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[PKMN OPEN] Pokémon: The Retaliators vs Team Rocket (IC) (Rated M)

Kung Fu Ferret

The Unbound
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 1,387
    (Note to mods: this is my first time GMing in a very long time, so please bear with me)

    (OOC thread https://www.pokecommunity.com/posts/10674356)
    Team Rocket has monopolized organized crime beyond Kanto and even Johto. Without Teams Magma and Aqua in Hoenn, Team Galactic in Sinnoh, or Team Flare in Kalos, Team Rocket took over with relative ease. Team Snagem protects Orre, the remaining half of Team Plasma loyal to King N guards the Unova reion, Team Skull and the Aether Foundation are working together to keep the islands of Alola safe, the Manzana Academy has recruited the former members Team Star to protect their beloved Paldea. The Pokémon Rangers of Fiore, Almia, and Oblivia are secure, sending some of their own to help the Resistance in other regions. Giovanni has his eyes set on Galar as his next conquest.

    Are you a Pokémon Trainer, a Pokémon Ranger, perhaps a Pokémon with celebrity status? Regardless, due your incredibly strong sense of justice, skills in the power of The Aura, a possible personal vendetta against Team Rocket, or even the fact that you just want to make the world a better place for people and Pokémon alike... You have been recruited to form a group of heroes known as the Retaliators, who will be a new hope for the world of Pokémon, and be the key to bringing down Team Rocket once and for all!

    You arrive at the Main HQ of Damon Enterprises, in the bustling metropolis of Castelia City, Unova. You will finally see this mysterious figure, a man-made Pokémon known as Mewtwo, and the heir to Damon Enterprises, Eric Damon, after going down the elevator to the lowest basement floor.

    The Retaliators will be a elite group of heroes, each with their own specialized suit and alter ego to hide their civilian identity, going on various missions to defeat Team Rocket so they can never rise again!

    1. @Kung Fu Ferret as Eric
    2. @Orange Taka as Harry
    3. @saniachan as Kaede
    4. @mdebourg101 as Andy
    This RP will feature dark themes, profanity, some blood. Therefore it gets the M rating.
    Players: Your first post will be you arriving at Damon Enterprises, and explaining your backstory somewhat.

    (Eric Damon
    Penthouse Suite, Damon Enterprises, Castelia City, Unova)

    Eric Damon, the heir to Unova's Poké Ball industry, was anticipating the arrival three special new employees to help with bringing down Team Rocket once and for all. He was getting ready for the day. He made his coffee, complete with Moo Moo milk, some Oran Berry syrup, and a pump of chocolate sauce. He drank it rather quickly, while waiting for his secretary to call his Rotom Phone. Eric was wearing a green shirt, blue jeans, and Mahogany colored shoes.

    Then, he got the call from his secretary.
    "Mr. Damon, the three new employees haven't arrived quite yet, but the lab is available for as long as you need." The secretary said from the lobby.
    "Thank you, Michelle, I'll be heading down in just a few minutes." Eric responded, ending the call.

    Suddenly Eric began to panic, remembering that fateful day, and the tragedy that took place those many months ago.
    The memories of the Pokémon stampede that took the life of his beloved girlfriend Peggy, a Pokémon Ranger, flooded his mind. He burst into tears, recalling how Team Rocket caused the stampede, and how his true love died in his arms.

    Eric's Snivy, Peggy's former partner, instinctively popped out from her Poké Ball, and used Vine Whip on her Trainer's face to help Eric snap out of his current state. It didn't leave any marks, but it hurt enough to do the job.

    Eric dried his eyes, hugging Snivy. "Thanks, Snivy. " He said, before returning Snivy to her Poké Ball.
    Eric took the elevator down to the secret lab, and began waiting for the new recruits.

