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[Developing] Pokémon: Thanatos Version


Blizzagon used Arctic Claw!
  • 394

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version

    [a id]intro[/a id]Introduction

    Pokémon, the deep and intriguing creatures that roam this planet, that have kept humans puzzled, for centuries. They engulf this land in mystery, happiness and contemplation.

    They dwell within the abyssal waters of the ocean and soar in the extravagant and capacious regions of the skies. They even walk among us; on our streets, in our fields and even alongside us, in our houses. These creatures transpire before us in all apparition and dimensions. Yet, there are some Pokémon that display far more engaging aesthetics amongst the rest; these are given the title of Legendary Pokémon. They too come in various shapes and sizes; from the small and curious Victory Pokémon to the Creator of us all, the Alpha Pokémon. No one truly understands these creatures nor could we ever hope to.

    Pokémon sometimes appear to us in times of need, in our worst hours, to show that we are not alone and that they too, bare the feelings that we do. Some just show up just to be known, they're independent yet they want their presence to be somewhat more prominent amongst the others. They appear to us with a cry for companionship. These Pokémon, should we choose to accept them, will form a bond with us that is virtually indestructible.

    [a id]azelon[/a id]Azelon Region

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version

    Welcome to the Azelon region, a region of lush forests, crystal clear waters, and above all... the intense Pokémon battles! Like fellow regions, Pokémon trainers must complete the Pokémon League challenge. Seeking out and defeating all eight Gym Leaders. However, it's not as simple as it sounds; these Gym Leaders are known for not being able to stay in one place for a long period of time. These Gym Leaders tend to wander out and about, even away from their own city/town! Regardless, your dream of becoming a Pokémon trainer won't be diminished by a few absent-minded Gym Leaders! Then, once you have conquered all eight Gyms, you must then challenge the Elite Four, followed by the Champion.. the most sought after title in the Pokémon world. The Elite Four of the Azelon region is an oligarchy. These members are all related by blood, and are the descendants of those who discovered the large region. They are the strongest trainers in the land, and won't go down without a fight.

    Finally settling into your new home in the cozy town of Frostpeak, you get a message from your aunt, who happens to be a teacher at the local Trainer's School. She tells you she has a package for your mother, and she wants you to pick it up. Why, you? She hasn't seen her dearest nephew in ages! Your go tell your father about the call, and he explains that your mother is out doing research in the field, and that she has an assistant in the laboratory. He tells your to go on and go pick out Pokémon so you can be protected from wild Pokémon that jump out from the tall grass. After leaving the house and heading to the research facility, you meet the assistant, who gladly tells you that you arrived at an excellent time. She explains various things, and allows you to choose your starter Pokémon!

    After picking up the package and returning home, your mother has finally finished her research. She tells you about a shady group of people that have been spotted around some of the larger places of the Azelon region. She tells your to stay away from them, and to avoid any confrontation. She notices that you have already chosen your Pokémon. She expresses her happiness, and tells you that her assistant has a daughter around your age. She too, was a Pokémon Trainer! She asks you to meet her back at the laboratory and she will give you the rest of the needed materials. Once you return the the lab, she gives you a PokéDex, five PokéBalls, and a PokéTech. She happily tells you that you are now, an official Pokémon Trainer, and thus.. begins your journey in the Azelon region!

    However, everything isn't always what it seems to be. The Azelon has a very deep, dark secret and there is an evil building in the shadows. Will you be able to stop this before history repeats itself and defy destiny to prove to everyone that fate is not set in stone or will you submit to this evil and be consumed by evil?

    Only time will tell...

    [a id]arceus[/a id]Legend of Arceus and the Azelon Region

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version

    Arceus is the Alpha Pokémon, a creature revered as a God among men. As Azelon is very religious, Arceus along with its regional deities are revered in extremely high regard.

    The region itself was discovered nearly twelve hundred years ago by a man from Kalos known as Auguste, whom had been convicted for treason under the King. No one knows exactly why he had been charged with treason, but theorists have speculated it was because he was stealing to support his poor family who had nothing. His crimes did not go unpunished, however. Due to the King's sadistic nature, the man had nearly lost all of his family due to the torturous exploits of the King's prison guards. Once he arrived to Azelon, the immense hatred within him began to manifest.

