bleeding. Corppy was preparing to attempt another crabhammer attack, but Brawly recalled his pokemon first.

"Good try, dude… Hey little dude! That's a pretty tough Corphish you got there! We'll see how he flows against Makuhita here, though," yelled Brawly, sending the yellow fighting pokemon onto the green floor. It began to walk towards Corphish.

"Ok Corp, nice work. Do the same thi-" Jeff was cut off by Brawly giving his order.

"Dude, use fake out!"

The guts pokemon sped up in a way that Jeff didn't think was possible. Without time to react, Makuhita brought his black fist into Corphish's face, sending him stumbling backwards, utterly stunned.

"Nice hit, Makuhita! Now do vital throw!" Brawly called, confidently.

The yellow fighting type grabbed Corphish by the horns and began to swing him around in circles. All Jeff could think about was when he did that to Treecko, knocking him out. Makuhita, now with enough momentum to do some serious damage, let go of Corphish and sent him careening towards Jeff. He was forced to duck to avoid his pokemon from hitting his head; poor Corppy hit the wall behind him and fell to the floor, unconscious.

"Damnit… sorry, Corp," Jeff apologized, recalling Corphish to the pokeball. He looked around at the gym. Jeff noticed that the roof was only about twenty five feet high, not nearly enough room for Onix to battle. Even if he could, Jeff was still nervous about whether Onix really DID destroy that pokemon center.

He took out Daedalus's pokeball. Jeff was beginning to realize that he went into this battle without thinking everything through. Daedalus still didn't know about the last gym battle and he despised these fights. With merely a hope that Dae would battle, he released him to the field.

"Daedalus, please, I need your help."

He materialized and looked around the field. There two humans facing off, one adrenaline filled pokemon; it didn't take long for him to comprehend the situation. As soon as he did he turned to Jeff with an extremely betrayed look.

"Oh great, that's two for four now," he mumbled. "Please Daedalus… just this once," he begged, louder.

The offended Taillow folded his wings and shook his head with a bold, "LOWW".

"Please… I'm beggin-"

"LOW," he replied again, cutting Jeff off. He then indignantly marched towards his pokeball, clicked the button, and turned into the red energy.

"Errr…dude? Do you have any more pokemon?" Brawly asked with some awkwardness in his voice.

"Well… I have an Onix…but he wouldn't fit in here," said Jeff with sudden insecurity.

"This town has had enough trouble with Onixes, anyways! We don't need one tearing up the gym, too."

There it was again. Onix and destruction. Was it his Onix? That couldn't be; he found it near Petalburg. Was it the species as a whole?

Jeff's train of thought was broken with Brawly's voice. "I'm sorry, dude, but if you don't have another pokemon, you're going to have to forfeit and try again later."

He sighed.

His voice shaky from frustration and embarrassment at the disgraceful loss, he said, "I…guess I…have no choice. I… give…u-"


Jeff's lips froze in their very place and he turned around, little by little. He found his entire body slowly turning to the noise. He saw a body silhouetted by the brightness outside. Its arms were folded and the tail as well as the overall was unmistakable.

It was Treecko.

The soaking, cut-up, smug Treecko.

"Is that little dude gonna battle with you?" Brawly asked.

"No, he's not. He should be rest-" Jeff was interrupted by Treecko's tail hitting his face. The lizard then walked onto the field, his point proven. The bewildered Makuhita looked at the equally confused Brawly.

"Man, this dude has some serious relationship problems with his pokemon," thought the gym leader to himself.

"Treecko, are you sure you want to ba…" This time, Jeff cut himself off upon seeing Treecko glare into him, more offended than Daedalus. "Right, sorry. I'm not supposed to ask you that."

"So… it's your badass Treecko against my tubular Makuhita, dude?" Brawly asked.

"I… guess it is," Jeff replied, giving in.

"Righteous! Makuhita, start off with an arm thrust!"

The yellow pokemon began to run towards Treecko.

"Keep it ranged, Treecko!" Jeff advised.

The wood gecko, of course, moved in for a physical attack.

"…Or not. It's your call," he mumbled, irately.

Treecko awaited the first punch, which he knew was aimed for his face. Gracefully, he moved his head to the side, avoiding the punch, before slinking around behind Makuhita. Treecko pivoted in preparation to take out his legs with his tail. Makuhita sensed this and thrust his leg backwards to catch Treecko in the chest. The guts pokemon then whirled around and began to rapidly punch him, mostly in the face.

Treecko kept his neck firm and after multiple blows, spat out blood and jumped backwards. He then tried to use bullet seed. Much to his utter contempt, it didn't work. He scowled and tried again. It was still to no avail.

"Treeeeeee CKO!" he roared in frustration.

He tried again and it finally worked. Bright yellow seeds shot from his throat. With aim directed in front of Makuhita's path, he spat out the seeds with every ounce of strength that he possibly could. A cloud of smoke burst around the fighting type from the blow.

"Dude! Prepare to use force palm!" Brawly called out.

Treecko ran towards the shroud and rammed into Makuhita. He hit his tail into Makuhita's chest, then pounded it across his face, and then finally hammered it into the back of his head as a result of an adept jumping maneuver.

Treecko turned to hit him again but Makuhita drove his hand into Treecko's ribs. Neither human could see what happened but both heard a definite snap. The agony-surged lizard fell heavily to his knees, doubled over through gasps and grunts. Sweat dripped off of his snout. Rage and adrenaline poured into Treecko's eyes.

"Treecko?! Are you ok?!" Jeff called through the smoke.

He got up just as quickly as he fell, determined not to lose.

"TREEECKO!!!" he yelled, doing a back flip. The tail, as a product from the graceful move, pounded up Makuhita's chin. While flipping in the air, he propelled himself from the back flip into a frontward somersault. This brought his heavy tail onto the guts pokemon's head. Makuhita fell onto his back. Treecko landed and the smoke began to clear. As soon as it did, he unleashed a volley of bullet seeds onto the already unconscious fighting type, causing bits of the floor to fly up all around him.

"Dude, not cool!" Brawly mumbled, returning Makuhita to a pokeball. "Nice job, Jeff. I wasn't expecting that!"

Treecko began to walk towards Jeff. He stumbled in his place a bit as he walked.

"You were awesome, Treecko. Thank you, but you should really be-"

Treecko collapsed on the floor beside Jeff. The human immediately dropped to his knees and held him. Treecko coughed up some blood, which tricked down his chin and onto his chest. As Jeff quickly followed the sharp red liquid's trail, he noticed that Treecko's upper chest was very purple and indented inwards. He was gasping for air and heaving at a disturbingly irregular rate.

"Oh sh*t."

The frantic Jeff instantaneously picked Treecko up and as quickly and gently as he could, began to run with him in his arms.

"Dude! What about your badge?!" Brawly called, oblivious to the situation.

Jeff ignored him and ran through the doors. He sprinted past the sleeping guard and into the burdening downpour.

"Arceus, you should have stopped him, you should have put him before the badge and ignored his stubbornness. Arceus! You f*cking idiot, Jeff! Look what happened to him!" The soul-stabbing thoughts rushed around his head, which subsequently began to lose color.

"Come on Treeck, hang on. Hang on. Hang on!"

The large drops of water hit both him and Treecko, despite his efforts to cover him. The blood from the wounded pokemon's chin began to wash away, accompanying the rain to the ground.

"Oh good, you found him h-"


Her face suddenly went from relief to seriousness. Nurse Joy carefully made the transport of Treecko from Jeff to her and led them through a white door to the right of the counter which led to a bright hallway.

"Chansey, ER! Stat! Pneumothorax!" she ordered to the egg-bearing pokemon standing in the lobby. The Chansey nodded and followed her, her face also growing serious. Jeff immediately followed the pink pokemon.

Once in the room, Joy placed Treecko on a stretcher. She took out many instruments and placed the stretcher's belt ceremoniously over the pokemon, to hold him down incase he woke up, presumably. Jeff kneeled down to Treecko's right, holding his hand firmly with his right and cupping both with his left. The Chansey stood beside Nurse Joy and placed an IV line filled with morphine into Treecko's left arm.

Nurse Joy picked up a sharp metal rod in her right hand and in her left was the end of a small hose, which led to a suction machine. In the Chansey's hand was another hose which was hooked up to a machine which appeared to be for pumping oxygen. Also attached to Treecko was an ECG monitor, for his heart rate.

"Ok, Chansey? Three – two – one – now."

To Jeff's horror, she stabbed the metal rod into a precise position in Treecko's chest.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jeff's father was a doctor; he knew what they were doing, but he still felt obliged to ask.

The pokemon's pupils constricted and he gasped.

A single spurt of blood shot from the hole, which was now sealed by the rod. Droplets of blood landed on Treecko's chest and one on Jeff's cheek.

"Ready, Chansey? Now."

Nurse Joy took the rod from his chest. More blood seeped from the hole.


Joy stuck her hose into the wound and blood began to fill the hose and suck towards the machine containing a blood bag. Just as quickly, Chansey put her hose into the leaking hole and oxygen began to pump into the lungs.

Treecko turned his head to Chansey.

Through labored heaves, he said, "<Tell… Jeff… I'm… proud… of… him…>"

And then he closed his eyes.

The monitor went wild.


"BPs dropping!"

"Chans chansey!"

"Prepare the defibrillator and up the oxygen output!"



Jeff squeezed Treecko's still hand tighter.

"Oh Arceus, hang on, Treecko!"

"260 BPM. His BPs still plummeting! Bring that defibrillator over here."



Nurse Joy took the gel accompanying the defibrillator and rubbed it on Treecko's chest. She then readied the paddles.



There it was... the single sound that made both doctor's and visitor's hearts stop, themselves. Jeff's eyes widened and his grip on Treecko's hand tightened. He went into a state of frantic shock.



Jeff held Treecko's limp hand with resolute zeal.


Tears began to form in his eyes.


"Clear! …Sir, please remove your hand!"

"NO!" Jeff shouted.

"Trainers…" she muttered. "Sir, remove your hand! I need to defibrillate your Treecko!"

Jeff's hand didn't move a muscle.

"Sir! Let go!"



"I'M NOT LETTING GO!" Jeff cried, still kneeling over Treecko.

"I'm NOT losing this patient because you're too stubborn to let go of that Treecko! I'm giving you three seconds before I defibrillate!" she said, rubbing the paddles together. "One – two – three – clear!"


She pressed the paddles to Treecko's gelled chest and zapped them. The shock went through Treeck, causing him to jump, and went from his hand into Jeff, causing him to twitch and fall to the ground. But he still held onto the lifeless, green hand. Jeff crawled back up, biting his lip and growling in raw emotion. Thoughts shot about Jeff's bursting mind.



"Treecko… wake up… Arceus, buddy, please wake up! Come on! Please!"

"Chans sey!"



The surge went through the two again. Jeff writhed in agony on his knees but was determined to hang on. Tears soaked his face and torrents of blood here rushing to his head from the voltage. Beads of sweat fell from his forehead.


"It's not looking good. Chansey, raise the voltage!"


"This can't happen. This wasn't supposed to happen! We were supposed to battle from continent to continent, side by side. We were supposed to be just like my brother and his Treecko. We were supposed to be best friends. YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DIE!!"




Jeff kneeled over Treecko, glowering from agony and pain. He was a mess. His hair was ruffled and on end, his nose was now bleeding from the liters of blood that rushed to his face from his increasingly speeding heart. A mixture of the rivers of tears, sweat, saliva, and blood met at Jeff's chin. The solution dripped off, onto Treecko's face. He couldn't see straight and he flinched from the electricity flowing through him.

He examined the peaceful, calm Treecko and let out a final sob.

"I didn't mean to hit you! I didn't mean to make you hate me! I didn't mean to take you from your home and I didn't mean to meet you and drag you into this sh*tty mess! Friends aren't supposed to hurt friends! ...I failed you… and now you're gone."


"Treecko… I'm sor-"

And before Jeff lost consciousness, he felt his hand slip away.

Losing hope is easy
When your only friend is gone
And every time you look around
Well, it all, it all just seems to change


Jeff found himself staring upwards at a spotless white ceiling. He was on a hospital bed. The disoriented human propelled himself to a sitting position. Jeff looked down to see his hands shaking. He remembered what had happened and fear struck him like bolt of lighting would the tallest tree.

"…Was it a dream?"

He darted his head to his left.

"…A very bad dream?"


"…A nightmare?"

He darted his head forward.

"…Or is he…"


"…Is he really gone?"

He then closed his eyes and slowly turned his head to the right, afraid of what he might see. Fear and sadness pumped through his veins at the question. He had remembered all of it. His shut eyes began to moisten,

"…He can't be…"

He opened them and an unexplainable surge of emotion hit him like sledgehammer.

It was him.

"T…T…T-Treecko?" he stammered unwillingly.

The lizard was lying in the bed next to him.

A now-sweet female voice came from the foot of his bed. "We managed to resuscitate your Treecko, remove all of the blood from his lungs, and reinflate them. If you had kept holding on we may not have been able to safely give him the proper voltage to restart his heart. So it's a good thing you passed out when you did. You should consider both you and your Treecko very lucky! Just be sure that you two take it EXTREMELY easy for awhile." Nurse Joy smiled before going to examine another patient.

"Lucky," Jeff muttered in a laugh.

He dangled his legs over the right side of his bed and stood extremely shakily to his feet.

"Treecko… I… Are you ok?" was all that Jeff could bring himself to say.

He simply stared at Jeff and gave a weak grin. "<We won, didn't we?>"

"Yes we diiiiiiiiiiii…" Jeff trailed off and was stunned. "What did you just say?"

"<What do you think I said?>"

His mouth slackened. "T-T-Treecko… I c-can hear you? …I can hear you! I can HEAR you!" Jeff then jumped at Treecko and hugged him, despite his countless injuries.

"<Congratulations.>" Treecko mildly chuckled with sarcasm in the comment. "<Now remember what I said about the hugging! Arceus, show some pride!>" He seemed not to care, but Jeff hoped that he was celebrating on the inside.

Jeff let go of the wincing pokemon, who now forced himself to an upright sitting position. The grass pokemon's face was now serious, like he was remembering something.

"I... I'm… You… I…" Jeff attempted to speak but no words escaped his trembling lips. He internally hated himself for his lack of ability to tell him what he was going to say.

Treecko slowly blinked and struggled to stand on the bed. With tremendous effort, he turned around so that his twin-leaved appendage faced Jeff. Treecko then made eye contact with the human. Jeff, immediately catching on, made eye contact back. Both grinned simultaneously and Jeff grasped Treecko's tail with his hand, who shook his hand back. After Treecko's ceremonious gesture, the pokemon spoke with seriousness.

"<I think you have something that's mine…>"

The teen was lost for a moment but then it hit him. Jeff reached into his pocket and pulled out the twig that he had familiarized with Treecko. The pokemon took the almost oversized object from him and began to stare at it. He was immediately lost in a profound state of thought. One couldn't be sure whether he was thinking about the time it came from or where it came from or whatever else was running through his head.

He broke his concentration and placed the twig in his mouth. Jeff felt something fill in his eye that he had wished hadn't.

Without hesitation, he pointed behind Treecko and remarked, "Hey! An explosion!"

The pokemon apathetically turned around to see for himself. The rogue tear escaped Jeff's eye and landed on Treecko's shoulder. The human mentally swore and shut his eyes.

"<What was that?>" Treecko asked, turning his head slightly to inspect what had hit him.

"Probably one of your stitches ripping, you stubborn bastard, you could have gotten yourself killed!" Jeff laughed heartily, while wiping the tear from his eye. "I'll be right back; I'm going to get a Coke from the vending machine…"

Jeff let go of Treecko and stood up. He turned to his left and walked out of the ICU doors to the main lobby. He knew that the times were cheerful now, but the returning of his speech comprehension was a curse in disguise, and he knew it.

"Ignorance is bliss," he muttered while approaching the CocaCola machine. He shakily inserted change into the slot and noticed that his hand was still quaking.

"Probably from the electricity," pondered Jeff as he heard the can of the beverage fall down into the dispensing area. He bent down to pick it and when he came back up he noticed someone staring at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Well, well, well," said a voice that Jeff deemed familiar.

He turned and his eyes widened upon seeing the recognizable blond hair.



