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Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

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    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    Game Title: Pokémon Liquid
    Created With: RPG Maker XP

    Okay, some of you may have seen this coming.. some may have never even heard of me or the game. I started liquid in late 2003 in RPG Maker 2000. I had little resources and very little community support(I was at an RPG Maker forum then and none liked the idea of a Pokémon fangame.) I later found PC and its small gaming dev community and posted it here. I got a pretty good welcome and everyone seemed to love liquid. I had been working on liquid for some time when then I suddenly lost interest and had little time left.. it wasnt an official cancellation because I soon returned. I worked on it for a year or more longer then gave up giving anyway the chance to take liquid on and finish it. Poke_Creator took on this challenge, but has done little due to the lack of time he has. I have seen this started to rebuild liquid in RPG Maker XP adding things making more maps changing story etc.. i have been doing that for several months. Although I wasnt even planning on any official release so I was working slow and at my own pace until about a month ago when I started working really hard on it. It wasn't until today that Azura told me I should post my game here, I thought he was mad but we soon shall see.

    I bring you the RPG Maker XP version of Pokémon Liquid, it's still under development though so don't expect anything for several months. So far I have revamped all existing maps and even remapped them fully. I have created nearly all the maps for liquid, just 3 cities to go.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    What you see here is exactly what I started with. I have not made any changes to this initial story. Although I have made additions that I may or may not add to the main story.

    "A boys/girls Pokémon adventure begins whilst an evil company rises as they steal, Mutate and creates Pokémon. The Andros Team work for GenCorp a genetic science company that experiment with Pokémon DNA. The Andros Team are responsible for the recent Pokémon robberies. They steal Pokémon for GenCorp in return for new super Pokémon. A Pokémon scientist who lives in MeraTown has found new information about an Ultra Strong Pokémon that can control the weather and seasons being created by GenCorp Located in FortloreCity. The scientist who found out this information is named Prof Kurr and he has selected a boy/girl to stop GenCorp. At the moment the boy does not know he has been selected for this task. The boy/girl does not know of the company or the team as he/she will learn later on what this team has done to Pokémon and he/she will strive to stop them."

    I'm sure thats a lame story, but I did write it 3 years ago. I think it still has it's meaning.

    Region Map:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    As all Pokémon Fangames have.. here's a list of them

    Phone System, this is from the original game.
    General Pokémon Systems, Bag, Pokemon, Pokédex.. you know the general stuff thats in all Pokémon games.. yep thats right a Pokémon cbs too.
    Weather, for that added effect ;).
    Another Region!!, don't expect to see much of that yet.
    There are some others but I can't remember them off the top of my head.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    Yay screenies!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    Check out the menu, credits to RM2K3kid(Script)! Oh and Avatar for my temporary professor sprite, the sprite is Elm btw.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    The Trainer Card, credit to RM2K3kid(Script) and KyleDove(Hero Sprites). Oh btw ignore the trainer id I fixed it already.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    RM2K3kid, Tilesets, Autotiles, Charactersets, Images, etc.
    KyleDove, Hero's Character Set's and Trainer Sprites.
    Avatar, prof Elm (Temp use only).
    And every one, for support!

    Okay I guess comments should follow. Don't be too harsh okay peoples..

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    I'm not mad!
    People will love your game and maps, like I did

    I love the custom charset, the maps, the menu... and you even made the text color blue for boys and red for girls

    You're awesome man


    The maps are great the berry forest colored trees make it colorfull and the Hero and Heroine look great.
    looks great, i had hoped you would do this liquid was on of the first fan games i ever saw and liked. are all the systems finished? if so cool, the heros look great. good luck.
    Great to see this game back. This sounds cheesy, but a few years ago, Liquid was the game which inspired me to start game making (and have had many ups and downs with my games). When I first saw the thread, I quickly clicked in and was delighted to read that its you back making it and not someone else. Hope everything goes well for you RM2K3kid and I look foward to reading on how the game progresses.
    It's baack, it's baack. Liquid is back on my fav list with Metropolis and Acanthite. W00t RMXP too. Lol.
    Rm2k3kid, undoubtedly the best map maker we have on PC. It's great to see Liquid back again, as it's of only a few games that were on PC way back when I first joined, and it always set the benchmark for other fangames out there.

    Screenshots are awesome, as always. The story is pretty decent too, I like it.
    Thanks everyone. I might have some time tomorrow to do some work on the phone system. If I get something decent done I'll show some screenshots.

    At the moment I'm working on things when they start to become needed for the progression of the story.

    On another note I'm trying to design custom starters. It's a tough task on it's own, but lets hope it works out :D.

