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Emerald hack: Pokémon Emerald Z (Fakemon Hack | Complete | v1.2.0 available! Material drop system implemented!)

Can`t seem to replicate what happened with Spectracle, seems to work just fine now, i`m starting to think i was mistaken perhaps.
having halfway through the game, i'd say the game so far was enjoyable but fair. My only gripe is with the exp distribution and a difficulty spike towards the lilycove dept. store fight. The spike feels like i had to grind yet not much exp distribution. But everything else was a plus.

Question though, do you have any future planned events on this hack? Like replacing Battle Frontier with something else for a postgame content?
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Emerald Z (Fakemon Hack | Complete | v1.2.0 available! Material drop system implemented!)
So I finally completed the game and here's my final thoughts.

Overall the game is decent yet it is plague with game design decisions that is straight up out of ROM Hacking's past.
However, the game still offers a great time and majority of the Fakemon are well designed, too bad the game discourages you
from ever trying them all because of reasons that I will explain below. For now let's start with the positives of the game:

+ Fakemon designs are topnotch, are comparable to games like Vega, Clover and Procyon/Deneb in terms of sprite art quality,
they also offer great movesets and amazing niches in your teambuilding.
+ The official Pokemon present in this game also got buffs, such as moveset changes and ability changes, making them worth
a revisit as well.
+ The different orders of Emerald's bosses are a great way to spice up the journey, I was always thinking who will I fight next
although the order became predictable once you hit the later parts of the game.
+ Amazing QoL options despite the game mostly being vanilla+
+ Difficulty is also okay-ish, not too hard and not too easy, something the casuals will love.

While the game offered a lot of great positives, I'd say the negatives really impacted my experience in the game.

- The exp distribution/economy is this game is absolutely garbage. It was so bad that adding a new team member to your team
is discourage when you already have a team of 6 because it takes literal hours to raise mons despite running on fast forward
on MGBA. Not to mention, when you get your hands on Lucky Egg, the exp dump of trainers because too much that if you use
the lucky egg from Lilycove to end, your team members will be around level 75, which means you can walk past a lot of the
fights due to being overleveled, luckily I trained up a new team so it didn't happen on my end (which is a pain in the ass to do).

-HMs are required and the non-reusable TMs. This goes hand in hand as when I'm usually fine for non-reusable TMs, the implementation of them
in this hack is truly bad due to the HMs. In games where HMs are implemented like this (hello hello Pokemon Clover), this isnt a problem
as I manage the HM problem by replacing TM moves, its also the fact that in that game the HMs are buffed to hell and is actually usable
in battle. But here, since the TMs are non-reusable, you are forced to slap the HM in your mons making your moveset look so bad. The HMs
are also not buffed so you are forced to carry an HM slave if you want to fully explore an area.

-Not enough changes to spice up the journey. Unfortunately, the changes added isn't enough for me, and its still mostly Emerald. I kinda wish that there
are more map differences to make the region look less samey, making the journey feel lackluster and uninspired.

-The addition of the hyper training center. I feel like this is so unnecessary considering the difficulty is not insanely hard, and due to this, it is
very underutilized.

So for the rating I'll give it a 7 out of 10. Great concepts and great offering of Fakemons, but unfortunately plagued by
decisions that makes the game feel like from 2012-2015. It doesn't feel modernized at all due to the terrible exp distribution.
It also lacks new stuff, so it feels like your traditional enhancement hack just with new Fakemons.
Just registered to say I love Emerald Z and would love to someday see an expansion / sequel of some kind incorporating a 2nd region...perhaps revisiting the Naljo region from Pokemon Prism since it already has some amazing Fakemon legendaries (such as Varaneous and Phancero) you could utilize in addition to the great lineup you have here in Emerald Z.

And the other reason I wanted to post....I actually hatched a shiny Psyclops in a Unique Egg literally after finishing Gym 2. So awesome! Thanks again for creating this stellar romhack. I'll share my HoF once I've finished the full run through. :cool:

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Emerald Z (Fakemon Hack | Complete | v1.2.0 available! Material drop system implemented!)
I do kinda wish you included a document on which Pokemon can learn what TM and Tutor moves. Just saying.
i didn't make it but i've used the cheat; i noticed getting instakilled if the cheat is "active" when i get attacked. the way the cheat is supposed to work is that it's not "active" until you are holding your equivalent of the start button (for example, the enter key), so you would let go when you were satisfied with the level you've reached and the exp should stop instantly. i assume you're not actively holding start the entire time, so maybe try remapping your keys temporarily so start is a different key and see if that helps? if not, maybe try manually disabling the cheat while the exp bar is going, or just try a different emulator for the cheat and then switch back to your preferred emulator once you've gotten your exp

or choose one of the alternate codes they provided that changes the activator from start to a different button (is it possible you accidentally took the A button activator and are mashing A and accidentally keeping it active?)
I ended up changing the code because I was mashing A without knowing that I took the A button activator! Im kinda embarrassed that it was such an easy fix. Thanks
What's with Steven's question about north VS south when you first prepare to go to Route 119?
It's for...
Very close to begin playing this hack, but first a few questions:

1. Regarding the Water starter's design:
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Emerald Z (Fakemon Hack | Complete | v1.2.0 available! Material drop system implemented!)

At first I thought it was supposed to be one-eyed, but after thinking about it and looking at it's evos, maybe what I thought was an eye was a mouth with a tooth sticking out? And looking closer… I think I see small dots at the end of it's 'mouth' that could be eyes. So what's the confirmation? It being a big eye or it's a mouth? And I remember seeing official but seemingly old art somewhere and it confirmed that it does have two small eyes?