Losing hope is easy
When your only friend is gone
And every time you look around
Well, it all, it all just seems to change
But hanging on is easy
When you've got a friend to call
When nothings making sense at all
You're not the only one that's afraid of change



Songs: X & Y- Coldplay (Oh god, not another Coldplay song, right? XD )

Losing Hope- Jack Johnson

Sorry about the cliffhanger again. I had that ending planned for awhile. :P

So a lotta stuff happened in that chapter..^ ^;

The whole medical procedure scene was purposefully lacking in description to make it as hectic and fast-paced as possible, just so you know :p

I wanted to post the chapter with a new banner from Scenice but it hasn't come yet so... :X

Here's a picture of Treecko in the start of the chapter (NOTE: THIS PICTURE IS NOT MINE)

Here :3
Last edited:
Piece of crap serebii won't load, but I'll post the review there too I guess if you want me to...

I promised a review, so I'll give you one, damnit. *shot since you didn't want me to anyway*

With Treecko back, I'm eager to see Daedalus's attitude towards him, and to Jeff, too. I wouldn't be too happy with my owner if I'd let Treecko back… =P Though, Jeff should be slapped for treating my amazing Daedalus so rudely. *pets his feathery head*

And, even if Jeff can understand Treecko again, I don't think those two are completely okay yet. I think they'll still have things to work out. :c However, it's a damn good thing that Jeff can understand his pokemon again, because all the "I don't understand them!!" stuff was kind of getting… old, for lack of a better word.

Also, I'm eager to see how Jeff will react to realizing Atlas's (Onix to him still) true self, since he basically tried to destroy Dewford before. XD You did a good job with him being shocked that such a seemingly peaceful pokemon could be so destructive.

Now that I think about it, I'm wondering why Treecko DID come to help Jeff in the battle versus Brawly. O_o It was definitely a nice, unexpected twist to me, though. Ah well… I've never seen Brawly in the anime, but I kinda liked the way you made his speech really… surfer-like, I guess. XD Sounds a lot like how I think Dewford people would talk.

Gahh, kind of like Manaphyman or whoever it was, the scene with Treecko and Jeff at the hospital was quite an edge-of-the-seat moment for me, too. When I was doing the beta I was kind of afraid I'd miss a bunch of mistakes, but I think I did okay. XD

And screw u, another cliffhanger. :[ Just kidding.. But hopefully people will like our sexy characters we talked about today.. :O I also liked the songs, particularly the first one. Now that I look at it I'm not sure how the second one relates to the chapter at all…? Except for the "Losing hope is easy when your only friend is gone" part. Must be me just being slow, yeah?

The heavens leaked seemingly infinite amounts of the water like a broken Bidoof dam. The occasional daunting thunderclap followed the equally menacing nearby lightning strike.

I particularly liked this piece of description, and was a nice way to open the chapter before Jeff and Treecko started talking.

"<Jeff, I know you had to get me in here quickly, but I'm getting discouraged looking at my own ass… It's not as cute up close, I'm afraid.>"

Probably the best line in the entire chapter. Go Corphish!
As fast as he possibly could without falling,

which were complimented by small broken pieces of bark.

shot bubbles at the Machop like a machine gun.

Possibly my only complaint (and this is MINOR) is that things seemed to move a bit quickly. I do understand why, given the nature of Treecko's injuries and such, so it really isn't anything to worry about..

The irony does not escape me- the very thing that separated Jeff and Treecko in the first place- Jeff physically attacking Treecko- is what ultimately led to their coming back together again.

And the stubborn nature of Treecko and Jeff was brought out nicely, with Treecko marching in to battle Brawly and with Jeff's refusal to let go of the Pokemon even while getting zapped as Joy tried to defibrillate Treeck.

As for Jeff's understanding of his Pokemon again... it might have been a bit too soon since he and Treeck just started working together again- then again, the both of then HAVE been through hell, so in another way, reuniting despite all that has happened in the interim. So basically, in that last part I have no idea what I'm trying to say...

Was it Atlas, or was it another scarred Onix who's been going nuts and destroying towns? Well, I hired a CSI investigation team to scour and evaluate every line of your fic to find out, and... they don't even know. I'm not going to all-out accuse Atlas of the rampages, but he remains on the suspect list. And, dang, I'm watching too much CourtTV...

"<Ooo! It's like Grand Theft Bike! Can I do bubblebeam drive-bys?>

"<Jeff, I know you had to get me in here quickly, but I'm getting discouraged looking at my own ass… It's not as cute up close, I'm afraid.>"
Hah, even in a serious situation, Corppy still gets the best lines!

As far as character development, this chapter was spot-on, with the nicely described setting and fight between human and Pokemon only adding to the intensity.
Wow. Just wow. Very beautiful. Your writing is of very high quality, and the storyline is brilliant. Emotions run high, especially in Chapter 8 or 9... I forgot which, and it's usually pretty hard to get me to cry. Maybe I'll give constructive criticism next time! ^-^
Notice: The next chapter will be a co-op chapter with me and DiamondPearl876. I'm excited to see how it turns out.

Piece of crap serebii won't load, but I'll post the review there too I guess if you want me to...

I promised a review, so I'll give you one, damnit. *shot since you didn't want me to anyway*

With Treecko back, I'm eager to see Daedalus's attitude towards him, and to Jeff, too. I wouldn't be too happy with my owner if I'd let Treecko back… =P Though, Jeff should be slapped for treating my amazing Daedalus so rudely. *pets his feathery head*

And, even if Jeff can understand Treecko again, I don't think those two are completely okay yet. I think they'll still have things to work out. :c However, it's a damn good thing that Jeff can understand his pokemon again, because all the "I don't understand them!!" stuff was kind of getting… old, for lack of a better word.

Also, I'm eager to see how Jeff will react to realizing Atlas's (Onix to him still) true self, since he basically tried to destroy Dewford before. XD You did a good job with him being shocked that such a seemingly peaceful pokemon could be so destructive.

Now that I think about it, I'm wondering why Treecko DID come to help Jeff in the battle versus Brawly. O_o It was definitely a nice, unexpected twist to me, though. Ah well… I've never seen Brawly in the anime, but I kinda liked the way you made his speech really… surfer-like, I guess. XD Sounds a lot like how I think Dewford people would talk.

Gahh, kind of like Manaphyman or whoever it was, the scene with Treecko and Jeff at the hospital was quite an edge-of-the-seat moment for me, too. When I was doing the beta I was kind of afraid I'd miss a bunch of mistakes, but I think I did okay. XD

And screw u, another cliffhanger. :[ Just kidding.. But hopefully people will like our sexy characters we talked about today.. :O I also liked the songs, particularly the first one. Now that I look at it I'm not sure how the second one relates to the chapter at all…? Except for the "Losing hope is easy when your only friend is gone" part. Must be me just being slow, yeah?

I particularly liked this piece of description, and was a nice way to open the chapter before Jeff and Treecko started talking.

Probably the best line in the entire chapter. Go Corphish!

Rest assured, Jeff IS very sorry about being rude to "your amazing Daedalus" *shrinks back into chair.*

Very insightful of the Jeff/Treecko thing, little do you know, I have stuff planned. :O

Yay, I did a good job at something! I'm also eager to see how Jeff will react...*shot*

We shall find out why next chapter...oh yes..

Actually you missed 999999999 mistakes in the hospital scene, thanks for saying it drew you in, though. :D

You know you're not kidding ;) The characters aren't THAT sexy... IMO... The second song does relate to the chapter, it's just you being slow again <3 :P

Go Corphish, indeed!

Possibly my only complaint (and this is MINOR) is that things seemed to move a bit quickly. I do understand why, given the nature of Treecko's injuries and such, so it really isn't anything to worry about..

The irony does not escape me- the very thing that separated Jeff and Treecko in the first place- Jeff physically attacking Treecko- is what ultimately led to their coming back together again.

And the stubborn nature of Treecko and Jeff was brought out nicely, with Treecko marching in to battle Brawly and with Jeff's refusal to let go of the Pokemon even while getting zapped as Joy tried to defibrillate Treeck.

As for Jeff's understanding of his Pokemon again... it might have been a bit too soon since he and Treeck just started working together again- then again, the both of then HAVE been through hell, so in another way, reuniting despite all that has happened in the interim. So basically, in that last part I have no idea what I'm trying to say...

Was it Atlas, or was it another scarred Onix who's been going nuts and destroying towns? Well, I hired a CSI investigation team to scour and evaluate every line of your fic to find out, and... they don't even know. I'm not going to all-out accuse Atlas of the rampages, but he remains on the suspect list. And, dang, I'm watching too much CourtTV...

Hah, even in a serious situation, Corppy still gets the best lines!

As far as character development, this chapter was spot-on, with the nicely described setting and fight between human and Pokemon only adding to the intensity.

That Irony was intentional... tell 'em, DP!!!!

I agree about the regaining pokespeech may have happened abit too fast, but I couldn't really think of a beeter place for it to happen, and as DP said, I was worried about it getting old.

Haha, just a bit too much, really. I'd tell you if it was him...but I won't. I was going to insert a witty court-related one liner but I forgot the middle part, thus ruining it. -_-

Thanks for the great review, much appreciated! You get a Free coupon to have your picture taken with Corphish!

Wow. Just wow. Very beautiful. Your writing is of very high quality, and the storyline is brilliant. Emotions run high, especially in Chapter 8 or 9... I forgot which, and it's usually pretty hard to get me to cry. Maybe I'll give constructive criticism next time! ^-^

Thanks, I'm flattered! :3

It was Chapter 9 (I hope... o_O) *to self* Sweet, thats like over 6 people now! ...I'm evil aren't I?

Thanks for the read and feedback!
Nice Work!

Hey, That was awesome! Your story of Treecko ruuning away and then Jeff saving his life really etched itself into my soul like an Agron using Metal Claw! Really enjoyed reading what you've posted so far! Keep it comin'! I expect more of this from u soon!
(Decided to put it here both at Serebii and at PC for a couple of reasons. Don't know how often you visit PC and also sometimes Serebii's lags can be a pain in the butt...XD )

Hey, Griff! Sorry for the long awaited review! Been really busy with other things. Okay, sorry this review is not indepth and breaking it into piece by piece like I did with Duncan's story, but there's a lot of other things I have to do and college is starting for me again real soon...nonetheless, I hope this review is still helpful.

First, my impressions on the charcters. I think what I like most is the interactions between Jeff and his Pokemon. I love how it's not all Jeff and his Pokemon happy together and there were some complications. I also love how Jeff thinks about his Pokemon's feelings and also has thoughts about how they had pasts, families and friends, and homes of their own and how he took them away from them. Lastly, it's good that you gave the Pokemon characters some spotlight and have personalities of their own (favorite is Corphish, he's so cute and funny! XD ).

I want to go a bit more indepth of Jeff and Treecko, though. At first I was worried about Jeff. Despite some good qualities of him like him caring a lot for his Pokemon, I thought he would never get out of his moping state. Gladthough he did after his Corphish defeated Keith! XD Treecko though I am worried. From the impression I got from him, he still gotten out of his "you stupid Treecko!" state of mind yet. True, there were some things that he did wrong but at the same time he kept saying stupid to himself. Also, I kinda wished that on Chapter 14 you write Treecko's thoughts on Jeff and such before he went to the Dewford Gym. When Treecko said to the Chansey that he's proud of Jeff, I wondered why he's proud from him and I thought Treecko forgave him really fast, with Jeff beating him up and putting him in the pokeball. However, I trust you though that little guy will develop slowly. :)

Another thing I want to metion is the diction and word choice you used. There were times I was impressed of the words you used and how it flows the story nicely. A couple times however it made me feel a little uneasy. Here's a couple of examples:

Was it because he chose to be stubborn and purposely a handful upon being assigned a trainer so Jeff wouldn't want him anymore? Was it because of that tree he cared so much for or did he just hate the idea of being tied down with someone?Why would a bad-*ss like Treecko ever save him when he really didn't care about him in the first place? Chivalry, perhaps?

On the bolded part, true it's more of Jeff's thoughts as of why Treecko left him, but at the same time can't help but get this impression of the narrator saying quickly how Treecko are badd-*ss. Also that part irks me because of how saying that word in my honest ophinion sounds like unprofessional writing. Don't see any works with the narrator saying that (as far as I'm aware of).

Jeff turned around somberly and looked up to see a guy his age with a blue track suit on make eye contact with him. It was Blane, the jerk with the Piplup. Jeff quickly pulled out Daedalus' pokeball and returned him to its confines as Blane walked towards them.

Even though what Blane did to his Piplup eariler isn't the wisest thing to do, I didn't like when the narrator said Blane is a jerk. It's a pet peeve of mine of how I don't like it when narrators straightout say Character A is nice and this Character B mean because it then leaves me the impression the author wants us to think probably Characters A and B are always going to be like that. In the bolded part I thought you were trying to point out how Jeff is all good and Blane is all bad. Maybe a few people reading think despite what Blane did to Piplup is not the best thing to do but he still cares about him in his own way. If it's of what Jeff thought of Blance then you could have reword it better than just straighout say Blane's a jerk, maybe something like, "It was Blane with the Piplup that Jeff thought was a jerk", or you could put of Blane a jerk in Jeff's thoughts.

Yeah, long story short, be careful not to starightout say things like "jerk" and "bad-*ss" about a character and it sounds like you're forcing your ophinions of the characters to your readers. Usually readers have their own ophinions of who their favorite characters are and if they think their descisions or such is really drastic or not.

One last thing, though it's more of comparing this to one fic I read. I don't know if you have read the fanafiction called "Lucki" by icemew/Farla (if you didn't then I recommend reading it if you have time as you might learn a couple of things...^^ ) While reading this, I was getting the impression that you read it and then learned from it because in that story the author also brought out some concepts like the relationship between trainers and Pokemon on and off battle, taking their home away from them and whether to let the Pokemon go back to their home when they wanted to, and why the Pokemon would join them. Ironically, that story also dealt with luck too.

There's a difference between this story and "Lucki", though. The author wrote "Lucki" to moreso prove a point of how both the reader and the writer of OT journey fics missed some things like rooting a main character when in fact she's abusing his/her Pokemon without thinking back her actions and the readers did not notice it. In short, it's more of a "what writers shouldn't do and what readers should look for" story, at least from my impression when reading that story. (I admit too that I tend to miss things a lot when reading stuff, but's it because I made myself doing many things at once! XD ) You on the other hand, from the impression I get, wrote this story with the concepts in mind and have the readers think about them if they were in Jeff's shoes. Yeah, the reason I brought this up is how this is an OT journey fic but somehow you made yours a bit different then the other ones in terms of interactions between Pokemon and their trainers aswhat the author of "Lucki" has been talking about.

So far despite the generic plot, I love the character interactions and how you protroyed their emotions. Well, I hope this interview helps somewhat and I can't wait for the next chapter! ^^
(Decided to put it here both at Serebii and at PC for a couple of reasons. Don't know how often you visit PC and also sometimes Serebii's lags can be a pain in the butt...XD )

Hey, Griff! Sorry for the long awaited review! Been really busy with other things. Okay, sorry this review is not indepth and breaking it into piece by piece like I did with Duncan's story, but there's a lot of other things I have to do and college is starting for me again real soon...nonetheless, I hope this review is still helpful.

First, my impressions on the charcters. I think what I like most is the interactions between Jeff and his Pokemon. I love how it's not all Jeff and his Pokemon happy together and there were some complications. I also love how Jeff thinks about his Pokemon's feelings and also has thoughts about how they had pasts, families and friends, and homes of their own and how he took them away from them. Lastly, it's good that you gave the Pokemon characters some spotlight and have personalities of their own (favorite is Corphish, he's so cute and funny! XD ).

I want to go a bit more indepth of Jeff and Treecko, though. At first I was worried about Jeff. Despite some good qualities of him like him caring a lot for his Pokemon, I thought he would never get out of his moping state. Gladthough he did after his Corphish defeated Keith! XD Treecko though I am worried. From the impression I got from him, he still gotten out of his "you stupid Treecko!" state of mind yet. True, there were some things that he did wrong but at the same time he kept saying stupid to himself. Also, I kinda wished that on Chapter 14 you write Treecko's thoughts on Jeff and such before he went to the Dewford Gym. When Treecko said to the Chansey that he's proud of Jeff, I wondered why he's proud from him and I thought Treecko forgave him really fast, with Jeff beating him up and putting him in the pokeball. However, I trust you though that little guy will develop slowly. :)

Another thing I want to metion is the diction and word choice you used. There were times I was impressed of the words you used and how it flows the story nicely. A couple times however it made me feel a little uneasy. Here's a couple of examples:

On the bolded part, true it's more of Jeff's thoughts as of why Treecko left him, but at the same time can't help but get this impression of the narrator saying quickly how Treecko are badd-*ss. Also that part irks me because of how saying that word in my honest ophinion sounds like unprofessional writing. Don't see any works with the narrator saying that (as far as I'm aware of).

