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[PKMN FULL] Pokémon United [M][OOC]

It's fine, one type of Pokemon & their evolution's can belong to more than one RPer/trainer.
Bacteriophage's SU is still good. Rose Quartz's SU is accepted. Let's see how people react to her split personality!

EDIT: Awesome! Still king on the 2nd page! >:D Fear me!
Ricochett, kept zoning out while reading your SU. (Too many words O_o ) Nonetheless, you're accepted.

Now we just wait for <Challenger> & we can get started!

Question for no reason: What are you most looking forward to in this RP?
LOL, it was only supposed to be 3-5 paragraphs but apparently, my fingers disagreed. xD

Hmmmm, I think I look forward to the interactions/relationships. Maybe character development. nah im only looking forward for the reward... jk Or maybe I'm looking forward to the events? I'm excited for the IC thread actually, wahaha.
Opportunities to catch when the time comes. Plus, working that into character development.
The is my first roleplay in years, I'm just anticipating anything. ('~`)
@IggyWorkz; unfortunately, there are no more spots left unless the gm opens an extra slot.
@Challenger; oh wow a narcissist! and I dig, I really do. he'd be fun to rp with lol.
<Challenger> is accepted. So many things I find interesting about your character. :P IggyWorkz, more spots might open up in the future, though I can't say.

Now that that's out of the way, I'll go submit the IC so we can all get started! I'm so excited! {XD}
Please reserve me. I need to get the sand out of my running shoes, recently found off the shore of Sunny Shore by Team Magma

(if someone drops)
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I have nothing to do so I'll just be stalking the threads. (Specifically, the IC thread approval.)
In order to answer Shiny D's question about why I joined, I did it because I haven't joined a good ol' adventure roleplay in a long time. I think it's pretty exciting being able to make your own adventure as you go, dealing with whatever.
Aw man, I thought I'd be able to see the IC approved so I can plot my first post.

time to sleep

EDIT: IT'S HERE. <3333 hell yeeaaaah
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