I played the game and i must say, you've got pretty much scripting knowledge!
So much i stopped making my game because i will never have that knowledge.
I opened thx RPGXP file in my RPG maker and saw the huge scripts, but...
There's one thing that pushed me to stop playing.
And for that one reason it hasn't opened ever again... A shame...
The fullsrcreen mode was... messed up! Quite a shock!
The window was too small so i had to switch to fullscreen.
But overall: Nice battles, cool story, a few orientation problems and nice remake of the regio.
Thanks for the review.
The game
wasn't meant to be played in full screen.
(Ask anyone who's used a Pokémon Starter Kit)
The "Read Me.txt" file in the archive should have covered that issue.
Most of the scripts were from the
Pokémon Starter Kit by Blizzy and Freakboy,
I only amended and added certain scripts to enhance the gameplay.
I, myself am not a scripter.
I just happen to half-understand scripts by common sense from my previous experiences.
About the orientation... well, there was no orientation.
I tried three times to make one already, but I disliked the end results;
So don't say I was lazy on that.
- -
And just because other games may be better doesn't mean you should stop working on your game.
I know that my game isn't the best in PokéCommunity, but I'm working on making it as entertaining as I possibly can.
You have your own individually unique ideas, you should work to voice those ideas.
Even if you don't know scripting, just do the best you can and strive for excellence.
"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal -- a commitment to excellence -- that will enable you to attain the success you seek."
- Mario Andretti
A lot of people seem to be complaining about the graphics and how he's too 'lazy' to improve them. I think the main goal of this project is a modernised and more adult story, so he's probably trying to get the story board and such sorted out before working on the eye candy.
Love the oily effect, a very nice shortcut. I may use something along those lines if I make another game with pixelated sprites.
I think this has some potential, just don't get discouraged by the comments of many PC members that can't seem to cope with a different styled Pokémon fangame, which you'll get a lot of.
Completely true.
You read my state of mind like a friggin' book.
I made this to appeal to those who are
not so hardcore fans of Pokémon, especially
older Pokémon fans.
(Which I think the franchise is doing a less than satisfactory job to retain)
I am prone to mixing Pokémon and a controversial concept together.
(In this case: Pokémon + Mature storyline)
Just like I did with my AMVs.
(In that case: Pokémon + Rock/Metal/Trance/Alternative)
Of course I am met with constant opposition in whatever I do because the two elements that I use are said to contradict.
I know I cannot please everyone at once.
I especially cannot please close-minded people.