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Pokémon Nilivon Region: Team Paradox and the Grand battle[PG-16]

Day One: First Part
Arthur stood up and stretched, doing so he caused a wave to go through his torso that caused the MP3 player lying on his chest to fall off. He fell asleep asleep on the couch last night and had imprints on his cheek of the couch's texture. His ear buds hung from his ears with nothing but an empty input jack at the other end. Arthur quickly got dressed, and silently too. He didn't want to be heard. He planned on sneaking out to the pokemon lab today so he could finally be with pokemon like he had always counted on.

Arthur gingerly lifted up the couch cushion to get the television remote. The television was currently displaying a hatching pokemon egg with people in lab coats inspecting it closely. Their breath was fogging up the glass incubator that the spotted egg was fluttering inside of. It hatched and it was a Pichu... "Classic, of course it is." Arthur whispered with a grin on his face. The Pikachu family had become the mascot, so to speak, of the Kanto region. They seemed to be displaying it an awful lot.

When Arthur was dressed in his usual uniform of black and blue, he headed out of the door with his bag cast over his shoulder. It was a sunny day and the grass gave a whistle that expressed happiness. When Arthur was done taking in his surroundings with his senses, he bounded across the moist green and onto the dusty, dirt road.

When he reached his target location of the Professor's lab he was somewhat disappointed to see a line so early in the morning, he thought he would be the first here. He went to the front of the line and read a sign that was on the inside of the glass door. It read, "WILL BE BACK SOON". Arthur went to the back of the line and waited. Wondering what it was going to be like to receive his first pokemon. What would be his first pokemon though? He had always liked the orange dragon pokemon Dragonite... "Dratini?" He said while his thoughts wandered into the material world.
Chapter 1: Relnith's Pokemon Adventure Begins!

"Relnith wake up!" Relnith's mother shouted trying to get her son awake. Relnith slowly opened his eyes and found his mother along with her Espeon standing in doorway to his room. He then remembered today was the day he was going on his pokemon journey and he quickly jumped out of bed.

"Yeah I'm awake!" Relnith exclaimed as he quickly got dressed into his favorite clothes. Though he couldn't find his jet black coat or his black and blood red sneakers he had on his blood red and jet black pants with the skull belt and black fingerless gloves.

"Good breakfast is ready and I backed you bag go brush your teeth and come downstairs," His mother said as she and her Espeon went downstairs. Relnith rushed into the bathroom which was next to his room and quickly but thoroughly brushed his teeth till they were sparkling white.

He then rushed downstairs to the dinning room which was to the back of his house pass the living room and den also right next to the kitchen. He mother had made scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, pancakes and placed a cup of orange juice next to the plate. Relnith then started devouring his food, loving every bite,

"Relnith slow down chew and savior the food this is the last time I'll be making you breakfast," His mother said scolding him. Then it hit Relnith this was the last time his mother would make him breakfast so he decide to take it slow. Good thing his mother taught him how to cook.

After he was done eating breakfast his mother handed him his favorite coat, sneakers and backpack. He put everything on gave his mother a big hug and kiss said his goodbyes and ran out the door. His mother had told him to make sure to contact her and win the pokemon league and become a pokemon master. Good thing Relnith had already been living in Viven town because Professor Alzinnith's lab was right next to his house.

As he reached the lab he heard William who he only had met once tell another trainer that he would have to wait. Bummed Relnith walked somewhat near the other trainers and sat down up against a tree looked up and started day dreaming.

What pokemon am I going to get hope it's a powerful one like my Dad's Haxorus Dex. I know one thing whatever pokemon I get I'll make sure I become the best trainer ever yeah! That's my goal, now I wait Relnith thought as he then closed his eyes as he waited for the professor.