2. The more important question. I would like to just know what the Altering cave codes are just for general knowledge.
Very close to begin playing this hack, but first a few questions:

1. Regarding the Water starter's design:
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Emerald Z (Fakemon Hack | Complete | v1.2.0 available! Material drop system implemented!)

At first I thought it was supposed to be one-eyed, but after thinking about it and looking at it's evos, maybe what I thought was an eye was a mouth with a tooth sticking out? And looking closer… I think I see small dots at the end of it's 'mouth' that could be eyes. So what's the confirmation? It being a big eye or it's a mouth? And I remember seeing official but seemingly old art somewhere and it confirmed that it does have two small eyes?

2. The more important question. I would like to just know what the Altering cave codes are just for general knowledge.
the codes aren't for much, they're just to put some encounters in altering cave so you can get a handful of pokemon earlier (or at all in the case of the starter code which i believe is in the first post)

i don't have the codes written down but here's one i remember off the top of my head that i believe was near the weather institute
Spoiler: spoiler
1. Regarding the Water starter's design:
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Emerald Z (Fakemon Hack | Complete | v1.2.0 available! Material drop system implemented!)

At first I thought it was supposed to be one-eyed, but after thinking about it and looking at it's evos, maybe what I thought was an eye was a mouth with a tooth sticking out? And looking closer… I think I see small dots at the end of it's 'mouth' that could be eyes. So what's the confirmation? It being a big eye or it's a mouth? And I remember seeing official but seemingly old art somewhere and it confirmed that it does have two small eyes?
Well, turns out I now know that's an open mouth and not a single eye. The menu sprite makes it more clear.
Everytime I try to download this, it tells me the download fails, tried a different browser and it still failed, is the download link broken?
Hi, there! I'm excited to try out this romhacks. Since I like building living dexes on the games I play (when possible, of course), I'd like to ask a couple of questions:
1. How many PC boxes the game has?
2. Do Pokémon with gender differences that don't affect their stats/abilities have both of their sprites available? Like, can I find both blue (male) and pink (female) Frillish and Jellicent? Same thing with Pyroar?
3. Does the game only have one form of Shellos and Gastrodon or does it have both?
4. Is Darmanitan (Zen Mode) a permanent form? Or is it battle-only?
5. I've seen that
Spoiler: roamer
has 2 forms. I've seen it mentioned in this thread that it is the roaming legendary similar to Latias and Latios. Does it mean that it is a single legendary with two different forms or does it mean that both forms can be caught in the wild?
This hack definitely has my favorite fakemon designs I've seen, I wish some of these were official. I did encounter a crash upon trying to evolve the fire starter into their final form - very unfortunate considering I didn't actually save up until that point. I was playing on mGBA so, emulator shouldn't have been an issue.

Also, your additions to the map may not be many but I have enjoyed them all so far, in particular the Magnus Archives easter egg

Considering doing a more detailed write-up on my thoughts on the game once I've got a hall of fame screenshot to attach to it
This update contains the most EXCITING CHANGES YET. PLEASE ensure that you start a NEW SAVE FILE so that you can PROPERLY EXPERIENCE a WHOLE NEW HOENN.


HAVE FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This update contains the most EXCITING CHANGES YET. PLEASE ensure that you start a NEW SAVE FILE so that you can PROPERLY EXPERIENCE a WHOLE NEW HOENN.


HAVE FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A funnier April fools would have been you posting a "cheat" for rare candies but gives you repels. Or does nothing for the extra giggles.
Hi, just dusting off my old account to make a response. I enjoyed FR Advanced a lot back in the day, and I remember liking what there was of Emerald Advanced, too, so I was looking forward to playing this ROM hack, especially since there aren't really a lot of Fakemon rom hacks out there.

Big sweeping thoughts go first:

- First of all, the Fakemon are great, and a lot of fun to use, too. My final team was Cetayser, Soarup, Eruptide, Mattreeze, Kommo-o, and Entomortis. If I had one gripe, it's that some of them feel too goofy even for Pokemon (there would be rioting in the streets if there were official Pokemon based on shoes and mustaches), but the series dips into goofy all the time, so it seems apt. Furthermore, I really like the changes to canon Pokemon, there are a lot of creative choices there.

- New moves are very creative - I really like how there's a Water move that's boost in sunlight and a Fire move that's boosted in rain, and Counterspell is a really fun concept. New abilities are likewise, even if I didn't end up having any of them on my Pokemon.

- QoL is all the rage these days, so I appreciate some of the additions that create further depth without handing you stuff on a silver platter. Even if I didn't end up using the Pokemon materials mechanic a whole lot, I appreciate the option to get more TM copies without them being TOO available, and if anything, I want the materials to be used for more things.

- Difficulty seems just right, especially the later parts of the game - not a pushover, but also not extremely hard. I'm curious if later trainers like the E4 and Champion have custom EV spreads, like some trainers in the main series games do, because there were some Pokemon that outsped mine that would only be possible with some EV investment.

And now, for a lot of nitpicks/random thoughts.

Spoiler: Thoughts

I think that's all my thoughts. Overall, I had a lot of fun, especially with seeing all the wacky additions and changes, and I may go for another round in the future. Good job!
Hi, enjoying the game so far. I was wondering if I am able to catch both forms of Migreat? I have the south Migreat but I would love to have the north Migreat as well