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[PKMN OPEN] Pokémon: The Retaliators vs Team Rocket (IC) (Rated M)

Christina Wayfar - A brief briefing​

  • Christina looks towards Kaede and nods though has a slight tilt of her head at the san addition to her last name, but soon moves on from it, she didn't mind, it was just an unexpected thing. her attention turns back to Eric, hearing out Kaede's earlier request and idea, she nods. "I wouldn't mind doing some practice in this, holo-deck you mentioned, would be good to see what we all can do and get to know each other in a mission setting, that way we at least feel comfortable working together" she says with a nod, though she had no idea about the Aura suits or what they did exactly, "as far as the aura suits, what are those... exactly?" She asks with a curious tone.
    • Black Overcoat
    • x2 Oran Berry
    • x2 Pecha Berry
  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: The Retaliators vs Team Rocket (IC) (Rated M)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq4MoUMKOTE
Tal did not really know where Ransei was, either. But he made a mental note to look it up later, maybe do some very basic research, rather than continuing to pester Kaede about it. Besides, they had bigger problems to deal with than world geography.

Luckily, Damon snapped out of his fugue without more external intervention. Tal's face was grim and concerned as he said "I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences." The many people lost to Team Rocket was exactly why it was so important to stop them. And surely many others had trauma stemming from the criminal organization's fiendish activities. As Christina spoke up, he frowned and said "People typically don't have voluntary control over something like a flashback" he said, a touch defensively. Damon clearly didn't mean to check out. But still, he partially agreed with Christina's point. Experiencing these kind of triggers would put Damon, and everyone else, in danger if it happened on the battlefield. Perhaps it would be best for the boss to manage things from a distance, rather than be on the front lines. "Do you plan to fight with us, Sir? I would hate to put you in a situation that may be...retraumatizing."

The information was more helpful. Having a list of wild pokemon in the area would be the most useful. Unlike trainers with their teams, as a ranger, Tal most often relied on what he could capture locally. It always made him feel more in sync with the environment, but it also meant needing a good understanding of the region. Rescung two police agents would be hard enough, the addition of more prisoners and hostages would only complicate matters.

He nodded at the discussion of more training. It could only help. And he was also curious what an aura suit was, though luckily Christina had already asked that question for him.

Christina Wayfar - The boss' condition​

  • Christina turns her head to Tal, listening to his statement of 'People typically don't have voluntary control over something like a flashback' She was going to say something else but hears Tal's response to Eric's question about joining them in the fight and nods, "of course no one has control over flashbacks, but I do agree with Tal, none of us would want to put you in a situation that would be equally or even more traumatizing, if it's more comfortable for you to coordinate everything from here or from a remote location that might be more suitable for the moment... it's obvious what happened is still... quite fresh"
    • Black Overcoat
    • x2 Oran Berry
    • x2 Pecha Berry
  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: The Retaliators vs Team Rocket (IC) (Rated M)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq4MoUMKOTE
@Kung Fu Ferret @Ranger_Lark @Typh @Alex_Among_Foxes @Fact Checking Gardevoir

Yukimura Kaede
Base CSS by Aquacorde

  • Regarding information about the land of Kitakami as well as its native Pokemon, Kaede figured it would be handy. After all, Pokemon Rangers typically relied on any Pokemon they could locally find for their work in addition to their own partners, though Kaede herself had no qualms about fighting warrior-style -- more or less like a trainer but only with one Pokemon (in her case, Shiron) per battle -- when the situation called for it. But still, Eric probably would need some time to send the list over, so it had to wait.

    And then curiosity ensued on Christina's part regarding the Aura Suits. She did ask the question, yes, though Tal also looked like he was curious too. "Aura Suit is, well..." Kaede scratched the back of her head while trying to figure out how to explain it. "Let's just say it's our super suits. I do think it has something to do with the Aura..." she looked to Eric for either more explanation on the suit or permission to show everyone her Sherry Ruth persona (or even better, both)...

