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Pokémon Spinoff: Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack - New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

  • 23
    Last update to this ROM Hack - January 6th, 2025 - Version 2.1.0
    ETA for Next Update- ~Late 2025

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0
    (Beautifully made logo by Lindsay Panes, thank you so much for your amazing work made for my hack!)

    Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons is a ROM Hack of Pokemon Conquest, a hack with many quality-of-life features sprinkled in with moves from newer generations, bigger distribution of Pokemon around the game, a harder difficulty that is a challenge for old fans of the original and something exciting and fresh for newbies, and rebalanced base stat totals for every Pokemon, akin to Scalemons!
    This hack intends to make as many Pokemon competitively viable, as this hack works towards A THRIVING COMPETITIVE SCENE! (READ BELOW FOR MORE INFO!)
    But most importantly, Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons features new maps in replacement of other maps made by me!

    Let's start with the basics!

    - What is Pokemon Conquest?

    Pokemon Conquest is a crossover of Koei Tecmo's Nobunaga's Ambition series and Pokemon made for the Nintendo DS. Pokemon Conquest is a niche SRPG (Strategy Role-Playing Game, ie Fire Emblem, FF Tactics) with 200 Pokemon from across gens 1 through 5. In terms of Pokemon games, the original game performed pretty poorly in sales, yet remains my favorite game in the Pokemon series.

    As of recent, I've seen a growth of appreciation for the game, especially with very popular ROM Hacks like Reconquered, Imperial, Kaizo and Ultimate, both serving their own purpose in the line of the (very few) Conquest ROM hacks out there. I would like to share my project here that has been updated over the course of nearly two years now (holy...). It is with great joy that I share this project here once more!

    - Story Synopsis

    In a place distant from the modern Pokemon world you may know, the Ransei Region thrives with the Pokemon living in the world. The Region is split into 17 territories with a respective kingdom for each territory. It is revered that if one were to claim every kingdom, a wish would be granted for the brave warrior. And so, the region falls into turmoil to claim every kingdom in an attempt to realize their dearest wish...


    - Updated Stats

    Depending on where Pokemon are in an evolutionary line, their BST (Base Stat Total) has been shifted to match a number with any other Pokemon in that stage. For example, if you were to add up Eevee's stats and compare it to Wooper in the base version of Pokemon Conquest, Eevee would be a LOT stronger, because it is stronger in mainline Pokemon games (in this game, they based BST on the stats of Pokemon when they are at level 100, so however strong a Pokemon is in mainline games are usually reflected in normal Conquest!), but in this game, Eevee and Wooper's BST add up to the same total, since they are both unevolved Pokemon with only one evolution. Here is a reference point! -

    Unevolved 3 Stage Evolution Pokemon - 585 BST

    Unevolved 2 Stage Evolution Pokemon (like Eevee and Wooper!) - 660 BST

    2nd Stage 3 Stage Evolution Pokemon - 735 BST

    Standalone Pokemon (like Carnivine) + Scyther, Scizor, Onix and Steelix - 785 BST

    Fully Evolved 2 Stage Evolution Pokemon - 835 BST

    Fully Evolved 3 Stage Evolution Pokemon - 885 BST

    Legendary Pokemon - 1035 BST

    These numbers may seem like a lot in comparison, but thats because they use raw stats after factoring BST in mainline games for Conquest BST!

    Using the Eevee and Wooper example, lets take a look at their stats at 50% Link with 15 IVs in each stat! The following image compares the stats of normal Conquest and Twin Dragons (I used Twin Dragons as a base for all examples, which is why the moves are both the TD versions)!

    Base Conquest Versions
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0
    Twin Dragons Versions

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    - Quality of Life features

    - Evolution Stones and Items can be bought in normal Shops instead of from the Wandering Merchant

    - Every warrior can link with every Pokemon, albeit some have very low link caps
    - Nuggets have been added as an item as a get-rich-quick sell option to reward players for finding gift boxes

    - Some gimmick items on maps have been rearranged or removed for the sake of enjoyment (ie Chrysalia fencing)

    - Some items have been made cheaper

    - Harmony items boost link% gain (experience) at a much higher rate

    - Every warrior also has an evolutionary line that reaches 99% as an extra strong side option

    - etc.

