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Poemon Mystery DUngeon : Escaping the Dark OOC thread

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My character Edward is about to battle Wigglytuff and I would appriciate it if no one interfered, this is important as to how Edward relates to the roleplay at all, and not just as an outlaw.

And no offence, but isn't Tiffany getting taken over by Primal Dialga a little too much?
My character Edward is about to battle Wigglytuff and I would appriciate it if no one interfered, this is important as to how Edward relates to the roleplay at all, and not just as an outlaw.

And no offence, but isn't Tiffany getting taken over by Primal Dialga a little too much?

erm..yea..Its actually the good Dialga helping her get the tiem gears to stop the Temperal tower collapse.. the dark aurua did come from temperal dialga but celbi got rid of him..and the Primal Dialga promised to not interfere next time..but the other is dialga's and her dimensional screams ..

^^' Lol. Okay, i'm sorry, but i'm extremely confused. So Tiffany is actually doing a good thing, not a bad thing? Good Dialga is employing her to get the time gears? So I don't understand why Tiffany was sad when she had to take the one for Mew if it was going to make everything better in the end. And if it's good, why is the time stopping in the places the time gears are missing from, which is bad? And are the characters going to all team up together and go explore and stuff? Or are we going to keep doing this seperately as we're doing right now?
Erm..yea..Primal DIalga left evil remnents in her so she could use them as a last resort. (If you watch Naruto its liek the curse mark on Sasuke) And Umbreooon~~ In the game you have to retrieve the time gears to fix temperal tower.. :> if you take the time gear from the palce..tiem will only stop temperorly but if the tiem gears are placed in temperal tower then tiem rusn smoothly again and its all good woo. And as soon as Dusknoir enters we shall start the guild expedition..(Dusknoir won't tag along he'll watch the guild) (and that way we can explore together in pairs :> and Tiffany was sad because she wasn;'t sure if she should do it or not >_>;;;;; because she did not know that good dialga was doing it... Dialga makes her caller her master because good dialga is da master of time..but their is soem primal dialga in the mix but its mostly sain dialga mwahaha (or is it? no just kidding *laugherz*) I'm not making much sense am I ? ;.;
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When Dusknoir comes in he should probably be the de-facto leader of the Guild while Wigglytuff is recovering because it's gonna be an intense battle for him with Edward. Really intense. Also Edward isn't completely evil, he just thieves to get by, that's basically all he's ever known. I'm planning on at some point having Edward teaming up with the Guild. Dunno how that going to happen because he's taking out the entire guild single-handedly. Except Wigglytuff's going to put a beating on him. There both going to be pretty banged up.

^_^' Hm. All this gives me some good RP ideas for tomorrow about how Radian's going to meet the new characters. And how will pairs be decided? Will you decide them GP, or let us decide? Lol. I almost just called you Tiffany. Bad habit. >[ And Weiss, I would just like to say that i'm extremely impressed with your Roleplay style, you're doing a great job with your character. Stefano sounds so adorable! I just wanna' pick him up and cuddle him to death. ^^' I love Skitty. Almost as much as Eevee. I'm envious.

Sorry for the lack of response today, everyone! I had a Band concert that lasted for five hours, and I didn't get home until 10:00. So I promise i'll do an uber-long post either tomorrow morning or after school. ^^' We should be able to continue the story within a few posts, since Marc and Radian shouldn't be gone too much longer.
Sorry for the lack of response today, everyone! I had a Band concert that lasted for five hours, and I didn't get home until 10:00. So I promise i'll do an uber-long post either tomorrow morning or after school. ^^' We should be able to continue the story within a few posts, since Marc and Radian shouldn't be gone too much longer.

Ok, and thanks ^^ I try my best but, sometimes, while I'm translating, I feel like a bit of what I tried to say got lost... >_____>
I'll wait for you, then I'll reply too. ^^
*Yawn*. Good morning/evening/night, everyone.

Good evening, now. ^^' So I haven't been seeing a number of people posting for awhile now. It would be nice if we had a list of active members so we members who post.. frequently know who to pair up with.

Well, people, I'm off for the night, and informing I'm not going to be able to log in tomorrow, or at least until late hours my time. Got some dumb reunion with some random people. Anyway, later people.
Hello Peoplez. Sorry about my absence, I've had Exams and stuff. But I'm back now. Has anything plot related happen?
Again, my bad, GhostPrincess, i didn't see this thread till after i posted. Anyway, what i want to say is that i won't be around alot because i really need to get back to work on my fic so it doesn't get closed. I would really appreciate someone randomly inserting my character, in which i'll take it from there on. I GIVE MY FULL PERMISSION TO THE USE OF MY CHARACTER IN ALL WAYS, SHAPES, OR FORMS. Thanks.
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Hmm... Celebi was kidnapped at he same time the excursion is going to happen?? To many things going on at the time >.<

P.S. Good morning everyone.
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Uhm, Eletj...I can't understand what happened between your two posts. You ran into the guild shocked 'cause of Celebi's kidnapping, then you completely changed subject...have I lost something? O.o
If you read my 1st post, You'll see I mention Mystifiying Forest, where Celebi was taken from. I wanted to take a Rescue team to investigate. Sorry if I haven't made that clear. I've fixed it.:classic:

Sorry if this is an inconvenience to anyone, but would you mind waiting until Radian, Marc, and Leon get back from their mission before everyone leaves for their expeditions? I promise they'll be back beore Sunday. In fact, i'm planning on doing a really long post here in an hour or two, and after Diego responds to that post, either Marc or Radian can get them back to the Guild. Oh, and one more question. After a mission is complete, do the badges teleport you back to the Guild? How does that work? ^^' Sorry, i'm at the very beginning of the first one.
Yeah, Yeah, I'm confused! Mainly because GhostPrincess mentioned my character in her last post, which I didn't completely understand.. But whatever. I'll wait for your post and try my best to gain computer time so we can get the mission done soon so our characters don't get lost behind..

And yeah, the games say your badge just flashes and teleports the client away, then it teleports you.
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Okay, well, I'm giving up on the "Start Me Off" monologue since all of you seem to hate me, lol, but could you at least give a suggestion to start myself? PLEASE!!!

Not everyone hates you, Cobalt. In fact, I love everyone here! *Cuddles you all* You guys are great. ^_^'
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