    ...only for her expression to soften upon hearing Tal and Christina suggesting that Eric should manage things from a safe place away from the battlefield. If Kaede remembered correctly, Peggy's passing was, like, about two years ago or so (she did attend her funeral, after all), but it seemed like the induced trauma was still fresh in Eric's mind even now. "You know what, Schafer-san is right," the Ranseian Ranger mused before actually assuring the boss, "Don't worry about us, Damon-sama. We can handle the bulk once we get there." Her snowy fox buddy nodded in agreement.
  • Pokemon

    Partner: Shiron the Alolan Vulpix
    Spoiler: Details

    Other Pokemon: None at the moment
  • Inventory

    Key Items:
    • Capture Styler
    • Shiron's Pokeball
    • Rotom Phone (for personal use)

    Consumables: None at the moment

With Marcus's growing frustration at the meeting seeming to be going nowhere, and even worse, the thought that people would prefer their leader to sit on the sidelines telling them what to do without taking any personal risk in the fighting, his hand begins to twitch and slowly move up to his mask, feeling an internal burning need to take it off and have a go at all the people he'd supposedly have to work with in order to have even a chance at finding his family again... But as his fingers began to brush against one of the securing clasps, 'Keaton' fought through just one more time, causing him to lower his hand again and prevent a possible insident. Keaton then finds a moment of pause in the room's chatter to speak.

"This deliberation seems to be getting us nowhere quickly. And since you're all more than likely going to find out about this at some point or another, I might as well just say it...
I wasn't invited here like the rest of you were. In fact, the only reason I'm here at all was because of a mistake made by one of the messengers tasked with locating another of the people for your group. I don't know why messenger thought I was whoever that person was, but I read about your efforts to put together a team with the goal of wiping out this blight upon our countries, and I... (There is noticible hesitation in his muffled, semi-robotic voice, and he clenches his fists together tightly while his two Pokemon watch with sorrow on their faces)
I... (He sighs heavily) I'd rather not go into exactly why and how I know them any further, but I can sum it up with this. Those bastards stole something of immense importance to me. Something I value even beyond my own life... They stole half of the only family I have left, and crippled two of the three remaining members. My Pokemon team... My family... I tried to hunt them down. I tracked the one directly responsible all the way from Galar to Kalos. But I lost the rat bastard's trail somewhere in the city of lights... If I am not wanted here, then I'll go back to hunting them down on my own. But even if I were at my best, with my remaining team at their prime, as much as it hurts to admit it, I'm not capable of taking them all on alone. Doing so would only risk the others getting taken captive as well. Something that I will not let happen, even if it costs me my life... So that's it, then... That's why we came here unrequested, because while I'm sure that on my own, what remains of my team and I could cause some considerable damage to their organization, but that's not enough. Not for the ones who were stolen, and absolutely not for me. For what they did, if they- (He cuts himself off and fiddles with a small dial near the base of one of his mask's ears) That's... Irrelevant. (He looks directly at Mr. Damon) My name is John Keaton, and no one wants to see that team be burned to the ground more than I do. Er, not to say there aren't others who might feel equal disdain for them, just not more than me. (His mask's 'mouth' shifts into a cheeky smile) And me and my family (his Pokemon walk over to be at his feet as a symbol of unity with their master) will serve your cause, if you'll have us."
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Christina Wayfar - Revealing of Secrets​

  • Christina listens to Marcus' confession, and goals, she nods, nodding his own goals and objectives, she nods. "I can't really complain, if you wanna stick it to Team Rocket, I have no problem with you joining up and working with us... since we're being honest and revealing secrets... well I have one myself... some of you may be wondering what I am, seeing as I don't have any pokemon with me... well" she sighs, not sure how they would react but straightening herself out "allow me to shed some light on the situation" *she says as she does, she glows a pale purple color*

    the transformation was rather quick, but none the less spectacular and strange, her human features changing slightly, her black hair poofing and turning white with redish tips, two zoroark like ears poke out of the top of her head covered in white fur and her hair almost explodes out having the same texture, shape and volume as a hissuian zoroark, her canines are revealed poking just a little out from under her lips and her nails are longer, forming claws, her eyes reflect like golden pools. lastly she's wearing a white and reddish kimono that gave a ghostly feel to her ensamble, the black overcoat still rested over her shoulders. as she blinks and shows them her true form as a bunch of hair falls over half her face, only revealing one eye.