    - Challenge features

    - Warriors use evolved Pokemon earlier in the story

    - Warriors use more helpful items to make players strategize against them

    - Most warrior skills now have a self debuff of some sort or are worse

    - Enemies have higher link with their Pokemon

    - Postgame stories have NFE Pokemon on enemy warriors instead of Little Cup Pokemon
    - Access to one of the most broken items, Guardian Charm, is almost completely impossible to get, and a majority of the power/iron Wristband-type items disappear at the end of a story
    - Postgame stories are harder (the base game is notoriously very easy with its postgame)

    - New Moves

    In Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons, some moves have been replaced, Dig and Sky Drop have been removed, and many new ones have been made, amounting to about 20 new moves and approximately 40-50 replaced moves! Every other move has at least recieved some sort of rework!

    Some examples of moves in the game are-

    - Acrobatics

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    - Bitter Malice (changed to Dark Type)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    - Superpower (look at him go)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    - ...Splash?

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    - and many, many more!
    The damage dealt in the footage may not be to accurate scale due to a held item or link disparity that isn't shown.

    - Maps

    Every map now has a fresh new background color to make every area more unique, instead of having a generic sky color! You'll see this in the upcoming examples.

    I have worked with Blender for about a year and worked with the limitations of Pokemon Conquest, and I have made quite a few new maps, which are a new addition since version 1.5.0, back in October of 2023! Please take a look at these maps!

    - Neo Illusio (banner claim for 5 turns win con)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    - Neo Greenleaf (4 banner claim for 5 turns win con, also more like pinkleaf)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    - Neo Floating Rock Level 2 (Rejoice, old fans, it is finally gone) (side bridges that appear every other turn, middle bridge can be formed by standing on floating rocks)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    - Neo Nixtorm (3 OR 5 banner map for 5 turns win con, 50/50 chance to be 3 or 5 banners)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    - Neo Pugilis (bigger entrances to the middle that are now on all 4 sides, 4 banner claim 5 turn win con)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    - Neo Valora (5 banner claim win con with 2 banners pre-claimed on both sides, experimental "two-layer map")

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    - Neo Cragspur (banner claim for 5 turns win con, rocks that roll into the middle to hurt who is on the banner)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    And even more that are already in the game, and more on their way in future updates!

    - Credits

    There is a list of people I would like to dearly thank for making this possible. I would like to thank Deijin and co. (WhatAUsernameIHave, Baconfry, Snap, etc) for their discoveries of Pokemon Conquest, and with their knowledge, helped foster the tool RanseiLink that helped create this ROM Hack. Link to RanseiLink tool, as it is needed to patch a Pokemon Conquest ROM (which I will NOT provide) with the .rlmod patch file that is in the Google Drive, which will be listed below- https://github.com/Deijin27/RanseiLink

    I would like to thank both Pigeon and JJSSBU for their willingness to go out of their way to promote this personal project of mine, as it would have gone nowhere without people like them in our community!

    I would also like to thank my testing team for the original version of the hack, released July 28th, 2022. Kirb, Rexbot2, ShiningBlue, and TJ The DJ played through the game to varying points and helped make it less of a mess. Thank you, Kirb, for refusing to play until I personally changed the starter to Scraggy for you, Rexbot2, for playing through the whole thing and introducing it to other people, ShiningBlue, for streaming the game to a large audience, and TJ The DJ, for inspiration for the hack itself.


    All documentation and information is listed in the Google Drive, along with the changelog, which usually gets updated right before an update gets pushed out!

