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[Discussion] pokedex entries help

  • 3,231
    does anyone have ideas for pokedex entries for some of my fakemon?... the one's that have names so far, i mean :3

    the grass type starter

    the final stage of the fire type starter

    the water type starter

    the first bird line


    the 2nd bird line


    the regional rodent pokemon


    the pikachu clone


    the bug line


    the 2nd bug line



























    *this is before yamper was introduced*

    the pre-evo of swablu







    fossil pokemon




    mythical pokemon


    the legandary pokemon



    one at a time's fine :3
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    Here are my takes on the raccoon line.

    Raccute - Raccute lives in urban areas and will only come out at night. Rummaging through trash cans this Pokemon often attacks Trubbish mistaking it for a meal.
    Chamocoon - No longer digging through garbage, Chamocoon uses it's primp fur and charm to swindle onlookers of their food. This Pokemon can commonly be found at festivals or near street vendors.
    Here are my takes on the raccoon line.

    Raccute - Raccute lives in urban areas and will only come out at night. Rummaging through trash cans this Pokemon often attacks Trubbish mistaking it for a meal.
    Chamocoon - No longer digging through garbage, Chamocoon uses it's primp fur and charm to swindle onlookers of their food. This Pokemon can commonly be found at festivals or near street vendors.

    oooh... i like that....

    i'l take it

    thanks :3

    *i'll be waiting on pokedex entry ideas for the others :3 *
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    Good job on your drawings, they are cute and well done.

    I've come up with a dex entry for Bitan and Deetle.
    Bitan: Commonly found on food, it tries to take it to its shelter by breaking it in pieces. When in big groups, they often attack Alcremie, attempting to devour them.
    Deetle: Deetle leads the food trafficking in Bitan's shelter. When a Bitan evolves into a Deetle, the previous leader must abandon the colony in search of a partner.
    Good job on your drawings, they are cute and well done.

    I've come up with a dex entry for Bitan and Deetle.
    Bitan: Commonly found on food, it tries to take it to its shelter by breaking it in pieces. When in big groups, they often attack Alcremie, attempting to devour them.
    Deetle: Deetle leads the food trafficking in Bitan's shelter. When a Bitan evolves into a Deetle, the previous leader must abandon the colony in search of a partner.

    thanks ^^

    it's just the new, above fakemon post that needs it at the moment :>, if you're able to come up with a dex entry for each of them :>

    i've already got dex entrys for betan & deetle, from elsewhere :> - Bitan - Pinch Ant Pokemon - "They interact with new things by biting it with their small, but strong mandibles. There is a way to determine a friendly bite or a hostile bite: It will let go of the subject when friendly." / Deetle - Grip Beetle Pokemon - "With it's pincers, it strips fallen logs bare of bark, and carries pieces of it in between it's large curved horn. Nicks and scratches on the horn are the sign of an experienced worker."

    but i like those ones, too :>
    So, if I understood correctly, Chatot and Spoink are what you need.
    K. Spoink: It is considered to be a symbol of luck. Sometimes, it disappears from trainsers' houses, just to reappear in front of the door with a coin in its mouth.
    K. Chatot: They gather in groups and settle down on buildings' roofs while singing. Their huge presence in cities has become a problem.
    So, if I understood correctly, Chatot and Spoink are what you need.
    K. Spoink: It is considered to be a symbol of luck. Sometimes, it disappears from trainers' houses, just to reappear in front of the door with a coin in its mouth.
    K. Chatot: They gather in groups and settle down on buildings' roofs while singing. Their huge presence in cities has become a problem.

    yep, that's right :>

    ooh! i like those :>

    thanks :>
    So, if I understood correctly, Chatot and Spoink are what you need.
    K. Spoink: It is considered to be a symbol of luck. Sometimes, it disappears from trainsers' houses, just to reappear in front of the door with a coin in its mouth.
    K. Chatot: They gather in groups and settle down on buildings' roofs while singing. Their huge presence in cities has become a problem.

    do you think you can add the Pokémon category too? for example, chamocoon has the ''bandit pokemon'' category :>
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    new fakemon to be given pokedex entries :3




    ''Mount Haguro hosts a legendary fox pokémon, symbol of fertility and agriculture. . It was considered to be the patron of merchants.''




    ''Mount Gassan hosts a legendary fish. It was harder to chose for this one as the mountain is tied with the moon kami, but in the legends, the deity created food by spitting a fish in the ocean. This fish represents moon, and may be Water and Ghost type, where the Ghost type represents the dead creatures that are said to populate the mountain.''



    dragon/rock type

    ''Mount Yudono hosts a legendary dragon dressed as a monk. People here worship (that may not be the correct word) a rock gushing hot water. ''
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    Since I wrote these Pokémon's entries, I might as well try :P

    Faevul: "It would have appeared near wandering merchants to defend them from menacing Pokémon or thieves. With the development of modern technology, its aid isn't as needed as in the past."
    Terona: "During full moon nights, it appears to banish the ghosts of vengeful Pokémon on its mountain and feed lost children. In periods of drought, this Pokémon helps watering farmlands."
    Silex: "In ancient times, it has gathered with a group of praying men to teach them the rules of monasticism. This event started monasticism on its mountain."
    Since I wrote these Pokémon's entries, I might as well try :P

    Faevul: "It would have appeared near wandering merchants to defend them from menacing Pokémon or thieves. With the development of modern technology, its aid isn't as needed as in the past."
    Terona: "During full moon nights, it appears to banish the ghosts of vengeful Pokémon on its mountain and feed lost children. In periods of drought, this Pokémon helps watering farmlands."
    Silex: "In ancient times, it has gathered with a group of praying men to teach them the rules of monasticism. This event started monasticism on its mountain."

    oh, that's good, i like those :>

    thanks :>

    what are their Pokémon categories? :>
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