    after this change she sighs, "I was a trainer... in hoenn actually, and I was a good one too, though when Team Rocket game to the region, their agents kidnapped me from my home... and they... well did this to me... experiments that bonded my DNA with that of some kind of Zoroark... so yea... I am a hybrid... I'm both trainer and pokemon" She explains taking her overcoat off, and looking at the rangers specifically, "and please don't try to use your styluses on me... I would rather not find out what they or what pokeballs do to me in my condition" she says before returning her story, "I'm here cause I got helped by some agents that were from this group and invited to join... I'm here for revenge and to stop Team Rocket from making more people like me"
    • Black Overcoat
    • x2 Oran Berry
    • x2 Pecha Berry
  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: The Retaliators vs Team Rocket (IC) (Rated M)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq4MoUMKOTE
Tal listened curiously to the explanation. So Aura suits were some kind of super suit? He oped he would learn more, but then the man- John Keaton, apparently- spoke up with a particularly serious revalation. Tal found himself sympathizing with the story. Who among them could say they hadn't lost something precious to Team Rocket? Those villains tore apart families, destroyed teams, and ruined lives. "I can't speak for the group" Tal said, tone serious. "But it seems to me we are all on the same page. We want to destroy Team Rocket. Whether you were officially invited or not, I see no reason to turn away an ally and refuse your help. None of us can do it alone, and Team Rocket is incredibly powerful. We'll need all the combined strength we can get to put a dent in their operations."

If John's secret was a surprise, Christina's was a shock. Tal stepped back when she transformed, eyes wide, mouth hanging open. They had never seen a hybrid before. They were fascinated- but as she spoke, also horrified. What kind of strange experiments was Team Rocket running? How many people and pokemon were being hurt or abused in such ways. And that didn't look like a normal Zoroark. It could have just been an effect of the odd genetics, but that resembled old legends from Hisui. How had Team Rocket gotten their hands on such ancient DNA?

When she looked to the rangers and mentioned stylers, Tal raised his hands in an innocent gesture. "Of course, if that's what you want." Tal didn't think stylers hurt pokemon, but there was no telling how they might react oddly to a hybrid. And besides, she wasn't a wild pokemon, she was a person. But most importantly... she had already been kidnapped and used by Team Rocket. Even if the stylers and pokeballs were completely safe, Tal didn't want to make someone who had gone through that kind of trauma feel trapped or captured again, or disrespect her wishes. Tal himself was feeling a little out of his depth. He was a pretty good ranger, if he said so himself. But he was just an ordinary ranger, at the end of the day, with no special powers or history. He hoped he'd be able to keep up and be useful to the group.
Gracidea had stayed silent as Keaton explained the reason of his presence, watching him with a somber look. Another, unsurprising example of how low Team Rocket was ready to go... When Christina had revealed her true form, the Gardevoir's hunch on something amiss was proven right. Somehow, they had found a way to turn humans into Pokémon. This was troubling news... What over Pokémon would they be able to turn humans into ? What if they turned themselves into some of the most powerful Pokémon ?

She shook her head. That would be an issue to be dealt with later. Hearing the mental reactions of some of the others to the human-Zoroark, one especially caught her attention. Leaving her seat, she stopped right in front of Tal and glared at him.

She is not a wild Pokémon, eh ? She is a person. So, what does that make me ?

Arms crossed, the Gardevoir stared at him coldly. That had rubbed her the wrong way, with her own story of having her case and job ripped from her hands after she found herself on her own, due to being a Pokémon. She had sent her mental words to all around her, as if challenging them about this as well.
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@Kung Fu Ferret @Alex_Among_Foxes @Typh @Ranger_Lark @Fact Checking Gardevoir

Yukimura Kaede
Base CSS by Aquacorde

  • Before Eric could respond to any suggestions thrown at him, more revelations ensued -- specifically from Keaton and Christina. For Keaton, while he still hadn't showed his face or anything, he clearly was stressed out from having some of his Pokemon stolen by Team Rocket. Why, Kaede herself would freak out if she lost Shiron this way.

    And in Christina's case, she turned out to be this... half-Zoroark? She did look like a Hisuian Zoroark cosplayer except with more than just appearance -- her illusion ability would've been quite a sight to behold weren't it for the way it was acquired. And yes, Team Rocket was to blame for this as well. So much that Kaede covered her mouth with her eyes widening in shock.

    "Keaton-san... Wayfar-san..."

    Sighing as she tried to get the shock away, Kaede turned to Eric, "See, Damon-sama? You're not the only one with bad blood with Team Rocket." She then addressed the trainers (and in one case, former trainer) in the room, "I wasn't there when all those things happened to you all, but we're all in this together."

