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[Completed] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion

How about Farter? :D
Oh of course he's in there :D

[PokeCommunity.com] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion

The description doesn't make much sense, but whatever haha, most don't anyway!
I'll probably give it to a npc somewhere. Which npc looks like the smelliest?
I got your PM and am working on editing it. I am correct in the following two assumptions?

1.) There will be no Mega Evolution
2.) You're only using Gen I Pokemon (1-151).

Yes, this is correct. No mega evolutions. I might add more Pokemon at some point, but I'd have to redo the generator from scratch so it'll be in a while, if ever. And from what I've seen, it looks like it will be a lot easier to eventually add new pokemon with your system than with how I had it set up before!
This is a really cool idea, but the spriting in this could really use some work. The designs are awkward and obvious copy/paste mash-ups, and the colors are really jarring for nearly all the example fusions you've shown.
This is a really cool idea, but the spriting in this could really use some work. The designs are awkward and obvious copy/paste mash-ups, and the colors are really jarring for nearly all the example fusions you've shown.

That's actually the point here. The game is based on a Pokefusion generator that's online.
For those following the project, I sent Schrroms my altered version, he's most likely debugging it now. Your old save files won't be compatible with the next update, because the fusemon will work differently and therefore your save files will have species that don't exist.
I've been working on adding the Trainer House in Viridian City.

[PokeCommunity.com] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion

It'll be accessible once you get 4 badges.
Basically, you get to fight trainers that have a team consisting of three completely random Pokemon. With 22 000 Pokemon, you'll basically be facing something new everytime!
It's a good place to fight Pokemon that you wouldn't really encounter during regular gameplay, such as this guy:

[PokeCommunity.com] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion

*actual random pokemon I was presented with when testing the trainer house!

Winning gets you Trainer Points (TP), which can be exchanged for various items/TMs/move tutors similarly to BP in the official games.

There will be three diffulty levels, which get unlocked as you gain more badges:
Normal (4 badges)
Challenging (6 badges)
Expert (8 badges)

The difficulty affects the AI skill level and filters the Pokemon that can appear according to their BST (with Expert having no restriction and the strongest possible AI).

I will also add different battle modes. The spcifics haven't been decided yet, but it will likely include some or most of these:

Regular mode: Opponent's Pokemon are the same level as your strongest Pokemon. You receive TP for each trainer you defeat
Survival mode: Same as regular mode, except your Pokemon don't get healed inbetween battles
Escalation mode: The opponent's Pokemon levels increase by 5 with every trainer you defeat while yours stay to a set level.
Mirror mode: Face a trainer with a team consisting of exactly the same Pokemon as yours
Rental mode: You're assigned a team of three random Pokemon and have to take other trainers in a row
Individual mode: You have to face full teams using only one Pokemon
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I figured some of you would like to see what the game looks like in motion instead of screenshots, so I made a small trailer for it.
Tell me what you think!

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in the first town when ever i leave the Pokemart i get spawned in the Lamppost next to the mart. ~_~
in the first town when ever i leave the Pokemart i get spawned in the Lamppost next to the mart. ~_~
Don't worry, that's a known error and has been for a long time and I'd be surprised if it was still there in the next version

I honestly thought I had corrected it. Guess not.
I'll upload a fixed version.

Edit: Woops, I just realized that the demo I linked on Reliccastle (the one where the kotaku article linked) was slightly outdated. Try this one instead, it it should be fixed in it.

Sorry about that! I'll update the Reliccastle thread.
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This is an amazing project and I can see myself nuzlockeing this at a later date once it has more content. Keep up the amazing work.
This is an amazing project and I can see myself nuzlockeing this at a later date once it has more content. Keep up the amazing work.

Thanks! It's been pretty amazing seeing all the positive feedback about the game recently! I was watching someone do a Let's Play video of it the other day and it felt pretty surreal!
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Can you get normal Pokemon through breeding? Like, if I breed a Fusion of Squirtle with say Pidgey, with a Ditto, can I get Squirtle eggs? Is there a way planned to catch the remaining Starters or otherwise get them?

Can you, or are you planning to add the Feature for fused Pokemon to evolve? Can a fused Pokemon that uses Eevee as its main form evolve into the different elemental forms of Eevee with the other Pokemon fused too?

