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[Released] PokéRogue - Web-Based Pokémon Roguelite

  • 4
    • Seen Jul 23, 2024
    [PokeCommunity.com] PokéRogue - Web-Based Pokémon Roguelite

    This is a project I have been working on since mid March 2023. It's a browser-based roguelite based around the Pokémon battle engine. This game was developed from the ground up using the Phaser3 2D game framework. As a roguelite, it's a game where you play temporary sessions or 'runs' rather than a single playthrough, though there are many unlockables that carry over to make future runs easier. This game has no overworld, and the entire game takes place within the battle engine for the sake of simplicity.


    • Mobile support
    • Cloud saves - seamlessly swap devices on the same account
    • All Pokémon species from generation 1-9
    • All moves and abilities from generation 1-9 available but not necessarily implemented (this is an ongoing effort, unimplemented content will be labelled as such in-game)
    • 35 biomes with their own original background art, Pokémon pools, and trainer pools
    • Animated sprites
    • In-game day/night cycle
    • Stacking item system inspired by Risk of Rain 2
    • A large variety of items to find randomly throughout your runs
    • Classic and endless game modes
    • Daily scored runs with a leaderboard and egg voucher rewards​
    • Gacha system for Pokémon eggs with vouchers obtainable through normal gameplay (no real money involved)​
    • No level or stat cap
    • Starter system, where any first stage evolution can be used as a starter once they are caught or hatched (including mythicals and legendaries)
    • Original rival and player characters (1 pair for male and female respectively)
    • Any 2 Pokémon of different species can be fused with DNA splicers to trade abilities, average stats, and merge learnsets (fused Pokémon are dynamically palette swapped)​
    • Various mainline gimmicks including mega forms, gigantamax forms, and terastallization​

    Planned Features

    • Randomized mode, nuzlocke mode, and more
    • All moves and abilities implemented
    • PVP battles using parties and items from your successful runs
    • Trading between players (?)
    • More items
    • Various QoL improvements
    • Probably a lot more, I'm always coming up with new ideas to implement


    Spoiler: Screenshots

    Notice About Updates

    Due to this being a web-based game, it updates automatically. You can simply refresh and you will be playing the newest version. Currently, I update the game multiple times per day. Changes can be viewed at a glance in the #changelog channel on the Discord server and in detail on GitHub. If you are a developer or artist, please note that I welcome contributions to the game.


    Spoiler: Credits
    Wow, I like this concept. Would you have a plan for Pokémon to be able to have multiple abilities since there is already a stacking item system existing?
    This is suprisingly good. Remind me of how to survive pokemon journey fangame the different that game is not online. Love your game
    Wow, I like this concept. Would you have a plan for Pokémon to be able to have multiple abilities since there is already a stacking item system existing?
    This is an idea I have considered over the past week, but it would have a significant effect on the meta and balancing in general. If I do add it, I will probably only make those extra abilities available at high levels no less than 100. I would probably also open it up as a community effort to decide these abilities, much like I did with the egg moves system. Thank you for your interest!
    This is ridiculously fun. I absolutely seeing myself doing runs while in transit or just on my free time. Don't have much to comment on after my first run but can't wait to see this project develop further.
    This is ridiculously fun. I absolutely seeing myself doing runs while in transit or just on my free time. Don't have much to comment on after my first run but can't wait to see this project develop further.
    Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it.
    This is one of the coolest fan projects I have ever had the privilege of playing. The UI is simple and the game mechanics are straightforward and rewarding. It's a 10/10.
    This is one of the coolest fan projects I have ever had the privilege of playing. The UI is simple and the game mechanics are straightforward and rewarding. It's a 10/10.
    Thank you! Really glad it turned out so well for something I started on a whim.
    It's fun so far but it feels like I am always under levelled especially compared to the level caps. Could be me just me playing wrong so I won't fault the game too much for it.

    On the other hand though, it's not really fun to randomly be bombarded with raid boss Trainers early on. I ran into a double battle with two fully evolved Pokemon in the first 10 battles on my first run, and then on battle 12 in another run there was a Trainer who led with a Duraludon and had 3 other Pokemon. Considering you only run into Normal/Flying/Bug types early on that's a bit much.