    Legend says that this hatred drew forth the Deity of Hatred known as Theemos; a being revered as a demon in Azelon mythology.

    Theemos appeared to Auguste as a shadowy being, offering him power to crush the King in exchanged for finding something for him. Having nothing to stop him, Auguste agreed to find the legendary Seething Orb which is classed as a Legendary Artifact. The Seething Orb—in olden days—had been known as a divine instrument; allowing Theemos' demonic powers to surge in strength and unleash his true powers.

    As Auguste hunted for the Seething Orb, Theemos continued to feed off of his immense hatred. Growing stronger and stronger, Theemos forcibly controlled the human to continue looking despite being fatigued and on the verge of starvation. Using his dark powers, Theemos constantly reminded Auguste of the cruel King which eventually blinded the him. Nearly being consumed by his hatred, one thing saved Auguste from his despair; the pure love he had for his lone daughter that had managed to escape, thanks to an inmate. This small glimmer of light had been a vision by the Deity of Love, Astulua. Legend has it that she intervened and soothed the evil desires of those who had captured his daughter. The fact that his daughter was alive allowed Auguste to see the light, which caused Theemos' grasp on the man to falter.

    Now enraged that he had lost control of his human pawn, Theemos and Astulua emerged before one another. Once both deities emerged, it is said that the two fought a brutal battle; one that could potentially destroy the entire region. Deep down, Auguste still despised and loathed the King of Kalos; using this ever-present hatred, Theemos manipulated him once more. This caused a dangerous shift in the battle between the two. Due to Theemos' manipulation, the man continued to seek out the Seething Orb. In an attempt to stop him, Astulua fled the battle in order to seek out his daughter. During this period, Theemos more forcibly warped Auguste's mind with his infinite hatred.

    Nearly a month later, Astulua had found Auguste's daughter and brought her to her father who had been warped by Theemos' darkness. Heartbroken by how low her father had sunk, the daughter pleaded with him to come back to her. A small flame ignited in his heart, causing Theemos' grip to falter once more. Nearly seething that Astulua had interfered once more, the struck Auguste's daughter down right before his eyes. In unison with the twisted energy plaguing his mind, Auguste's emotions got the better of him and caused an absolute mental breakdown. Taking advantage of this, Theemos caused a shift in his mind and warped it to believe that Astulua had been the one to kill his daughter. Unbeknownst to Astulua, Auguste had found the Seething Orb and his now endless hatred for her, caused it to awaken from its dormant stake. In a surge of darkness, the overwhelming energy caused darkness to flood the land and Theemos to emerge in its Divine Forme. Unable to keep up with Theemos' now overwhelming power, Astulua was defeated and hatred flooded the region.

    Legend says that the darkness took on a more literal term, as a solar eclipse began that did not end for nearly six years.

    During this time the native people were suddenly overcome with the same hatred and began to feud among one another. Now with warring people and Pokémon, the Azelon region had been overcome and began to waste away. Using its new found powers, Theemos fed on all of the hatred and used it to seal away Astulua's powers. As Astulua had been the only Pokémon that could have stopped Theemos, the deity was now powerless to stop the rampaging Pokémon.

    Years and years past, and the region continued to fight on with no end in sight. Realizing his mistake, Auguste prayed to the heavens for a way stop to this dreadful war. As if answering his prayers, Arceus appeared before him with one simple question: what was he willing to do? Knowing that Auguste had been the cause of the fighting, Arceus had not been willing to simply fix this outbreak. Knowing what he had done, Auguste pleaded for this to end in exchange for his life; his selfishness had caused this war and his selflessness would be what ended it. The Alpha Pokémon had been pleased by his answer, not only allowing Auguste to live but allowed him to witness a miracle. Bearing an egg, Arceus created Althima. A Pokémon formerly known as the 'Balancer,' the Deity of Truth. Nearly instantaneously, upon its birth and emergence, the fighting subsided momentarily as those who were blinded by their hatred seemed to come around.