    Yukimura Kaede
    Base CSS by Aquacorde

    • The Main HQ of Damon Enterprises. This had to be the place. Kaede Yukimura, donning her standard Ranger uniform, stood in front of the building with her Alolan Vulpix, Shiron, by her side. It was her most recent mission that brought her here: joining the Retaliators in hopes of taking Team Rocket down. Kaede was filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation regarding said mission.

      To (hopefully) curb the excitement and ease the anticipation, she clasped her hands in front of her chest. Oh, Arceus, the blunette began to pray. Whatever this mission has in store for me, please, help me see it through.

      [Uh, sis?] Shiron pawed at her human (or her "sister" as the Vulpix worded it -- she used to be Shugo's) out of worry. "Oh, sorry, got a bit too excited there," Kaede smiled at Shiron as soon as she finished her prayer. With that out of the way, the two of them entered the building.
    • Pokemon

      Partner: Shiron the Alolan Vulpix
      Spoiler: Details

      Other Pokemon: None at the moment
    • Inventory

      Key Items:
      • Capture Styler
      • Shiron's Pokeball
      • Rotom Phone (for personal use)

      Consumables: None at the moment

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    Andy arrives in Mistralton city with his pokemon, Azurill is the only one out at the moment happily bouncing about as he disembarkes the plane and hails a taxi to Castelia City. While he does take the time to learn a bit of the city, he makes sure not to waste too much time as Mewtwo wasn't one to delay, especially with that analytical once over he gave Andy back in Jotho.

    The taxi ride would take north of 1 hour before they arrive there. Andy then makes his way to Damon Enterprises, enters the building and enters the elevator. As the elevator makes its way down, Andy releases Cherub and Circuit with a little smile , "Well, here we go guys, whatever this mission exactly is, let's do our best to ensure a happy ending for everyone, everywhere. "

    Cherub smiles brightly, ('Of course we will, Andy, we will make sure those black robed meanies don't bother anyone again. ')

    Circuit adds, 'They won't last long against the 4 of us together') the Pichu clearly the most outspoken of the group. Aqua meanwhile would be quiet as the elevator doors open to the basement floor.

    Yukimura Kaede
    Base CSS by Aquacorde

    • A staff soon directed Kaede to take an elevator to the lowest basement floor. Judging from how the staff made sure of her identity beforehand, their boss must have already told them about whom they were allowed to give such information to. Kaede then made her way to the elevator only to find an orange-haired young man in a Stunfisk T-shirt under his lab coat (?), a pair of blue joggers, and a pair of Buneary sandals (so cute!) along with an Azurill in there. The guy then let his Togepi and Pichu out which forced the blunette to pick Shiron up as the elevator made its way down.

      "Well, here we go guys, whatever this mission exactly is, let's do our best to ensure a happy ending for everyone, everywhere," Kaede listened to the young man's pep talk. And honestly, seeing his Pokemon being equally eager made her smile. "Man, it sure would be nice to have more Pokemon with us. Right, Shiron?" still with a fond smile, Kaede mused to which the white Vulpix nodded in agreement.
    • Pokemon

      Partner: Shiron the Alolan Vulpix
      Spoiler: Details

      Other Pokemon: None at the moment
    • Inventory

      Key Items:
      • Capture Styler
      • Shiron's Pokeball
      • Rotom Phone (for personal use)

      Consumables: None at the moment

    Last edited:
    Basement of Damon Enterprises, Castelia City, Unova

    Eric was waiting at the elevator for the new recruits, and noticed there were only two as opposed to three as he initially expected.
    "Greetings, future heroes. I am Eric Damon, the CEO of this establishment. I sense such great potential in both of you. Follow me." Eric introduced himself. "This a top-secret operation, nobody above the basement floor labs knows what it happening down here. Anyway, I'm glad you could make it! The three of us are going to the start of something truly epic. The folks here have already made us new outfits to hide your civilian identities when we go on missions. Yes, we're gonna be superheroes, collectively known as The Retaliators. Team Rocket won't stand a chance! Trust me."