    Overall, it's a good concept that I totally understand is near-impossible to balance but I do think that modifying the possible enemy Trainer Pokemon in the early waves is necessary.
    Can someone tell me why the woman called Ivy who's dressed entirely in green and is surrounded with plants and is obviously supposed to be a grass type trainer starts with a Popplio? Can you change it so that the grass type trainers have grass types? Also who is Ivy and why is she my rival? Also when are we allowed to save? Is it after we beat this fake grass type? Also how come there's like 7 wild pokemon before the first trainer but there's only one before our so-called rival? Can we have like 4 rivals (Ivy, Cha, War and then Iunno Eve) and have one of them be grass, the other be fire, the other be water and the other be generic multi-type rival. Is Ivy a total fabrication and a total liar with her lack of grass types because I chose to fully heal my Fennekin instead of my Squirtle? I enjoyed the game, even though I don't get why Fidough has such a low catch rate? I managed to catch a Lillipup so like I dug it. I can't wait to get better at this game so I can eventually catch a Durant. Thank you for making this.
    Really enjoying this game! Thanks very much for making it, I love the point-buy and customization for choosing starters and the egg voucher system. Catching more Pokémon to improve starter IVs is also a stroke of genius.

    Found some issues (I'm playing at 5x speed, so I don't know if that's a cause):
    • Leech Seed disappears from the opponent if the applying Pokémon switches or faints
    • Raging Bull doesn't switch types depending on the Paldean Tauros form, it's just Normal
    • Sucker Punch always works on you, even if you're switching or not using an attacking move
    • Pay Day gives no money (intended?)
    • Fake Out is only usable the first time per battle, and not if the user switches out then back in
    • Intimidate sometimes triggers twice (per opponent) in double battles
    • Solar Beam shows no message text if sunlight lets it fire in one turn, it just fires- I had no idea what attack it was at first
    • Status sometimes disappears from the enemy (mostly paralysis); enemies sometimes wake up from sleep on the turn it was applied (EDIT: Never mind, probably due to hold items like berries)
    • Opponents with Baton Pass generally only use Baton Pass, without doing anything to raise stats (and sometimes if they're the only opponent remaining)

    Can someone tell me why the woman called Ivy who's dressed entirely in green and is surrounded with plants and is obviously supposed to be a grass type trainer starts with a Popplio? Can you change it so that the grass type trainers have grass types? Also who is Ivy and why is she my rival? Also when are we allowed to save?

    I think rivals have randomized starters per run, and you get someone else if the player chooses to be female rather than male.

    The game saves after every battle.
    Last edited:
    Is there a list to show rng in this game? I swear the AI has the luckiest rng. I never get a crit but every run is ended due to the ai getting multiple crits in one fight where I never get any
    I love this but I keep having to refresh due to the game freezing, any way to fix this?
    My only issue I have with the game so far is very single time I get a berry and give it to the mon I'm actively using some mon shows up out speeds me and instantly snatches it away from my berry
    Yet when I get the covet move it rarely steals anything

    That said besides my horrid luck amazing game that only needs a few tweaks maybe some options to change points allowed and do runs that do not count towards achievements or runs and do not have egg tokens show up during those runs. Just options to have fun and not be stuck with super restricted options.

    My one request please make the covet move for computers work less often then it does for players its super annoying to keep losing everything.
    [PokeCommunity.com] PokéRogue - Web-Based Pokémon RogueliteWhen I try to load into the game, I am stuck on this screen. I don't know the issue because I was able to play just fine earlier today. Please help
    • Randomized mode, nuzlocke mode, and more
    This game seems already randomized as-is, with different encounters and what-not in all modes so far.

    Unless it would be a for-fun mode where it goes further randomization by allowing random type, learnset and Ability for Pokémon, and perhaps going further and throw logic away where trainers uses random Pokémon, and the Pokémon are found regardless of place and rarity… and where even the final boss is randomized.
    This game is pretty fun, the best part about it that it's web based so it can be accessed immidiately without any fuss of emulators/ pc/ switches or any of that. Keep up the goodwork!!