Even though what Blane did to his Piplup eariler isn't the wisest thing to do, I didn't like when the narrator said Blane is a jerk. It's a pet peeve of mine of how I don't like it when narrators straightout say Character A is nice and this Character B mean because it then leaves me the impression the author wants us to think probably Characters A and B are always going to be like that. In the bolded part I thought you were trying to point out how Jeff is all good and Blane is all bad. Maybe a few people reading think despite what Blane did to Piplup is not the best thing to do but he still cares about him in his own way. If it's of what Jeff thought of Blance then you could have reword it better than just straighout say Blane's a jerk, maybe something like, "It was Blane with the Piplup that Jeff thought was a jerk", or you could put of Blane a jerk in Jeff's thoughts.

Yeah, long story short, be careful not to starightout say things like "jerk" and "bad-*ss" about a character and it sounds like you're forcing your ophinions of the characters to your readers. Usually readers have their own ophinions of who their favorite characters are and if they think their descisions or such is really drastic or not.

One last thing, though it's more of comparing this to one fic I read. I don't know if you have read the fanafiction called "Lucki" by icemew/Farla (if you didn't then I recommend reading it if you have time as you might learn a couple of things...^^ ) While reading this, I was getting the impression that you read it and then learned from it because in that story the author also brought out some concepts like the relationship between trainers and Pokemon on and off battle, taking their home away from them and whether to let the Pokemon go back to their home when they wanted to, and why the Pokemon would join them. Ironically, that story also dealt with luck too.

There's a difference between this story and "Lucki", though. The author wrote "Lucki" to moreso prove a point of how both the reader and the writer of OT journey fics missed some things like rooting a main character when in fact she's abusing his/her Pokemon without thinking back her actions and the readers did not notice it. In short, it's more of a "what writers shouldn't do and what readers should look for" story, at least from my impression when reading that story. (I admit too that I tend to miss things a lot when reading stuff, but's it because I made myself doing many things at once! XD ) You on the other hand, from the impression I get, wrote this story with the concepts in mind and have the readers think about them if they were in Jeff's shoes. Yeah, the reason I brought this up is how this is an OT journey fic but somehow you made yours a bit different then the other ones in terms of interactions between Pokemon and their trainers aswhat the author of "Lucki" has been talking about.

So far despite the generic plot, I love the character interactions and how you protroyed their emotions. Well, I hope this interview helps somewhat and I can't wait for the next chapter! ^^

No problem with the lateness. I'm just happy you took the time to read and review it at all. :P I'm also going to post the review response in both places for the same reasons. ;)

It probably would have been a good idea to add Treecko's thoughts on Jeff, now that I think about it. I shall add that in when I can. :P

Also, good point about the bias in narration. I'll have to look out for that later on, thanks :)

Actually I haven't heard of the fanfiction "Lucki" but I'll be sure to read it whenever.

I'm glad I could differentiate mine abit from the others, and you need not worry about the plot, it will [slowly] be fleshed out from the generic...ness of it xP.

Again, thanks for the review, I really appreciate it.
This was a co-op chapter done by me and my almightly beta (Diamondpearl876). You'll be able to tell when she starts because it gets MUCH better in quality. It was quite a fun chapter to write.

The next chapter will be a co-op chapter as well, and may take awhile due to finals.

Shock and Terror


Jeff fell against the pop machine due to his sudden loss of balance. His vision was still a blur from glazed eyes and unconsciousness. All that he could make out was the blond hair atop a tall, muscular stature of a teen. He also saw what appeared to be a blue pokemon cradled in his arms. The light aqua color stood out against the teenager's navy blue-indigo shaded shirt. Jeff looked down to see the vague outlines of two pokeballs on his belt, above tan cargo shots.

"You're damn right it's me, Jeff! How's it been going?! I've been waiting for you!"

Rage ran through the disoriented teen as he continued to try to make out the face. The face was significantly familiar, and Jeff struggled to recall someone, anyone, but the events that occurred earlier that day had interfered with his train of thought. No one in particular came to mind.

"Dude, have you been crying?" the figure asked, probably noticing his reddened eyes.

With increasing anger, Jeff covered his tracks by responding with, "No, I accidentally scratched my eye after getting stun spore on my hands… How the hell have YOU been… Alan?" Making a wild guess, he started to prepare himself from doing anything that might result in sorrow or anger. There had been too many of those kinds of moments already.

"What kind of Paras mushrooms have you been eating?" he asked with a quizzical chuckle. "Come on, you haven't been gone THAT long!"

"What?!" Jeff asked, rising to his feet. He managed to finally get a focus on the guy, who, indeed, was not Alan. "Kevin?!" A wave of relief swept over him; ever since his last encounter with that enemy of his, he couldn't predict what would happen if he were to meet up with him again.

"THERE ya go! Our names aren't THAT similar," Kevin answered.

Jeff stood in shock as the teen smirked, the same teen who was a little taller and more muscular than he. He looked down to examine the pokemon whom he thought was a Mudkip, due to the fact that Alan had one in his possession when he departed from Littleroot Town. Although the pokemon also had a blue head and limbs, it was surrounded by a thick, round shell. The sparkling shell was brownish red on top and beige underneath. Its blue, puffy tail swung back and forth, idly.

"What is THAT?" Jeff remarked, observing the pokemon, noticing a hint of fear in the water-type's maroon eyes upon hearing this. "Were you late for picking a starter or something?" he teased.

It shrunk back at these questions, obviously hurt by them. It quickly disappeared back into its shell, showing no signs of coming back out. After a moment of slight confusion towards the pokemon's actions, Jeff realized what that must of sounded like and apologized. "Sorry, I didn't mean that to sound so… MEAN."

"He'll get over it. This is Ace, my Squirtle," Kevin answered.

"Cool. Nice to meet you, Ace." He outstretched a hand warmly as the Squirtle's round head slowly reemerged from the defensive shell upon hearing his name. Ace reached his light blue hand out from the protective hiding place of his, then halfway to Jeff's hand before stopping. He looked with nervousness up at Kevin, who rolled his eyes and nodded. Looking back at Jeff's extended arm again, he stalled.

"Come on, you coward; introduce yourself," Kevin light-heartedly urged with a grin.

The tiny turtle pokemon looked even more insulted at the merry plea and, with some visible sadness, began to shakily outstretch his arm again.

"Relax, Ace, it's ok," Jeff insisted, retracting his hand. "Anyways, Kevin, when did you leave Littleroot Town?"

"A few days after you did! After hearing you left with some pokemon, I decided I didn't want to be the only one of us not on a journey!"

"Really? How did you come across your starter, Ace? After me I thought all that was left was a Torchic and a Mudkip," Jeff asked.

"Actually, Ace isn't my starter…" Kevin informed him, checking his watch.

"You got a date?" an upbeat Jeff asked. He had gotten over the initial surprise of stumbling into someone from his hometown, or was just pleased with the fact it wasn't Alan or Kristie.

"How long does it take to put on a skirt, tube top, and make up or whatever?" he replied, somewhat exasperated.

"You got a date with a GIRL…or a cross dressing clown?" Jeff said, poking fun.

"Heh, I wish. Then I might at least get a laugh or two out of it. But seriously, no date and she's pretty nice. She's just always late."

"Who is she?"

"I'll tell you once she gets here… maybe we should hitch up a tent until then," Kevin replied while holding Ace, who remained quiet the whole time.

"Cool… How did you get a Squirtle? I've never even heard of a Squirtle!" he proceeded, nosily.

"I… well, my…father gave him to me… hearing I was leaving," the blond haired boy replied in an almost incoherent mumble.

"Oh…" Jeff answered, unsure of what to say. After hesitating for a few moments, he questioned, "Then what IS your starter?"

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," said Kevin with a sly grin which immediately appeared from his recently upset face.

Jeff's eyes widened considerably; he couldn't believe he'd nearly forgotten about Treecko. "Oh, crap!" He brought his hand to his face to hide the sudden guilt and imagined Treecko scolding him already for taking so long to get a simple soda. He dared to take a peek towards Kevin and Ace, who only returned an expression full of puzzlement.

"Err… I mean, I promised my starter I'd take him to the beach, like, two hours ago," he abruptly replied.

"Sure. You hear that, Ace? That's cute. Taking his pokemon to the beach," Kevin mocked with one eyebrow raised, as if he would never come up with an idea like that in a million years. Ace looked up at him longingly, but no words emanated from his mouth.

"Yeah, very cute," Jeff mumbled, then motioned for Kevin to walk with him with the hand containing the unopened Coke, mentally beating himself up at the same time. Still holding Ace, he followed eagerly, making a comment on how he couldn't wait to see what kind of pokemon Jeff held in his possession. Soon, they arrived in the main lobby, which held an assortment of pokemon paintings on the walls, and a set of four chairs surrounding a table for trainers to sit in while awaiting the outcome of their pokemon's conditions. As Jeff and Kevin were passing by the front counter, they couldn't help but overhear a trainer who was complaining on how Brawly had nearly defeated her in a gym battle less than a few hours ago.

I wonder what Treecko would be like now if that was us, Jeff thought, remembering his response when he had asked him if he was all right. They had won, was what he had said; that seemed to be all that mattered to him at that moment.

"Wait up. That's her," Kevin said, and set Ace down near Jeff's feet. He casually walked over to the girl as she was retrieving two pokeballs from Nurse Joy, who didn't seem to mind her moaning in the slightest bit. As Kevin approached, she swiftly turned towards him, her shoulder-length blonde hair moving too, now covering a portion of her face. She pushed the strands behind her ear, and listened intently as Kevin told her about the encounter with Jeff and their plans to introduce their pokemon. Nodding and smiling, she thanked the nurse and walked over with Kevin towards Jeff.

"Hey, Jeff, this is Rachel. I was talking about her before, remember?" Kevin said, then looked down to the floor to make sure Ace was still where he left him. The tiny turtle pokemon scrambled over to him, not being too thrilled about the silence between him and Jeff during Kevin's informing conversation with Rachel.

"Hi, Jeff. We've been waiting for you for a while here in Dewford." She outstretched her hand, much like Jeff had done with Ace. Like Kevin had mentioned before, she was wearing a black tube top along with a white skirt--perfect for the kind of weather Dewford held. The most notable thing about her was the necklace she was wearing as well; it reminded him of Daedalus, as it had a feather on it, and the fact he wasn't so ecstatic with Treecko's homecoming. He stared at it for a moment, wondering on how he was going to handle this; he hadn't had a problem with Daedalus before, but surely he could make him understand easily. Rapidly snapping out of it to avoid false thoughts, he returned the friendly gesture.

"You've been waiting for me?" he asked, surprised at the news.

"We ran into Kristie and Alan a few days ago, actually. They told us that… you left them in Petalburg. Very quickly. Yeah. So we figured you'd reach Dewford soon enough. How come you left?" Kevin inquired, recalling no problems between Jeff and Kristie back home.

"Oh. I just didn't want to travel with anybody at the time. Come on, let's go see Tr--my starter," he replied simply, quickly changing the subject.

"Well, just let him out of the pokeball already. I don't suppose you have a whole show to perform when releasing it, do you?" Kevin sarcastically asked, annoyed at how long this was taking.

"…No. He's in the recovery room," Jeff admitted. He could have sworn he saw a grin appear on Kevin's face, but he pretended to notice nothing. To steer clear of unnecessary comments, he added with a smirk, "We defeated Brawly together."

"Yeah? So did we, earlier today. I had to help Rachel, though. She wouldn't have won without me," Kevin said, grinning.

"I doubt it. My Pidgey was doing just fine until you interrupted!" She playfully pushed him away, and Jeff knew what the feather symbol on the necklace was for; it represented her Pidgey, and he assumed that was the pokemon she began with.

"Okay, well, whatever. Let's go," Jeff irately commanded, frustrated at how her Pidgey had fought for her, but Daedalus hadn't. What was so erroneous with battling to him, anyway? Daedalus had had a clear advantage towards Brawly's fighting-types, which could have resulted in a joyous victory for the two of them, and that was something Jeff expected for there to be plenty more of. Surely he had witnessed and participated in several types of combat and planned numerous schemes while being a leader back in Petalburg Forest. He made a mental note to ask him later, when Kevin and Rachel weren't present.

Shrugging, the two teenagers continued to ensue their short trip to the recovery room, where Treecko hopefully wasn't growing agitated by Jeff's sudden disappearance. Quite a lot of trainer's pokemon were placed on hospital beds, either resting or being reassured by their masters on how they would do better in the next battle, discussing strategies based on the attacks and pokemon used earlier that day. Sighing, Jeff advanced towards Treecko's bed, where he saw several white bandages placed carefully on his broken ribs. Not daring to look towards Kevin or Rachel, whose thoughts on the resting Treecko wouldn't matter anyway, he kneeled down near the bed and watched as his chest moved up and down, causing a soothing feeling to flow through Jeff. He didn't seem to be in pain, and he wasn't trying to outrageously break anything else in a battle.

"This is him, yeah?" Rachel asked, although the answer was obvious. "That must have been one tough battle."

"It was. But we got through it anyway," Jeff replied, not looking up from where his eyes were set. His hands were placed on the bed sheets to avoid disturbing the peaceful Treecko, which was a rare sight to see.

"He looks pretty damn tough," Kevin said. He looked around, appearing concerned and uncertain about his next move. "I don't want to release my starter here. It might intimidate some of the pokemon." A sneer crawled upon his face as his gaze returned to Jeff and Treecko.

"Ace here doesn't intimidate anybody," Jeff pointed out, ignoring the conceited words.

"Yeah, well, he's a wimp," was Kevin's only remark, but a tentative Ace was too distracted from examining Treecko in his current position. Jeff easily imagined Treecko leering into the turtle's innocent eyes, frightening him and making him feel smaller than the rest, just as Kevin's somewhat harsh comments did.

"Man, Jeff, dude! You forgot your badge," cried a familiar voice from the recovery room's entrance doors. Jeff looked up towards the surfer, along with many other faces which either held a surprised, upset, or thrilled expression on their faces, depending on their previous encounters with Brawly, or lack there of. However, he stopped walking as soon as he hit a point where he wouldn't get in anyone's way. Brawly gave a motion for someone to come to the doorway, for reasons that were unknown to Jeff.

"I'll… be right back," he solemnly claimed, knowing the signal was for him, and he took one last look at the tranquil lizard pokemon before going to retrieve the badge he worked to earn. Placing his cola on the bed, he felt the stares rest upon him as he was in the presence the blue-haired gym leader.

"Thanks," Jeff started. "Thanks for coming to give the badge, I mean. It was an emergency, you--"

"I know. Dude, I know because of the way you handled that battle," Brawly said, cutting Jeff off and conveying no emotions or any signs of being proud to be where he was standing. While he was digging through his pocket, Jeff wondered what exactly Brawly was talking about. He didn't sound delighted, but he didn't sound dismayed, either. Jeff focused again on reality when a small, gray badge was held in front of his confused, green eyes.

"So, dude, do y'know what this looks like?" Brawly sternly asked.

Before responding, Jeff observed the badge, which was rightfully his according the standard rules. It was round and resembled something similar to a boxing glove people would wear. Finally, he quietly said, "It looks like a fist or something."

"Ya, radical answer. And what I wouldn't do to use my own to knock some sense into you right now, dude! Your Corphish was boss, I can admit that. But, dude, your little bird guy wouldn't fight for you at all. And you made that ace Treecko fight despite his conditions," Brawly explained. The words hurt like a Beedrill's own stinger, but all Jeff could do was admit that he was nothing but correct. To distract himself, Jeff peered over to the other parts of the room, which only worsened the situation when glares were sent his way. He gulped, and tried hard to prevent himself from taking Treecko and running out of the pokemon center.

"I, well, you don't understand…" he began, unsure of what to say next. It seemed necessary, yet useless to explain what Daedalus and Treecko were like, to clarify their actions and reasons for doing what they did.