    There are two types of patches for Pokemon Conquest Hacks- .rlmod files, which are for Windows PC owners only, or .xdelta, which works for everyone. why you would ever prefer .rlmod with a Windows PC is to be able to edit the game easily yourself using the tool made to hack Conquest, RanseiLink. Otherwise, there is not much reason to use anything other than the xdelta file!

    This is a common occurrence, and i would like to mention it- please do not go around asking people to give you a pre-patched rom for a Conquest Hack- everything should be there for you, regardless of your system. If you come to me or my Twin Dragons discord server asking for a rom instead of asking for help on the patch or trying to do it yourself first, I will let you figure it out yourself and will attempt to ignore future questions or need of assistance from you. This happens way too often, so I wanted to put this out there!

    To find the Google Drive, you can follow this link HERE (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1exBjTkpTfuAqwnweADKR47Z3pRUS3fhQ)! It has both the rlmod file for ranselink, and two xdelta files for the current update (make sure to pick the right one, picking the wrong one may cause text errors)! On top of this, this google drive link has access to a doc with all changelogs since release and an in depth informational source about the game, like evolution requirement changes and postgame story unlock changes!

    If you would like to visit the Twin Dragons server, which may get progress updates on hacks as the development goes on, or you would like to join it for a Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons Multiplayer Tournament or just a friendly match with someone else, join the server using this link! - https://discord.gg/AMHUR8KqDs

    To join the server which all of the Pokemon Conquest hackers congregate from time to time, or if you just want to join as a fan of Pokemon Conquest, we have the Ransei Region discord server! Feel free to join if you express any interest in a conquest-specific community! https://discord.gg/bX2fBHPg4P


    v2.1.0 Changelog - Most Recent Update


    - New ability called Tight Embrace, which is a downgrade from Pressure and makes nearby opposing Pokemon have 1 range. It is given to Serperior over Nurse, Arbok over Momentum, and the Steelix evolutionary line over Sturdy.

    - Many teams in main story has been changed, alongside a few teams in Two Heroes. Link% of some opponents in main story tweaked. Other minor tweaks applied to stories for increased and more diverse difficulty.

    - Not Worth Fighting Over story teams changed once more according to tournament winners team choices.

    - Neo Spectra has been added. It is a haunted library with a few moving statues and wisps filled with books, carpets, and decrepit, old wood that would make house flippers die inside. It is tentative, but the map is a 23 turn hold banners for 5 turns map, and is heavily favored towards the defender, with a banner claimed for both teams nearest to them.

    Additionally, there are absolutely TONS of balance changes!

