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Emerald hack: Pokémon Emerald Horizons - Emerald Difficulty Hack [Complete, v1.12 ft. New Rocket Storyline, Boss Gauntlet, Gen 1-8, Side Quests, and QoL features]

Hi! Enjoying the romhack, the little easter eggs and the difficulty has been really nice. In some ways, it feels easier than Pokemon Unbound since there are no special field effects outside of what comes stock in Pokemon. In other ways, it feels harder since you have all of the Pokemon to watch out for, and then having to account for the competent movesets. I am up to the 7th Gym and realized I made a miscalculation. I have been spending time catching all the pokemon in a zone before moving onto the next one, but after having gotten to Lilycove, I realized I am quickly approaching Box #14. Is there any way you can patch in an increase? If not, that is fine but I was hoping to have a full pokedex by the end of my run in addition to beating the E4.

I would like to give more thorough feedback after I have completed my run, but so far, so good. Does what it says on the tin. A good difficulty hack of Emerald. DexNav in caves does suck though, as others have said. Not sure if anything can be done though.

Keep up the good work!
hellooooooo, where is the click buttom to download the game
Apologies for the late response; you can find the patch in the master post on the first page under the "Documentation/Patch" section; you'll need to patch a clean Emerald (Trashman) file, which is not included.

Hi! Enjoying the romhack, the little easter eggs and the difficulty has been really nice. In some ways, it feels easier than Pokemon Unbound since there are no special field effects outside of what comes stock in Pokemon. In other ways, it feels harder since you have all of the Pokemon to watch out for, and then having to account for the competent movesets. I am up to the 7th Gym and realized I made a miscalculation. I have been spending time catching all the pokemon in a zone before moving onto the next one, but after having gotten to Lilycove, I realized I am quickly approaching Box #14. Is there any way you can patch in an increase? If not, that is fine but I was hoping to have a full pokedex by the end of my run in addition to beating the E4.

I would like to give more thorough feedback after I have completed my run, but so far, so good. Does what it says on the tin. A good difficulty hack of Emerald. DexNav in caves does suck though, as others have said. Not sure if anything can be done though.

Keep up the good work!

Hey, I'm glad you're enjoying the little easter eggs/references. This game is in many ways a love letter to both the various characters of the first three gens as well as the pop culture that surrounds my life, so I'm happy someone else can appreciate it as well!
Unfortunately, expanding the boxes would both take up file memory (which I don't currently have allocated properly) and break save compatibility, meaning you wouldn't be able to update properly. I apologize for the inconvenience; expanding the normal of boxes has been brought up in the past, but it isn't something I've actively worked on addressing.
Outside of that, I hope you continue to find enjoyment in the game; you're very close to the end, so I can't wait to see your HoF team (and whether or not you can beat the boss gauntlet)! Cheers!
I had a lot of fun playing it, maybe I went the easy route with my team but it is what it is ahah. Now it's time for the postgame quests


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Emerald Horizons - Emerald Difficulty Hack  [Complete, v1.12 ft. New Rocket Storyline, Boss Gauntlet, Gen 1-8, Side Quests, and QoL features]
    Pokémon Emerald Horizons 1.02d-231002-235442.png
    35.1 KB · Views: 9
I had a lot of fun playing it, maybe I went the easy route with my team but it is what it is ahah. Now it's time for the postgame quests

No such thing as an easy route! You earned the right to Mewtwo (especially with Blue being the hassle he always is); congrats on the clear! It means a lot that you enjoyed it and took the time to beat it.
Let me know how the boss gauntlet goes!
Hi, I got a Fomantis and tried evolve she, but I didn't succeed at all. I tried all the evolution items, leveling up in the morning and I even set my friendship to maximum, is it a bug?
Hi, I got a Fomantis and tried evolve she, but I didn't succeed at all. I tried all the evolution items, leveling up in the morning and I even set my friendship to maximum, is it a bug?

Hey, so Gen 3 is a little weird with day/night evolutions. The time you can evolve Fomantis is between 12:00 p.m. - 11:59 p.m; even though we consider like that 8:00 a.m.+ chunk to be morning, the game pretty much simplifies it by being PM for day evolutions and AM for night evolutions. I just tested this on a clean file and Fomantis is able to evolve. As long as Fomantis is at least level 34 and the in-game clock is PM, you'll be good to go!
Any chance of adding following pokemon to this?
I definitely want to do so eventually. The main priority as of late has been minor, situational bug fixes and possibly exploring ways to incorporate the Battle Frontier (which has been hard due to random bad eggs).
This is a really cool feature that a lot of hacks offer, so hopefully I can provide some update on this in the future.