"I do, dude. I understand I don't want to give you this badge, but I have to. It's bogus, but it's the rules, ya know? So, here, dude. But I hope you learned something. Watson from Mauville won't let you get past him with those kinds of trainer skills," the surfer said, and he firmly took Jeff's wrist. Opening up his hand to reveal his palm, he felt Brawly's larger hand on top of his, and a tiny, cold stone was placed inside as he released his hand and the grip on his wrist. Giving nothing but a nod, the teenager watched as Brawly walked away; he almost called out to him to tell him everything, suddenly feeling the need for someone else to know, but then deemed it useless once more.

"Oh yeah… and I hope your Treecko gets better," called the gym leader, not bothering to turn back as he left the recovery room.

Jeff stood looking down at his closed hand amidst a near-silent room, from which hushed whispers began to emanate upon Brawly's departure. A wave of warm sweat surged through his spine as he could feel the accusing eyes of the trainers and pokemon piercing into him. He could see that his hand had begun to tremble so he quickly placed it and the badge into his pocket. Jeff didn't dare look up from the tiled floor; he was much too worried of everyone's, including Kevin and Rachel's, reactions to think of it.

His head remained hung in guilt, guilt which he had already placed upon himself prior to the match. He already assumed it, but what was worst was hearing this from someone else, no less an experienced and usually mellow gym leader like Brawly. Despite what Jeff thought, rightfully he was innocent of the accusations, but Brawly's talk seemed to laminate his fears.

Kevin exchanged a look of uncertainty with Rachel before announcing, "Hey, why don't we all get some food in the lobby?" His plan to break the tension did the best that it could. With a new grin to replace the old one which was discarded from the Brawly incident, Kevin grabbed Jeff's shoulder and began to push him towards the doors that the gym leader had just walked through,

"But Treecko…" Jeff solemnly protested before being interrupted by the upbeat male.

"… Is sleeping. Besides, he'll still be there when we get back," explained Kevin, with Ace in one hand and Jeff in the other.

"My Coke…" he mumbled more quietly, almost shamefully, looking back at his unopened drink which was located on the sheets of the bed.

Rachel followed, apparently still trying to figure Jeff out. They slid by four trainers, who were making whispered comments about Brawly, who had just went by them. They proceeded to sit at a round table housing three red chairs. Kevin placed Ace on the table top and began to stare at Jeff with an all-knowing smirk; it was as if he was ready to make a snaky comment.

The blond haired girl, who knew better than to come between Kevin and his prey, proclaimed that she would get them all some drinks. As Rachel walked off, Jeff refused to make contact with Kevin's gray eyes. Instead, he simply watched Ace prod a salt shaker, who began to become more and more uncomfortable with the silence.

Kevin finally broke the reticence with what Jeff thought would be a degrading remark, but instead he simply asked, "So… what was that all about?"

Jeff continued to stare at the table top as he answered. "Nothing. It wasn't anything…" he blatantly lied.

"Oh yeah? So BRAWLY of all people just happened to be sore about losing to you?"

"Look!" Jeff sputtered, finding himself glaring into Kevin's eyes. The abrupt actions scared the Squirtle, causing Ace to knock over salt shaker-its white grains spilling onto the table. "Just drop it, okay?!" he continued.

"Ok, ok," Kevin said, almost chuckling. "Keep talking like that and you might make Ace here piss himself." He looked down at his pokemon and playfully hit the Squirtle a little too hard on his shell, causing him to fall into the mess of spilled salt. Jeff merely watched Ace lift himself back up and, with a sigh, plop back down into a sitting position while brushing salt from his underbelly.

"Oh, cheer up you two!" Kevin insisted, shaking both of their shoulders. "You're both alive and well, aren't you?"

Just as he finished talking, Rachel appeared from behind them and sat in the unoccupied chair, carrying three drinks. She strategically placed them around the pile of salt and Ace.

"I can't leave you alone for two minutes without you making a mess, Kevin," she teased, acknowledging the salt.

"Hey, don't blame ME; the little guy was the one who almost had a heart attack!" Kevin retorted with a light-hearted smile. Ace looked down with clear hints of shame in his maroon eyes. "And I can't leave YOU alone for two minutes without you tripping over a stone and begging for a doctor, Rachel," he mocked.

Kevin was answered by a sarcastic laugh and an ice cube in the face. The cube fell to the ground and the Squirtle watched it closely, fascinated by it as it began to melt into water.

Jeff, who had remained quiet until then, spoke up after chugging the carbonated drink in a single gulp. Wiping some of the beverage from his mouth, he asked, "So what IS your starter, Kevin? Or do YOU have a big show waiting, too?"

"Oh don't worry, you'll behold him in all his glory soon!" the blonde haired teen reassured with clear cockiness.

"Why don't you just tell him?" Rachel inquired, while brushing a hand through her hair.

"And miss the look on his face once he sees it? Hah, I don't think so!" he replied with a malicious smirk.

"Come on, your starter can't be THAT cool," Jeff observed as he brushed away salt to make room for his drink.

"He's cooler than that Treecko of yours!" Kevin joked, lightly punching Jeff's arm.

"Hey!" Jeff growled, punching his arm back much harder, not in the mood for his antics.

"Jeez, nice swing, man," Kevin mumbled, wincing and rubbing his pained bicep. "When did you get to be so touchy?"

Jeff didn't answer. Instead, he asked, "Why didn't you two go with Al…the others?" He then took Kevin's untouched drink and downed the whole thing. Kevin gave him a glare to which Jeff shrugged and answered, "I was thirsty."

"We did think about going with them, but we decided to wait for you," Rachel smiled, still twiddling her hair with her index and middle finger.


"Because we didn't think you'd make it in mainland Hoenn all by yourself!" the blonde teen replied with his provoking smirk. "Face it, Jeff; you look like you have a habit of getting yourself in way over your head." Kevin made a tapping gesture on his cheek, clearly referencing to the healing scar on Jeff's face. Rachel hadn't taken her eyes off it, either; it was the only visible wound that they could see.

"How did you get that scar, Jeff?" she asked him, genuinely curious.

Jeff stalled and looked back towards the recovery room. It took him a few moments to decide how to reply.

"…A branch. The day Treecko became my first pokemon…it's kinda a long story."

There was a brief silence, before Kevin brought his fist to his palm in revelation. "I KNEW there was something else different about you!" he exclaimed proudly. "What happened to that weird twig thing that you always used to carry around in your mouth?"

"It's…in my pocket…" he replied ominously.

"…Anyways, didn't you say you were taking your starter to the beach? It sure doesn't look like he'll be building any sandcastles anytime soon," Kevin exclaimed with a laugh.

Jeff shot him a glare for making light of Treecko's condition. "Yes, I did."

"Doesn't that sound cute, Rachel?" Kevin prodded.

"Hey, that kind of sounds like fun! Do you mind if we tag along, too?" Rachel asked with enthusiasm.

"Uhh…yeah, sure. I… you guys go on ahead. I have to take care of something first. Is that ok?"

They nodded and stood up, Kevin taking Ace under his arm like a football. Jeff got to his feet as well.

"I'll meet you there," he claimed. As the two walked away, he began to force himself to go to the only place where he thought he should be, despite the previous meeting with Brawly: the pokemon center's recovery room.


Treecko opened his eyelids after a good, relatively peaceful nap, unaware of the meeting between the gym leader and his trainer not too long ago. He darted his eyes to the bedside on the left, expecting to see Jeff, but only saw a boy kneeling, comforting his injured, pokeball-colored Wurmple. A few other pokemon and humans could be seen as well, but everyone was disregarded as they had no resemblance to the figure Treecko was looking for.

"<How long can it take for a human to get a drink?>" Treecko thought to himself.

He then finally noticed something pressing against the sheets somewhere near the middle of the bed. In a pained struggle, he lifted up his head, cringed, and looked down to find a can of Coke lying near where his tail was. He then dropped his head back on the pillow and sighed, relaxing his neck.

"<So, he did get it. And he's gone. Good. I need to be alone for awhile,>" thought Treecko, blinking lazily.

The wood gecko stared at the ceiling, motionlessly.

"<Jeff thinks I battled to help him. He doesn't know that I didn't fight for him… I fought for myself. After that humiliating ambush by Nidoking, and then losing to Jeff because I underestimated him, I had to do it. I never thought he'd have the guts to go through with it. That's why I fought.>"

Another part of his mind butted in, a part he wished he could erase, as it seemed only to exist for irritating him. "<Is that really the only reason why you fought? For honor and pride? Are you sure really didn't fight because you wanted to help Jeff?>"

"<No… Yes… I don't know,>" he pondered. As if a person was asking him these questions, he shut his eyes tightly in hopes of getting rid of this illusory figure before reopening them again. It resolved in no changes, and with the silence in this tedious room, he was slightly confused and angry at how he could be so dithering when it came to his thoughts. At his previous visit to this wretched place, Treecko was so weakened then, clear decisions and thoughts being hard to pass through his mind at the time. However, he felt confident with his selection despite these conditions, and did not regret his choice in the slightest bit. At least he redeemed himself, and showed someone who was boss.

Treecko frustratingly took the twig from his mouth and tossed it onto the end table. He heard the recovery room doors open as he thought, "<I don't know what's going to happen.>" He remembered how delighted he had been when Jeff had taken him as his starter over the popular Torchic and Mudkip, and was certain that from that moment, they'd be involved with nothing but great adventures. Now, with those times seeming so far away and out of reach, he was unsure where the future would take him, whether he was with Jeff or not.

He could see Jeff slowly walk in, and suddenly sensed feelings of awkwardness from the people in the room. Upon seeing the human, Treeck merely blinked in complaint before turning his head away. He felt Jeff attempting to ignore the human's gazes as he made his way towards his bedside. The human had a warm, yet nervous smile on his face, from what Treecko could assume.

Jeff gently placed his hands around the wounded pokemon's left hand when he reached the recovery bed. Much to Jeff's confusion, Treecko slowly pulled away from his grip.

Taken aback, Jeff asked, "Treeck?" When he got no response, he insecurely corrected himself. "Treecko?"

The wood gecko pokemon glanced over at Jeff before staring at the ceiling. Silently, he wished he was gone; the short time alone had not been long enough. Who ever, or what ever, made him decide to leave the room without the Coke had done a horrible job of keeping him with them.

The human spoke in a hushed tone. "Treecko, I have some friends waiting at the beach…" That last statement seemed to catch the grass type's attention. So, more humans were the cause; however, that didn't change his opinion on anything. "If you want to come… No, you shouldn't. You're probably still much too weak."

That final remark struck Treecko hard. Weak, weak, weak… A simple, straightforward four-letter word, yet so harsh and rejected by many. He immediately scowled at that and sat up to the best of his ability, cringing with the movement and only proving Jeff to be correct.

"<I… I'm fine,>" he said with a grunt.

"No… you're not fine. You almost died today!" Remembering the rather stark conversation with Brawly, and how he had made Treecko fight even though he wasn't fully healed, he continued with, "Because I… What kind friend would I be if I made you come with me?"

"<A friend who knew who he was dealing with…>"

Jeff forced himself to not become angry with the pokemon again; with Brawly and Treecko, he knew he couldn't be on both of their good sides. Instead, the two stared off. The determined human shook his head and gently placed his hands on the pokemon's shoulders.

"No… Not this time." Without any violence, he forcefully pushed Treecko back into a lying position, who attempted to struggle against him in vain.

"Treecko, please… for both of our sakes, rest. Get well."

The wood gecko remained silent, but continued to look at him. Jeff reached in to pat Treecko's head, but he stopped just short of meeting its destination, and instead reached for the Coke on the bed after noticing the quivering movements of his hand. His shaking hand abruptly retracted to his side after the soda was retrieved. The teen stood and backed up.

"Goodbye, Treecko… I'll be back soon."

The pokemon's eyes followed him as he made a quick exit from the recovery room. Whether or not the quickness was to escape from the people or to get away from him, Treecko didn't know. Then, he looked at the twig on the table, and realized Jeff's had been absent before gazing back at the ceiling. Treecko didn't seem to be the only one uncertain about the current circumstances.

"<…Goodbye, Jeff.>"


"I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less from that," Jeff mumbled, and heavily sighed as he exited the pokemon center, already recalling the previous confrontation with his mulish, determined Treecko. Before leaving to get the Coke, Treecko had seemed glad for their victory and his return to Jeff's team, but then decided to refuse the demands on remaining in his bed, to repose and recover. Jeff simply deemed it a mistake when he thought that his lizard pokemon would continue acting that way upon his arrival to the monotonous recovery room, a place that was he was sure he'd foolishly be stumbling into again.

Walking down the busy streets of Dewford, Jeff couldn't help but notice the few shattered houses that were supposedly ruined by an Onix. An Onix… Perhaps Atlas was the culprit, as that was his species, but Jeff forbid himself to believe that such a gentle creature could go on a rampage on this island. Doubt suddenly took over his mind as he realized he had never actually spoken to Atlas yet, and he had just basically explained the Treecko situation to him out of sheer depression. His personality was unknown, his past a mystery. And, as he had learned with days prior to this one, anything was possible.

Overwhelmed with the confusion coursing through his mind, he began to run towards his destination; he was uncertain of future days, but he knew to go for the very moment. The tall buildings were only a blur out of the corner of his eye, and the stares of Dewford's residents and tourists seemed nonexistent. There was nothing appealing about the island besides the gym, and even that had turned out to be a disaster with Brawly.

Jeff began to slow down as he reached the lively, energetic beach, which was the exact opposite of his current frame of mind. Surfers could be seen scattered in the ocean water, awaiting the arrival of the next wave. Other people were playing volleyball with the nets set up on the beach, tanning, or building castles and other figures with sand with their pokemon. Looking to the left of him, however, he noticed a cave far off into the distance, and the beach area near it was deserted. Knowing it had to do something with the rampage on the town, Jeff claimed it uninteresting and began to search for Kevin and Rachel.

When simply scanning the beach for them was unsuccessful, he began to wander around the beach on the sand in hopes of finding them. He was slightly annoyed at the grit finding its way into his shoes and socks, and he quickly pulled out his first badge from his left shoe and placed it in his pocket beside the dreaded Knuckle Badge.

"Daedalus STILL doesn't know about our first gym battle. After his performance in Dewford's gym, though, he may just be happy when he finds out," Jeff said to no one in particular, then considered having his battling talk with his Taillow while his companions were nowhere to be found. Afraid he may cause another scene in front of everybody, he decided against that and began to make his way towards the coastline.

"Dude, these waves are totally radical today," a familiar voice claimed, and Jeff's head darted towards the direction of the vocals. As predicted, the blue-haired gym leader was on the beach, not too far away, crushing Jeff's hopes of thinking, maybe, it wasn't Brawly after all. Topless and water dripping from his swimming trunks, he walked out of the ocean to his surfer friends, a satisfied expression on his face.

"Oh, great," Jeff murmured, hoping Brawly wouldn't detect him. The area Jeff was standing in was somewhat safe with the distance between them, and the other people surrounding him. But, after their past encounter, the last thing he needed was for him to get another lecture from an experienced trainer about not being with Treecko right now, or anything else that could have been left unsaid, or undone. He watched Brawly speak to his friends in an inaudible voice, surfboards in hand. Jeff suddenly became slightly paranoid, thinking they were speaking of him, about Treecko's conditions and Daedalus's misbehavior.

"He didn't even see me… did he?"

He briskly turned his head away and began walking, continuing the search for Kevin and his traveling partner. Using his hand to block some of the sunlight that was hindering his view, he tried to make out a Pidgey somewhere on the beach, remembering Rachel had one in her possession. However, only several Wingull and Butterfree were spread throughout the luminous sky, a pleasant change from the vile storm that took place when the chase for Treecko had taken place.

"Where the hell are they?" questioned Jeff. "Maybe Kevin thought this was TOO cute and ditched." He kept up his ostensibly perpetual search for any sign of them. He dodged several pokemon and children playing in the sand, and began to see that Brawly was no where in sight among the people. Without knowing where he was, the bothersome paranoia stuck with him and his pace quickened immensely. As a result, he tripped over a small creature that Jeff was completely unaware of.

"What the--" He didn't get to finish before catching a brief glimpse of blue and toppling face-first into the warm sand without warning.


(Couldn't find a better place to break the chapter.)
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"Squirtle…" the creature worriedly said, shrinking back into its safety zone and becoming idle in the sand. Grunting, Jeff got back up on his feet, recognizing the pokemon's name and hoping it was who he was thinking of. He spat out the grains of sand from his mouth, and his gaze set upon Ace's protective, immobile shell.