    - Psycho Cut changed to Close Combat. Move distribution remains the same.
    - Boomburst power and accuracy adjusted
    - Water Pulse confusion chance increased to 35%
    - Spiritomb Life Force -> Mold Breaker
    - Galvantula accuracy too high at base, paralysis chance dropped and speed chance dropped, damage increased
    - Most moves that deal Paralysis (Body Slam, Spark, Bolt Strike, Nuzzle) will have paralysis rates cut
    - Pinion Blitz no longer moves user but always knocks targets back, now column2ahead
    - Body Slam and Shadow Sneak need to be made contact
    - Fake Out reworked to lower defense but lowered accuracy
    - Psycho Cut does more damage
    - Foul Play now normal Row range
    - Drifblim and Whimsicott range nerfs to 3 and 4 respectively
    - Fury Cutter, Laceration damage slightly increased
    -Astonish, Bite and Headbutt flinch chance increased to 40%
    - Ice Beam -> Icicle Spear, hits 2 to 5 times
    - Ice Ball damage raised
    - Breaking Swipe damage increased
    - Machop + Machoke Bodyguard --> Vanguard
    - Whirlipede Hero --> Run Up
    - Increase Fiery Dance damage
    - Umbreon Range decreased to 3
    - Pichu Range decreased to 4
    - Venipede Line range changed to 4
    - Low Kick -> Spring Sever for Armaldo, Timburr Low Kick -> Force Palm
    - Bullet Punch -> Temper Quake for Gabite and Pupitar, and Metang Meteor Mash -> Steel Spear
    - Sacred Sword -> Mighty Cleave
    - Fury Swipes and Tail Slap damage boosted
    - Armaldo Jagged Edge -> Sniper
    - Pupitar Shield -> Momentum
    - Bubble speed drop rate increased to being guaranteed
    - Petal Dance damage increased
    - Mud Slap damage increased
    - Cross Poison damage increased
    - Shadow Sneak damage nerfed
    - Sludge Wave is now TwoRows range.
    - Crunch defense drop chance increased
    - Metal Claw attack raise chance increased
    - Gyro Ball power and accuracy increased
    - Air Cutter damage increased
    - Spirit Shackle damage increased
    - Gardevoir Line Perception -> Life Force
    - Cottonee Melee, Mountaineer -> Sponge, Herbivore
    - Meowth Mountaineer -> Run Up
    - Gothitelle Line Perception -> Interference
    - Garchomp Stealth -> Disgust
    - Metang Shield -> Precision
    - Lapras Wave Rider -> Calming
    - Samurott Limber -> Sniper
    - Leavanny Nurse -> Life Force
    - Treecko Line Mountaineer -> Ambush
    - Pansear, Pansage, Panpour Melee -> Blaze, Overgrow, Torrent, Pansear + Panpour Mountaineer -> Exhilarate
    - Simisear + Simipour Melee -> Simple
    - Drilbur Sandpit -> Precision, Stealth -> Inner Focus
    - Rhyperior Line Lightningrod -> Unaware
    - Carnivine range increased to 4
    - Snorlax Deep Sleep -> Unaware
    - Rayquaza Moxie -> Conqueror
    - Aura Sphere damage boosted significantly

    - Known Bugs (please do not report these.)
    - Perfect link sprite issues on Valora and Illusio (if you find this on another map, please do tell)
    - An issue with some Pokemon where bringing them to the Mystery Springs to change their ability or checking their Gallery page causes the game to softlock and crash (save before checking these!) It would be appreciated, however, if I am told what Pokemon causes these crashes!

    - "What is this mention of a competitive scene from earlier? How can I take part? Is there a way to play casually against my friends?"

    These may be questions that you have after you seeing that this hack is balanced for the sake of a competitive scene - and I'm here to answer them!
    How we are able to play multiplayer with Pokemon Conquest isn't with its native feature of multiplayer, but instead we utilize an action replay code, a lua script, and a RanseiLink plugin (yes, the person in control of the game should probably have a Windows PC with RanseiLink installed) to allow control of CPU's teams, to even out Pokemon Energy (a slight modifier to stats) to create a way to play against the CPU and for someone else to take control of the CPU and fight back, and to remove story flags so that you dont need a save file ahead of time.
    Even with just control of the CPU, that isnt enough, so you'll have to edit CPU teams for Ignis and the player team in Aurora.

    The recommended way to play multiplayer with others is to have one person (preferably the one with ranseilink) stream the game to somewhere where the players can both see and where they can offer their inputs of where they want to move their Pokemon and what they want them to do on their turn - This is something probably best done on Discord or some adjacent.

    Here is a link to an in depth guide made by User, the developer of the ROM Hack Pokemon Conquest: Reconquered on setting up Conquest multiplayer- you can follow this guide with any rom hack or the original game! Multiplayer How-To Document

    I should also note that Twin Dragons has its own tournaments from time to time in the Twin Dragons discord server and has some added rules to spice things up, like stage striking and set links for certain Pokemon! Feel free to join the server from the previously mentioned discord link in the links section (or here) to look out for future tournaments, or to match up with people who want to play!

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0
    Twin Dragons 2nd Tournament Match #6 Pictured. Find it on Youtube, like all other tournament matches of this game ran by me, here (first tournament) and here (second tournament)!

