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PC's First Sword and Shield OU Tournament

beat gimmepie! ggs man :) we agreed not to post the replays, it was my request as the winner and gimmepie was okay with it

and i sent chase both replays so he can confirm
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Congrats! I'll post the finals once the last match is completed.

Also apologies for the confusion on the rule of replays. Going to discuss with the rest of BSS what would be the best way to handle replays in the future. After this tournament there will be a concrete rule in place of either posting them or PMing the event host. I'd be absolutely fine with the latter and we can post all replays after the tour is finished.
Congrats! I'll post the finals once the last match is completed.

Also apologies for the confusion on the rule of replays. Going to discuss with the rest of BSS what would be the best way to handle replays in the future. After this tournament there will be a concrete rule in place of either posting them or PMing the event host. I'd be absolutely fine with the latter and we can post all replays after the tour is finished.

as former battle server staff and current contender my opinion is that it would be fair to let the userbase vote on whichever rule they find fairest, as it will affect them the most.

in light of this i want to vote for the second option. reasoning: posting replays functions as a confirmation of the victory. sending them to the host and having them confirm it should suffice. there are strategic reasons for not wanting replays posted while the tour is still ongoing, while there are not many benefits of posting them publicly as opposed to privately.
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I am not opposed to seeing what the community thinks. If anyone else wants to weigh in on this feel free to suggest it in another thread so this doesn't get derailed :)
What kind of tournament is this that is going on?
How often will you guys have tournaments?

This was a standard OU tournament for Sword and Shield. As for how often we run them, pretty much all of the time. We will likely have a UU tournament up soon so be on the lookout for that!
Sorry, was aiming to get it done this weekend! Should have it done today or tomorrow.
Unfortunately this round has to end on an activity win which I will award to dark azelf. The final match is between yoshikko and Dark Azelf! Good luck guys
elf and i are battling this weekend
Me and Yoshi are gonna battle over the next day or so. She hasnt been feeling too good.
if elf and i don't finish it today then he gets the win is what we decided on! not been in the headspace for it lately but we'll try today