"Ace!" Jeff cried. He bent over and picked up the apparently frightened pokemon. "I was looking for you guys… I found you, at least. Sorry about that," he continued gently, watching his words for fear of insulting him again. Ace's round, aqua head peered out of the shell towards Jeff, then towards the ground.

"Squirtle!" it exclaimed, noticing that Jeff was holding him, and his head disappeared once more. Jeff sighed, knowing he couldn't win with the little turtle, being a stranger to him and all. He looked around the beach, still not noticing the two teenagers.

"Well, can you at least point out where Kevin is?" Jeff asked politely, frowning. He heard a murmur from inside the pokemon's shell, but no comprehensible response was given. Jeff grinned slightly, then said, "What about Rachel?" He placed the seemingly fragile Ace on the ground, and he emerged from his shell and began scrambling towards another area of the medium-sized beach. Jeff followed closely behind, trying not to lose sight of the diminutive Squirtle like he did with Brawly. Soon, Ace had brought Jeff to the other two teenagers, who were already laying on two beach chairs, relaxing in the sun.

"It's about time you found us," Kevin commented, slightly lifting up his sunglasses. "We went to one of the shops in Dewford to get some things for the beach. Rachel just had to go… and then use MY money."

"Whatever. I told you I'd pay you back later," Rachel replied.

"So… that's where you guys went? I've been here for a while, you know; you could have told me something!" Jeff cried, aggravated. If he had known they were there previously, he most likely wouldn't have noticed Brawly, and most definitely wouldn't have stumbled over poor Ace.

"Oh, we saw you after we were set up, so we sent Ace out there to get ya," Kevin explained, patting the Squirtle on the back. He patted a little too powerfully, sending Ace falling forward into the sand, some of it sticking to his shell. Saying nothing, he slowly stood back up on his stubby legs, grumbling as he brushed the grit off of his belly.

"Well, I just went back to check on Treecko again… So, Kevin, where's this oh-so-fantastic starter of yours?" Jeff asked, lightening up at the fact he'd be able to see the pokemon Kevin seemed to be most proud of.

"We'll save the best for last. Don't ya think that's a good idea?" Kevin inquired, smirking. "Release yours, and same goes for Rachel, too, so even your pokemon will see it when you do."

Jeff sighed, and pulled out his other three pokeballs, leaving Treecko's empty one behind. Daedalus and Corphish materialized in front of the two, which only caused Kevin's grin to increase in size at the tiny creatures.

"Last, but not least, we have Onix," Jeff explained, hesitating in releasing the rock serpent pokemon. With everyone around, he wasn't sure what would happen. Nonetheless, he released Atlas in a nearby unoccupied area, and the giant snake emerged.

"Alright. We have Corphish, Daedalus, and Onix. I haven't name--" Jeff began, but was cut off by his furious Taillow.

"<His name is Atlas, you idiot,>" Daedalus simply stated. Jeff glared at him in hopes of getting him to stop. "<Hey, you had time to talk to him all day,>" the bird added sternly, his voice matter of fact.

"<I wouldn't talk like that, Dae. He may do what he did to me, and stick you in a bike basket in a way where all you can see is your birdy ass,>" Corppy informed. Jeff dared to look at Kevin and Rachel, unsure if they could understand the pokemon's speech or not. He sincerely hoped neither of them could.

"Your pokemon sound a little TOO friendly, Jeff. You might wanna tell them to tone it down a little," Kevin said cynically.

"<Hey, Jeff, if your friend here is another sarcastic Treecko clone… Well, who knows what Dae--HEY!>" Corphish exclaimed upon being attacked by Daedalus's sharp break.

"<Don't even mention his name!>" Daedalus scolded after teaching Corphish his lesson, then flew up towards Atlas's head, as he was the only person he wasn't irritated or unfamiliar with at the moment. Jeff sighed deeply; already, this wasn't going well. At least he knew his Onix's name out of all this, and would be able to address him by his real name later on, when the time was right.

"Um, yeah… They're really lovable once you get to know 'em," he claimed, then suggested for Rachel to continue with the introductions.

"I'm not sure what they said, but still, cool pokemon," she said solemnly, eyeing Atlas suspiciously. She pulled her gaze away from him for a moment, withdrawing two red and white spherical devices. "I have Avis, a Pidgey, and Strix the Zubat." Smiling, she released the two from their pokeballs. A bird pokemon with an assortment of brown and white feathers appeared, and it immediately took to the skies, enjoying the fresh air. Jeff assumed it was an amiable moment, especially since the last time it was free from the ball was in the pokemon center. Next, a bat-like pokemon emerged, following closely after Avis with its small, blue wings, and Jeff was unable to get a good look at it.

"Hey, Daedalus, why don't you go join them?" Jeff suggested, trying to look like a decent trainer for at least a minute. The Taillow seemed uninterested, and the two stared off with each other for a few moments, Daedalus's black eyes piercing into Jeff's. Doubt and hopelessness began to flood through the teenager; he was still uncertain on how to fix this situation, only having such problems with his starter so far. The Taillow soon deemed Jeff a waste of time and turned to Atlas, who was probably confused as to what was going on.

"<So… He can understand me now if I talk to him?>" Atlas questioned eagerly, succeeding in avoiding trouble.

"<Yeah, but don't get your hopes up on anything amazing.>"

"<Why not? He seems nice enough…>"

"<Stick around and find out,>" Daedalus replied modestly. He remained in his spot, not even considering to take Jeff's offer and fly after the other unacquainted pokemon. Atlas dismissed the comment, and focused his attention on his trainer again, anticipating the next action.

"Alright, Kevin, I showed you mine, and you have no more excuses. Show your starter already!" Jeff nosily commanded, fed up with the waiting.

"Fine, fine." Kevin gave in, and stood up from his seat. He avoided stepping on Corphish in the process, who was busy with throwing the newly bought beach ball at Ace's shell in an attempt for him to come out. Kevin chuckled at his inferior Squirtle, and pulled out his starter's pokeball, which looked just like any other one; Jeff expected something fancy and special for such a glorified pokemon. Still grinning, Kevin cried, "Let's go, Blitz! Let everyone see just how awesome you are!"

The pokeball was thrown into the air, and a blinding white figure appeared on the sand as the ball was retracted to Kevin's hand. As the white began to instantly fade, Jeff could already sense that there was something vaguely recognizable about the figure. A mantis pokemon was able to be seen, its menacing and intimidating cream-colored blades standing out above all other features.

"Scyther!" it proudly cried, its sharp, raspy voice sending adrenaline coursing through Jeff's body. Jeff looked around the group frantically, searching for even the slightest clue of red, but was sincerely, yet relatively relieved when he saw none. The Scyther, Blitz, also looked at his surroundings, and his hazel eyes stopped dead in their tracks when they reached Jeff. The boy had to force himself to not cry out, and remain in his current position. He couldn't leave his pokemon with the creature, after all, if it was anything like his previous encounter with the species…

"<You… I know you!>" Blitz exclaimed. He raised one of his blades to Jeff, causing him to jump and take a few quick steps back.

"Heh… So, you two actually know each other?" Kevin asked with one of his eyebrows raised. "Well, that must be an honor, right, Jeff?"

Jeff's mouth opened to respond, but no words were able to come out. He began to briefly think fate was out to get him once again, bringing about the same Scyther that he encountered the day he met Treecko. Utterly stunned, an incredibly small part of Jeff wanted to thank Blitz for incidentally causing him and Treecko to cross paths, as it was a momentous and life-changing day indeed, but his effort only came in vain. The terrorizing and dreaded metal cutting across his skin, the harrowing chase through the forest, and the thoughts of whether or not he was going to come out alive crushed him and his soul. The boy's knees began to wobble, as if he were to fall down in defeat at any moment, just as he had done before his savior had bravely come in. He grabbed his left shoulder as he had done that night, and was even more frightened to see that no relief came to him when he realized there was no blood present. He could have sworn he heard himself screaming from the agony again. An immensely disquieting sensation coursed through his white and lavender scar. Warm waves of sweat and chills crawled up and down his back and neck. Jeff took a pace backwards while color continued to drain from his face. Every single instinct in Jeff's possession yelled at him to run.

Everyone around Jeff looked at him, and it was clear that each person was puzzled besides Blitz, also recalling the fateful night. The Scyther put down his blade, seeing that just his presence could send chills down Jeff's spine and send him down a trail of unsolicited, gruesome memories. Blitz took a step forwards, holding his scythes at his sides in such a way so that he'd be identified as non-threatening. Nevertheless, the terrified teen took another step backwards in result of the Scyther's approach. Jeff's foot, unfortunately, took a misstep on Ace's shell and plummeted backwards onto his rear. That feeling of helplessness and impending doom returned as Blitz took another step towards him. He knew that this must have been how Ace felt whenever he was with him. The brown-haired teenager was trembling out of fear and anxiety. His fight-or-flight response kicked in, and he vividly remembered what happened the last time he tried to fight this thing. He was left with only one sure fire solution.

Jeff took the only escape route he could seem to find. Leaving his three pokemon in the hands of Kevin and Rachel despite earlier thoughts, he bolted from his sitting position and began to run through the sand, ignoring the gleaming sun that blinded some of his view. He heard a young girl yell out to him as he ran right past her, trampling over her towel and other belongings in the process, but the voice was slurred and incomprehensible to Jeff. His heart pounding, he continued running, trying to leave behind the cause of the life-threatening situation the best as he could.

Sprinting faster than he ever thought he could, he plowed through sandcastles and leapt over sunbathers enjoying the rays. Through his mad dash, he managed to make out a beach shop ahead of him to his right. Jeff changed his course and ran towards that destination as opposed to 'anywhere but back there'. He swung around the side of the structure so that he would be concealed from Blitz's or anyone else's views. With his back pressed up against the wall, he slid to a sitting position and clutched his left shoulder with shaky hands.

"Oh crap. Crap, crap, crap, crap…" Jeff constantly grunted between exerted pants.

What Jeff wouldn't give for the protection of Treecko in this lone moment. He fought that Scyther off once before… he'd be able to do it again.

The teen brought his hands to his temples and tightened his eyes. He heard screams--ones not reminiscent howls in the form of a flashback, but real yells of dread coming from the beach.

"Oh, Arceus, no! Kevin should never have released it here. It's going to start attacking the people on the beach. I left my pokemon with it, but I had to." He silently pleaded for Kevin to recall the Scyther as the impenetrable screams continued.

After many moments of hesitation, Jeff brought himself to slowly edge against the wall towards the rusty, metal corner of the shop to see the probable carnage. The terrified teen moved in such a cautious way it was as if he were traversing through a minefield. He peered around the corner to find a crowd of the beach inhabitants running away from the place where he was previously with his pokemon and the others. Through the panicked mob he could see the distinct blue hair of the gym leader going against the flow of people. Jeff immediately turned his head so that the back of it was once again against the sheet metal wall. He heard people who were running by mention something about something returning to the town, and how they were told to leave the beach while Brawly took care of it. His heart rate remained at a rapid pace. Jeff shut his eyes and waited.

"What the hell is going on here?" he thought to himself. "It's just one disaster after another!"

Jeff decided to brave up and open his eyes. The teen was surprised and confused to see the crowd halted near the edge of the beach, which was a little ways away from Jeff's hiding place. A line of people stood staring past him and at where Brawly must have been. He heard something over the distant nervous chattering that made his heart stop.

Humming. Jeff heard the humming of fast beating wings- that of a bug. It grew louder and undoubtedly closer. There was only one pokemon on that beach who he knew could make a noise like that, and it was the one pokemon he wished he would never see again. He began to sweat in fearful anticipation as the dreaded drone grew louder; the moment was reminiscent of a falling artillery shell approaching its target. Jeff looked at one of the people in the crowd who pointed above both the teen and the now deserted stand in awe.

The louder the buzz became, the tighter he clutched his scarred arm. Then it happened. There was a definite clank on the roof of the metal shop above him and the humming stopped. Every part of Jeff froze. His widened eyes slowly moved upwards to find a blade which was fixed to a light green limb above him, seemingly branching from the roof. His heart seemed to beat in slow motion now as he prayed that it didn't see him. Much to Jeff's luck, or so he thought, the Scyther remained oblivious to Jeff.

He then heard the pokemon call out, "<Human, come back… The Onix is in trouble.>"

Jeff realized that he was calling to him and that the Onix was Atlas. The teen shakily moved back towards the corner of the stall and poked his head around the corner. He could see Atlas--who appeared to be in pain--and a human. The figure had the unmistakable aqua hair which Jeff identified with Brawly.

"What the… Onix? At-Atlas? What's Brawly doing? What's going on?!" muttered Jeff to himself.

Jeff initially couldn't bring himself to leave his secure position for fear of being cut up and mangled by the terrifying pokemon. He remained in his place, his head close to the corner so he could still examine the event. He began to quickly ignore the fact that Blitz was directly above him as his attention was drawn to Atlas and Brawly. Much to Jeff's initial terror, but soon following overwhelming relief, he heard the humming of Blitz start up again and then fade farther back from where he came. Jeff peered around the corner again to see Atlas hunched over. Regardless of the fact that the Scyther could still be around, Jeff stepped out from his hiding place and started to slowly walk along the beach towards them to get a better look, carefully trying to not run into Blitz at the same time. Sure enough, the gym leader's trusty Makuhita was standing in the sand, apparently in a fighting stance. He also noticed two humans and their pokemon watching from the side, along with Jeff's.

"What the hell…" he muttered, speeding up towards the group. He sincerely hoped this wasn't about what he thought it was. Slowing his run as he reached everyone, he reached for Atlas's pokeball to return him before Brawly could order the fighting-type to do anything to the gentle rock serpent.

"What does he think he's doing?" Jeff whispered to Kevin.

"Apparently, your Onix is a convict or something. Oh, and Blitz is in his pokeball now, in case you decide to run away like that again," Kevin replied, chuckling softly. Jeff shot a glare at him, though he could have admitted he was relieved that Blitz was gone--for now, at least. He shoved that thought away, and listened intently as he realized Brawly was talking.

"Makuhita, dude, watch the Onix closely, and totally attack without hesitation if you think he shows even the littlest sign of harming anyone. He seems totally fine for now… I'm going to find some dude who can ship him off to somewhere father away," Brawly claimed, then solemnly added, "Whoever decided to bring him back here is totally bogus to me…" As he began to start running in an attempt to get someone as soon as possible, he saw Jeff outstretching his arm with the white and red spherical device in his hand. Brawly changed his direction, and didn't think twice about his actions when grabbing the teenager's arm, then moving it away so that the red beam missed its target.

"What was that for? This is MY Onix," Jeff proudly stated, trying to put a threatening expression on his face at the same time.

"This is yours, dude? I guess that's totally not a surprise," Brawly said through gritted teeth. "You must be trying to become really famous out here, dude. This Onix is the SAME one that went on a rampage on Dewford not long ago. I can tell because of the scar it has. Radical thinking, bringing it back here, ya?" His voice was harsh and serious, but had no effect on Jeff as he refused to accept what he was saying. The words he heard earlier were indeed true, but these didn't make any sense to him. His grip on the pokeball tightened, and for a moment he was afraid he was going to crush it, if that was even possible.

Jeff scowled. "I think you're making a big mistake. Atlas--that's his name--couldn't do something like that. Since I got him, he's shown no signs of being violent or anything, and you're accusing him of… this!" he cried, imagining the destroyed houses again.

"Tell me, dude, how long you've had Onix, Atlas, whatever," Brawly somberly ordered.

Gulping, he said, "Not very long, but--"

"Then you don't know what he's capable of yet, dude! I don't know which situation is worse: the gym battle, or this!" he shouted, the words embedding themselves into Jeff's head. Once again, the gym leader was correct, but he simply excluded the thoughts of giving Atlas up to him. He considered looking to Kevin or Rachel for help, but decided against it, knowing they hadn't known Atlas long enough to solidly confirm that destruction just wasn't likely to come from the pokemon.


"You what, dude? Judge by the Onix's first actions? Y'know, every dude on Dewford can tell you that the Onix is a total menace. And only I can tell you that your team will become even more messed up because of this Onix's personality," Brawly claimed, his words piercing through Jeff once more.

Atlas remained still in his place. His eyes shifted over from warily watching the Makuhita to the two arguing humans behind it. The rock snake then sunk his head slightly. Jeff remained clenching the pokeball with a silent intensity emanating from him.