    - Bingosync
    I currently have something in the works for a fun Bingosync competition with friends that you can do with Pokemon Conquest of any rom hack, but it still needs some work on my end. However, a save file is supplied in the google drive for Bingosync, which has every story unlocked from the get-go and only has Hero and Oichi in the gallery with just Eevee and Jigglypuff! You can use this to experience Post-game with as little assets going into it as possible, if you want! It will be in the Bingosync folder (be sure to name your save file the same name as your game, and put it in the same place, so that it works on your emulator if you play it that way!)

    And with that, I hope that you enjoy this new and (hopefully) improved Conquest experience. Have a great day! Feel free to ask anything!
    Last edited:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0
    Any game that Magikarp is usable gets a thumbs up from me! Good work, Bagon! Would recommend! :]
    heres a small written up guide for people who want to patch via xdelta!

    assuming youve got your dumped conquest rom and your xdelta patch, go ahead and go to this patcher site!

    Rom Patcher JS
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons - Balance, quality of life, and difficulty hack -  New Update Out Now! 1/6/25 v2.1.0

    in the first choose file button put in your rom and the second one your patch and go ahead and patch it!

    if the game changes file type at all, make sure to rename it to end in ".nds" (i have some personal instances where it changes to .txt for some reason, its whatever just change the file type to .nds by typing that at the end)

    and youre set!

    Small bit of footage for the upcoming Ignis rework for the next update, 1.8.3! The elevation of the rocks on the left side are way less high, and can be normally reach now, a lot more rock connectors have been added, and is now pretty much impossible to gimp as a defender with fire types!
    Heya! checked up on the rom patcher I linked, and it seems to be throwing errors for me personally. If you run into this same issue, try a mobile patcher like UniPatcher instead, or something like xdeltaUI!
    Dragnor will also get a small update in version 1.8.3! This is still currently a work in progress, so apologies for a lack of footage, but yeah, get excited for the next patch in around September!
    Version 2.0.0 is out now! Heres your patch notes, and make sure to check out 1.8.0+ patch notes until now to catch up on everything missed!
    • Large changes to the teams in Not Worth Fighting Over stories to reflect the Second Twin Dragons Tournament top placers!
    • No Guard removed from Aggron Line, it has been replaced with Moxie
    • Spectra has had 7 of its 15 statues removed, and its three flames moved closer to the middle
    • Tweaks to Neo Valora to allow Levitate/Flying-type Pokemon traverse much easier (Bug fix), and additional lightning points that now hit the banners in the respective corners. On top of this, more lifts have been added to put you back on the outer ring of the map.
    • Neo Terrera Added. a 4 banner map with multiple layers, where the top has a 6x6 area with the banners atop it. getting hit when too close to the edge may cost you! Be careful- if you use a jump pad with one Pokemon, and use the same one with another and the place(s, in some instances) where the Jump Pad would send you is occupied, it send you to the next highest Jump Pad, so you can use this to go further up the tower in one move, but beware- The opponent can use this against you as well! Be sure to hold onto the banners as long as possible to win!
    • Changed Ignis to have plenty of new bridges and gift boxes galore! The higher elevation parts of the map are also lowered to be easier to maneuver from them!
    • Changed Dragnor to have new pathways with more nodes and newly added fight bells, alongside the fact that Water nodes now confuse and Grass nodes now Poison targets, and is now 23 turns for the map
    • Issues involving the main story where Pokemon would teleport to certain places outside of their range is now a minimized issue, the only instance where this happens now is with Tadakatsu's Dragonite on the first Valora attempt. Reinvade this kingdom if this Bug is too problematic for you!
    • Neo Valora edit has made it so that there are now lifts to bring you to the outer first layer from the bottom layer corners. The bridges to the middle have been removed as a measure to allow flying types go to the bottom easier, and fix a bug where they couldnt float between second layers!
    • Farm Level 3 now has plenty less pitfalls, and rearranged bridges.
    • Neo Sacred Ruins and Neo Nixtorm are now publicized, as they were from versions 1.8.0 as a secret map and 1.8.2 respectively. Neo Sacred Ruins is a simple battle map with a normal win condition, with many Dragon, Flying and Normal tiles scattered across the map to boost those moves' powers, with a banner in the middle for healing- but watch out, theres rocks in the four sides that aim directly for the middle! Neo Nixtorm is a map with hints of snow, ice pedestals, hidden water, and most importantly, a random amount of banners on every load of the fight! This kingdom can either have 3 or 5 banners when it is attempted, making the approach to the map different between attempts to invade it!
    • Viperia now has both added hallways AND all of the hallways are two tiles wide instead of one, and the pathways into the middle room are three tiles wide! In lieu of this change, this map has the lowest amount of turns for a kingdom at 13!
    • Gigantic nerf to fake out, it now is not possible for Fake Out to hit two turns in a row
    • Fixed issues where Dusknoir had an ability in stories when it should not have had said ability.
    • Nobunaga Link Requirement now 60 for rank 2
    • Made warrior skill for Rank 3 Hero(ine) +1 move for everyone instead of defense boosting
    • Buffs to Outrage damage output and lessened side effects

