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FireRed hack: Pokémon enCODED

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Full throttle commentary:

Intriguing, it's a mission impossible: Pokemon type of thing, huh? very original.

About the "So many more, it's pointless to list them all"...
Here are some questions:

  • What gen Pokemon will be included?
  • Are you going to use the Gym/E4 champion system?
  • [Irrelevant question]Are you looking for custom Organization-style OW sprites?
Aside of that, it's a good idea overall. And i like both NIDOKING and NIDOQUEEN, so kudos to you for the starter choice! (much better than a RATTATA >:)
cool scripts, i ike the idea of the game. i think you should improve the pallets though.
All graphics are temporary, 'kay? Thanks, anyway! ^^
Full throttle commentary:

Intriguing, it's a mission impossible: Pokemon type of thing, huh? very original.
Yeah, basically... kinda. =P Thank you kindly.

NiKaNoRoU said:
About the "So many more, it's pointless to list them all"...
Here are some questions:

  • What gen Pokemon will be included?
  • Are you going to use the Gym/E4 champion system?
  • [Irrelevant question]Are you looking for custom Organization-style OW sprites?
  • Mainly the wild Pokémon will be from Kanto, Hoenn and a bit from Johto. No, I'm not going to add D/P Pokémon, OK? =P
  • Gyms/E4? No. Something similar? I might have something like that... Maybe...
  • If you're offering, then I'd appreciate it, especially if it fits. ^^

NiKaNoRoU said:
Aside of that, it's a good idea overall. And i like both NIDOKING and NIDOQUEEN, so kudos to you for the starter choice! (much better than a RATTATA >:)
Thanks. And was that a reference to ToxicPurple, or just saying that the Nidorans are better rats? Or wut? =D

Cool, a hack where the main character is a spy
Not really a spy. More an agent of sorts. Undestandable misconception, though. =P Thanks!

I'm sorry my rival-update... thing hasn't come yet. Screenies of it will definitely be here by next week, MAX.
  • Mainly the wild Pokémon will be from Kanto, Hoenn and a bit from Johto. No, I'm not going to add D/P Pokémon, OK? =P
  • Gyms/E4? No. Something similar? I might have something like that... Maybe...
  • If you're offering, then I'd appreciate it, especially if it fits. ^^
  • No, I didn't ask for D/P Pokemon. =P
  • Okay, take your time. You don't have to answer at all.
  • I'll try. I like Fakemon/OW spriting from scratch the most. I'll notify you when I'm done making a try on the Hero/Heroine. I'll also try to make their trainer sprites.

Thanks. And was that a reference to ToxicPurple, or just saying that the Nidorans are better rats? Or wut? =D
More like a comparison. That was the only thing I didn't like in Toxi Purple ;)

I'm sorry my rival-update... thing hasn't come yet. Screenies of it will definitely be here by next week, MAX.
You don't need to rush, we are all excited and all but, good things take time, no?
Keep the good work up then.
My, this is an intriguing little thing, isn't it?

The storyline is rather interesting, but if there is one thing I may comment on, it is the names.

My, this is an intriguing little thing, isn't it?

The storyline is rather interesting, but if there is one thing I may comment on, it is the names.


Thanks, Luke! (Mind if I call you that? You call me Hershel, m'kay? XD)

And if you mean the names like Phynnse and such because they are nonsensical? Well I guess they ARE pretty stupid. I'll think of a theme for the towns/cities and then name them accordingly.

Thanks again.

Edit: I've decided to name the cities/towns after various different plants. PHYNNSE CITY is now OSIER CITY, ZELLIF TOWN is now DEWBERRY VILLAGE and LIORS CITY is now ACHILLEA CITY. Despite this, the region is staying as PHELLIS.


  • No, I didn't ask for D/P Pokemon. =P I wasn't directly referring to you. Just anyone who'll ask 'HAYGAIZISDEREDPPKMNINDIS!!!!!!!!????!!!111//!!/?!'. =p
  • Okay, take your time. You don't have to answer at all. Don't worry, I'm pacing my work out faaaar too much so I'm not overworked, so meh. =P
  • I'll try. I like Fakemon/OW spriting from scratch the most. I'll notify you when I'm done making a try on the Hero/Heroine. I'll also try to make their trainer sprites. It's not compulsary. If you dun wanna, then dun. =P

More like a comparison. That was the only thing I didn't like in Toxic Purple ;) Hehehe. I think ckret did that on purpose. =P

You don't need to rush, we are all excited and all but, good things take time, no?
Keep the good work up then. Like I said, I'm pacing out my work time so I get an adequate amount of time for the hack to just cool down... I'll notice errors easier that way, too. =P

Responses in bold.
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Thanks, Luke! (Mind if I call you that? You call me Hershel, m'kay? XD)

And if you mean the names like Phynnse and such because they are nonsensical? Well I guess they ARE pretty stupid. I'll think of a theme for the towns/cities and then name them accordingly.