I saw that the other game using this Fusion Feature was taken down by Nintendo... anyone know why they did that? They don't seem generally bothered by fangames, so I wonder if they are likely to go after this game too if it becomes succesful.

It's because they showed the fused Pokemon in monsterous formes and in pain, created by Bill. Or at least that's reason I heard
Just want to start out by saying I really enjoyed your demo. It's a fun concept and I really like it. The sheer number of cool combinations available means you really need to think about some cool combos (some of them are probably VERY strong if done correctly!). I also like that most trainers will do something with you after you beat them like rematch, trade, or play a mini-game. That's awesome.

There are a few bugs to mention. Concrete ones are as follows:
1) SS Anne allows you to leave but then says it has left port and does not allow you back on it. There should be a warning of this if it is intentional. (I don't think it should be intentional, since there are a few trades you can miss easily if you can't get off of it). It also still visually appears to be in port.
2) Bike Shop - Got the Bike Voucher and then the Bike store owner says that I already purchased the Bike. I don't have a Bike.
3) Some fusion's statlines are messed up. I caught a duglett and evolved it into a dugtrio/dugtrio fusion and it had -weird- stats. A ton of special defense but garbage speed. Not dugtrio stats at all. Granted I'm not sure how you intend to work fusions within a specific evolutionary line, but this seems to be a bug.

Otherwise, good luck and I look forward to playing 2.0!
Just want to start out by saying I really enjoyed your demo. It's a fun concept and I really like it. The sheer number of cool combinations available means you really need to think about some cool combos (some of them are probably VERY strong if done correctly!). I also like that most trainers will do something with you after you beat them like rematch, trade, or play a mini-game. That's awesome.

There are a few bugs to mention. Concrete ones are as follows:
1) SS Anne allows you to leave but then says it has left port and does not allow you back on it. There should be a warning of this if it is intentional. (I don't think it should be intentional, since there are a few trades you can miss easily if you can't get off of it). It also still visually appears to be in port.
2) Bike Shop - Got the Bike Voucher and then the Bike store owner says that I already purchased the Bike. I don't have a Bike.
3) Some fusion's statlines are messed up. I caught a duglett and evolved it into a dugtrio/dugtrio fusion and it had -weird- stats. A ton of special defense but garbage speed. Not dugtrio stats at all. Granted I'm not sure how you intend to work fusions within a specific evolutionary line, but this seems to be a bug.

Otherwise, good luck and I look forward to playing 2.0!

Thanks for letting me know, I'll look into it. No, the bug with the S.S. Anne isn't intentional. You should always be able to go back on the ship. About the stats, there were a few stats that were weird in the demo. I've since changed the way stats are calculated so hopefully this will be a non-issue in the next release,

While I'm posting, I might as well share this video of a new feature I've been working on. Basically, if you go to Celadon city's café at night, you'll be able to go into a backroom that leads to a Team Rocket ran store where you can buy Pokémon.

I was inspired by this beta artwork for Red/Green where the player was supposed to be able to buy Pokemon, kind of like in a pet shop and thought it could be fun to add something like that to the game.
So yeah, it might seem a bit morally wrong, but it's a game about dusing two living creatures together so morality can bite it! I feel like it gives a better understanding of what Team Rocket does with the Pokémon they steal and force-fuse together.
I am probably the only one here who misses the previous way stats were made.
Also, Raichu doesn't have the right stats. Most notably, the speed.
Progress update time!

I was procrastinating for uni and decided to start working on a sidequests system. It's going to be pretty cool!
[PokeCommunity.com] [NEW UPDATE: 40+ NEW POKEMON]: Pokémon Infinite Fusion

You can expect somewhere between 10-20 quests for the next demo alone!
Basically most cities will have a hotel. Those can be used to pass time by renting a room. But more importantly, the top floors will always have trainers giving small optional sidequests! This should be good!
Don't hesitate to tell me either here or by PM if you have an idea for a quest. I'd love to hear them!

Also, I posted a new progress report on Relicscastle. You can read about it (broken link removed)if you're interested!

Finally, here's an imgur album with a bunch of new screenshots from the new demo!

The new demo is shaping up to be really cool! I seriously cannot wait to show you guys!