Chapter 1: Cross' Step Into A Foreign Land

Cross was a bit woozy as he had just come off of the plane and was in the airport, too many people were making too much noise, and he was looking for some escape routes. He hated the fact that people were happy while he was here strictly to find answers. Although, there was an element of relaxation, as he wasn't watching his mother, and his mother was in the care of Lance, who traveled, and kept an eye on her, and he was somewhat trusting in Lance, as that guy was the brother he never had. But Cross was somewhat annoyed at the loudness of the people in the airport, which some people took as background noise. Cross sprinted to the exit, almost full of anger, clutching his head. Someone bumped into him, and he fell down, after gathering his bearings again, he got out and found fresh air, and got ready to trek.

Cross began strolling at his very fast strolling pace, which was normal to him, but as the sound began to reduce, he began to gather his mental bearings, and began thinking about how to find this Gryger man, so that he could avenge his father. When Cross wanted to leave, his mother went ballistic, to put it lightly. The cliche thing was a dream for him. His mother threw vases at him, as an attempt to injure him to make him stay, and he was still punished by being locked in his room. Cross had to ask Claire to use her Dragonite to help him get out of his room as he was in Blackthorn City with his mother. Cross had a special love for that Dragonite, and it was quite friendly to him, and he would miss it on his journey.

Speaking of Pokemon, Cross wondered which one would he be paired with?

Cross thought to himself, 'Personally, I would like a multi-type pokemon that covers for its weaknesses, such as Quagsire, each weakness either is negated or only does half damage, but I do want a Psychic Type, I've had sort of a weakness for them.'

'I hope that I do get a pokemon that is battle ready from the second I get it, I don't care if I have to roll heads, I will find out who killed my father.....and repay him for what he's done.' Cross came here to get justice for his father, and to give this Gryger guy a piece of his mind. He was expected to be a legend, due to his parents' statuses as famous rangers and leaders. People expect greatness from him.

Cross began to enter the town, and noticed how nice and queer the town is, a nice small town, but he missed his mom. Not a large amount of 2 story or buildings; mostly residential area and spare land that seemed to be all around the lab. Cross was ready to enjoy himself as he arrived at the lab and sulked in the corner, waiting for the professor, after he rented a room at the local Pokemon Center.
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A disgrace of a first post, but it is better than no post at all.

Chapter 1

I was looking over a catalog that I always kept about the Nilivion region. I was finally going there for the first time after keeping up with it by reading articles online and watching the news. It was ridiculously hard to keep up with the region because it was so closed off from the rest of the world. It was even more closed off than Unova and that was saying something.

I flipped to the starters' page and my eyes began to wander. They stopped when I spotted the page with Scyther. I always had a soft spot for Scyther and I guess one could say I favored them. It was surprising to say at least because I usually don't discriminate between Pokemon, but I guess Scyther was the exception.

I closed the catalog and checked my bag to see if there was anything missing. My mother had given me a messenger bag two days ago to carry all the supplies I needed. It was something hard to get use to especially since I was wearing it like a regular backpack yesterday. After going over the things that were in the messenger bag I began to look outside the window out of my room.

I was in one of the only boats that took people from Sinnoh to the Nilivion region. It was expensive. It was even expensive with the money that my mother got from the government for running a Pokemon Center in Celestic Town.

"We'll reach the dock of Viven Town," A voice said through the speakers that were everywhere in the ship. I picked up my messenger bag and left the cabin to head for the deck.
[FONT=&quot]Chapter 1 Part 2: Professor Alzinnith appears and you're off on the beginning off to conquer the Nilivon League[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Pokémon Ranger Luke Fairik to all new Rangers:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Professor Alzinnith to all trainers:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]What to post about:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Pokémon Trainer Battle Boss!:
[FONT=&quot]Wild Pokémon found in Viven town:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Wild Pokémon Boss!:

[FONT=&quot]Additional Info:[/FONT]
Chapter 1 Post 2-Now it begins​


(OOC:I would like to post again and try to fight the magmar if possible)
Alright jackblaze! Nice first post of Chapter 1 part 2 for your fight with William you get: Rocker leveled up to 8! he learned focus energy! As for your part with heracross.... the capture was.... unsuccessful the stubborn heracross appeared out of the pokemon in a red flash of light angrier than before do you wish to challenge it again?Yes you can make another post fighting the magmar.
Chapter 1 part 3-Back and even badder​

Chapter 1 Part 2: The Journey Begins


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jackblaze: For you post you have......