    Eric led them to a table, and sat down.
    Mewtwo was standing there, wearing a black cloak to hide its identity, for now...
    "Welcome, new comrades." The genetically modified Pokémon began speaking. "I assume you know why you have been brought here."
    Eric whispered something into Mewtwo's ear.
    "Alright then." Mewtwo responded, leaving the room for a bit, motioning for Andy to follow.
    "Kaede, you seem, familiar..... Have we met before this?" Eric said. "You see, my old girlfriend Peggy was a highly respected Pokémon Ranger, much like yourself. Team Rocket killed her by starting a Pokémon stampede. I think I recognize you from the funeral. Please correct me if I'm wrong." Eric began clutching a heart-shaped locket that was around his neck. He opened it up, revealing a photo of a beautiful woman with very dark skin, golden eyes, and greenish hair braided into a bun, wearing a Ranger uniform.
    Mewtwo let Andy back in.
    "Sorry about that, Andy. I just needed a few minutes to have a private chat with Kaede about something." Eric apologized, pressing a button at his end of the table, and the three humans in the room were suddenly bathed in a glowing aura for a brief moment.
    "Now you can access your 'super suits.' Sorry, couldn't think of a better name, but you need to channel The Aura within you to... Let's call it... Morph...." Eric explained. "There is a hologram deck down the hall on the right. I will run a few simulations so we get used to your new abilities."
    Andy and his group arrive on the basement floor where a person in a green shirt, blue jeans and brown shoes would promptly introduce himself, "Greetings, future heroes. I am Eric Damon, the CEO of this establishment. I sense such great potential in both of you. Follow me."

    "Pleasure to meet you Eric, the names Andy," he would introduce himself to them both as he follows them to wherever Eric was leading them. Andy would give a few confident nods Kade and her snowpix before Eric mentions that Kaede is familiar. He doesn't have a moment to parse that before Mewtwo, currently in a black cloak , would lead Andy off to another room while the others have a small chat.

    A short time later he, is led back to the others and the introduction continues, Andy not bothering to ask about their chat figuring it was a private matter.

    The whole area is bathed in area for a moment, "Now you can access your 'super suits.' Sorry, couldn't think of a better name, but you need to channel The Aura within you to... Let's call it... Morph...."

    "Morph huh? I guess these 'Aura Suits' are meant to augment our abilities? The only issue I can think of outside of the identity thing is that Lucarios may take extreme offense to this as they are true masters of aura, though perhaps that can be an advantage for us as well."
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    One last ping unless you actually post here

    Yukimura Kaede
    Base CSS by Aquacorde

    • As soon as the elevator door opened, everyone in the elevator was greeted by the CEO of Damon Enterprises, Eric Damon. "I'm Kaede. Yukimura Kaede. It's an honor to meet you," she introduced herself shortly after the orange-haired guy's -- I mean, Andy's introduction as Eric led them to wherever he's taking them to. Plus, since Eric was bound to be her boss (?) in the foreseeable future, Kaede would've bowed during her introduction weren't it for the fact that they were walking (bowing was a quintessential part of Ranseian culture and it would be hard to do so while walking).

      Turned out that Eric led the other two to a table. Kaede took a seat, put Shiron on her lap, and returned Andy's nods before a cloaked someone (Kaede had no idea they were actually Mewtwo) led him away. The blunette couldn't help but to wonder why until she was made aware of Eric's pang of familiarity upon meeting her.

      "I... don't think so?" Kaede tilted her head out of curiosity. Said curiosity didn't last long because Eric immediately talked about his late girlfriend, Peggy, who used to be a Pokemon Ranger like Kaede. And yes, Eric was right about Kaede attending Peggy's funeral, though she didn't even notice the blond man at the time. "Ah, yes, Peggy-san was quite an exemplary Ranger--" the Ranseian Ranger somewhat reminisced only for realization to hit her like a truck. "Wait-- you're her boyfriend?"

