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FireRed hack: Pokémon Order & Chaos REMASTERED 2024 Complete

Please excuse the question, but you wouldn't happen to have been inspired to this game by some pixel art on DeviantArt, would you?
Because there is another fangame titled Order & Chaos in the making, and yours' story has a few small but noticable similarities to that one's.
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Fakémon are poorly sprited and designed. Honestly if you're going to make a Pokémon ROM hack/fan game, please find an artist who can actually design and sprite said Fakémon properly.
Honestly, this game had so much scope going for it from the intro onward with the whole history dialogue and twin thingy, but upon gameplay it's just awful. The maps feel kinda empty and what even are eco warriors? The fakemon also seem to be hastily done (With the exception of the water starter which is totadile looking more reptilian.)
With help I'm blocking in the poison arena is impossible to find my way to the champion, I find it a shame that this arena and was concept in a hurry and especially made of green in whole
Hey guys, sorry to bother, but I cannot find the move deleter anywhere, I thought it was a good Idea to teach Rock Smash to my starter, it was not.
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I found a bug in the game, the area you spawn in is corrupted and cannot be exited due to corrupted tiles.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Order & Chaos REMASTERED 2024 Complete
Is the OP open to a bug report? I will be taking note of each bug found, and noting whether it breaks the game or not. As such, i shall be doing a full play through to get every pokemon. The PokeDex has some bugs I've already found.
So I'm planning to play this hack, but upon starting the game I found that it didn't give me a gender option. It's not something that prevents me from playing the game, but if there's a way to play a female character I'd prefer to know before I start playing and get far with the male character. Again, not a big deal, I just generally like to play my own gender. Anyone know if you can play as a female?

The storyline revolves around 2 brothers, so I doubt it.
Which stats do the starters excel in? Attack or Special Attack? I don't want to pick a bad Nature for them.
I tried to use the fire red rare candy cheat but the rare candy doesn't show up in my bag. Are there no rare candies in the game?