"Now hand over the pokeball, dude… Now! Can't have you running off with this friggin' con while I'm getting help!" the gym leader ordered, his grip of Jeff's arm tightening. Brawly awaited the answer for a moment before asking affirmation. "Full on?"

The angered teen attempted to rip his arm from Brawly's firm grasp, only to budge the gym leader's arm slightly with the forceful pull.

"I don't think you understand how in over your crumbeater head you are. Now quit givin' me that stink-eye and hand over the friggin' pokeball."

Flustered, Jeff shouted, "No! I don't think YOU understand! Me and Atlas are not bad people! How dare you accuse my Onix of this chaos! He wouldn't touch a damn fly! Besides, there's a lot of Onix with scars--"

"<Jeff…>" Atlas said softly, looking out to the sea.

The teen stopped and turned around. He was in the process of speaking when Atlas began in another low grumble.

"<…What he says is true,>" the guilty Onix mumbled.

The color drained from Jeff's flushing face. Still, he thought that Atlas was confessing to avoid further trouble--it seemed like something the genial creature COULD do. He viewed his statement as false and deceptive.

"<I didn't mean to. I couldn't control it… The pain… It took over. I didn't want to- I…>" Atlas urged, shutting his eyes in shame.

"Yeah, whatever dude. The fact of the matter is we caught him red-tailed and now that he knows he's busted he's confessing. Jeff, dude, give me his pokeball before he goes bananas again. This time he might hurt your crewbies," Brawly scoffed, gesturing to Kevin, Rachel, and the pokemon.

"<Do it, Jeff… He has the right to…>"

"…No. NO! You WON'T take my Onix away from me!"

"No way, man. You can't pull the 'righteous trainer card' now! I know what you are. You're an irresponsible trainer who can't take care of his pokemon and got lucky with those two badges you've supposedly earned."

"Hey, now wait a minute!" Kevin remarked, stepping in to defend Jeff.

"Back off, Kev," the other teen ordered

"But Jeff, he--"

"I SAID I CAN HANDLE IT," Jeff roared, losing his temper. He guessed there'd be no possible way to make Atlas deny his accusations and said, "Atlas said he didn't mean to so I believe him!"

"And that brings all of the destroyed houses back, yeah?" the irked gym leader retorted.

Jeff sighed and adamantly stated, "You're not taking Atlas away..." His grip on the pokeball remained steadfast.

"Dude, I'm gonna ask you ONE more time before I sic my bro, Makuhita, on that pokemon who is no more than a destructive beast!"

Atlas sunk at the harsh comment, still unable to move for worry of Brawly's fighting type attacking him again.

"Take it back," Jeff simply commanded.

"Give me the…"

"TAKE IT BACK!" he yelled again. Jeff dropped the pokeball and wrenched his now free arm from Brawly's grasp. The infuriated teen raised his fist and, within a second, uppercut the gym leader in his jaw.

Brawly stumbled back a few steps, but was followed by Jeff, who executed two more quick blows to his face. The attacker subconsciously grinned and quickly examined the smear of blood on his right knuckle. Meanwhile, Brawly was collecting himself and raised his own fists.

"Shouldn't have done that, man," Brawly said with a sneer across his tanned face. Blood trickled from his nose and lip as a result from Jeff's sucker punches.

The teen's adrenaline raised much like it had done when Blitz appeared. He then took a fighting stance. Jeff inched forward in an attempt to make the first move but he noticed Brawly beat him to the draw. The blue-haired fighting expert charged him. Before Jeff could even move to defend himself, he felt his knees being kicked out from under him. Within the one millisecond, he felt and remembered the tenderness of his once-dislocated knee. Then he felt his back on the sand.

During this, Jeff had his eyes closed. Without time to react from the precise fall, he felt Brawly's warm fist hammering his face and chest. Lack of sensation overtook his nose, lips, and face. In addition to the cold, numbing feeling, he felt hot drops of blood leak from the cuts, providing an unpleasant contrast.

Jeff dared to open his eyes after the actions happened so fast. He let out a faint grunt as he opened his eyelids. The defeated assailant looked up to see Brawly standing over him, his sandal placed on Jeff's chest. He tried to get up, but the victor kept him from doing so; Brawly just pressed his foot into his ribs harder. Then he heard a voice.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" it yelled.

Jeff lifted his head up to see an infuriated Kevin walking towards Brawly, as if ready to strike.

"Kevin, he DID attack him first," Rachel added uncertainly.

"Yeah, back off bro, or do you want to end up like your friend here?" Brawly asked, gesturing to Jeff.

The teenager dropped his aching head back into the sand, lazily spitting blood from his mouth. Makuhita turned his head around to face Brawly.

"That's not fair! Jeff was only--" complained Kevin before being interrupted.

"Brah, I said keep your eyes on that Onix!" Brawly said to the Makihita.

Makuhita abruptly turned back around to face Atlas, who looked down at Jeff in worry and guilt. Kevin continued to yell at the gym leader.

"Aren't you gonna let him up?!" he spat in disdain.

"Doesn't look like it, dude," he calmly replied, holding his hand to his bleeding nose as he turned to face Kevin.

Out of anger, Jeff seized the opportunity while Brawly was distracted. He grabbed the leg pinning him down and lifted it off of his chest. The teen threw his leg to make the gym leader lose balance and instantly after, Jeff rolled towards Brawly's still-landlocked leg. He fell to the ground beside him. Jeff hopped onto Brawly's chest and prepared to commence the beating. But then he heard a snarling to his right. Before he could punch Brawly, he turned to see where the noise came from and as he did, whatever it was tackled Jeff off the blue-haired gym leader and back into the sand.

He felt claws pinning his shoulders into the sand. Jeff opened his eyes and saw a four-legged, orange furred animal on top of him. All he could really pay attention to was the razor sharp teeth being bore at him and the saliva dripping onto him as a result. The dog-like pokemon had tufts of pale yellow fur beneath its intimidating mouth and atop its head. Jeff swore he could see a wave of heat radiating from the Growlithe's throat while it pinned him down. While shrinking back in defeat from the dog pokemon, Jeff could hear the running of other feet in the sand. In addition to that, he heard commands coming from officers to surround Atlas, and to not let their guards down when watching him.

"Brawly, what's going on here?" another voice asked, motioning towards Jeff on the ground.

"This dude owns the Onix… and then he totally attacked me after I said I was going to get help," Brawly explained, his eyes fixed upon the teenager in contempt.

"Is that so?" the officer muttered, and then ordered for the Growlithe to leave his position on top of the boy. Jeff didn't feel pushed into the sand anymore, and let out a small sigh of relief. As a reaction, he began to sit up, his face and chest throbbing in pain from the scuffle, the alleviation quickly vanishing. He wasn't able to go any further, however, as he felt his arms being grabbed once again and placed behind his back. Chills crept up his arm as he felt the cold metal of handcuffs callously placed upon his wrists, and then he was hoisted up by one of the officers from the sand.

"This is ridiculous," Kevin protested. "Jeff didn't do a single damn thing wrong here!" His attempt to help his friend was ignored.

"We'll take care of the Onix," another officer assured Brawly and the guy keeping a unyielding hold on Jeff. "Let's go, boy." He fiercely pushed Jeff as a signal to start walking; Jeff didn't even have to question about where they were headed. As he stumbled through the sand, trying to keep up with the cop's fast pace, he took once last glance at his friends and pokemon. A feeling of desolation swept over him as he then focused on the benevolent and dismayed expression on the Onix's face. Turning back his head to see where he was stepping, he wondered how the peaceful rock serpent could be so misunderstood and mistaken for a monster.


And now to hide from the angry mob who thought Kevin was Alan. ^_^ Jeff should consider himself lucky.
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I must say, I like the way you portrayed Brawly this chapter and also the last chapter. I like how you have him involved and his worriness over Jeff. Roxanne I felt you just put her there because she's one of the league gym leaders and she didn't seem to think too much about him (sorry for not putting about her last chapter...kinda forgot ^O^;;; ). I don't know, I guess I like it when the gym leaders have their opinions on the trainers and not just the usual "You'll do great things!" the gym leaders say in the games. On the other hand, I'm surprised Brawly fought Jeff back after he punched him. Thought he would know better but I guess he was suddenly mad at Jeff things got out of hand. I'm also surprised the police didn't say anything of Brawly fighting, despite him being a gym leader.

The truth, I didn't like it when Kevin keep saying to Squritle that he's a coward and such but on the other hand I interpret he was just saying it in a fun poking friendly kind of tone. I like him though as he seems to be a guy that likes to joke around but also is capable to be serious, example while Jeff and Brawly fought. Rachel I can't say much. She seems like a nice girl although not much of her personality is shown clearer like Kevin, in my opinion.

Lastly, so Treecko actually went to that gym for himself? Huh, I thought he did it for Jeff after he said he was proud of him. Now I'm confused like the little green starter! XD

In short, quite an interesting chapter with the appearance of Rachel and Kevin and more conflict dealing with the Atlas incident. Can't wait for the next chapter and good luck with the exams! ^^

PS- Sorry if this review doesn't say much on how to improve. Urgh, now I'm starting to have good luck and bad luck like Jeff and it's driving me a bit crazy! O.o
wondering on how he was going to handle this;
The "on" isn't needed, but it may or may not be "technically" a mistake.

depending on their previous encounters with Brawly, or lack thereof.
"Thereof" is one word.

causing Ace to knock over the salt shaker

Are you sure you really didn't fight because you wanted to help Jeff?>"

Whoever, or whatever, made him decide to leave the room without the Coke had done a horrible job of keeping him with them.
"Whoever" and "whatever" are one word.

I'll get on to the review of the content a bit later, but I want to play a little devil's advocate here.

As it stands right now (at least for me personally) I cannot say whether Atlas is the culprit or not. A lot of folks [on the other forum] are automatically declaring Atlas the innocent one and Brawly the jerk without considering all the facts given. Therefore, I will pad this review out even longer to examine key pieces of evidence:
1) The scar on the Onix: Now, Brawly claims that the scar is the identifying mark on the rampaging Onix, while Jeff contends that many Onix have scars. There is a SLIM possibility that two different Onix may have the same shape of scar on the same location, but the possibility is great enough so that the scar isn't an absolute identifier, like DNA would be. But, it definitely tips the scales in favor of Atlas' guilt.

2) Atlas' gentle attitude: I visit the America's Most Wanted website often, and it amazes me how many of the fugitives profiled there are able to mask their true intentions beneath a facade of politeness and friendliness. So Jeff as a character witness to Atlas' gentle demeanor really can't be counted as evidence.

3) Atlas' confession: It's pretty much a given that Atlas confessed to the rampages to end the brewing strife between Jeff and Brawly. But, is it the truth? I would be inclined to think so, since he confessed knowing that only Jeff (and the other Pokemon) would understand him, but again, I cannot be 100% sure.

My point with this long courtroom drama was to illustrate that there's not really enough evidence to determine either Atlas' guilt or innocence, and so conclusions should not be jumped to so hastily.

Unfortunately, that is what Jeff did. I do not feel that Jeff's actions were justified, despite the attitude that Brawly was giving him. It looks like once again, his impulsiveness is going to land him in a lot of trouble. As for Brawly, I do believe that he was acting in the best interest of the others at the beach. Even if Atlas wasn't the real culprit, he looks similar enough to justify at least removing him from the beach until it can be determined whether he was the guilty party or not. And I attribute his rudeness and impulsiveness to his fear that Atlas could start another rampage, potentially injuring many beachgoers.

So yeah, there's my reason why I think Jeff was in the wrong and Brawly was in the right. Again, that's only my opinion, and the reasoning behind it

With that said:
The very fact that I went into an in-depth analysis of the evidence and guilt or innocence of Atlas means you wrote one HELL of a chapter. The appearance of Kevin and the still-mysterious Rachel was a surprise (at least it wasn't Alan, or there would have been TWO fistfights this chapter) and the fact that Kevin's starter was an all too familiar Scyther from before in Jeff's life was stunning as well.

I know that Kevin had no idea of Biltz and Jeff having a previous encounter, but the constant "I'll show you later" bit kinda led up to the big revealing- and Jeff running for his life.

And then there's the whole Atlas incident, which I went through in so much excruciating detail that I don't feel like doing it again- I will say it was well thought out and prompted some very nice discussion.

Description was handled very well, but it's the plot twists that really sold this chapter. Well, that and the fact I was able to use my years of watching crime shows in a fic review:)
Sorry for the ungodly long wait. I only posted the first part of the chapter because it would 1.) be very long if it was the whole thing. 2.) Since it's been so long, I would have rushed the second part because I'm so eager to post.

The first part was co-written my Diamondpearl876. Let's see who can spot the difference!

Anyways... ENJOY!

Exile: Part 1

The sound of the heart wrenching bars closing rang through Jeff's ears; it was a sound he'd never even dreamed of hearing in a million years. The reverberation merely reminded him of his stripped freedom to continue his journey as a trainer for however long the police intended to keep him locked up. More importantly, it was impossible to reach Atlas or Treecko; he wasn't as worried about the others, since they were left with Kevin and Rachel as he was led to this wretched place in handcuffs. He managed to tell Kevin to retrieve Treecko for him in order to tell him of the situation.

Jeff took a look at his surroundings, even though there wasn't much to be acknowledged in the room; the bed and the toilet, each placed in one corner of the cell, looked even more uninviting and unsettling than the cold, hard metal that had been harshly placed upon his wrists. What kinds of people had actually slept in this place? Criminals, convicts, and other things that Jeff believed he shouldn't be called. . . He definitely didn't belong here, although people probably now presumed that he was; the thought caused a sickening feeling in his stomach. Jeff could sense the hatred and the wanting for revenge in the room, which unwittingly brought up another question: what exactly had these people thought when they were stuck in this dreadful place? He couldn't imagine himself trying to get back at Brawly, the police, the Growlithe that had pinned him to the ground, or anyone else . . . It was his own impulsiveness that had gotten him into this mess.

Even though he had never known them before, Jeff didn't want to become even more like those people. He took a deep breath and refused to think about everyone who had been apart of him being sent to the station. He walked over to the most appealing part of the room, which was undoubtedly the window. Peering outside past the metal bars, the only thing to be seen was a part of a forest with bits of the cave through the lush trees, but it was enough for the nauseating feeling in his stomach to slowly diminish.

"We must be close to the beach," he solemnly thought.

The beach! Jeff's thoughts quickly turned to Atlas, whose whereabouts were unknown to him. He felt a sudden panic wash over him and numerous questions jumbled through his mind--questions that couldn't be answered without the help of the police or another person.

What if they hurt him, or shipped him off to evil Petalburg again? Why exactly did Atlas admit he did… the whole destruction thing? Not possible, not possible… Will they even let me own him again? Would taking him away even be legal?!

All the questions came in vain, and the fact that none of them were being answered tore away at his juvenile heart.


"Alright, guys, let's bring this pest to the spot. Brawly will lead the way. Never look away from the Onix, and always be ready to listen to commands." Numerous species of pokemon that had been released from their pokeballs surrounded the frightened rock serpent and immediately obeyed the instructions, focusing all of their attention on him. They began walking towards there destination, careful to pay attention to Atlas and where they were stepping at the same time. Atlas hesitated for a moment, unsure of what he wanted his next actions to be.

"<What are you doing? Move, or I'll be forced to attack. We wouldn't want that, now would we?>" one of the policemen's Growlithe said with a menacing tone in his voice. He snarled and glared at Atlas, trying to scare him into moving. The fire-type succeeded easily, since the rock serpent was terrified to begin with; Atlas swiftly turned his head away and began moving through the soft sand.

As they were making progress towards their destination, Atlas couldn't help but feel intimidated with all the eyes set upon him. All the infuriated faces were things he were use to from the past, and didn't want to witness them anymore. Atlas tried to distract himself by looking towards the humans. They were talking amongst themselves, saying things Atlas couldn't comprehend with the distance between them. He assumed it was about himself, or about Jeff…

… Jeff. He envisioned the teenager when he had been taken away against his will, and the faces of the other pokemon were left staring in awe, probably feeling helpless at the fact they couldn't do anything about the unfortunate situation. Atlas had originally thought that maybe admitting his wrong doings would clear his conscious and end the whole thing for good, but it turned out things were getting even more complicated. He was unsure of what his next encounter with Jeff would be like--if there even was one. The Onix wasn't even sure if he'd ever see him again, all because of his presence on the beach at the wrong time.