Quick question, does the latest version of this have faster loading screens?
Can you elaborate on what you mean exactly? Are you referring to a speed-up function or just the game itself transitioning faster?
I definitely want to do so eventually. The main priority as of late has been minor, situational bug fixes and possibly exploring ways to incorporate the Battle Frontier (which has been hard due to random bad eggs).
This is a really cool feature that a lot of hacks offer, so hopefully I can provide some update on this in the future.

Can you elaborate on what you mean exactly? Are you referring to a speed-up function or just the game itself transitioning faster?

The game itself loading up faster in certain scenarios like trainer and wild Pokemon battles.
The game itself loading up faster in certain scenarios like trainer and wild Pokemon battles.

Ah, I see. While the game loads at traditional speeds, you can kind of work around this with the turbo function inherent in a lot of popular emulators. Hope that helps!
Had the "brilliant" plan of doing a full hoenn team and got my ass wrecked at the beginning by the aqua grunt, Roxanne, aqua grunt again and Brawly lmao. On my way to the 6th gym, good game overall.
So, how would I evolve a Tyrogue into Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee with EVs/IVs/Nats disabled? The evolution doc still lists them as stat based but since Tyrogue has a even A/D spread, and nothing to change that up now, wouldn't the only accessible evo be Hitmontop?
Had the "brilliant" plan of doing a full hoenn team and got my ass wrecked at the beginning by the aqua grunt, Roxanne, aqua grunt again and Brawly lmao. On my way to the 6th gym, good game overall.
Definitely doable! Hope to see your mono-region Hall of Fame soon enough :)

So, how would I evolve a Tyrogue into Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee with EVs/IVs/Nats disabled? The evolution doc still lists them as stat based but since Tyrogue has a even A/D spread, and nothing to change that up now, wouldn't the only accessible evo be Hitmontop?
Great question; this was actually brought up earlier in the thread by another user, too. The whole EV/IV/Nat system (or rather, lack of) comes with caveats, and this is definitely one of those situations.
Presently, Tyrogue only evolves into Hitmontop, although Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan can be caught in the wild later on in the game.
As I'm working through fixing minor things here and there for the upcoming patch, I'm open to hearing any logical/sensible ways to go about addressing things like this. I've thought about leveling up while knowing Mega Kick/Mega Punch, but I'm not sure if this is the best way to go about things. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
Could its evolution be tied to its nature, inline with the original stat requirements? +D/SD natures gets you Hitmonchan, +A/SA Hitmonlee, and Neutrals and +S gets Hitmontop.
Could its evolution be tied to its nature, inline with the original stat requirements? +D/SD natures gets you Hitmonchan, +A/SA Hitmonlee, and Neutrals and +S gets Hitmontop.
This is 100% sensible and honestly the way I should probably go about revising it; Toxtricity already behaves as such, so there isn't any reason this can't be done.
In hindsight, it seems like one of those obvious things to do, but these are details that are sometimes missed when a lot is going on. Thank you so much for the suggestion! I'll be sure to adjust it in the near future :)

Plans to add gigantamax ?
Hi! At the moment, this is not being considered (at least for the player) simply because of how much it would trivialize a lot of the boss fights.
However, I might look into using it for NPCs in the future.
Definitely doable! Hope to see your mono-region Hall of Fame soon enough :)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Emerald Horizons - Emerald Difficulty Hack  [Complete, v1.12 ft. New Rocket Storyline, Boss Gauntlet, Gen 1-8, Side Quests, and QoL features]
Well there you have it. It was surprising that Wallace was easier compared to the other E4 members, SB Blaziken carried me through the game tbh, while the bulkiness of intimidate Salamence + Mega + DDance helped in late game. I kinda wished for a better movepool to the mons, that was always putted me on a tough spot, like Sharpedo got a decent physical water stab only on the late game and Manectric had only one SpA coverage which left him behind in usage. But overall a nice game, hope to see more things in the next updates, good job!
Hi, sorry if I missed the answer to this somewhere. But how can I access Navel Rock for the final quest? Is it related to dex completion? Really loved the game :)