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Pokémon Fallout (OOC/SU)

@Machomuu: There is a supernatural pull in the mind of an eligible child that compels them to travel to Mt. Coronet. Not a really strong one, but one that's impossible not to notice.
Ah, right. It would be safe to assume that the boy could deduce that that's where they were going, especially since he would also be feeling the pull, himself.
Alright... Holy moly. Chaos just like, erupted there all over the place. I wasn't even expecting anyone to control the haxorus wielder.

IceFyr, Khawill? You're leaving us in the dust. If you're going to join our group, you've got to give us a chance to post. I mean, seriously! You're not giving our characters a chance to /do/ anything! Don't you think anyone might have any objections to your character's actions? That maybe they wouldn't appreciate a random stranger waltzing up and stealing the pokespirit prize right in front of them??

I mean it's not as if they can't tell she's absorbing it! There's no option of stealth there, if for no other reason than the fact that the pokespirits inside these people's heads would easily be able to warn them that that is in fact what's happening.

Frankly, you still sound disrespectful, and not just to Yellow. The way you're speaking makes it look like you're trying to pin the blame of all the in-character events on IceFyr, when any one player character simply interacting with another for not even two posts can drastically change what happens next with either. This is to say, of course, that you're at just as much fault.

Along with this, you can control your posting speed. It makes no excuse for anything.

Anyways, since IceFyr had deleted his last two IC posts, you're going to have to take care of your own as well.

@Machomuu: There is a supernatural pull in the mind of an eligible child that compels them to travel to Mt. Coronet. Not a really strong one, but one that's impossible not to notice.

@PPPGGGR: Basically now. Except I need time to get a post out. :U Maybe I can do one today. If not, probably... tomorrow.

What the hell did I miss here...?
Thinking about it now, and considering the group we have in Coronet, if any of the people who didn't participate in the battle took the spirit, one of us out probably kill them given their personalities and tendencies (at the very least, Creed would be pretty pissed) :/ It'd be justifiably within the rules, right?
Lol, that would lead to sooooo much revenge killings :D. Anyways I don't think Ice still has the post where he takes the spirit, and my character that is there has no plans on getting it.
@Machomuu: Killing someone for stealing a pokespirit sounds like a pretty reasonable reaction, yeah. Though, if I'm not mistaken IceFyr retconned that. There's also really plenty of time to deliver a powerful blow to anyone standing there trying to absorb a pokespirit against your will. Also, who said the pokespirit was the insane one of the pair?
You sure that's a good idea? That Haxorus would tear Amethyst apart, and she already doesn't play nice with her current spirit.

That's the point. I could completely use this for character development on Amethyst.

Also, Lucy could protect her while she absorbed it ;D
Lol Spark with it would make quiet a destructive person, shes already snapped >:D. I wouldn't take it though because Spark is all electric types, (its her namesake) and a dragon just wouldn't work.
@Machomuu: Killing someone for stealing a pokespirit sounds like a pretty reasonable reaction, yeah. Though, if I'm not mistaken IceFyr retconned that. There's also really plenty of time to deliver a powerful blow to anyone standing there trying to absorb a pokespirit against your will. Also, who said the pokespirit was the insane one of the pair?
If the Haxorus isn't the insane one then I regret having aided in killing her, she'd be a unique addition >.<

@Zerin - I won't post until you do, at least. I can't, really, seeing that Mako is unconscious (though I'll probably have Creed take over).
@Machomuu: Well... unique is a pretty nice way of putting it. I'm amused that you thought it was possible to make her an 'addition' though. I mean... just think about what she did for a moment. Didn't talk. Just violently flung herself at a group of pokespirit wielders without warning or sufficient provocation. It was basically suicide. I made a point to describe that even Lucy was left bewildered and unable to understand what would possess a person to act that way.

I guess what I was trying to get at was that the girl you guys just ended was a great deal more vicious than the average person. I mean, normally brutality and cruelty is a result of the desire to survive, but if you read Anne's NPC Boss entry, she isn't even all that great at taking a hit. It was once again... basically suicide. I won't expand on that anymore than I already have, but I will say you'll be given chances to figure out more about her down the road.
@Machomuu: Well... unique is a pretty nice way of putting it. I'm amused that you thought it was possible to make her an 'addition' though. I mean... just think about what she did for a moment. Didn't talk. Just violently flung herself at a group of pokespirit wielders without warning or sufficient provocation. It was basically suicide. I made a point to describe that even Lucy was left bewildered and unable to understand what would possess a person to act that way.

I guess what I was trying to get at was that the girl you guys just ended was a great deal more vicious than the average person. I mean, normally brutality and cruelty is a result of the desire to survive, but if you read Anne's NPC Boss entry, she isn't even all that great at taking a hit. It was once again... basically suicide. I won't expand on that anymore than I already have, but I will say you'll be given chances to figure out more about her down the road.
Mkay. I'll begin working on my post now. So, in short, Amethyst is going to absorb the Haxorus.