Thanks again.

Edit: I've decided to name the cities/towns after various different plants. PHYNNSE CITY is now OSIER CITY, ZELLIF TOWN is now DEWBERRY VILLAGE and LIORS CITY is now ACHILLEA CITY. Despite this, the region is staying as PHELLIS.

Just because my name's too long, professor. >_>

Anyway, I like the new names except phellis omnomnomnomnomnom.
Just because my name's too long, professor. >_>

Anyway, I like the new names except phellis omnomnomnomnomnom.

Yeah? Well screw you. ^^

Anyway, sad news:

I was editing the script that givesd you your Pokémon as the checkgender wasn't working and screwed it up. And I also noticed that most of my scripts aren't executing properly. And I can't be bothered to go through them and get confused with the static rubish. I would revert to backups but they are all screwed up, too and I can't tell which is which. So I'm going to start again on a good clean ROM. It shouldn't take too long to get back to where I was, so don't worry. Sorry guys.
pffft,i had to do this at the third gym

Well that's great, doc, but it's astounding how quickly you can get back.

You DO save scripts as rbc/txt files while writing them, yeah? Also, in Advance Map, Map -> Save Map. Then open the other ROM. Then Map -> Open Map. Then Map -> Insert Map.

Also, you shouldn't edit scripts, prof, because there could be disaastrous effects!
pffft,i had to do this at the third gym

Well that's great, doc, but it's astounding how quickly you can get back.

You DO save scripts as rbc/txt files while writing them, yeah? Also, in Advance Map, Map -> Save Map. Then open the other ROM. Then Map -> Open Map. Then Map -> Insert Map.

Also, you shouldn't edit scripts, prof, because there could be disaastrous effects!
I forgot to say: The scripts I was editing were my scripts. =P

-hex editor and table, pluz-
But then I'd be in brach of my tutorial. XD It's done now, so MEH.

Okay! Mapping has been retreived and I'm gonna now start with my scripting. Wish me luck! =P

Edit: More renaming: OSIER CITY is now MAGNOLIA TOWN. We decided it was too small for a city. So... =P
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Who's "we" again? You don't mention a team...


Magnolia Town sounds much better.

Without the caps.
>>Who's "we" again? You don't mention a team...

BangBang Productions team.

The name change is good.
I hereby support your hack and also voted on HoTW.
Expect suggestons soon.
Who's "we" again? You don't mention a team...


Magnolia Town sounds much better.

Without the caps.
I discuss everything with Harry (manipulation) to see his opinion, which is usually better. And occasionally I ask Ryan (Cello). So... basically bangBang. Eheh. ^^'

And I like capitilization for names in Pokémon. It gives a nice charm in-game. :3

>>Who's "we" again? You don't mention a team...

BangBang Productions team.

The name change is good.
I hereby support your hack and also voted on HoTW.
Expect suggestons soon.

Aaww... Thanks!

I've done the first two major scripts: 'You're Getting Gem-Ex!' Boss Script, 'Don't Go Yet!' Vertex Worker Script and I'm going to (after school) do the 'Here's A Nidoran' Lloyd Script. Yeah I name my scripts.

And have I mentioned that Cello remapped Magnolia for me? Well you'll see screenshots of it in the near future when I get back to my previous stage and FINALLY DO THAT RIVAL SCRIPT!

=P Thanks for the support everyone. (I need a support bar. XD)
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon enCODED

I used your layout for this, and made a "spherical Ice" from scratch, just to relevate your name (even though it's not really attached to the rest of the usebar)
And sorry for taking long, right now I'm sharing this PC with two other people, which are quite hooked with WoW...

EDIT: Finished the OWs and a trainer sprite.
Bases are from WAH, rest are from scratch.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon enCODED

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon enCODED

(G stands for GERM)
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[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon enCODED

I used your layout for this, and made a "spherical Ice" from scratch, just to relevate your name (even though it's not really attached to the rest of the usebar)
And sorry for taking long, right now I'm sharing this PC with two other people, which are quite hooked with WoW... E. P. I. C.!

EDIT: Finished the OWs and a trainer sprite.
Bases are from WAH, rest are from scratch.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon enCODED

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon enCODED

(G stands for GERM)
I really like this, however I already have an OW Spriter... I appreciate your help, however. I might allow you to have a cameo in-game, if you want, and (aghain, if you want), I could use those sprites so it isn't a total waste of your time.

Thanks for all of this support, NiKaNoRoKoU
Thanks for all of this support, NiKaNoRoKoU

You put a chunk of the response in front of the [/QUOTE] tag so now it's all morphed, btw.

Also, you got a spriter? Tell me so I can OH MY GOD GOOSEBUMPS IS ON.
Anyways; Tell me so I can update your team's roster in bB.
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