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Ruby hack: Pokémon Snakewood Version


Gone. May or may not return.
  • 1,030

    OK, so firstly, Snakewood is my first hack. Constructive criticism is welcome, just as long as you don't kill me or anything. I don't claim to be the best scripter, or the best spriter, or the best mapper. It's based, predictably enough given the setting, on Ruby, and catalogues the adventures of the main character (Wraith/Jericho) as they fight their way through a bizarre, slightly insane version of Hoenn that has been invaded by the living dead. Essentially, I've made it because every single mainstream Pokémon game is identical: a shallow plot based around thwarting a somewhat bumbling evil Team, a series of 8 gyms and the league, and then more or less nothing. This one has more plot, more twists, more far-fetched nonsense and a great deal more presence for the player character. It's also, in my own humble opinion, funnier.

    Also, given that this was my first hack, I apologise for the way the scripts/sprites/everything is so bad at the beginning. It does get better as you go through and as I learned, I can assure you. Maybe.

    What I will not apologise for, however, is the Ruby tiles. I realise that basically everyone on the planet despises them with all their heart - but I don't care at all. I use them to make a point, and the point is that it isn't necessary for a game to be pretty. It just needs to have a good story. Now, I'm going to shut up about this before I start writing an essay on the nature of 'story'.


    You awake in what used to be Littleroot town, having no memory of how you got there or even who you really are. It soon becomes apparent however that something very big has happened while you were out: Hoenn has been invaded by an army of zombies.

    Working with Prof. Birch, you set off to find your brother Landon and Birch's daughter May, who have both gone missing in an attempt to find the source of the undead plague. At the same time, you try to uncover your past. On the way you face zombies, witches, demons and the enigmatic Taoist, Gleis, as well as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Hoenn Internal Affairs Army, and, eventually, the architect of all this misery himself: Senex.

    However, it isn't nearly as dark as all that: there are also the cheerfully insane (and improbably numerous) Deadly Seven, the unruffled and cynical Army Recruiters Tina and Bruce, and a psychic dragon's egg. Not to mention a special appearance from the Denjuu universe.

    Features and New Stuff

    • New scripts, new overworlds, new sprites - the usual
    • Exciting new areas, such as the hidden Meathouse, the maddening Island of Calm and the unexpected Hoenn University of Film
    • Several zombie versions of normal Pokémon, two of which are capturable
    • 6 Denjuu
    • An indeterminate number of Fakemon (somewhere between 40 and 50), including a good number of hidden evolutions to existing Pokémon
    • New legendaries, some of which are very, very evil
    • 7(?) Sinnoh Pokémon
    • 5(?) Isshu (or Unova, depending on how much you care) Pokémon
    • Most Gyms have now been destroyed by zombies, and hence Badges are come by in somewhat unusual ways
    • A few type changes for Pokémon here and there.
    • A surprising pet shop run by a certain Count
    • A host of deceitful characters who will do anything to lie to you
    • An unusual and somewhat wandering storyline
    • An enormous number of references to books, films, manga, other hacks and other such things
    • A somewhat darker plot than usual
    • A slightly increased difficulty level
    The type changes mentioned above are as follows:

    Luxio => Electric/Dark
    Luxray => Electric/Dark
    Meowth => Normal/Dark
    Persian => Normal/Dark
    Seviper => Poison/Dark
    Banette => Ghost/Fighting
    Milotic => Water/Psychic
    Hariyama => Fighting/Normal

    There might be one or two more that I've forgotten about... I'll post them if they exist and I remember.

    The Generation Four and Five Pokémon, for those who are impatient/overly curious, are:


    The hidden evolutions are:



    Of course, no hack thread would be complete without screenshots. Literally. I mean, the Powers that Be wouldn't allow it.



    No one likes to admit they're there, but they always are:

    • Some tile glitches in various locations around Hoenn
    • Occasionally, having your emulator on super-speed will cause certain scripts to malfunction
    • There is a part of the introduction that says 'And you are?', which appears to be unremovable.
    • Don't pick berries on Route 114. I have no idea why, but apparently it causes the game to freeze.
    Completion Status

    The game is about 98.2% done. Some secret areas/side areas haven't been made yet, and not everything has a sprite - though hopefully everyone that you'll see in-game does.

    Scripting - Me
    Mapping - Me
    Spriting - 80% Me, 20% the Rkyeet.
    OWs - Me
    Bugfixing - 1158
    And, of course, credit goes to anyone who created a tool or a tutorial that I used; there are probably so many of them I can't count, and every one of them has made this hack significantly easier. Mostly.




    For those stuck on the Boardroom maze:


    For those stuck on the S.S. Cangrejo:


    For those stuck on the Pacifidlog Gym Puzzle:


    For those stuck on the Super Trick Maze in the Necropolis:


    For those trying to get to Gym Island:


    For those who can't get past the crate in the Lilycove Museum:



    I really wanted to call this section 'Awards', but we only have one.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Snakewood Version

    Support Bars

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Snakewood Version


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Snakewood Version


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Snakewood Version


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Snakewood Version


    This one was kindly donated by PEDRO12, and depicts... something. I'm really not sure what. But still, it's good!
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Snakewood Version


    Download below

    Thanks be to 1158, without whom this bug fix wouldn't be possible.