Nice battle with William Luca level up to 9! Luca is trying to learn counter but already as 4 moves do you get rid of one for counter or no? As for your battle with torchic....

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Chapter 1- Post 4- Is it getting hot in here.​

(OOC: I nicknamed my Heracross Cross but i will still call him Heracross sometimes.)

jackblaze for you battle against Magmar Rocker leveled to 11! But your capture with Magmar is unsuccesful and the fire pokemon emerges out of your pokeball and charges at you.
(OOC: Saying bye to foresight, and hello to counter. Also, sometimes I will do my post in first person, sometimes I will do my post in third person…it depends on my mood and time constraints, sorry. Also, are there any trainers in the town, like NPC's we can battle while we wait for the others?)
"Hm, a Torchic. For your ability, you will be nicknamed Blaze." I walked over calmly and picked up my pokeball examining it as I brought in Luca to his ball so he can rest. I felt happy, and this will be a great pick-me-up for the battle against William since I lost. I now wondered what I would do, as I couldn't see any trainers around to battle. It was somewhat evening so I decided to take a nap.

Morning Day 3

I woke up in a daze after staying asleep for a while and forcing sleep.

After getting ready and preparing for another day, I saw that another trainer was battling a magmar, and I began examining the boy, trying to see whether he might be another roadblock in my way, or whether he would be a benefit to my journey. My dextransceiver activated and gave me information about the wild pokemon:

"Magmar, the Spitfire Pokémon. Its body is like a furnace, making Magmar a living inferno. It has been discovered only near active volcanoes."
Gender: Male
Moves: Ember, Smog, Smoke Screen, Flame Charge
Abilities: Flame Body

Just in case the guy needed backup, I brought out Blaze and had Blaze at the ready in case the guy needed backup because he was at an obvious type disadvantage. I saw that his recently obtained Pokemon trusted him a lot and even took a hit for him, but I wondered how he could let the battle get that far and have his heracross take a hit for him.

I saw that the guy was planning to catch that Magmar, and that was a good plan on his part, but I believe that it would've been better for him to catch it after trying to calm it down a bit first because his plan to try and tire it out would only tire his Pokemon out.


Silver came into the room as Luke Fairik began his speech.

"Hello new recruits my name is Luke Fairik and I'm a Pokémon Ranger General. Today will be the day I give you your first capture stylus and you pick out you Pokémon partner. Choose wisely as this will be a Pokémon who will eventually trust your life with and will be spending a lot of time together. Now being a Pokémon Ranger is very tough you have all passed the test in becoming a Ranger but will you pass the test of actually being one. Ok now go pick you partners and come back here."

Silver felt that Luke's speech was an important part of being a ranger and it should not be neglected, so as to make sure that there was some sort of senior ranger who would be known that the newer rangers could look up to. He couldn't wait for what happened next as he was hyped up to be a ranger, and he felt that he had potential just waiting to be unleashed, but he also looked at the competition he has. Silver went to the Pokemon center and saw the Pokemon that he had been paired with, he saw that it was a Bagon, and he felt that him and Bagon would forge a bond that could not be broken.

"Alright come back here tomorrow morning 7 am to start you first missions for now go spend time with your partner Pokémon don't forget to check into one of the rooms at the Ranger HQ. If you have any questions please ask Sally who is standing near the Pokémon partner room."
Chapter 1- Post 5-Cant beat the heat​

Jackblaze for you battle with Magmar your capture was.....Successful! Congratulations

(OOC: Sorry I have been gone for so long but I'm coming back so no worries!)