    • and now, we have version 2.0.1 of Twin Dragons as well!

      • Fix to one of the bottom right jump pads on Neo Terrera, facing the wrong way
      • New text blurbs from Oichi about Neo Terrera
      • Fix to Crazy Old Man text blurb
      • updated title screen to show version number
      • Added credits to people who have caused the hack to become more popular or were reasons it came to fruition as it is now
      • Farm Level 3 model functional but not map itself Bug fixed
      • Heavily reworked Two Heroes to scale in difficulty better
      • No's Greatest Beauty story team made a lot better
      • Neo Terrera background gradient changed.
      • Tournament rules changed. A tournament is slated for late December, and you have from now until December 1st to sign up! The maximum participant count is 24 Players! The plan is to start the tournament if we have at least 12 people registered! The beginning rounds will be a best of one single elimination bracket, and top 6 will be a double elimination bracket, with extra rules announced during the tournament! Feel free to check the documentation and the tournament rules to see if youre interested, and join the Twin Dragons server and enter a message in the ⁠december-tournament-signup channel if youd like to partake!
    • (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1exBjTkpTfuAqwnweADKR47Z3pRUS3fhQ?usp=sharing) The Changelog and the Detailed Info Source have been updated, and the patch is live!if you want to join the Twin Dragons server to participate in the tournament, feel free to join the link found in IMPORTANTLINKS in the .zip file!

      The patch inside the folder found in the drive covers everything needed to download the game! Download whats inside this folder (check readme in drive to be fully sure how to download), follow the readme inside THAT folder to patch the game correctly, and get the game! Im currently working on putting the standard xdelta files on the folder in the meantime!

    Last edited:
    as mentioned in the post above, We are looking for up to 24 players in an upcoming Twin Dragons tournament! If youre interested at all, feel free to join the Twin Dragons discord server and sign up!
    Pokemon Conquest: Twin Dragons server!
    haven't posted this in a while and would probably be good to have on hand since a tournament is happening soon!
    I should also note that Version is on here a little bit earlier than other places!
    Version 2.1.0 is out now!

    - New ability called Tight Embrace, which is a downgrade from Pressure and makes nearby opposing Pokemon have 1 range. It is given to Serperior over Nurse, Arbok over Momentum, and the Steelix evolutionary line over Sturdy.

    - Many teams in main story has been changed, alongside a few teams in Two Heroes. Link% of some opponents in main story tweaked. Other minor tweaks applied to stories for increased and more diverse difficulty.

    - Not Worth Fighting Over story teams changed once more according to tournament winners team choices.

    - Neo Spectra has been added. It is a haunted library with a few moving statues and wisps filled with books, carpets, and decrepit, old wood that would make house flippers die inside. It is tentative, but the map is a 23 turn hold banners for 5 turns map, and is heavily favored towards the defender, with a banner claimed for both teams nearest to them.