      Funnily enough, it was Shiron who actually recognized the lady in the photo kept inside Eric's locket. [Wait a minute, isn't this the lady with a Snivy?] the Vulpix's eyes went as wide as dinner plates. It snapped Kaede from her own shock just enough to respond to her partner, "Yep, the lady with a Snivy." Still, never did she expect to work with her late coworker's boyfriend like this...

      Well, dunno about Eric, but both Kaede and Shiron managed to recover from the sudden reveal by the time Andy came back. Good thing he had some decency to not ask about someone's private stuff. The three humans in the room were then suddenly bathed in a glowing aura for a brief moment. Following Eric's mention of the Morphing process (which apparently involved The Aura somehow) and Andy's comment about it, Kaede questioned, "And how can it be an advantage for us?"
    • Pokemon

      Partner: Shiron the Alolan Vulpix
      Spoiler: Details

      Other Pokemon: None at the moment
    • Inventory

      Key Items:
      • Capture Styler
      • Shiron's Pokeball
      • Rotom Phone (for personal use)

      Consumables: None at the moment

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    Andy would look to Kaede as she sks this, "If one of us would befriend a lucario or even raise one as a riolu, it could help us refine our usage of aura and therefore aid us with future encounters." this all depended on someone finding and befriending one of them before the Rockets do.

    "There is the possibility of Team Rocket using that against as well." perhaps Eric and Mewtwo had already planned around this but it was good for him to note that possibility just in case.

    He then looks to head to the simulation room to get ready for some training exercises.

    Yukimura Kaede
    Base CSS by Aquacorde

    • "Welp, fair enough," Kaede shrugged. She personally found herself easier to form a deep bond with ice-type mons (case on point: Shugo's Vulpix who was also Kaede's partner), but she had no qualms about seeking assistance from other mons -- within the Rangers' guidelines, that is. This, of course, extended to Riolu line as the "true masters of aura" as Andy put it.

      The blunette briefly put Shiron on the table just so she could stand up, then picked the Vulpix up again and headed to the hologram deck.
    • Pokemon

      Partner: Shiron the Alolan Vulpix
      Spoiler: Details

      Other Pokemon: None at the moment
    • Inventory

      Key Items:
      • Capture Styler
      • Shiron's Pokeball
      • Rotom Phone (for personal use)

      Consumables: None at the moment

    Last edited:
    Eric Damon
    Simulation Deck

    Eric was just about ready to start the simulation, but got a notification from his secretary.
    "Oh, looks like some more new recruits are arriving shortly. But I'll get you two started with a quick simulation." Eric typed in a code, and the holodeck simulated a small town somewhere in Kanto. There were a few simulated Rocket Grunts scattered throughout, and a scared little Meowth stuck in a tree, and a young girl crying. "To complete this simulation, you must stop or avoid the Grunts, and find a way save that little girl's Meowth. Also, if you feel you need to 'Morph' please do so somewhere private without any civilian or Rocket eyes watching. I'll be right back." Eric explained.
    Eric called his secretary, "How many new recruits? Oh, two... Send them in, when they get here, please and thank you."
    Eric then clenched his locket. "Peggy, you were gone too soon. One day, I will restore peace and order in the world, just like you wanted."
    A female Gardevoir, wearing a black shirt, a light brown trench coat and a hat of the same color, returned to the lobby, her expression neutral as she looked around.

    Gracidea had found little about this enterprise and the Retaliators during her research, and had actually not expected much from it as she traveled to Unova. But there didn't seem to be any other alternative, the law enforcement in Hoenn having proven unable to stop Team Rocket.

