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Poemon Mystery DUngeon : Escaping the Dark OOC thread

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Friends, I am sorry. i am going to need another break in this RP. I've had SO much homework, thanks to my EVIL, HORRIBlE Social Studies Teacher. Man, I hate Him. And I'm going to Ozzy for 10 days.
Anyway, as usual I'm letting you God-mod my character, nothing to major, but please include him in some posts. I hope to be on soon.
Ai ai fellow rper eltej I will make sure nothing happens to toby mkay? ^.^

Good look with that homework o.o

Lawls, GP. I thought itmight've been Ash.. Since, you know, he is teh' awesomest. >D [Not.] But srsly, Walle pwns. I was actually going to get to go see him in Theatres tonight, but mon family made the decision that I was too crippled to drag along, unfortunately. But yeah, about that. Somehow I completely managed to 'Eff my wrist up, so after spending an arduos bed-ridden night in pain, my dad took me to the Doctor first thing and they did Bloodwork. Apparently I have an infection of some kind in my joint. So they put me in a splint so I couldn't cripple myself any further. The moral of the story is, no posts until the splint is off and the swelling goes down. I'll still respond to pm's and such, but no more epic posts for awhile. Sowwies, I'm going to an orthapedic Doctor in Louisville tomorrow to see what's up, and hopefully get put on some hardcore drugs. Thankfully, I can still use the slow but ineffective form of Hunt and Peck typing, so I won't be completely inactive. Sorry i'm rambling on in teh' OOC, but it saves me the time of having to Pm you guys individually. ^^;
Wow, that sucks :\ I hope you get better soon, though :) *Gives a Get Well Soon Ballon* =3
Thats really humoungsly sucks :< on the upperhand..i have learned how to pot images so just a mere warning to all of you who don't post..

[PokeCommunity.com] Poemon Mystery DUngeon : Escaping the Dark OOC thread
Mr.Biggles.WILL Get you

*Cough cough* @ teh' Kammy. That's right. No posting = vicious assault by Mr. Bigglesworth. C'mon.We need Leon in this Roleplay. ;_; Now that Edwardand Kenneth have gone, our numbers have dwindled down to.. *Counts on fingers* Five. :o
Yah I may keep kenneth in the role-play nd wait to see if he posts..

seeing hw he made the kick but banners now >.>;
If you want a Leon post then you got one. *Gives a big thumbs up as the sun shines behind him* watch and be amazed as I make a Leon turning point post.
o_o;;;; Mr.Biggles and Sniper kitty are watching you KAM!

Sniper Kitty - the attacking kitty with a sniper. Mr.Biggles distracts while snipeh kitty takes em down.
Hello Peoplez!
I'm Back!
Yay your back :D!!!!!! Now get on and post dang it >:O

Oh guys I have posted another role-play so another role-play appears and its by me..don't freak ._.

If it gets approved <emphasis on if> join it.. it has a really cool name D: but i won't be as laid back with posts as I have been in mystery dungeon so if It does get approved join it if j00 want. :D but just cause your in my other role-play doesn't mean you can get in as easy ^.^

*crosses fingers and hopes it iwll be accepted*

I'll keep that in mind, GP-kun. I'll write teh' application to pwn all others for your newest RP if it's accepted, and cross my fingers and hope that it's good enough. >D Just don't let PMD die out on us, 'Kay? Or else Marc and Radian's cheesiness would die. As would the drama going on between Tiffany, Hydro, and Torrent. And that would be just tragic. Sooo it's officially 9:30 am here, and I still haven't been to bed. Lmao. <3 So i'll be off now. Ciao!
There's mah' post. That is, unless everyone posts again in a lapse of 24 hours, my last post of the following 2 or 3 weekz, people. I'll be leaving on vacation from the 17th to the 29th or something, so I'm leaving on Wednesday. So please, in my absence, don't let the RP die Dx.
Dx we will try not to Deiglo Dx give control of you character t Umbreon-chan for the time being though o_o
helloez pplz i iz back lololollololololololololo!!!!!
Alright I ish posted because I dont want it to die :< now its up to all of you to keep it alive >:I
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