    Using this freedom, the native people of Azelon began to diligently search for their savior, Astulua. Arceus warned Auguste that Althima would not last long against Theemos and as such, Arceus gave Auguste one simple item; the Amour Diamond. A beautiful blue diamond in the shape of heart, which caused copious amounts of love to overcome him. Knowing that Theemos would be after Auguste, Arceus heeded the human to seek out Astulua lest Theemos hunt him down and slay him. Upon Arceus' orders, Althima took to battle in order to distract Theemos from Auguste's new pilgrimage.

    An entire year passed before Astulua had been found.

    Althima had been worn down by Theemos and the hatred began to consume the region once more. Just before yet another war could break out, the man finally found the wounded Astulua. Pleading for her forgiveness, Auguste expressed his sorrows and apologized for what he had said to her. Knowing that he could never forgive himself, Auguste offered the Amour Diamond to Astulua. Although she was very weak, Astulua could feel the serene peace within his heart and she genuine sorrow in his voice. Accepting his apology, Astulua prepared to face Theemos once more. As the Amour Diamond merged with her, it began to rejuvenate her. As her power came back to her, the warring people felt the spark within them. Fully restored to her former glory, Astulua took to the battlefield and had been easily able to keep up with a released Theemos' albeit with some trouble.

    Witnessing Astulua come to their aid, the hearts of the people began to fuel Astulua and further determine her will to emerge victorious. Deep within, the diamond within her began reacting to the hearts of the people. In a burst of energy, Astulua emerged in her own Divine Forme and for the first time in ten years, the sun emerged and lit the world in its hopeful light. Now able easily to keep up with Theemos, Astulua not only bested him but the sheer beauty of her Divine Forme ended the fighting of those that witnessed it. Now having no hatred to consume, Theemos was unable to overpower Astulua; Althima even joined in, as the people had been allowed to see through their hatred, allowing them to know the truth. The tides had turned.

    Using their combined power, Astulua and Althima banished Theemos from his Divine Forme while Arceus emerged to take Theemos' Seething Orb from him. Delivering the ultimate punishment, Arceus sealed Theemos' power to absolute zero and locked him away in a dimension where he would never escape. Now that the fighting had finally ended, Arceus decided it was time to finally answer Auguste's pleas. Allowing heavenly light to wash over the land, Arceus blessed the Azelon region.

    Rejuvenating the region by repairing the land and restoring what had been destroyed and rotted away. Dispersing the plague of darkness, Arceus even healed both people and Pokémon whom had been harmed during the war. Althima had also been healed which allowed it to spread its energy among the region, allowing the humans to see the truth of what they had done. Exhausted from her fight, Astulua used what remaining energy she had to allow love and happiness to overwhelm the humans and Pokémon of Azelon. For the first time in ten years, peace had settled down in the region and now that Theemos was no longer a problem, it would remain for centuries to come. Having no more energy inside her, Astulua and the Amour Diamond separated and it shattered into thirty pieces and dispersed throughout the region.

    To this day Arceus still monitors Theemos, keeping a close eye on him so that he may never escape.

    [a id]story[/a id]Story

    The story starts off with a young boy/girl -that being you, the player-, who had recently moved to the region of Azelon from Sinnoh, to escape Team Galactic and its nefarious schemes. The hero, along with their father and younger brother and with their pet Pokémon made an emergency trip to the Azelon region. Of course, this was no randomly selected country. The player's mother—Holly—had just been announced as the official Pokémon Professor of the region.

    Upon the arrival, the player actually blacks out and wakes up in their new room with a worried little brother. After the player gets an explanation, they are free to explore their new hometown known as Frostpeak. Once they player goes downstairs, their father—Knox—greets them and tells them to head on over to the local Pokémon Laboratory where their mother is waiting for them. Before the player can enter, they are greeted by the enthusiastic Dexter. He leads them into the lab where Mulberry is waiting for the player. She happily explains who she is and welcomes the player to the Azelon region! Before the player can receive their Pokémon, Mulberry explains that in his zeal Dexter forgot to recall the Pokémon and lock the back door, allowing the Pokémon to escape. Using this as a bonding opportunity, Mulberry assigns the player to go capture whichever of the starters that catches their attention. She explains that the three starters are known as Purleaf, Lavapho, and Hydrake. Once the player captures their preferred Pokémon, Mulberry is interrupted by Flaire who is curious to see which Pokémon the player captured. After being defeated, Flaire gets huffy and leaves.