Atlas stared straight ahead, fighting the urge to look down at the daunting pokemon below him. He noticed they were slowly approaching an open clearing, and he was surprised when he saw several Machoke, most likely awaiting their arrival. Seeing that the pokemon possessed large chains, Atlas struggled not to yelp when he realized they were definitely planning to immobilize him for the time being. The Onix wasn't preparing a great escape, but the thought of being weighed down like that terrified him. The thickness was close to that of a tree trunk, as if especially designed to trap an Onix in its place. The rock-type couldn't help but think they had somehow prepared for this, expected for him to come back and wreak more havoc on the popular island.

"This is the place where I train my pokemon at. No dude really comes by here, so no worries. If he cries out people will think it's totally from the cave," Brawly explained. His voice was loud and clear, matter-of-fact. "Only two guard dudes will have to stay here when the Onix is totally chained up. He won't be going anywhere."

When the teenager was finished speaking, Atlas saw a couple of the policemen smile and nod; they were getting exactly what they wanted. Atlas' heart sank even more when the Machoke began to use their muscles to pick up the massive chains. Most of them went directly to the rock-type, and began working relentlessly on placing the chains on nearly all parts of his body, starting from the bottom. As they progressed, Atlas found it difficult to stay in his place, and struggled not to topple over onto the grass. More and more chains were used on the boulders that had increased in size. The chains tightened around his body, and Atlas didn't know it was possible to feel so trapped in such an open area.

Just when Atlas thought that the Machoke had finished working on securing him in his place, he saw two of them head over to one side of the clearing, near the forest that blocked the frightened tourists' views. The two of them worked together to tie the chains to the tree trunk.

How is that supposed to help anything…? Atlas wondered. With the chains already weighing him down significantly and the guards that he'd soon be stuck with, he figured it'd be enough to keep him in place until someone decided his fate. Whatever the reason was, Brawly and the other humans seemed satisfied with it. Brawly mentioned something else inaudible to Atlas, and he and all the policemen except two departed from the clearing; Atlas almost felt sorry for the two specific humans who had been hired for watching him, seeing as it was a waste of time--no spectacular plan was being devised.

Once the policemen and Brawly were finally gone, Atlas noticed that night was beginning to set in, which not only darkened the sky, but darkened his mood more as well. The tall trees seemed to be watching his every move, and warning the creatures that might've been thinking about running through the clearing to turn back.

"Don't face the monster. Go back. He could attempt to break out of his chains at the sight of you and attack for no reason, just like he did to those poor peoples' houses," he could imagine them saying, and then numerous frightened, innocent faces . . .

Atlas could've made himself believe he was seeing things, but indeed there we faces in the darkness, and they were peering into the clearing through the trees. He could make out the outlines of a human, and a few other small creatures that Atlas recognized as Jeff and Rachel's pokemon. So, they had followed him here! The rock-type had been focusing on Jeff that he had forgotten about anyone else.

There was only one thing left to wonder about them now that he knew their identities: what exactly were they going to do about this situation?

Atlas pondered this for a moment, but no ideas came to mind and he wished he could see what they were thinking. He honestly couldn't visualize Corphish or Daedalus or any other small pokemon destroying the chains that suffocated his body. Atlas sighed. There seemed to be no use, and his hope quickly vanished. He continued to watch the unmoving figures; there wasn't much else he could do with his current position.

After a few more moments of silence and gazing at them, he was shocked and disappointed when he saw them swiftly scurry away. Atlas presumed that there was nothing left for them to see here in the clearing, and that they went to tell Jeff he was alive and well. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise coming from a little inside the forest, back in the direction of the cave that Atlas had once resided in. An outline of a shadow emerged through the trees on the opposite side he had seen his friends, and was thrilled to see it was another Onix; no other pokemon could share the same structural shape.

The guards hastily turned around at the sound, and began taking out their red and white spheres to prepare to attack whatever dared to come by. They gaped at the sight of another Onix when it could be seen clearly, but they rapidly gained a hold of themselves and sent out their faithful companions, a Growlithe and a Meditite. The two pokemon got in their fighting stance, ready for what ever was going to be thrown at them.

Atlas looked back to get a clearer view of the other Onix, who was now fully in the clearing and had stopped dead in his tracks. The expression on its face told Atlas he was here for a reason, and hadn't accidentally stumbled over the scene.

"Get out of the clearing, or we'll have to attack!" one of the guards ordered furiously.

Atlas waited for the pokemon's next actions, but he contently stayed in his spot. He saw a smile creep up the pokemon's face, and felt that he recognized the Onix from somewhere before.

"<Don't think I'm leaving you here, all right?>" the Onix said. Atlas gasped, suddenly realizing that it was his friend from his old clan, Prometheus.

Still smiling, Prometheus turned to face the guards and their tiny pokemon. With a quick swing of the tail in the ground, a massive wave of sand flew into the air. He kept swinging his tail around in the ground causing vast quantities of granules to blot out most of the sun from the defenders of the sudden sandstorm.

"Growlithe, use Take Down! Don't let it finish!" one of the guards shouted to the fire-type. By then, though, it was too late; the sandstorm had finished its effects, and Atlas found it increasingly harder to breathe through it all. He heard muffled coughs and whines from the pokemon and the guards, but was unable to see them through the blinding dust particles.

The rock-type heard Prometheus move a little, but Atlas was unsure as to whether or not he could see where he was going. Suddenly, a thunderous crash could be heard just near where Atlas was chained down. He could feel the ground tremble beneath him vigorously. Small cries from the guards rang through Atlas' head; they were as oblivious to what was happening as Atlas was. Without warning, Atlas was yanked back by Prometheus' body and another booming collision moved the earth under them. The coldness of the chains still rested on his body, but he could see now that he was free from the tree that had collided with the ground, thanks to Prometheus.

The other Onix whispered something inaudible to Atlas, and soon after he could feel himself ram into the ground. He was being dragged away from the clearing, away from the fallen tree that had taken him as a temporary prisoner, and from the guards had made a vain attempt at trying to get rid of Prometheus. The chains pushed hard against his body, but it was worth the pain; even though the destination was unknown, any place was better than here.

His craggy friend pulled him away tail-first, slowly easing him along with the broken chain which was tied to the tree in his mouth. All Atlas could do was watch the sandstorm behind them subside and watch the guards and pokemon stumble around, holding their eyes. They were moving at a nail bitingly slow pace. Atlas cringed and sighed, knowing that this wasn't over by a long shot.

"<Wow, Atlas, have you gained weight?>" Prometheus mocked while biting down on the chain.

"<It's the chains,>" answered Atlas grimly, hardly amused by the situation he was in. Although it was understandable that Prometheus couldn't free him due to lack of time to escape, Atlas wished that these almost crushing chains were off of his rocky flesh already. The rock snake had a feeling that he knew where his friend was taking him- the cave which was home to more than just bad memories.

They left an unmistakable drag trail which looked more like a trench than anything else. The humans grew smaller and the already lightless night became darker. Atlas knew that they were now inside the cave. The immobile rock type lifted his eyes up to see a gigantic mouth of the cave- it was tall enough for even Prometheus to enter without ducking. He felt the chains form a sandwich between his own stony body and the moist rocky floor, creating an occasional spark while his friend dragged him.

"<We're almost there, friend,>" Prometheus explained, grunting with each pull.

"<Almost where? I think we're far enough!>"

"<No… not yet,>" the Onix said, making a wide turn into a cavern which Atlas did not remember. Although he could hardly see in the dark at that time, he could navigate the grotto purely by touch and memory, save this cave that Prometheus was taking him to.

He felt an incline in the terrain. Atlas experienced his body scraping against stalagmites and smaller boulders, causing him to cringe slightly. The hill seemed to level off again and Prometheus stopped dragging him. The chain fell from his mouth with a clang that echoed about the rocky walls. Atlas began to grow more used to the cave's darkness the longer he stayed in it.

"<Why did you bring me here?>" Atlas asked, almost coldly.

"<No one knows about this place. Here, I can free you without…>" Prometheus trailed off.

"<How exactly did you plan on freeing me?>"

The standing Onix put the end of his tail to his chin in contemplation.

"<Thinking as always,>" Atlas grumbled, trying to lift up his head but failing.

"<I never thought you as the sarcastic type, Atlas,>" Prometheus said with a smirk. The irritated Onix sighed. "<I've got only one idea,>" he continued. "<I'm going to try my Iron Tail. It will hurt, Atlas, but it's the only way I can think of.>"

The chained down Onix gulped and attempted to nod. "<Very well, Prometheus.>"

Prometheus raised his tail, causing it to gleam in the darkness. He brought it down with a crash onto the metal along with Atlas's body. Sparks flew and the rock serpent let out a pained grunt. The Onix removed his tail and noticed that the attack barely did anything against the massive chains.

Atlas sighed. "<Maybe this isn't the best idea.>"

"<It's the only way, Atlas. Just take a deep breath,>" Prometheus insisted, raising his tail again.

"<…Very well. Don't hold back; I can deal with the pain,>" replied Atlas, half shuddering.

He brought his tail down again, harder this time. His friend growled and twitched slightly.

"<These won't give! I will try again in rapid succession,>" Prometheus exclaimed, bringing his rocky tail down again. He struck the same place three strong times. Atlas let out a roar as the metal began to chip away at his solidified flesh.

Prometheus whipped his tail around and brought it down precisely in the same place. The Onix cried out in pain. The massive chain broke halfway through.

"<Good!>" Prometheus said enthusiastically. "<Almost through! Once more should do it.>"

He raised his tail a final time and slammed it onto Atlas and the severed chain, which snapped as a result. Prometheus then began to unwrap the chains from his friend by pulling them with his stony mouth. Feeling lighter than air, if that was possible for an Onix, Atlas reared up and shook the remaining massive chains off of him. He turned to face his old friend and made out his blue eyes in the dark.

"<Thank you, Prometheus…but…>"

"<What is it, Atlas?>" the rock snake asked.

"<You should have left me there. They had a right to keep me! I'm tired of running away,>" Atlas answered.

"<What was I supposed to do? Watch them ship you off again… or worse?>" Prometheus shot back.

"<I do appreciate the save, but did you have to bring me back here? What if he sees me?>"

"<Don't worry, Atlas,>" Prometheus answered. "<He's busy sleeping in his royal chamber.>"

There was a brief silence between the two. All that could really be heard was the trickle of water hitting the cave floor. Prometheus cleared his throat, initiating a question.

"<Atlas, they shipped you over the water… how did you get back here?>"

"<Well,>" Atlas began to say with confidence, "<first I found this human sleeping outside of Petalburg and I curled around them to make sure that they wouldn't be able to leave without awakening me. Then I begged to come along with him, knowing that he'd come by Dewford eventually for that gym.>"

"<And once you arrived here you were planning to ditch him and come back to the cave?>" asked Prometheus with a sly grin.

"<Yes, I->" Atlas began to reply, but he stumbled on his words as Prometheus's stinging ones sunk in. He remembered how genuinely nice Jeff was to him upon meeting him, and then again further along in the journey. An image flashed into his head of Jeff being hauled away by the policeman after trying so hard to stick up for him and protect him. He had even fought that particularly prestigious blue-haired human over his innocence. Atlas closed his eyes and shuddered.

"<Atlas?>" asked Prometheus, curiously.

"<I cannot believe I was going to leave him alone after all that he has done for me,>" the rock snake thought in shame.


"<I needed to return here… but I shouldn't have used him like that! Look where he is now because of me!>" he self-consciously continued to think.

Unexpectedly, Atlas let out a sharp roar and slammed his tail into a nearby stalagmite, causing it to shatter into many tiny stone shards.

"HWARRGHH!!!" bellowed the rock snake. Prometheus sunk back slightly before once again erecting his posture.

Atlas turned away, awkwardly. "<Sorry about that, Prometheus. I have a lot on my mind.>"

"<Does the scar hurt?>" he asked.

"<Yes… Always. Even if something comes close to it.>" Atlas answered, not wanting to talk about it.

Prometheus looked at him curiously.

"<I cannot stay here; I'm going to have to leave eventually, and they'll be waiting out there,>" explained Atlas.

"<Maybe Cronus will let you back…>" Prometheus suggested rather sheepishly.

"<I doubt it; after what I did he'll probably kill me the next time he sees me!>"

Prometheus looked around the cave warily. "<That's the thing, Atlas. I don't like how he's been ruling us. I too want a change.>"

"<If only you had such a point of view back when I challenged Cronus, Prometheus,>" Atlas commented, rather disdainfully.

"<Yeah… I'm sorry about that. I really wasn't prepared when you challenged his leadership.>"

Atlas nodded. "<Has anything changed since I left?>"

Prometheus shook his head. "<No. Cronus is still ruling the cave's inhabitants by the means of fear. He's even sending some of the smaller pokemon out of the cave.>"

The scarred rock pokemon let out a low sigh.

"<Just because he's a Steelix with a shiny metal hide doesn't give him the right to push the entire cave around like we're his slaves!>" Prometheus protested.

"<But perhaps my strength does!>" a menacing voice echoed through the walls of the cave. A giant serpent similar to an Onix, but with metal flesh and spikes on his long body appeared from the darkness. He was easily distinguished as a Steelix by the lack of a head crest and the gleam emitted by the metal.

"<Cronus…>" Prometheus said in surprise, slinking back behind Atlas.

"<Why hello there, Atlas!>" the Steelix said in mock pleasure. "<And Prometheus, good evening to you too. Always a pleasure.>"

Atlas growled and felt a sharp tingling in his scar.

"<Atlas, I didn't think you had the stones to come back here! Why the long face? That little scratch I gave you still hurt?>"

The rock pokemon in question looked at the ground in shame.

"<What you're doing isn't right. You're not the leader of the entire cave; you can't push all the other pokemon living here around!>" replied Atlas sternly.

"<Well you don't have to worry, Atlas, they won't be living here for much longer.>" Cronus the Steelix calmly explained.

Atlas let out a low growl.

"<What are you doing back here, traitor? Did Prometheus here bring you or did you come back on your own?>" the metal snake asked in a growl.

Atlas looked back at his friend, who squirmed uncomfortably in his place. He sighed. "<I came back on my own accord.>"

Steelix let out a hard chortle from through his metal teeth. Atlas let out a louder snarl.

"<You're not thinking of attacking me again, are you? Don't you remember how that turned out last time?>" Cronus jeered, gesturing at the scar on Atlas's face.

He turned his head slightly to hide the visible scar from Cronus and Prometheus in shame.

"<Why did you challenge me, I wonder?>"

"<Because you are a tyrant,>" Atlas answered coldly.

"<Poor reason, poor choice!>" said Steelix with a grin. "<You should have known that you can't stand up to me, both in a fight and out of it.>"

Atlas let out a sharp grunt while Cronus continued, "<And what would have happened if by some slim miracle you did win? You can't be a leader! How would you control them? You're just not clan leader material; you're too softhearted. You just don't have the guts! Unlike me, you fight with your heart and not your head. That's why I'm the leader and you're the pathetic exile!>"

Sucking in the facts, Atlas sighed and thought that most of that might be true. Still, he shakily countered, "<But you have one thing wrong, Cronus; you don't fight with your head, you fight with your greed.>"

"<Now, Atlas,>" Cronus said with a mock-hurt voice. "<I'm hurt by that! And Prometheus, I feel bad that you think so poorly of me!>"

"<Cronus, I->" begun Prometheus nervously before being interrupted by Atlas.

"<Leave it, Prometheus. Our leader is just trying to get in your head!>"

The Steelix let out a hard chuckle. "<Given your big heads with such little brain to fill them, I'd be able to fit Lord Groudon in them!>" Cronus's face became stern again. "<But the problem is I AM the leader, so Prometheus, get your yellow tail over here and Atlas, get the hell out of my cave before I'm forced to make you, again!>"

Prometheus began to slowly slither towards the Steelix sneering in the darkness. He looked warily back at Atlas, who finally said, "<Prometheus, stop!>"

He turned and looked at the scarred rock serpent with wide, questioning eyes.

"<We've had enough; we're not going to let you rule like this anymore!>" bravely exclaimed Atlas.

"<Oh?>" Cronus said, slithering up to face to two Onix. "<You're going to try to stop me, are you?>" He imposingly turned to Prometheus and bore his fangs. "<You're questioning my authority?>"

Prometheus shrunk back a bit.