    Then, inside the building, she had met an individual concealed in a black cloak. As a Psychic Pokémon herself, Gracidea had realized he was one as well. But his power was off the charts... There was not a lot of Psychic type Pokémon, in the world, who could be that powerful. Gracidea's sharp mind quickly narrowed the possibilities. The humanoid stance and height... Could it be Mewtwo himself? The Legendary Pokémon, said to have been made by men from Mew's ADN, and who had his fair share of problems with Team Rocket?

    If he was there, that must mean the Retaliators might be the ones who could actually put an end to the criminal organization's existence. Gracidea returned to the entrance, electing to wait here. She was not going to let her hopes rise too much, still, and had yet to see what the others here were made of.

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    Aster Lando

    It had been some years since Aster had joined vigilante movements within Johto after his grandmother's passing. Each movement was small and fleeting. Each forced on the outskirts of civilized society where Team Rocket had its iron grip. Making them little more than annoyances to the criminal conglomerate. Acting through Guerilla tactics to harass the Rockets. Their hit and run methodology saw them steal food, goods, and Pokemon from Team Rocket encampments in an effort to slowly weaken them. A good idea on paper but rather minuscule from the sheer scale that Team Rocket presented. Still, the group that Aster was apart of stood a little longer than most by comparison. Its members more apt at living off the land paired with their nomadic lifestyle made it hard for Team Rocket to simply pin them down and wipe them out. Perhaps it was due to this that Aster gained a level of infamy through his continued effort. His Sunflora mask a signature not only of his justice but of his culture back at Heartroot. The 'Sun Bandit' some began to call him as he was to most conspicuous of his group. The sudden mysterious invite from some underground movement from parts unknown seemed nearly prophetic to the man. At that point, the team he was with was weakening and he knew Team Rocket was growing wise to their movements. Time was always against them. Aster had to take this shot in the dark. Finally doing so when the remainder his comrades pushed him to take the jump. Making him the torchbearer of their dreams and aspirations as his leaving marked that groups dissolvement.

    It still felt unreal. Here he was in some far-off land on an even more far off goal all thanks to some mysterious benefactor. The first thing to strike him about Unova was the smell. The atmosphere of industry and urbanization made him feel bitter. The overbearing buildings of steel and concrete nearly dizzying. Nature had always been his safe space. The fields his area of meditation. He felt almost naked out here with only curated trees on regular intervals giving some mocking recall to his homelands. Sun Subsumer, his Sunkern, gave a small chirp as if to mark feeling the same way. In that way, Aster felt comforted. Able to keep moving forward.

    Aster wasn't one to keep his Pokemon in balls. His Sunkern was peeking out of his backpack taking everything in. His Spinarak at the bottom of said knapsack attempting to nap. His Shinx walking alongside him, as loyal as any hound. Each of these creatures as close to him as his own hands. Knowing them since they were hatchlings he also knew their parents and was there when he released them into the wild once he left his home village for good. His first act of rebellion perhaps being when he went on a wild bend of releasing all the Pokemon on his land to avoid letting Team Rocket have them. In retrospect Aster sees his actions as petty. There was surely a better way of having handled things but the smile that memory gives him has its own value he likes to think. He was sure it was the right call and could only hope his ancestors understood.

    Soon enough, Aster reaches Damon Corperation. Simply peering at the massive building from under its shadow. Much like that choice he made years back at his village he felt this moment to be a milestone in his life. The smells, the sounds, and the feelings in that moment he bottled up in his gut as to entomb this moment in his memory. He heads in.

    To onlookers, Aster appears like a man that nature had attempted to eat. His gaze sharp and focused on his surroundings as he took everything in with the meditative caution a ranger would have. His posture like a loaded spring that might bounce at the slightest notice. Aster himself not noticing his own uptight expression that had simply grown on like a stone weathered by time. Seeming out of place in this urban jungle. Indeed, his own attire gave that much away as well. Suited up more for a hike then a casual stroll. Beyond pieces such as a utility knife, a water gourd, and fire-stone starter he had a rather distinct lasso. The kind made to wrangle beasts such as Tauros. His arms seeming built for the task. For those that had aimed to recruitment him had likely heard the tales of him instead using it to wrangle Team Rocket Goons.