    Despite all of that, the player eventually leaves and unites with their mother. Holly is absolutely ecstatic to see her child, happily given them their Poké Dex and several Poké Balls to go with it. Holly explains that though she hadn't intended the player to arrive in the Azelon region so soon, but this all had been planned out save for Team Galactic. Saying goodbye to her child—albeit quite emotionally—Holly wishes her child the best of luck though she warns them to stay away from a shady group that calls themselves Team Nemesis.

    As Holly quickly returns to her shared laboratory, the player is now free to finally begin their journey! Determined to surpass their father whom had been a former champion from the Johto region, the player confidently walks down Route 1. To start off that dream, the player must partake in the Azelon Pokémon League Challenge. The challenge with that is simple; eight Gym Leaders are scattered and strewn about, from the peaks of the mountains to sandy beaches. These Gym Leaders are known for not staying in their gyms. Finding these elusive Leaders only adds even more fun to the journey! What comes next? Defeated the Elite Four and the Champion and claiming the title of Champion!

    However, that won't be such an easy task. While most of the Gym Leaders have a tendency to take it easy on their opponents, the Elite Four members show no mercy. However, recent events have put the Pokémon League on a permanent lock down. Several months before the player arrives, the third member of the Elite Four mysteriously vanished off the face of the Earth. Not only that, the recent attack on the current Champion has the League on extremely high alert. As such, no Trainer may enter the League. Turns out that an Executive member of Team Nemesis is responsible for the attack.

    What secrets will they discover about the Azelon region and about themselves? What will become of the Pokémon League and what exactly does this "Team Nemesis" want?

    [a id]charas[/a id]Characters

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version

    Kevin is the male protagonist of Zircon. He is very stubborn, rude and a bit full of himself for his age. He hails from Jubilife City in the Sinnoh region with both of his parents and younger brother. After his mother, Holly got an offer to be the regional Pokémon Professor of the Azelon region and the bold actions taken by Team Galactic, Kevin and his family left the region. He does not see eye-to-eye with Anabelle, and has a habit of making fun of his fellow neighbor for her southern heritage. Despite that, he and Anabelle seem to get along when the times call for it. He doesn't enjoy working with her, but he cannot deny her strength as a Pokémon Trainer.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version

    Anabelle is the female protagonist of Zircon. She is very peppy, a bit flighty, and she loves to meet new people. Like Kevin, she is from the Sinnoh region, though she is from the small farming town of Solaceon. As such, Anabelle has a very thick southern accent and it is frequently brought up and mocked by both Kevin and Flaire. Despite her bickering, Anabelle seems to be quite fond of Kevin and does not retaliate as harshly as she does with Flaire. Anabelle has a fierce rivalry with Flaire and gets furious when her name is brought up.


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version

    Signature Pokémon: Lavapho
    Flaire is the rude, cocky rival of Zircon. She doesn't seem to like Kevin nor Anabelle very much, and she loves to degrade them any chance she gets. Flaire seems to be reluctant to open up to anyone and has a tense relationship with her adoptive mother, Willow. Flaire is a native of the Azelon region and dreams of becoming the Pokémon League Champion; she seems to have a great distaste of the current Champion. Flaire is also very shady and is known to pop up just before events involving Team Nemesis seem to happen...

    Azelon's Timid Dancer

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version

    Foila is the first Gym Leader that you face on your journey through the Azelon region. She trains the elegant, yet vicious Grass-type Pokémon. She is a very kind yet timid girl, but, she has a large heart. While she isn't in her Gym, she is down at the local hospital working with the sick children.
    Badge: Fragrant Badge