    Well not much else to say. I've been a bit busy today so nothing got done.. but there's always tomorrow. Enjoy.

    Edit: Oh btw here's the region map if anyone wanted to see it.(It's in the first post now)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

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    Great region map, but it just doesn't seem to flow, if you know what I mean.

    Also, I did notice a couple errors in your maps (I'm surprised I didn't see them before).

    This is an error that is common. You are using shaded base tree tiles (What I mean by this is the tile that is used when trees are used to make the outside edge of the map) where they are not supposed to be. This error most often occurs when you make an upside-down L with the trees. The corner tree, that joins the verticle and horizontal lines, should have a normal base tile, and not a shaded one.

    Here is another error I have noticed. On the ship, where the wall meets the floor right nex to the stairs, there is not a half shadow tile where there is supposed to be.
    Sorry, but I am a mapping perfectionist

    Anyway, I can't wait to see the new starters.
    Hmm, from what I see the maps are small o_o But I wouldn't really know, because I've never really seen many of your maps =P The Region is cool, BTW.

    Good luck with Liquid, I'm dying to see more *Gives evil glare* lol jk
    This is an error that is common. You are using shaded base tree tiles (What I mean by this is the tile that is used when trees are used to make the outside edge of the map) where they are not supposed to be. This error most often occurs when you make an upside-down L with the trees. The corner tree, that joins the verticle and horizontal lines, should have a normal base tile, and not a shaded one.
    Not an error my friend. I originally didn't have the shaded corner tree but I did a little "research" and found that in FR/LG that is the tile they use for the corners where the two tree's meet. So I tested it on a couple of my maps as you can see(Shading is missing from maps because when I make a map I do no shadow tree's because its faster.) Now tree shadow's have always been messed up in fan games.. why? because people don't realise the difference between the two tree's, and don't know how to use them. Don't worry the tree shadow's have been looked at several times by me.

    lol I do hope I understood what you meant by that. Here's an image to show how I see it.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    I had it the way you said but since I saw how it was done in FR/LG I tried it their way.

    Here is another error I have noticed. On the ship, where the wall meets the floor right nex to the stairs, there is not a half shadow tile where there is supposed to be.
    Sorry, but I am a mapping perfectionist
    lol yeah that map is relatively new so I haven't actually done much to it. Still needs some refinements. Here's the fixed shadows.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    Okay sorry no updates today. I was a little busier than expected.. I'll see how things pan out for the rest of the week.

    Much better for the ship. And about the trees, the only reason I said that is because in FR/LG, the size is much smaller (Half the size) and very unnoticable, where-as the tiles are much larger and more noticable. (That, and I never use default FR/LG graphics so I never have to use the trees)
    Wow, looks pretty nice, I need a pokemon battle system, :P you got one eh? Thats good, it's hard to get one. anyway, I think you should change your name to rmxpkid, o.o.

    The sprites also look really good, good luck!
    Great! I thought this game was amazing when I first saw it, and it still is. Minimal flaws and well that's it, Great to see a familiar game!
    Much better for the ship. And about the trees, the only reason I said that is because in FR/LG, the size is much smaller (Half the size) and very unnoticable, where-as the tiles are much larger and more noticable. (That, and I never use default FR/LG graphics so I never have to use the trees)

    Ah now I understand.. well after reading that I went through all my masses of resources and modified some of the FR/LG tree's, I would like all comments on how it turned out.. btw I only modified the shadow in the corner of the tree's.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    Sorry for the shotty mapping there, It was a quick 5min job to demo the new corner shadow.

    It is barely noticeable so I made a zoomed in shot of both corners..
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Liquid - [RMXP]

    lol I seemed to have gone into this tree thing a little too much. But I hope I have resolved it now.

    Now back to work on the phone system.. ;)

    Edit: Btw If you have any other suggestions for liquid please say so, I'd love to hear some idea's.

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    Your mapping skills are really - out right - amazing. Since I've always stuck with RM2k3, I always resented seeing people d praising maps done in RMXP (since there are 3 graphic layers and unlimited chipset size)..... But I'm going to go against my belief when I see your work in RmXP. If you ever look at a full map from an official game, the maps tend to be rather bland, but because of the screensize on a GBA/DS, maps look more fuller. Even if a map is copied tree for tree in RPG Maker (any RPG Maker)- the maps tend to look empty (since the 320 by 240 resolution is bigger then the size of the GBA screen), but with your maps, they seem to have that sense of openess, but yet seem full of life.
    Good job on that lol.
    It's nice to see your game back. Perhaps you'll be among the first and exceptionally few to actually complete one...
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