"<Are you?!>" the Steelix roared. Prometheus quickly shook his head and avoided Atlas's betrayed and helpless look.

"<Prometheus?>" Atlas asked. The Onix remained silent.

Once again, Atlas felt alone. If his best friend wouldn't stick up for him, who would?

"<At least your friend has some sense.>" Cronus turned to the regretful Onix. "<You're not as stupid as you look, but don't think I've forgotten about your earlier comments!>" he said, slapping his metal tail on the dank cave floor. "<Perhaps now would be a good time for your penalty for defying me!>"

Atlas growled and slithered towards Cronus, ready to strike. The Steelix, getting just what he wanted, swiftly whipped around his tail. The steel appendage, not even close to full force, made impact with the scar on Atlas's left eye.

Excruciating pain exploded from the hit. It coursed though every inch of his body within mere seconds.

From the sheer pain, Atlas sharply bellowed, "HWAAAAAAAARRRRRGHHH!!!"

His body thrashed around mindlessly and violently. He began to ram his head sideways against the cave wall, causing stalactites and pieces of stone to fall from the ceiling. Atlas then let out another strained roar and began to writhe in agony on the floor of the cave. Prometheus looked on in pure bewilderment and shock, while Cronus merely chuckled and turned around. Cronus gave Prometheus a light hit on the head, urging him to follow him back through the cave. Atlas's friend looked back in guilt, but followed.

Atlas remained cringing on the ground. He opened one eye and muttered, "<I will…defeat you…eventually.>" He then waited for the gnawing pain to cease.


The blond haired teen found himself faced with the pokemon center lit up in the night. Kevin tightly held Ace, who squirmed a bit uncomfortably in his hands.

"Stupid Jeff getting arrested and making me go get his Treecko. The thing will probably bite me," mumbled the teen in complaint. Ace looked up at Kevin with some worry. The two sighed and walked through the automatic doors opening before them.

Kevin calmly walked up to the desk and placed Ace as well as his hands on the counter top.

"How may I help you sir?" the pink haired nurse asked perkily.

"Hi," Kevin said with a broad smirk. "I need to pick up a pokemon for my friend, Jeff, from the recovery room."

"Alright, I'm going to need to see some ID," Nurse Joy replied.

Kevin nodded and took from his pocket both his pokedex and his pokemon trainer's card, both of which he received from Professor Birch. Nurse Joy took the two and briefly scanned both with her eyes.

"Thank you, now which pokemon do you need to get?" she asked.

Kevin cleared his throat. "I need to get that Treecko!" he explained, now peering through the glass windows of the recovery room doors.

"Umm…" Nurse Joy stalled. "That Treecko is in no condition to move. His ribs are still very tender. You do realize that they were broken in a gym battle and that he almost died from a collapsed lung."

Kevin stopped looking through the window and turned his attention to Nurse Joy with an eyebrow raised. "No, I didn't know that… but still, this is an emergency."

"I'm sorry, but it can't be that important. That Treecko couldn't go anywhere if he tried."

Kevin frowned, but his grin swiftly returned. "That's okay. Do you mind taking a look at my Squirtle here? I think he has a thorn or something inside of his shell."

Ace immediately began to panic, looking around, both in and out of his shell, for this alleged thorn. Nurse Joy nodded and began to take Ace into the back check-up room. Kevin winked at Ace and mouthed, "Sorry, I'll make it up to you later."

As soon as the nurse was out of sight, Kevin slipped into the recovery room and ran over to the wood gecko pokemon's bed. The grass type was staring at the ceiling with his old, acquired twig in his mouth. Upon seeing the teen's sudden appearance, Treecko looked up at him with a mixture of annoyance and confusion.

"Okay, we don't have much time. I'm Jeff's friend, Kevin. He's in jail right now and he asked me to come get you so you need to come with me!" Kevin explained, outstretching a hand.

"Treecko cko," the grass type simply answered, turning his attention back towards the ceiling.

"I know this sounds crazy but I need you to come with me," the blond teen persisted, reaching his hand in closer.

Treecko began to stand up; he attempted not to cringe with the movement. Kevin smiled. "I knew you were damn tou- OW!" Kevin emitted a sharp cry and put his aching fingers in his mouth. Treecko repositioned himself from his previous well placed pound on Kevin's hand.

"Wha tha hell wah tha foah?!" he yelled, still sucking on his swelling fingers.

Treecko simply turned his nose up at the human and folded his arms. Kevin angrily removed his fingers from his mouth. "Okay, you don't want to do this the easy way? We'll do this the hard way! Now I know you're injured, so for both our sakes, maybe you want to cooperate!"

The rebellious grass type opened an eye, adjusted the twig in his mouth, and mumbled provokingly, "<Try me.>"

Gladly giving into Treeck's goads, Kevin lightly, yet firmly grabbed Treecko's right arm and the base of his tail. The grass type struggled against the human's hold. Treeck managed to rip his tail free from Kevin's hand and he whacked the teen across the face with it.

"AH! Damnit! We don't have time for this!" Kevin let go of the pokemon's arm and whipped his backpack around from his back. He quickly unzipped the bag and gave a quick grin at Treecko, who began to realize what he was going to do. Before the grass starter could fight back, Kevin quickly grabbed him and began to put him in the bag. After another pound to the face and a bite to the right hand, Kevin was able to safely put Treecko in his backpack. Luckily for Kevin, it was late at night so no humans were able to witness the apparent kidnapping, and most of the pokemon there were sleeping anyways. Needless to say there were muffled cries of protest and feet and hands kicking Kevin's back as he placed the bag back on.

As calmly as he could, he quickly strode out of the recovery room and nervously approached the desk to get Ace. The blond haired boy moved with the bag as it budged back and forth. Nurse Joy held Ace and looked at Kevin quizzically.

"Something wrong?" the nurse asked him, suspiciously.

"No, I'm fine! My back is just really itchy!" Kevin quickly answered. "Can I have Ace back now, please?!"

"Of course," Nurse Joy answered, holding out a rather relieved Squirtle. She paused mid reach. "Do you hear something?" she questioned, noticing a strange noise.

"Uh, yeah! It's just some Sandshrew having a bad dream. He's fine!" Kevin insisted, practically ripping Ace from her hands. "Thanks for the check up!"

With that, he dashed out of the lobby and into the warm night. He sprinted his way back to the police station, ignoring the stares of people who most likely heard the muffled Treecko from inside his backpack. Either that, or they were confused by Ace's shocked and frightened expression; he had been part of that whole ordeal--and he had done it all unwillingly. Nonetheless, Kevin's trip to the station was free of people being entirely convinced of him being a kidnapper and chasing him down the streets of Dewford.

Before entering the building, he came to a halt and set Ace down on the ground. The little turtle attempted to recover from the situation as Kevin kneeled and began to unzip the backpack that contained the wood gecko. Kevin noticed that Treecko wasn't fidgeting anymore, and he wasn't sure how long ago he had stopped. Nurse Joy's words then echoed in his ears.

"That Treecko is in no condition to move. His ribs are still very tender," was what she had said. From what he saw, though, it wasn't as bad as she made it sound; Treecko removed himself from the backpack without any of the boy's help, and Kevin sighed in relief--he would be able to report back to Jeff with an unharmed pokemon.

"Okay, Treecko, we're where Jeff is at. You don't have to cooperate anymore…" Kevin said, standing up. "…Not like you were doing that to begin with," he added, loud enough to where Treecko could hear. Surprisingly, the pokemon made no comment back to him; instead, he looked back from Ace to Kevin, and then made his way through the station doors. Kevin and Ace soon followed close behind.

"Can I help you with anything?" asked a deep voice when they arrived inside.

Kevin looked up and replied, "Yeah . . . we'd like to visit Jeff Growell."

"Very well." He gave Kevin a questioning look, as if he wanted to ask why the three of them would want to visit a criminal--why anyone would want to visit a criminal. He turned and started walking to where Kevin assumed was Jeff's jail cell. He began to follow the man with Ace and Treecko at his side.

When they reached his cell, Jeff was found staring out the window. He wasn't immobile, but he might as well of been; he looked as if he had no intentions on leaving his current position.

"Um . . . Jeff?" Kevin said, trying to get the boy's attention, wondering if he was completely oblivious to his surroundings and hadn't heard them enter. Jeff quickly turned, however, eager to see if his friend had brought what was requested. Kevin could see a faint smile on Jeff's face when he saw that Treecko was indeed with him.

"Hi, Treecko," Jeff said, as if Kevin and Ace weren't even present. The wood gecko only smiled in response. Jeff continued, "I'm glad to see you can walk, though Nurse Joy must not be too happy about you leaving . . . You told her it was an emergency, right?"

"Yeah, of course! She understood completely," Kevin lied. Jeff wasn't even looking his way, so deducing that he was lying was out of the question. He knew Jeff would most likely learn about what really happened eventually, but figured now wasn't a good time. Kevin peered down at Treecko, awaiting some kind of glare that would give the situation away. Surprisingly, nothing came from him. He didn't even do so much as look at Kevin.

"Odd," he thought. "I'd expect something out of him, considering how awfully stubborn he was before..."

"Good. Anyway, Treecko, I don't know how long I'll be in here. Days, weeks…" he trailed off, and shuddered. "Point is, I may be here a while." He hesitated, assuming the next part would be unacceptable to the grass-type. "So… you'll be with Kevin until I can get out… okay?"

Treecko looked from Jeff to Kevin a few times. His face was emotionless, and Jeff worried about his reaction. After all, he had sent a complete stranger to fetch him and bring him back, and now he was asking Treecko to spend practically all his time with Kevin for an unknown amount of days . . .

"<That's fine with me,>" he finally said. His voice was unfaltering, as if he had thought about it a thousand times over and nothing would change his mind.

Jeff's eyes widened. Had he really heard what he thought he did? Treecko… agreeing with something like that? Well. This was quite unexpected. At least he wouldn't have to worry about Treecko being miserable with him as well.

Jeff decided to test the wood gecko, even though he predicted he'd regret it later. "That also means you may have to go in your pokeball at times, you know," he said slowly, carefully.

"<… I know that,>" he replied, and frowned. Treecko figured this should be the kind of behavior that was wanted from their trainers; he thought there was no reason for Jeff's statement--he wasn't an idiot, and he knew what he was doing.

Jeff smiled at the fact this was easier than he had expected it to be. He'd have plenty of time to figure out what his pokemon was up to later, another day, when he wasn't cooped up in this place, where bars were the only things that stopped him from being where he wanted to be--with his pokemon.

He sighed and approached the bars between him and the others. Jeff squatted to a kneeling position and playfully ruffled the top of Treecko's head. The grass type backed off a bit in irritation, not to Jeff's surprise.

With almost a chuckle, he said, "Okay, well, don't give Kevin TOO much hell."

Treecko looked down a bit as he chewed on his twig.

"Do you mind going into your pokeball now?" Jeff asked mostly to Treecko, but to Ace in proximity, as well. "I need to speak with Kevin in private."

The teen still didn't expect Treecko to comply with such a demand. Kevin swiftly pulled out Ace's pokeball and returned the Squirtle, but he hesitated when bringing out Treecko's pokeball which he had swiped from Jeff's backpack before the police took it. With a closer inspection of the pokeball, it was collecting dust on the red and white exterior.

Treecko suppressed a shiver which tried to crawl down his spine. After a deep breath, he slowly nodded, calmly. Kevin stalled, examining Jeff's bewildered expression.

"<Go for it,>" answered Treecko with a sense of a mixture of irritation, resoluteness, and acceptance. Jeff was positive that his fear was still present, but he knew that he wouldn't let it show. The red beam shot from the sphere and engulfed Treeck- he disappeared into it without another sound.

With a sigh, Jeff leaned against the bars and let himself slide to the floor. "Are you sure you picked up the right Treecko?" he asked Kevin, half joking.

"What do you mean?" hastily questioned the blond haired teen, fondling the collar of his blue t-shirt. Kevin wondered if he indeed picked up the wrong Treecko- it would make sense given his previous determined refusal to go with him.

"Treeck would never have agreed to… any of that! He hates being inside his pokeball… It's like he just…changed his mind all of a sudden!" replied Jeff, brushing some dust that had accumulated on his white shirt and blue shorts.

A silence ensued. Kevin decided to let Jeff soak in his thoughts for a minute until he became rather fidgety. He broke the calmness with his usual manner.

"So of all the gym leaders you had to pick a fight with, you just happen to have to choose Brawly, the fighting gym leader-slash-surfer! Well played, sir!" Kevin had a wide grin plastered on his face and he was sure he could sense a vein throbbing on the back of Jeff's head from anger.

"Kevin?" the teen asked in a faux-innocent voice. He was facing away but he began to stand up. "Can you come a little closer to the bars for a minute? I have something to tell you."

"I'm fine right here, thanks- out of the reach of strangling hands," insisted Kevin still with a broad smile.

Jeff's voice became serious again. "Have you talked to Rachel yet?"

"Nah, not since I practically had to beg her to follow Mt. Crushmore for ya," Kevin replied, referring to Atlas.

A knot tied itself in Jeff's stomach as he was thinking about Atlas. "I feel bad for bringing you guys into this… but I had to try to-"

"I know," Kevin interrupted. "I wanted to punch him out too, but, ya see, I'm a thinker!" he explained, making a tapping gesture to his head.

There was a brief pause and Jeff looked at the floor.

"Kevin…" Jeff sighed. "Are your shoes on the wrong feet again?"

The teen looked down at his feet and scratched the back of his head. In a sheepish attempt to cover his tracks, he stated matter-of-factly, "…It's the new fashion craze… all the cool kids are doing it! What? Are you afraid to be cool, Jeff? Are ya?!"

Jeff let out a chuckle before bleakly staring at the wall again.

"Make sure that you take care of them, and let them out of the pokeballs as much as possible," the teen instructed.

Kevin nodded and looked at the guard keeping a watchful eye on the two.

"You don't happen to have enough money for bail, do ya?" Jeff asked, half joking.

Kevin shrugged apologetically. "I can go steal something else and then sell it and then maybe I will."

"What do you mean something else?" asked Jeff, confused.

His friend tensed up and fidgeted to put Treecko's pokeball in his bag. "Well hang tight, Jeff. It shouldn't be too long, now!" he explained turning to walk down the hallway.

"Where are you going?" asked the incarcerated male.

Kevin turned and answered his friend, making sure to be out of the earshot of the guard.

With a reassured, determined tone, Kevin replied, "I'm going to find Rachel, and then we're going to find out how to rescue your Onix."

And with that, Kevin gave a sideways glance to the police officer and left the station, leaving Jeff, once again, alone.

To be continued...
No, I didn't forget. I've been on holiday for the past week with no internet, then I forgot to copy/paste here...
everyone who had been a part of him being sent to the station

They began walking towards their destination

things he were used to from the past,

ready for whatever was going to be thrown at them.
"Whatever" is only one word.

causing vast quantities of granules to blot out most of the sun from the defenders of the sudden sandstorm.
The sun? I thought this was all happening after dark.

You should have known that you can't stand up to me, whether in a fight or out of one.

Brawly isn't a jerk - he just jumped to conclusions based on only what he observed, failed to investigate the whole truth behind the situation, and he sent Atlas away so he could potentially become a problem for another town (he made the assumption that Atlas was dangerous - "We'll just ship him off so he can wreak havoc elsewhere") - oh, wait, that DOES make him a jerk. My bad.

But an even bigger jerk is Cronus - the arrogant, narrow-minded leader who must have everything his way. He thinks very little of those who are below him in the pecking order, but he's too powerful for Atlas to deal with alone and Prometheus is too scared to stand against him. When/If Jeff ever gets out of prison, I'll be looking forward to seeing him teach the snob a lesson.

As usual, you did an admirable job with characterization from all angles - Jeff, Atlas, Kevin, and Treecko - and their reactions to the situations that each of them were up against. And the story of Atlas' scar is an interesting - if not totally unique - development. I'm still a bit confused about what actually caused the damage - whether it was caused during the struggle between Cronos and Atlas, or if Cronos did it himself to frame Atlas - or maybe I'm totally off:/

I don't have as much to say as far as the whole Kevin/Treecko dynamic -only to say that I'm looking forward to seeing how Treecko will (not) accept Kevin while Jeff's still in the slammer. Also, trickster Kevin ftw.

Well, I suppose that's about all I had to say, but I am looking forward to part two (though, may I suggest just calling it Chapter 17?)