    However, just when the blunette was about to address Christina's desire to not have stylers used on her, the Gardevoir from before (Kaede still hadn't caught her name yet) suddenly got all snippy with her fellow ranger. "Whoa there, Gardevoir-san," Kaede placatingly raised her hands. "I dunno what's going on with you, but can we all please cool our heads?"
  • Pokemon

    Partner: Shiron the Alolan Vulpix
    Spoiler: Details

    Other Pokemon: None at the moment
  • Inventory

    Key Items:
    • Capture Styler
    • Shiron's Pokeball
    • Rotom Phone (for personal use)

    Consumables: None at the moment

Tal was a little taken aback as the gardevoir suddenly addressed him. What was she saying? He hadn't even said those words- Did she read his thoughts? The idea made him uncomfortable- it felt invasive, to have someone poking around in his mind. Years of having to work with others- humans and pokemon, often upset or scared- let him put aside his own defensiveness for a moment. Looking back on his own thought, he could see why it would be upsetting. It would hurt his feelings too, if someone implied he wasn't a real person. He had worked with Pokemon a lot, and many weren't like this Gardevoir. The mareep that his parents herded certainly weren't, and a lot of the pokemon he rescued as a ranger acted more like animals than humans. But Pokemon could vary in intelligence, and it was always important to treat them as individuals.

He raised his hands. "I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. Or, rather, I didn't express myself well. Pokemon are worthy of respect- I truly believe that, as a ranger." He knew it could vary, but sometimes he felt rangers could be even more aligned with pokemon than trainers, some of whom seemed to think pokemon were tools to be used or dominated. "Stylers don't capture like pokeballs do. They simply convey the ranger's intentions to a pokemon. When I use a styler on a pokemon, it tends to be for the pokemons own safety." It could range anywhere from pet skitty stuck in trees, to rescuing pokemon from a natural disaster like an earthquake. "Or to work together with them". He had befriended mudkip and buizel to put out fires. It made wild pokemon feel more like his neighbors. "I simply meant that, well... I wouldn't really have to use a styler to get my intentions across to someone like Christina, since we could communicate in words. Something that's possible for you as well, but not always with other wild pokemon. I have some practice talking with pokemon as well. But, well... it's not always feasible." Sure, an intelligent phsycic type like her was in a different league compared to gogoat wo got their heads stuck in fenceposts.
After Keaton's near loss of control, the room erupted with commotion. First, he watches one of the strangers from the lobby turn into some kind of Fox girl, then the Gardevoir in the overcoat stands up and starts staring daggers at one of the rangers for some reason. After the room settles down a bit, he begins to speak.

"First of all, I thought I was going to be the only Fox-faced one in this group. (His mask shifting into a smirk) And second, why are you all staring at the Gardevoir? Better yet, why was the Gardevoir staring at that ranger to begin with?"

Realizing that Marcus was unable to hear Gracidea's question, Swindle and Shade glance at one another before Swindle quickly nods. Shade then carefully climbs up Marcus's back so she can whisper what Gracidea had said into his mask's audio receptor. Keaton then makes a slight nod in understanding before adjusting himself so Shade can once again stand on his shoulder and 'speak' for those who choose to let their minds do the talking. Keaton then resumes speaking.

"I should start with an apology. I now know thanks to my lovely Weav- (Shade jostles a bit to keep him on track) Thanks to Shade here for reminding me of all your names. I now know why Gracidea was glaring at Tal. My apologies for not remembering your names, it's not personal, I just haven't had to keep track of any names, with the exception of those in my family, for quite some time. Then there's the matter of Christina's new lo- (Shade once again gives him a jostle of disapproval) Christina's transformation. If you're concerned about me trying to catch you, there's no need to be. I gave up catching Pokemon years ago after I added the last member of my family onto the team. (Unbeknownst to Marcus, a look of unease passes over Shade and Swindle's faces at the mention of the 'final' team member) Ever since then, I've done nothing but release Pokemon I'd held in storage for years. That's why I call the members who were stolen from me 'the other half' of my family. I only have the six. Oddly, you said that your DNA was mixed with that of a Zoroark, but you look nothing like the Zoroark I once had nor the few I've seen in my travels. I wonder if the white colors come from your human side... Regardless, I don't even have any Pokeballs on me that aren't already occupied."

Keaton then turns his attention back onto Gracidea and Tal.