    Wyatt and Electra
    Shocking Duo

    Image(s) Coming Soon
    Wyatt and Electra are the twin Gym Leaders of Jager City, the largest city in the Azelon region. They both assist their father in running his power company, but they have jobs of their own. Wyatt is a professional mechanic while Electra is a hostess at the local bar inside the casino. They both train Electric-typed Pokémon and rely on different strategies to win; Wyatt uses status ailments while Electra relies on luck. Who you battle is determind by your gender; if you're playing as Anabelle, you battle Wyatt and if you choose Kevin, you battle Electra.
    Badge: Discharge Badge

    Bullet Boxing Girl

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version

    Desputa is the third Gym Leader that the player will face on their journey. She is a very curious character, she prefers to spend her time pummeling the sandbag rather than battling Pokémon. She is a temporary Gym Leader who is only replacing her father until he gets over his mysterious illness. Rather than using Poison-type, Desputa uses Fighting-type Pokémon.
    Badge: Thrash Badge

    The Dark Flame

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version

    Buck is the fourth Gym Leader of the Azelon region. He is the younger brother of Flint, a member of the Sinnoh Elite Four. He came to the Azelon region due to the rumors of vast treasures and ruins that had yet to be explored. He uses a combination of Fire and Dark-typed Pokémon; he is also the overseer of the Flarepit Mines.
    Badge: Resolute Badge

    Image(s) Coming Soon
    Phaze is the former Gym Leader of the Dreadfuss City Gym. After her heart condition began to get progressively worse, the League shut down the Gym. Phaze is in the hospital mostly every day but when she has the strength, she likes to visit her former gym.
    Badge: Spook Badge

    Avid Daredevil

    Image(s) Coming Soon
    Leroy is an avid sky diverand pilot. Though is has aged gracefully, it doesn't mean he is going to retire any time soon. Leroy enjoys riding his bird Pokémon high into the skies and diving off of them, parachuting his way down to the ground.
    Badge: Cyclone Badge

    An Elegant Beauty

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version

    Tara is the seventh Gym Leader. She is an elegant Pokémon Trainer accompanied by her lovely Water Pokémon. She uses them to participate in shows and to please the crowds of children with their splashes. Tara is rarely seen in her Gym, she's normally out close to the beaches or any body of water. She is extremely vain and isn't above degrading her challengers. Beat Tara to put her in her place.
    Badge: Mist Badge

    Regal Dragon Tamer

    Image(s) Coming Soon
    Clause is the final Gym Leader of the Azelon region.He is the same age as Flaire, making him a year older than the hero. He is a Dragon Tamer, and has an entire team of angry Dragons at his disposal. Once he is defeated, he will not give the player their badge as Team Nemesis interrupts their battle. The hero must stop Team Nemesis' plot if they want their badge. Once Nemesis flees, Clause will be more than pleased to hand over the badge.
    Badge: Mythic Badge

    Professor C. Holly
    Image(s) Coming Soon
    Claire Holly is the regional professor of the Azelon Region. She is described is aloof and offbeat, she is the best at what she does. Despite her short time in the Azelon region, Holly has made quite a namefor herself. She and Mulberry are the two Professors of the region and they are good friends. Like the rest of her little family, she too is from the Sinnoh region. She was Rowan's star pupil during his golden days and she has learned well. Holly studies the alternate forms and gender differences of Pokémon.

    Assist. Professor B. Mulberry
    Image(s) Coming Soon

    Blanca Mulberry is the assisstant to your mother, Holly. Recently married, she changed her name from Willow to Mulberry. She is far beyond her years and as such, she is professor at the local University. Mulberry studies and teaches about the folklore and legends of the Pokémon. She takes charge when Holly is absent from the lab, along with her young student and adoptive daughter, Flaire. She and Flaire have an extremely tense relationship with one another but Mulberry cares for the defiant girl. Aside from her renowned knowledge of Pokémon, Mulberry is also known for her chronic headaches and battling prowess.

    Team Nemesis

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version

    Team Nemesis is a mysterious group that lurks about in the Azelon region.

    People know about Team Nemesis but pay them no heed. Police reports have been submitted and the Grunts have been labeled as docile and are not hostile in any way. The only dangers about the Grunts are their pranks that border between playful and dangerous. While the Grunts are not a threat to the general public, the Executives are. There are three in total but only two are active. It's rumored that the third Executive was arrested after a failed assassination attempt of the current Champion. The Executives are very hostile and should not be approached under any circumstances. There are many mysterious surrounding the Leader of Team Nemesis
    —however, it seems that he is searching for the Dread Plate, a mystical item that belongs to the Alpha Pokémon, Arceus...

