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Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

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I just can't wait to see the battle system. 'Cause it's really hard to come up with a decent one in RPGMaker series. Most of the take too much time and script to make and actually turn up below expectations... But I guess we can expect only the best from RM2K3 KID... I just hope the demo will come out soon :-D
Well I did it manually cos I didn't know there was a program available and/or there wasn't one at the time lol.

I best post some progress.. started making the intro, the thing after you press 'New Game'.. its no 'Oak Intro'. I'm trying to steer clear of that since its in nearly every game. Its going great so far, still a fair bit more to do. Wish me luck.
Yeah, I think thats something that would give the game originality. I might come back on mine and redo the intro if I come up with something clever.

Looks good.
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