To prevent any unfair bunnying of Lucy, I'd have to ask. Is anyone in our group going to be opposed to Amy taking it? Because if so, you might want to wait until /after/ Yellow posts, because I'm almost certain that Lucy is going to be protecting Amethyst while she absorbs it.
I guess you didn't notice I changed it. So, I'm reposting. I'm pretty sure it's ok to repost. Otherwise, delete this post.

Name:Leonard Williams

Nickname (Optional): Lee

Age (10-13): 12

Sex (Male or Female): Male

Appearance (A picture can be provided instead of a description if you sowish.): Lee is a pale kid. He wears lots of black for clothes and is pretty short. He is not to strong, and weighs very little. He also has black hair. He has various scars from being harassed by his parents.

Personality (How does your character act and react to others? Their mental state? Flaws and/or personal weaknesses?): Lee is very insecure and very weakly voiced. He can't stand up for himself and is usually protected by the people who like him. He is a quick thinker, though, and can lie very adequately. Lee is also a very caring person. When Lee fuses, he obtaines Zorua ears, a Zorua Tail, and slightly longer canine teeth.

History (Where did your character grow up? Who did they grow up with? What have they been doing before this? Any noteworthy events?): Lee is a boy who is from Eterna City. He is abused by his parents, and has a little sister. His "parents" only take care of him because someone is paying them to do so. But Lee does not know this. His sister is he actual sister, her name is Sarah and she is who he attempts to protect, but utterly fails due to his diminutive stature. So, he does her strength related chores. He does them wrong often, and gets paddled for it. He loves bread, and is almost always carrying a stale loaf that his "parents" give him. Bread is all he and his sister eat. Overall, Lee cares about his sister and hates his parents.
Species: Zorua

Nickname (Optional): Tails

Personality (Can be as short or long as you want): Sort of like Lee in the sense he is a quick thinker, but is much more annoying than Lee in every way. Tails is always in Lee's head guiding him in a sarcastic way.

Moves (Maximum of 6. TM and egg moves are allowed. These are the moves your character gets when they fuse): Sucker Punch, Foul Play, Embargo, Scary Face, Counter, Memento

Other (Optional): The main one is the fact that the Zorua pokespirit allows him to transform into living things he's seen, like people and pokespirit weilders, but does not maintain their abilities.

Opening Post (This will be what we use to determine whether your writing skills are good enough. If accepted, you may feel free to copy paste your posthere into the IC thread.): Lee was doing his chores as usual. He was eating bread, as usual. But today he felt bored of the same routine every day. Chores, eat, get paddled, sleep. Chores,eat, get paddled, sleep. It's the same thing every day for him. But, today he felt like he should get vengeance for what his parents do to his sister. He wanted to protect her, so he felt the need to draw their attention away from them so Sarah could escape. So, even though he was weak, he felt his sister should have the chance to be free, and he should be paddled for her crime for her.Smirking as he ran, he left town nervously and quietly. He was scared, but he believed it was worth it for his sister's liberation. He ran in the direction of where Mt. Cornet once stood, because some other children who used to live in Eterna went there and never came back, but some did. From there, he moved in the direction he picked after a best-two-out-of-three-eni-meeni-minee-mo, which was North. Pretty soon,he was at a tablet he had not heard of. It read: "BRING YOURSELVES TO JUSTICE"

Lee wondered what that meant, then suddenly he heard a voice in his head. It said, "Human, you seem cool.I think I'll go with you. Oh, and just to let you know the world has been broken, and it is humanity's fault. It's up to you to bring justice to yourselves and the world. You must guide yourself, however, I will be there to help. These are the laws of Arceus! Let yourself be washed of your moral preconceptions. From the first time you've read these commandments, let them be your only laws. Then and only then allow yourselves to rediscover what you believe is right or wrong. You shall not harm the spirit of the pokemon, lest divine retribution strike. You shall be in possession of no more than six pokemon spirits at any one time,lest your spirit become suppressed. If you take the spirit of the pokemon from another you must take it for your own, lest it turn on you." You shall not harm children under the age of fourteen that have not yet received their pokemon spirit. Yadda yadda yadda. I'm done here." Then, everything goes black for Lee.
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Well, my interest has been most certainly piqued by this RP, but I'm still a little shaky on the character.

I'd like to try and get an SU done fairly soon, unless now is a bad time to join in. ^^;
Well okay, I'll be pretty inactive until all the characters have departed, (like from the battle area) I may post as Kalie but maybe not until you guys are ready to move. *Yawn better start a fiction in the mean time.
@OrangeNess: Weeeeell, your personality contradicts itself (...How can you be insecure, let alone weak voiced, and still be a good liar?) and your history raises more questions than it answers. (Why would a couple adopt him, or any child for that matter? What would the point be of pretending to be his real parents? What in the world does someone have to gain from paying them to do this, and how exactly are they being paid? There's no such thing as money anymore.)

Your opening post doesn't actually raise significant complaints, except for the fact that it's kind of a formatting disaster. If you're not going to use CSS and give your posts a background color, just... don't use text colors at all. It's problematic for readers.

@Batel: Now's a great time to join in. Feel free to take your time, as the posting rate is currently slightly sluggish as a great deal of characters wound up cluttered in one area.