    [a id]feats[/a id]Features

    • A completely new region to explore.
    • 151 new Pokémon to catch, befriend, and train!
    • Pokémon walk alongside their Trainers.
    • Azelon Battle Tournament and the Pokémon World Conference
    • Returning notable characters.
    • Explore other regions by befriending Arceus!
    • New classes for Trainers.
    • Animated Fakémon!
    • Both Pokémon and Fakémon will walk with you.

    [a id]starters[/a id]Starters and New Pokémon

    The Azelon region is full of new and exotic Pokémon to capture, train, and befriend. Three such examples are the starter Pokémon handed out in Frostpeak Town; Purleaf, the Glade Kitten Pokémon, Lavapho, the Magma Seal Pokémon, and Hydrake, the Hatchling Pokémon.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version

    These creatures will accompany you on your journey and they bond, should you choose to create it, will be indestructible.

    [a id]media[/a id]Screenshots and Media

    getting more updated ones

    Thanks to our fantastic composers, Zircon has some lovely new music.

    Gym Themes
    Each Gym will have their own, unique theme!

    [a id]team[/a id]Team

    Ęℓαчиıı - Owner, Mapper, Eventer, etc. (Everything except scripting and composing. )
    Anaklusmos04 - Co-owner, Artist
    SuperiorLarxene - Composer

    Archeops - Pokémon Statistics

    [a id]support[/a id]Support

    If you're looking to support this game, simply copy and paste the text in the hidden code box within the spoiler box!

    However.. if you're not pleased with the ones that I have to offer, feel free to make your own! I will be more than happy to add it to the selection list! If you copy/paste the code, make sure you remove the asterisk in the
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version
    tags! Hydrake will have an updated bar once I get its evolutions sprited!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: Thanatos Version


    [a id]outro[/a id]Credits and Thanks

    Enterbrain - RPG Maker XP
    - Starter kit.
    Game Freak - Tiles, Sprites
    Tilers of deviantART ( Kymotonian, Dewitty, BoOmxBiG, etc.. ) - Tiles
    Wichu - His HGSS NPC/OW charset pack.
    <~.F.M.P.~> - Sprite fixes and general help.
    The Dewitty, Cilerba, Abnegation - General help, putting up with me, spriting tips, and a large source of inspiration.
    Luka S.J - General scripting help
    Daybreak-Machine, Cilerba, Aquakip, Dewitty, and Rashouman - Sprites
    NikNaks - Previous regional map.
    WeselyFG - Custom tiles.
    Saving Raven - Kevin sprite
    Hoenn★ - Animated Lavapho and Hydrake sprites


    I just want to give a massive thanks to everyone who helped me, posted here, and gave me the support I was looking for while making this game! You all don't know how much this feedback really means to me.

    I want to make this a game that you people will enjoy!

    Last edited:
    I really like the looks of this. The story is interesting, and the screens look nice so far. But, is the vs bar going to be animated? If not then I'd suggest editing the background, because it may look weird when not in motion in-game.
    Wow, elaynii, I must say this game looks really promising. The VS. Sprite of the grass gym leader looks great. The only thing I find a bit off is that the story sounds more like a part of a walkthrough, as opposed to an overview, but I'm assuming its to avoid spoilers.
    Last edited:
    I really like the looks of this. The story is interesting, and the screens look nice so far. But, is the vs bar going to be animated? If not then I'd suggest editing the background, because it may look weird when not in motion in-game.

    I'm glad you do. n_n

    As for the VS Bar.. Yes, it's going to be animated. :3
    I've got the Common Event evented for each Gym Leader/Elite Four Member/Champion.


    Wow, elaynii, I must say this game looks really promising :D
    The VS. Sprite of the grass gym leader looks great. The only thing I find a bit off is that the story sounds more like a part of a walkthrough, as opposed to an overview, but I'm assuming its to avoid spoilers.

