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FireRed hack: Pokémon Fire Red: Generations (Hack Complete)


  • 21,057
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fire Red: Generations (Hack Complete)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fire Red: Generations (Hack Complete)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fire Red: Generations (Hack Complete)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fire Red: Generations (Hack Complete)

    Created by Blue
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fire Red: Generations (Hack Complete)


    I think I've been down this path many times now, meaning created some sort of Fire Red hack which ends up going corrupt or ending up becoming glitched beyond repair! So I'm hoping I can touch lucky this time round. This will be similar to my previous Fire Red entries with extra features added on to make the game much more enjoyable and prolonged!

    As always, this game focuses on difficulty and capturing every Pokemon available. I have applied all what I can to make this hack credible, I have spend endless hours perfecting and tweaking the extra features and details to make sure that it runs smoothly so hopefully you won't run into any glitches this time! Scroll down to see the new and improved features that this hack has to offer, enjoy!

    *Special thanks to The DS-style 64x64 Pokémon Sprite Resource for providing the updated sprites.

    Game Features
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fire Red: Generations (Hack Complete)

    • Difficulty - As always, the games difficulty has increased dramaticly, with an adjustable level curve.
    • Wild Pokemon - Again, you will be able to capture all 386 Pokemon one way or another, a list of locations has been provided.
    • Rivals & Rockets - You will notice that you have two extra companions to battle along the way. This includes May from the Hoenn Region and Jessie & James from Team Rocket! You will battle both of these several times throughout your journey.
    • Extra Items - All those useful, unobtainable items that you couldn't get are availble as gift items. This includes Lucky Egg, Silver Powder, Thick Club etc. A list of locations has been provided for these too.
    • Stat Increases - A handful of Pokemon have had a suitible stat increase, this mainly applies to those with a lower Stat total. You can find all these on the Document with the download.
    • Extra Areas - There are a couple of extra areas for you to nab some different Pokemon! (Mainly legendaries)
    • Events - There is also a handful of events scattered around Kanto, this includes Gift Pokemon Events, Egg Events, Legendary events etc.
    • Evolution - Obviously, the evolutions of the Pokemon with unaccessable methods of evolution have now been changed.
    • Gym Rematches - Since these were left out of FRLG, I decided to kinda create Gym Leader Rematches. These take place in a small building in Vermillion City which you can only access once becoming Champion!
    • Familiar Faces - You will notice several Gym Leaders have been replaced with characters from different Regions! See if you can spot them all.
    • Type & Gender Changes - Some Pokemon have had their Types and Gender changed, this applies to those who I feel needed them.
    • Aesthetic Changes - A few Routes/Areas will have a slightly overhauled look, including entrances to new areas/caves.
    • Attack Changes - Many of the Pokemon now have a more fitting and suitable moveset, this applies to atleast 200 Pokemon. I have also boosted the Power, PP and Accuracy of many Attacks such as Dig, Cut, Aerial Ace etc.
    • Starters - Finally, I have rearranged the Starters to a more diverse mixture which is now Clamperl, Tyrogue and Trapinch. These share similar characteristics with each other which is why I chose these three. Why not the originals? This is because rather than having the generic set of Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle, I thought it would be fun to change things up a bit and give you the opportunity to obtain a Pokemon that you can't usually obtain that early on in the game. Besides, you will be able to get Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle via events before the third Gym anyway.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fire Red: Generations (Hack Complete)

    These are some of the in-game changes (Be aware; contains 80+ images)

    Change Log
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fire Red: Generations (Hack Complete)



    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fire Red: Generations (Hack Complete)


    There are two separate patches, with one minor difference. The only difference between the two patches below is the sprites, one of the patches provides an updated set of sprites for the 386 Pokémon available using the sprites from Pokémon Black and White. There are no additional Pokémon added to this hack. Both patches come with the one download.

    Click Here to Download the Patch & Documents
    Alternatively, refer to the attachment below!


    • Pokemon Fire Red Generations Beta 1.5a.rar
      1.5 MB · Views: 9,110
    Last edited:
    sweet looking good btw i love the starter choice it kinda reminds me of digimon world 3 but anyway the only thing that would make this more awsome would be the p/s and maybe changing pokes sprites =P but wat evs
    Oh god, this is the best Sideshow hack that i've seen.
    Can't wait for the relase! I'll play for sure!
    I've had to back track slightly since there was an unpassable error that I couldn't fix. I've backed up to an earlier state so I'm editing from there, I'll try and get it uploaded by today.

    The reason why Rayquaza is given in an Egg is because of the OW Sprite, there is a limited amount of sprites that I can use, which have been taken up by some of the other legendary that I've inserted. Plus Rayquaza's Sprite is 64x64 which surpasses any available sprites that I wanted to use.

    Tested Viridian Forest which now allows you to enter without any problems.

    I've re-uploaded the Download on the OP, however if you do come across any errors that I may have missed please report them, Thanks!
    Last edited:
    Whoops, thought I sorted out those since it happened when I was testing the Release. Anyway, I've fixed it so that they're standing outside the Pokemon Centre now and when you go into your bag after receiving the Item, it no longer glitches. I don't know what causes that but it happened at an earlier point to several NPCS which I fixed.

    Try re-downloading the Release, Patch it and then try it again.
    I've had to back track slightly since there was an unpassable error that I couldn't fix. I've backed up to an earlier state so I'm editing from there, I'll try and get it uploaded by today.

    The reason why Rayquaza is given in an Egg is because of the OW Sprite, there is a limited amount of sprites that I can use, which have been taken up by some of the other legendary that I've inserted. Plus Rayquaza's Sprite is 64x64 which surpasses any available sprites that I wanted to use.

    Tested Viridian Forest which now allows you to enter without any problems.

    I've re-uploaded the Download on the OP, however if you do come across any errors that I may have missed please report them, Thanks!

    Both NSE Classic and Overworld Changer can modify an ows dimensions. This will probably be useful in the future.

    Otherwise, this hack looks pretty cool. Nice job.
    Hey, I love this hack, but I found a bug, I think it's the movement permissions because I can walk right onto it.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Fire Red: Generations (Hack Complete)
    Whoops, thought I sorted out those since it happened when I was testing the Release. Anyway, I've fixed it so that they're standing outside the Pokemon Centre now and when you go into your bag after receiving the Item, it no longer glitches. I don't know what causes that but it happened at an earlier point to several NPCS which I fixed.

    Try re-downloading the Release, Patch it and then try it again.
    What was the movement of Chansey?
    In FR if it's one movement (looking down or something like that) then the OW may end up being a MC and glitch.
    What was the movement of Chansey?
    In FR if it's one movement (looking down or something like that) then the OW may end up being a MC and glitch.

    Yeah, it was Look Down but I've done the same script in a different location and it works fine now.
    awesome hack,will play when im done with BB.....wanted to ask something though,is it possible to have physical and special split in gen3 games?
    awesome hack,will play when im done with BB.....wanted to ask something though,is it possible to have physical and special split in gen3 games?

    Thanks! I was considering it so I may add it at a later date but for now, I've decided to leave it as it is. Feel free to manually add it yourself though.
    Thanks! I was considering it so I may add it at a later date but for now, I've decided to leave it as it is. Feel free to manually add it yourself though.
    i haven't ever done anything remote to hacking :( ...
    no worries,will wait until you do make one :)