"Now, I'm not exactly the best at paying attention, but even I could've swore Tal here never said that. Out loud anyway. I've had the great pleasure of partering with a Gardevoir some time ago, and she was more than capable of reading thoughts. Just something for the group to keep in mind. (Keaton stands silent then, for a moment, staring Gracidea in deep thought) To answer your question, you are a living being worthy of respect. Respect that you've clearly been denied. I don't know why you've come here, but I've only seen a look that dark on a Gardevoir once before, when my Lucario, Ria, carried me back home near the brink of death after one of our sparring sessions went too far. I have never before witnessed so much pain and anger in the face of any creature, human or Pokemon, that's rivaled it. The only reason Ria's even still alive is due to me throwing myself in front of her to stop an attack that absolutely would've ended her life. I don't know the source of your pain, but I'm sorry that you have to bear it all the same."

Christina Wayfar - Reactions to Revelations​

  • Christina observes the reactions of various team members, all of them varying degrees of shock but also acceptance, and horror, she watches the tension mount for a moment as Tal and the Gardevoir, that is then calmed down, and then Keaton's reaction 'First of all, I thought I was going to be the only Fox-faced one in this group.' he says which made her smirk and chuckle as they talk.

    As Keaton responds to her, about the use of pokeballs and his missing family and releasing most of his pokemon she found it rather interesting, she does nod to him, "thank you... I appreciate it.. as for my appearance... I don't know, it could be influenced by my human side, or it's a special kind of zoroark, or something that was part of the zoroark DNA used on me, either way I'll say this, I'm a ghost type... specifically a normal ghost type, and I do have the classic abilities that come with being a ghost type, as well as the moves and abilities that the zoroark and ghost types have access to" she says with a shrug, "It's how I got out of there in the first place." She explains with a shrug watching the others speak and nods, turning her attention to the Gardevoir, "if you ever want to talk about it, let me know" She says to the pokemon who was clearly in pain, due to some past experiences and she felt for her, and at this point the two of them were the outliers of the rest of the group of humans and pokemon partners.
    • Black Overcoat
    • x2 Oran Berry
    • x2 Pecha Berry
  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: The Retaliators vs Team Rocket (IC) (Rated M)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq4MoUMKOTE
Tal nodded at Gracidea's apology. His thought had been pretty rude. But it seemed everyone was on edge and perhaps a little sensitive at the moment. It made sense, given the high stakes they were all entering. Team Rocket had left a lot of physical and emotional wounds on everyone.

Christina's transformation is fascinating, and Tal is curious to learn more about it. But he doesn't want to treat her like a science experiment or an information-dispenser. He would learn more about her as she felt comfortable sharing, and there was no need to pry further.

It was Keaton mentioning that Tal had never actually said the words aloud that reminded him he wanted to talk about that. He had wanted to let Gracidea voice her argument first and not go 'no you' or cross-complain. But it was still something that bothered him. "Yes, I have to admit I find it somewhat disturbing to have had my mind read. I understand why my thought would be hurtful to Gracidea, and that's something I'll have to think about and reflect on for myself. But people can have thoughts that aren't completely aligned with who they are or what they believe, or thoughts they struggle with. I'm sure you can all think of moments you've thought something that didn't reflect your best self. I won't deny that the thought was there, but I would rather be judged by the words and actions I choose to make. It seems several of us have psychic abilities, and I could see strategically how that could be useful in missions, especially to communicate silently. But I'd rather us all come to an agreement on how we want such abilities to be used, so I can not worry about having privacy inside my own head."
Now that the tension in the room is beginning to clear, Keaton takes a moment to address his potential new allies and help clear up another issue that could become a potential problem in the future. His mask.

"I'm sure the rest of the group is thrilled to hear you won't be keeping track of their more private thoughts Grace, but I'm sure you and everyone else here have noticed my ability to read the room in this instance was... Well, without the help of Shade, completely nonexistent. That's all because of this. (He points to the electronic Fox-like mask he's wearing) This mask was custom built specifically for me, using the last of the funds I acquired from my days as a Lea-*Cough* As a Pokemon trainer. It has quite a few nifty functions, but the one that's important in this case is the very strong psychic energy barrier I had built into it to prevent- Er... That's not important, but as a side effect of having it on, I'm unable to hear the thoughts of Psychic type Pokemon, and they are unable to hear mine. Though it's not likely that there's anything going on in my mind that any of you would like to hear anyway... But I felt it was needed to know in the event one of you with similar mind powers tries to convey something important to me through telepathy while on the job, because there's no way I'll be able to hear it."