    He ends up standing post by where the Gardevoir is. Giving a quick nod of acknowledgement in their direction as he simply waited to see what was to come. His Shinx dutifully sitting down with a poised gaze at the man. If anyone knew anything about Sunkern they would find that Aster's clearly is larger and more developed then most.
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    Yukimura Kaede
    Base CSS by Aquacorde

    • You gotta be kidding me, right?

      Seriously, Kaede couldn't believe her eyes as soon as the simulated situation came to life. A little girl crying for her Meowth who got stuck on a tree sounded like something a fresh graduate from the Ranger School could handle weren't it for the Rocket grunts getting in the way. But the point of this simulation was to try this "Morph" thing out, right? That's what she would've done hadn't the need for somewhere private to do so prevailed over the morphing itself.

      So now the resident ranger checked out a rickety, abandoned shack nearby in case it was private enough for her (and maybe Andy's) morphing needs...
    • Pokemon

      Partner: Shiron the Alolan Vulpix
      Spoiler: Details

      Other Pokemon: None at the moment
    • Inventory

      Key Items:
      • Capture Styler
      • Shiron's Pokeball
      • Rotom Phone (for personal use)

      Consumables: None at the moment

    Last edited:
    Apparently, the 1st training exercise was to get a Meowth out of a tree without being caught by the Rockets. Of course, Kaede and Andy could just fight the Rockets as well however, Andy isn't looking to engage in combat with the Rocket Grunts if it can be avoided. Andy's pokemon are still just babies and who knows what the Rocket grunts are packing, even though it's a simulation.

    There is also the possibility of Aura overuse, which may bring about complications. At the same time , it may be better to use the morph thing now then having to do it in a real battle.

    As such Andy would look to follow Kaede into this shack to morph for the first time.
    @Kung Fu Ferret @mdebourg101 @Fact Checking Gardevoir @TheMadIceCream @Alex_Among_Foxes

    Yukimura Kaede / Sherry Ruth
    Base CSS by Aquacorde

    • Thankfully, the shack looked safe enough. Kaede quickly got first dibs on a corner inside the shack. If she remembered correctly, Eric mentioned something about aura channeling... right? Kaede decided to try channeling her own aura despite not knowing how...

      It took quite awhile for the blunette to bask in her own aura before emerging with an entirely different appearance. She was now a redhead sporting a boyish short hair instead of the long, blue hair she used to have. Her Ranger uniform was also heavily altered: the red parts turned lilac, the gold parts turned light blue, the shorts are now knee-length (as male Rangers typically wore), and her Capture Styler now looked more like a watch with matching colors than a Styler.

      Back on the field, the redhead and her white Vulpix made a mad dash to the tree where the Meowth was stuck at. She probably could just climb the tree-- wait, no, she first needed to make sure the Meowth was, at least, not hostile to her before actually rescuing them. And if she got ambushed by a grunt? She might need her Vulpix to distract the grunt's Pokemon while she's capturing them with her Styler (the Ranger lingo might be a bit confusing to trainers, by the way).
    • Pokemon

      Partner: Shiron the Alolan Vulpix
      Spoiler: Details

      Other Pokemon: None at the moment
    • Inventory

      Key Items:
      • Capture Styler
      • Shiron's Pokeball
      • Rotom Phone (for personal use)

      Consumables: None at the moment

    Last edited:
    Marcus's arrival at Unova was uneventful. After getting off the plane, he made his way on foot to the city of Castelia, where he spent a moment re-familiarizing himself with one of his favorite regions from his traveling days. Though there was little to be excited about now under the circumstances that brought him here. He would be arriving at Damon Enterprises unannounced and not entirely sure how anyone already there would receive 'someone like him', especially without prior warning that he would be coming. It was a 'lucky break' (according to Shade, his Weavile-turned-Sneasel) that they even found out about the forming resistance in the first place. But that's what happens when the people tasked with delivering a private message to an unknown party turn out to be incompetent, they end up delivering it to the wrong person. Whoever the intended recipient was, they should feel honored that Shade demanded that Marcus inform the deliverer of the error and send them off again to find the right person...