    Thanks! :D

    The story.. I kind of got carried away, but, I had been looking at the other stories.. I didn't feel like going "ur 12 and its time for a pogeymanz jurny." I wanted to elaborate the beginning a bit. I cut it off, as you said, to avoid spoilers.

    Conan and Karpman, your input means a lot to me.
    Thanks for commenting and I hope this game lives up to your expectations. n_n
    To be honest, not much progress at all. ;<

    I'm still in the process of thinking/designing/spriting the Fakémon that will appear. I do have about seven actual minutes of semi-decent gameplay. :\
    To be honest, not much progress at all. ;<

    I'm still in the process of thinking/designing/spriting the Fakémon that will appear. I do have about seven actual minutes of semi-decent gameplay. :\
    Seven minutes, eh? More then I have on my game.. xD

    Anyway good luck with this. I really wanna play it :)
    I have a few ideas for Fakemon, if you want them. I would make them myself, but I have fail spriting skills.
    Well, I'd love any help I could get. n_n

    Send 'em to me via private message, okay? :D
    I'll try my best on this game, but, for now.. it's in the very, very early stages.
    Thanks for the support! <3
    Well, I'd love any help I could get. n_n

    Send 'em to me via private message, okay? :D
    I'll try my best on this game, but, for now.. it's in the very, very early stages.
    Thanks for the support! <3
    Okay, I'll send a PM now.. I'll just send one evolution line though xD

    Either way, it helps. :D

    Slight Update

    I'm working on the heroine's sprite. Don't get high hopes, I suck at spriting. D:
    Update: The screen has been re-scripted to DS size and coming soon, a dual screen feature! I have also restarted on many of the maps and evented some of the characters once more. Foila's Gym is also being updated; now, I need some user opinion!

    Should I use Erika's gym tiles in this gym? Or would that be redundant?
    Update: The screen has been re-scripted to DS size and coming soon, a dual screen feature! I have also restarted on many of the maps and evented some of the characters once more. Foila's Gym is also being updated; now, I need some user opinion!

    Should I use Erika's gym tiles in this gym? Or would that be redundant?
    *Looks at Erika's gyms' tiles*

    What other tiles would you use?
    This is interesting. Although I can't say anything until I see more. =]
    Thank you, me2hack! n_n

    Also, please welcome HamishG1 to the team as its new mapper! This speeds up our process a bit! Thank you all for supporting it like you have been!
    wow elaynii!
    i didn't know u actually posted a thread!
    that is a great start, i love the way the story begins!
    plus the grass gym leader!

    Btw the ace trainer and country girl are placeholders right?

    Keep it up i am looking forward for more updates!
    Good start but theres a bug in the screenies. Take a look at the text box, theres no spaces. And why dont you too team up and create this game it would make better progress?
    Good luck :)

    Well, I wish you luck on this game. I may help you later down the line, but currently I'm working on my own project. I sure hope you finish this too , not many fan games get finished these days, this looks very promising i hope it can someday become as big as Raptor.
    I vote for Gardinia's Tiles, I think they are more colourful.

    All righty then. :)
    I'll start ripping them immediately. o3o

    wow elaynii!
    i didn't know u actually posted a thread!
    that is a great start, i love the way the story begins!
    plus the grass gym leader!

    Btw the ace trainer and country girl are placeholders right?

    Keep it up i am looking forward for more updates!

    I could've sworn I told you about this thread... D:
    I'm glad you like it though~ n_n

    Yeah, they're place holders. I've got Suri's sprite done, but, it's just the lack of an overworld. o3o

    I'll be sure to keep this game updated! :D

    Good start but theres a bug in the screenies. Take a look at the text box, theres no spaces. And why dont you too team up and create this game it would make better progress?

    Are you talking about the text itself or the actual textbox? o.o;

    As for your other statement, who are you talking about?

    Well, I wish you luck on this game. I may help you later down the line, but currently I'm working on my own project. I sure hope you finish this too , not many fan games get finished these days, this looks very promising i hope it can someday become as big as Raptor.

    Hah, well, let's not compare it to Raptor yet, 'kay? :D

    I'm glad you support it as well.
    I hope I get it finished it too! Thank you! n_n