    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1exBjTkpTfuAqwnweADKR47Z3pRUS3fhQ The Changelog and the Detailed Info Source have been updated, and the patch is live in all forms!

    if you want to join the Twin Dragons server to get updates early and be present for possible upcoming tournaments, feel free to join the link found in IMPORTANTLINKS in the .zip file! You can also check the credits of the game in the CREDITS in the zip file, among other various things found in the zip!

    Additionally, there are absolutely TONS of balance changes!

    - Psycho Cut changed to Close Combat. Move distribution remains the same.
    - Boomburst power and accuracy adjusted
    - Water Pulse confusion chance increased to 35%
    - Spiritomb Life Force -> Mold Breaker
    - Galvantula accuracy too high at base, paralysis chance dropped and speed chance dropped, damage increased
    - Most moves that deal Paralysis (Body Slam, Spark, Bolt Strike, Nuzzle) will have paralysis rates cut
    - Pinion Blitz no longer moves user but always knocks targets back, now column2ahead
    - Body Slam and Shadow Sneak need to be made contact
    - Fake Out reworked to lower defense but lowered accuracy
    - Psycho Cut does more damage
    - Foul Play now normal Row range
    - Drifblim and Whimsicott range nerfs to 3 and 4 respectively
    - Fury Cutter, Laceration damage slightly increased
    -Astonish, Bite and Headbutt flinch chance increased to 40%
    - Ice Beam -> Icicle Spear, hits 2 to 5 times
    - Ice Ball damage raised
    - Breaking Swipe damage increased
    - Machop + Machoke Bodyguard --> Vanguard
    - Whirlipede Hero --> Run Up
    - Increase Fiery Dance damage
    - Umbreon Range decreased to 3
    - Pichu Range decreased to 4
    - Venipede Line range changed to 4
    - Low Kick -> Spring Sever for Armaldo, Timburr Low Kick -> Force Palm
    - Bullet Punch -> Temper Quake for Gabite and Pupitar, and Metang Meteor Mash -> Steel Spear
    - Sacred Sword -> Mighty Cleave
    - Fury Swipes and Tail Slap damage boosted
    - Armaldo Jagged Edge -> Sniper
    - Pupitar Shield -> Momentum
    - Bubble speed drop rate increased to being guaranteed
    - Petal Dance damage increased
    - Mud Slap damage increased
    - Cross Poison damage increased
    - Shadow Sneak damage nerfed
    - Sludge Wave is now TwoRows range.
    - Crunch defense drop chance increased
    - Metal Claw attack raise chance increased
    - Gyro Ball power and accuracy increased
    - Air Cutter damage increased
    - Spirit Shackle damage increased
    - Gardevoir Line Perception -> Life Force
    - Cottonee Melee, Mountaineer -> Sponge, Herbivore
    - Meowth Mountaineer -> Run Up
    - Gothitelle Line Perception -> Interference
    - Garchomp Stealth -> Disgust
    - Metang Shield -> Precision
    - Lapras Wave Rider -> Calming
    - Samurott Limber -> Sniper
    - Leavanny Nurse -> Life Force
    - Treecko Line Mountaineer -> Ambush
    - Pansear, Pansage, Panpour Melee -> Blaze, Overgrow, Torrent, Pansear + Panpour Mountaineer -> Exhilarate
    - Simisear + Simipour Melee -> Simple
    - Drilbur Sandpit -> Precision, Stealth -> Inner Focus
    - Rhyperior Line Lightningrod -> Unaware
    - Carnivine range increased to 4
    - Snorlax Deep Sleep -> Unaware
    - Rayquaza Moxie -> Conqueror
    - Aura Sphere damage boosted significantly
    Last edited:
    - Icicle Spear and Close Combat did not deal knockback. This has been fixed.
    - Neo Spectra has two spaces on the map that were unable to be entered for some apparent reason. This has been fixed.

    - Fake Out accuracy increased
    - Spring Sever damage decreased, but accuracy increased
    - Meteor Mash accuracy increased

    Some hotfix patch notes for version, which is live on the google drive!