After finishing his explanation, Keaton then turns his attention back to Christina, whose transformation has become a point of interest and curiosity for him.

"Having the abilities of a spirit while still being alive strikes me as either really fun or total hell, depending on the person experiencing it. I'll admit that I find it very fascinating... If you'd be alright with it, I'd like to ask you what it's like for you to be that way. But regardless of your answer, I won't have any difficulties fighting those bastards right alongside you. I've... Always gotten along better with Pokemon than I have with humans after all."
@Kung Fu Ferret @Alex_Among_Foxes @Typh @Ranger_Lark @Fact Checking Gardevoir

Yukimura Kaede / Sherry Ruth
Base CSS by Aquacorde

  • Soon enough, Kaede found herself nodding to Tal's explanation. Indeed, Pokemon deserved respect, but the language barrier most Pokemon have with humans was another can of worms -- so much that it necessitated the usage of stylers for rangers. Plus, Tal's remark about the styler's usage being more for the target Pokemon's safety reminded her about that one Meowth from the earlier simulation. Kaede herself had also encountered similar cases -- minus the Team Rocket part, that is -- throughout her career.

    "So... we're talking about abilities now?" Kaede asked. Since the talk went from Aura Suits to the boss's condition to revelations to everyone's abilities, she felt the need to make sure. "I don't have psychic power or anything, no. Just the standard ranger training like Schafer-san," the blunette humbly explained. "However, since I hail from Ransei's icy mountains, I fare better in cold than most people. And Shiron here can fight well too," she affectionately ruffled her partner's locks of hair on her head, much to the Vulpix's joy.

    "Also, speaking of Aura Suit..." Kaede began to channel her aura in the same manner as her first try. It took her quite awhile to bask in her own aura before emerging with an entirely different appearance. Long blue hair became short red hair, the red parts of her ranger uniform turned lilac, the gold parts turned light blue, the shorts are now knee-length (as male Rangers typically wore), and her Capture Styler now looked more like a watch with matching colors than a Styler. "Dunno about yours, but this is mine. I go by Sherry Ruth in this form," the Ranseian ranger said after she was done transforming.

    "And Wayfar-san," Sherry turned to Christina with a serious look on her face. "I'll try to not use my styler on you if that's what you want. You have my word."
  • Pokemon

    Partner: Shiron the Alolan Vulpix
    Spoiler: Details

    Other Pokemon: None at the moment
  • Inventory

    Key Items:
    • Capture Styler
    • Shiron's Pokeball
    • Rotom Phone (for personal use)

    Consumables: None at the moment

Last edited:

Christina Wayfar - Settling differences​

  • Christina watches and listens to everyone speak, and discuss the use of psychic abilities and reading people's minds and considering that communication or not, then following onto explanations about Keaton's mask and private thoughts remaining Private... again the attention turned to Christina, she looks to Keaton first listening to his commend 'Having the abilities of a spirit while still being alive strikes me as either really fun or total hell, depending on the person experiencing it. I'll admit that I find it very fascinating... If you'd be alright with it, I'd like to ask you what it's like for you to be that way. But regardless of your answer, I won't have any difficulties fighting those bastards right alongside you. I've... Always gotten along better with Pokemon than I have with humans after all.'

    Christina just shrugs "I mean there's good and bad to go with it, I can use pokemon moves, and share abilities that other ghost types have... it can make things difficult when interacting with certain kinds of pokemon or people, but that's usually the only main problems, I usually just use my illusions to blend in with whatever's around me, be they human or pokemon. survival instinct and all that" She says with a nod, "Considering what you've been through I'd love to help how I can and I'm glad we're on the same side"

    Christina then turns her attention to Kade who has transformed into what seemed like a different person and introduced her as Sherry Ruth, she flicks her ears a bit as she hears her out, "thanks, I appreciate it, I know ranger stylers are meant to convey emotions and be peaceful and all that, but I'd rather not risk it, I don't know what they would do to me as a hybrid or even what pokeballs would do to me, and I'd rather not find out... though these aura suits sound promising as well."
    • Black Overcoat
    • x2 Oran Berry
    • x2 Pecha Berry
  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon: The Retaliators vs Team Rocket (IC) (Rated M)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq4MoUMKOTE