Strange... after whiting out in Halcus Mines, I wanted to get my revenge, but as I exited Legian Town an invisible Erika said I had to come to her house... She said this every time I wanted to return to Legian Town, so I couldn't go back. When I entered and exited her house, though, the bug was gone. Is this a glitch or is it my ROM's fault?
Also, I can't enter the Mart in Legian Town for some reason...
And if I try to read the Pokémon Center/Mart description, the game freezes.
In the north of Legian Town, I saw a weird Diglett hole... is it supposed to be there? Cuz it looks pretty weird next to the grass...
I can walk through the furniture in my house and through a tree in Legian Pass. Also, the computer in my room can talk!
In the Legian Town Pokémon Center, I can walk through (part of) the bookcase.
EDIT: After healing my Pokémon at the Center in Legian Town, Erika takes me to her home again! I couldn't return to Legian Town, until I talked to Erika in her house.
Is it my ROM's fault or are these glitches that you accidently put in the game?
Anyway, great hack, I can't wait for the next beta!
EDIT2: I found more bugs!
When I try to read the Pokémon Center description in Akira Town, I get an ????????.
I can't enter the house with the red roof in Akira Town.
EDIT3: Some more.
In Gallaia City, I can't enter the big house with the orange roof.
In one of the ohuses in Gallaia City, the music hasn't been changed yet.