    Upon reaching the entrance to the Damon building, Marcus retreves two of his now-only three Pokeballs from his trenchcoat and summons Shade and Swindle (his shiny Thievul-turned-Nickit) as a means of final preparation. He bends down to greet them.

    Marcus: Well, we're finally here... I certainly hope this doesn't turn out to be a complete waste of the time we could be spending hunting down the bastard who stole the rest of our family.

    Shade: (Pokemon noises) Don't say that! I know things'll work out! These people have just as much reason to stop those cretons as we do, plus they're rich, which means more resources, more eyes, more info! You were always the one telling us to work together to achieve victory, so now it's your turn to do the same, you know? (she says with a half-hearted grin on her face)

    Marcus: You know full well that working together with my kind isn't anything like you working together with other Pokemon. That the only reason I'm even getting involved in the first place is because those misserable bastards started it by stealing the others... *Sigh* But I understand your point... And I know full well what happened the last time I didn't heed the advice of someone I care about... (He says as tears begin to form) *Deep sigh* I take it you're still on board with this plan too, Swindle?

    Swindle: (Happily grins with his approval) (PN) Do you think we could spend some time in the city after we get all settled in? I'm sure I can 'scrounge up' a Razor Claw for our dear Shade.
    (A twinkle almost visible in his eye)

    Marcus: Maybe later on, Swindle, but the last thing we need right now is for you to 'scrounge up' any more trouble for yourself or for the rest of us.

    (I already know what His answer to this question is, so to avoid any more unnecessary headaches, He can stay in His ball for now...)

    Marcus retreats to a nearby alleyway and hides himself behind a dumpster. "How humiliating" (he mumbles under his breath) He sets Swindle and Shade to stand watch, then removes his black backpack and retreves the clothes within. He removes most of his clothes down to just his black pants, then begins putting on his new outfit... He starts with replacing his purple long-sleeved undershirt with a short-sleeve neon rainbow shirt, his long dark brown trenchcoat is replaced with a very stand-out cosmic-colored zip-up jacket resembling a hoodie, his long dark brown boots are switched for much shorter black ones, his brown fingerless gloves are replaced by shorter full-fingered dark purple gloves, a white hood goes over his royal purple hair, then at last he pulls out a hi-tech Fox-eared mask, his 'new identity' John Keaton, residing within... He dons the mask in place of his void black sunglasses, powers up the lighted face, stuffs his old outfit into the backpack, then gestures for Shade to take her place on his shoulder, scoops up Swindle into his arms, leaves the ally, and enters the Damon building.
    After a long ride in the backseat of a black SUV glazed with wax, polish and shine, a member of the Retaliators walks out of the driver's seat, and lets out a Pokémon thought to be extinct: an Armarouge, and a shiny at that. Her burning blue eyes, alongside her polished bronze Auspicious Armor, make a shining impression on the other members that have arrived. She bows in thanks to the driver, before heading inside to the others.

    Thinking upon her life, how she was once a trainer's prized Pokémon before getting released and eventually trapped in a Tera Raid Den, made her cringe. What if they were to abuse her, just like her old trainer once had? Shrugging off the thoughts, she looks around at the building, when a unknown psychic presence that rivals her own in strength and experience comes within her awareness.

    Fearing hostility, she withdraws her Aura unto herself, concealing her own presence from the stranger. As she hasn't eaten since dawn, she looks around, looking for some kind of food to eat. She knows, though, to keep herself concealed, despite her hunger...
    As Marcus, now 'John', enters the Damon building for the first time, he is greeted by the sight of two Pokemon seeming not to be getting along very well. One he recognizes immediately as a Gardevoir, wearing a rather nice trenchcoat. The other, meanwhile, he does not recognize at all.

