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Crystal hack: Pokemon Black and White 3: Genesis (COMPLETE!)

And with this, my Water-Type mono team playthrough is done! I really did enjoy the game! Doing a Water-Type challenge was pretty tough, especially because I was under leveled for the later half of the game. Oh, and the fact that one Thunderbolt could wipe most of my team. 🤣
I had fun playing this one, and I'd definitely do it again. Maybe I'll get a shiny Pokémon to flaunt in the rival's face, too! (Lol.)
Side note: I greatly enjoyed the music in this ROM hack, too. I did miss some of the other songs like Floccessy Town/Ranch and Opelucid City... But it's okay. Chiptune music was always a huge weakness of mine.

Though, I have some little things that kind of bugged me. Drayden and Iris aren't actually related. Drayden just brought Iris from the Village of Dragons to Opelucid City in order to train. It's not exactly obvious, so I thought I'd bring it up.
And maybe have the previous player's gender be ambiguous (like the mom saying "my child") so others can fill in the blanks like it's their own player character. Sorry, just thought I'd make my thoughts known. Feel free to disregard it or not!


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Black and White 3: Genesis (COMPLETE!)
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  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Black and White 3: Genesis (COMPLETE!)
    Pokémon- BW3 Genesis Version (8).png
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  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Black and White 3: Genesis (COMPLETE!)
    Pokémon- BW3 Genesis Version (9).png
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  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Black and White 3: Genesis (COMPLETE!)
    Pokémon- BW3 Genesis Version (10).png
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  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Black and White 3: Genesis (COMPLETE!)
    Pokémon- BW3 Genesis Version (11).png
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  • [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Black and White 3: Genesis (COMPLETE!)
    Pokémon- BW3 Genesis Version (12).png
    2.2 KB · Views: 3
And with this, my Water-Type mono team playthrough is done! I really did enjoy the game! Doing a Water-Type challenge was pretty tough, especially because I was under leveled for the later half of the game. Oh, and the fact that one Thunderbolt could wipe most of my team. 🤣
I had fun playing this one, and I'd definitely do it again. Maybe I'll get a shiny Pokémon to flaunt in the rival's face, too! (Lol.)
Side note: I greatly enjoyed the music in this ROM hack, too. I did miss some of the other songs like Floccessy Town/Ranch and Opelucid City... But it's okay. Chiptune music was always a huge weakness of mine.

Though, I have some little things that kind of bugged me. Drayden and Iris aren't actually related. Drayden just brought Iris from the Village of Dragons to Opelucid City in order to train. It's not exactly obvious, so I thought I'd bring it up.
And maybe have the previous player's gender be ambiguous (like the mom saying "my child") so others can fill in the blanks like it's their own player character. Sorry, just thought I'd make my thoughts known. Feel free to disregard it or not!

Nice team, glad you enjoyed it! I'm aware that Iris and Drayden aren't blood related, but they do refer to each other as grandfather/granddaughter in the other games, so I used the same language here. Also, as far as the previous characters' gender, the dialogue actually changes depending on the character that the player chose at the beginning. There's a reason for that too:


There are a few more tracks I'd like to get made whenever I put out the next big update, though I'm not 100% sure which direction I'd go with for Opelucid, since the theme is different in Black/Black2 and White/White2. Probably the White theme, to match the visual design of the city, but I haven't decided yet, lol.
Hello! I absolutely loved this game! Very well put together with great music and loved the challenge. Just one question though: I missed tm 07 and really have no idea where it could be. Thought i checked everywhere!
Hello! I absolutely loved this game! Very well put together with great music and loved the challenge. Just one question though: I missed tm 07 and really have no idea where it could be. Thought i checked everywhere!

Thanks! TM07 is Hail, it's in the center of the Giant Chasm's outdoor area.
I got the Pokérus message at the Pokémon center, and then my game crashes. I know the chances for Pokérus are slim, but my savefile is unplayable now. Luckily I hadn't even beaten the first gym yet, so not much progress lost. I still wanted to report it.
I got the Pokérus message at the Pokémon center, and then my game crashes. I know the chances for Pokérus are slim, but my savefile is unplayable now. Luckily I hadn't even beaten the first gym yet, so not much progress lost. I still wanted to report it.

Ok thanks, I'll check that out.

EDIT: Yup, the Pokerus text does cause a crash. The nurse text works fine, but I'd completely forgotten that it also is meant to trigger a phone call from Elm in the vanilla game. Since Elm's phone data no longer exists, it tries to run an invalid script and crashes. Guess it goes to show how rare Pokerus is that I never noticed this throughout the 4 years of this game's development, plus the ~9 months since the release, lol.
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I am having trouble playing this rom hack. I am using the web emulator SkyEmu. My Pokemon start disappearing as I progress throughout the game. The farthest I've gotten was up to Roxie. I was training up to level 36, and then I lost my Emboar. The Pokemon just straight up disappear from the box, and since you have to save to switch boxes, they are completely gone.

This has happened to me in a different rom hack too — Pokemon Fool's Gold. I have played Pokemon Prism, and I am playing Pokemon Polished Crystal rn, and I have never had this issue. I am unsure why this is happening??
I am having trouble playing this rom hack. I am using the web emulator SkyEmu. My Pokemon start disappearing as I progress throughout the game. The farthest I've gotten was up to Roxie. I was training up to level 36, and then I lost my Emboar. The Pokemon just straight up disappear from the box, and since you have to save to switch boxes, they are completely gone.

This has happened to me in a different rom hack too — Pokemon Fool's Gold. I have played Pokemon Prism, and I am playing Pokemon Polished Crystal rn, and I have never had this issue. I am unsure why this is happening??

Unfortunately, it is likely an issue with that emulator. I've only ever had one other report of this happening, and it was from someone also using Skyemu. These sorts of all-in-one emulators often aren't very accurate, and are more optimized for running the most popular official games rather than accurately emulating the real hardware (this is actually the case for VisualBoy Advance as well). For ROM hacks that have significant changes to the game engine, these less accurate emulators can behave in unexpected ways. I would suggest using a more accurate emulator, such as BGB or mGBA.
Unfortunately, it is likely an issue with that emulator. I've only ever had one other report of this happening, and it was from someone also using Skyemu. These sorts of all-in-one emulators often aren't very accurate, and are more optimized for running the most popular official games rather than accurately emulating the real hardware (this is actually the case for VisualBoy Advance as well). For ROM hacks that have significant changes to the game engine, these less accurate emulators can behave in unexpected ways. I would suggest using a more accurate emulator, such as BGB or mGBA.

Thank you for the quick response!! I figured it was the emulator. I'll just have to wait until I get my new computer.
Hey! Been loving the game, loved the original BW BW2 games so this game is awesome!! Do you have an exp. share in this game, if so where do you get it?
Hey! Been loving the game, loved the original BW BW2 games so this game is awesome!! Do you have an exp. share in this game, if so where do you get it?

Thanks! It's in Castelia, the Battle Company president gives it to you after getting badge 3.
Hello recently just started playing the game and where can i get the TM for sludge bomb?
Is there a doc with the important trainer battles and level caps for a nuzlocke? Something like https://nuzlocke.app/ would be great.
Here's the Gym Leaders' levels:
Hey, I have a question, so I'm making a RSE style Unova map for my own use and for a friend's use, and could I use a could of your devamped maps as a base for mine, and should I include credit? Thanks and have a good day