    Also contains a special interview with the Snakewood cast and crew, and a list of achievements to check your completion status against. Red text indicates an achievement that it is not currently possible to get.

    Last edited by a moderator:
    Very good, although i think the name is ... strange...
    anyway do you need help with this hack or not?
    I think this game is excellent. I have a Paras! Please can you tell me what the egg is?
    I think this game is excellent. I have a Paras! Please can you tell me what the egg is?

    I'm glad someone is deriving some measure of pleasure from my efforts. But if you want to find out what the egg is, I'm afraid you'll have to hatch it. Don't worry, it won't take that long - by the time you get to the first Gym, in Dewford, I think it'll have hatched.
    I think this game is excellent. I have a Paras! Please can you tell me what the egg is?
    The egg hatches into...

    Cutlerine- How to get to Dewford? I am searching everywhere and didn't find anything at all...
    Nice hack! It seems I'm stuck though

    Also, I have a question about the egg
    Nice hack! It seems I'm stuck though

    Also, I have a question about the egg

    Give it a water, thunder, or firestone. ;]

    Anyway, great game, however, I ran into a problem.
    I beat the monstrous Norman, then the text glitched and sent me back to my previous save. Made me sooooooooo sad. :[

    Also, to get to Dewford, you need Surf.

    However, Norman was an EPIC battle.
    Yes, Mysteryegg's evolution, Hyperegg, will indeed hatch when exposed to any elemental stone. For a list, see this spoiler:


    I beat the monstrous Norman, then the text glitched and sent me back to my previous save. Made me sooooooooo sad. :[

    Thanks for telling me about that. Right now, I have a desperate need for sleep, but rest assured that I will be fixing Norman first thing tomorrow.

    Also, is the Hyperegg meant to have only 1hp

    Hyperegg does not have only 1 HP. I will fix this first thing tomorrow. Even before Norman.

    Paras, Baltoy, Koffing and their respective evolutions have all had their stats modified to make them more or less equal - though, of course, picking Paras makes the game significantly harder, because it's a Paras. For easiest results, play using Baltoy.

    Thanks to everyone who's reported a bug or glitch; I'll be fixing them tomorrow morning and I'll have a new IPS patch up at some point with everything fixed (hopefully). If you find any more, please don't hesitate to tell me!

    For those of you stuck on the submarine's little puzzles:


    I think that's all for now... Thank you for your continued support. :)
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    I've been awaiting this moment for so long... It's finally up on pokecommunity!
    should I start a Let's play?

    If you like, Rkyeet - you always said you would. There's certainly enough of it to do that with. Perhaps I can offer certain pieces of artwork to add to this? Such as the epic Turmur picture?
    so is this hack complete?, and if you don't mind me asking, do Altaria and Manectric get evos?
    Oh God this hack is SO infuriating! Got wiped by the stupid flying lady, 7x. I like this hack though. I really like the sprites as they did resemble zombies. The story is really good. On the glitch side of things, if you open the menu in the forest, you lose control of the player. Also there's an infinite Potion giveaway in Rustboro. This one I didn't mind much since I couldnt afford any potions after getting destroyed by the flying lady so many times.
    so is this hack complete?, and if you don't mind me asking, do Altaria and Manectric get evos?

    This hack is playable up to the Elite Four, but it is not yet complete. There are sidequest areas that I haven't yet built, and there is a chunk of storyline that comes after the Elite Four that isn't yet done. Altaria and Manectric don't have hidden evolutions (in fact, I think you'll find Manectric's line has been done away with to make room for the Luxray line).

    On the glitch side of things, if you open the menu in the forest, you lose control of the player.

    I know about this one and have been trying to fix it for about six months.

    Also there's an infinite Potion giveaway in Rustboro. This one I didn't mind much since I couldnt afford any potions after getting destroyed by the flying lady so many times.

    Yeah, you've pretty much just said why there's an infinite Potion giveaway. Seriously, you need the Potions and you don't have the money to buy them from Larry the Looter. And I don't think you can get too rich just from Potion-selling. Even if you do, money isn't really an object in Snakewood, as anyone who won either of the two drinking contests will know. ;)

    Finally, new IPS! You can find it back at the first post. This one has a fixed version of the Norman sidequest and a Hyperegg that does not have only 1HP. If you previously had a Hyperegg, please evolve it again (I'm sorry about that). As for those of you who are losing levels due to evolution... well, that happens with all the Pokémon I've edited for some reason. No idea why.

    Also, new screenshots. See first post for details.
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    Finally, new IPS! You can find it back at the first post. This one has a fixed version of the Norman sidequest and a Hyperegg that does not have only 1HP. If you previously had a Hyperegg, please evolve it again (I'm sorry about that). As for those of you who are losing levels due to evolution... well, that happens with all the Pokémon I've edited for some reason. No idea why.
    Open up YAPE and put the same exp. getting rate for the eggs. =)
    How to get that stupid cut? >_<