    Swindle: Get a load of that shiny armor! I bet that would be worth a fortune! (his eyes begin to shine like a Sableye)

    Shade: And those eyes... They're stunning! Don't you think so, Ma-

    Shade catches her words in her throat, remembering not to reveal her master's true identity.

    Shade: Er, don't you think so, 'master'? (she says with a shaky attempt at a smile, Shade has never called him that before, and it's not easy to hide her embarrassment.)

    Swindle: I'd say 'master' is more interested in the Gardevoir in the silly hat. (he says with a smirk)

    The shiny Nickit's remark about the Gardevoir's hat causes her to gaze at him. Anger rises in her heart as she briefly stares down at the little Pokémon with a glare that could freeze.
    To which the small fox responds by only continuing to smirk at the Gardevoir, showing no fear of being harmed.

    Keaton finally speaks to break up his Pokemon's chatter.

    Keaton: First of all, I am nobody's 'master', and second, if you two speak any louder, the whole building's gonna hear ya! Not that I mind a welcoming party, just as long as it doesn't end with the lot of us getting tossed, okay? (he says this while shooting his team a thumbs up with his free hand)
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    Christina Wayfar - Enter Agent Z37

    Damon Enterprises building - ground floor - Lobby / Reception

    Christina Wayfar has been hiding out along the outskirts of the city of Castelia in the Unova region. It had taken her a while to get her bearings after her escape from the Team Rocket facility. Christina was hiding out among abandoned buildings, warehouses and factories. Now that the time has come she made her way into the city, disguised as a black haired woman, wearing winter cloths, and a heavy overcoat. As she entered the city she was bombarded with the sounds and sights of the bustling city, it didn't take long for her to locate the Damon Enterprises building she was invited to.

    While the Gardevoir and Nikkit were settling their differences, Christina entered the building, she noted the slight tension between the nikkit and the rather interestingly dressed Gardevoir, she approaches the receptionist counter, opting to avoid a confrontation at the moment, though she recentered herself, avoiding the dark type Nikkit and Sneasel. upon getting to the receptionist area she speaks calmly, "Hello, I'm Christina Wayfar, I have a meeting with Mr. Eric Damon." she says glancing back at the conversation behind her, being aware of both sides of the conversation but not saying anything... not yet. She seemed at least a little nervous around such a unique group as the ones she encountered in the Lobby.
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    Damon Enterprises Building, Basement floor, office space near the holo-deck.

    Eric was now on his Rotom Phone, communicating with an officer of the International Police, who kept referring to Eric as Wild Heart, which was Eric's codename from when he briefly worked with them.
    "Wild Heart-- I mean, Eric, I know we've had our differences, but please. We need your help. None of us have heard from Looker and Anabel ever since they followed Team Rocket to the land of Kitakami three days ago." The officer said.
    "I'll help, but do you mind if I bring some colleagues along?" Eric said.
    "We already know about the group you're forming.... Was it called The Retaliators?. Your secret identities are safe with us. We're gonna need all the help we can get." The officer replied
    "Glad to hear. I'll tell the recruits immediately." Eric responded. "I need to get going." He hung up, turned the simulation off on the holo-deck, and sent a message over the intercom "Retaliators, we have our first mission! Meet me in the big office near the holo-deck!"

    Before any of the others entered, Eric remembered about the crystal lake in Kitakami. "There are stories of people who went to that lake and spoke to the dead." Eric thought. "That means I might be able to speak to Peggy again! Arceus knows I could really use her advice and support by now. She was gone too soon...."

    Meanwhile, the receptionist led the new arrivals that weren't currently on the basement floor to the elevator. "Mr. Damon is at the very bottom floor. Good luck!" She said.