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FireRed hack: Pokémon Normal (Build 3.0 RC 2.73 Live Update)

Is there only supposed to be two screenshots? The Eevee - Caterpie and Growlithe - Houndoom?
Is there only supposed to be two screenshots? The Eevee - Caterpie and Growlithe - Houndoom?

Yeah, just to show a small glimpse of the Pokedex rearrangement. I also didn't want to spoil most of the Pokemon that will be in the game. It would be more fun finding out yourself though regular play :) .
I understand you want to use Pidgey for the regional bird. However, I'd still love to see the Doduo line in this game.
This hack looks really nice so far, but one thing I'm not so keen on is the text boxes. They're nice, but I just don't like the dark grey background. It looks especially strange considering the town/route box thing has a white background. It's not a huge issue but I just thought it was worth pointing out. :)
General Small Update

Thanks! On a previous post, I stated that I will change it if people have difficulties with it and it seems that may be the case. I'll change it back to white in that case. And sure classiccartoonsftw, I will make periodic adjustments to the Pokedex :) .

Well, I had a series of small updates such as the Pokedex which was a long repetitive and somewhat boring task, but its completed now. Then I completed the TM list (another long boring task). And now I'll be moving unto the Pokemon data which will take me quite awhile to sort through and iron some things out.

Well, here's a small sample picture of my completed TM list:
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H-H-How could you?!
Y-You replaced Toxic! W-With something so... inferior... How could you...?

I always felt that toxic was an easy way out to stall/HP restore the AI to death since the AI is not that smart, lol (Such as those higher leveled Elite 4 trainers). I'm probably going to increase the accuracy a bit to poison gas. Also, I just did that for a little mix up. Just to give the game a more custom feeling. I also wanted to make less used attacks more known/noticeable instead of having those good'ol attacks that we all know and love. Haha, digging through the database, there were quite a few attacks that I felt could get more usage.

Been supporting your hack from the start! It looks good! Hope beta will come out soon! Because of that, I give you a banner! ;) Give Credit and just say the word if you want a redo!

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Normal (Build 3.0 RC 2.73 Live Update)

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I always felt that toxic was an easy way out to stall/HP restore the AI to death since the AI is not that smart, lol (Such as those higher leveled Elite 4 trainers). I'm probably going to increase the accuracy a bit to poison gas. Also, I just did that for a little mix up. Just to give the game a more custom feeling. I also wanted to make less used attacks more known/noticeable instead of having those good'ol attacks that we all know and love. Haha, digging through the database, there were quite a few attacks that I felt could get more usage.
That's the precise reason why Toxic should be available everytime :D
Been supporting your hack from the start! It looks good! Hope beta will come out soon! Because of that, I give you a banner! ;) Give Credit and just say the word if you want a redo!

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Normal (Build 3.0 RC 2.73 Live Update)


Why thank you! =) It's awesome!
Progress is going good. Currently finished my TM and Pokemon move set overhaul. (90% of the Pokemon have a modified movepool). Now I'm about halfway done with the Pokemon DPPtHGSSBW sprites. Going to be updating the Credit section soon! And make a graphical update to the main post.

First beta will progress up to Pokewood City (3rd Town) just for a little taste of what is to come!
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Sweet! I can see you have the day and night thing working. That's always good, and makes the game look nice. Rearranging the regional dex should be interesting as well. I might try doing that myself actually.

Anyway, good luck :)
This looks great! Although I'm curious as to how you were able to get 247 Pokemon in the regional dex

I had to expand some limiters through a hex editor. :)
The Extended Dex is just the National Dex (rather in this game, an expanded Regional Dex)
Currently College Life have taken over! But progress is still being made! :)
Updates and updated Credit section coming soon!
It's been awhile since I last posted here! Life can be time consuming at times. But, if I seem to be inactive during long periods of times, I am still working on the hack! It WILL get completed. This is one of my lifetime goals, to complete a rom hack! :) Updates coming soon!
It's been awhile since I last posted here! Life can be time consuming at times. But, if I seem to be inactive during long periods of times, I am still working on the hack! It WILL get completed. This is one of my lifetime goals, to complete a rom hack! :) Updates coming soon!
This is a very uplifting update to hear.
Your hack seems very promising. I'll be waiting :)
This game looks really interesting. Love the idea of the legendaries in dungeons!