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[Developing] Pokemon: Everlasting Orchard (Dating/Farming sim Pokemon game)

  • 144
    This game has a blog detailing how to do a lot of events since it's that type of game. (The "Wiki stalking" type, but I couldn't figure out how to make a Wiki, didn't want to waste my time learning and I can have regular updates with this blog.)

    I made this game based on something I read years ago. They said something like "what if we had a Pokemon game that's also Stardew Valley?" And I thought about it and that lead to me making this game... And then taking a hiatus to make money off of making Delta Pokemon and Fakemon sprites, but after I was done with that I went right back to making this game!

    You kind of make your story after the intro. The story up to that point is: You and your mom raised Tauros and owned a berry farm for most of your life, but one day your mom decides to sell the farm all of a sudden. Angry, you choose to buy a farm yourself in a new region- the Tilius region. (The region has a Roman Gods name theme.) When you first step foot in the region you're taken to a lab to get your... Second Pokemon. You take your Tauros with you plus a horn that you use to call it to ride it. (Alternative to a bike.)
    When you first step onto your farm you're greeted by the person who sold it to you. She explains that the economy of the town mostly depends on wine made from berries- your berries. One person makes the wine and she sells it. Because of that berries can actually be sold for a lot more than they're usually worth. She sold the farm after the previous owner died alone with nobody to inherit it so she does push you to get married and start a family. (Which you cannot do yet.) After you meet every potential candidate the story is pretty much yours to make.

    Note: I cannot fix any glitches if I don't understand what the problem is, so I need to be told in detail what's going on.

    Fair warning: I suggest you invest in my game and report glitches now and not four years later when I move on. Do you understand how annoying it is to get glitch reports for a game you finished years ago and not when I'm actually working on that game? It's very annoying.
    Download updated 7/25/24
    Before you download this version: I have no idea if this will replace your character or not. I'd go to:
    Graphics > Characters

    And copy either TrChar000, Boy_Run, Boy_Surf, and Boy_Bike, or TrChar001, Girl_Run, Girl_Surf and Girl_Bike and paste them somewhere outside the game's files. If your character changed after downloading this version, close your game, then paste the copied files into the "characters" folder and say "yes" to replace them.
    Any original graphics that you may want to change back can be downloaded here

    -I'm going to keep "finished the map" uncrossed for now until I'm satisfied with it. (Or at least until I think that it's "good enough.")
    +I started on a new page for the next major build. What it's about isn't important right now. :)

    Glitch and oversight fixes:
    -Redid parts of Route 3 and Fulgora because I'm so bad at lining up maps correctly.
    -Removed Alderic's face from some of the Season 1 calendars. (His birthday is in Season 2.)

    +I finished the Elite 4 members.
    +I finished the extra Champion challenge. (For the most part. I might add some trainers to that.)
    +Finished the Champion's perks. (Unless I want to add more later.)

    There's... A lot. So much, in fact, that I decided that they need to be organized in categories now.

    -The player has their own HP.
    -There are some items that will give you some HP back. There places (mostly flowers or cushions inside of Pokemon Centers) where you can sit and eat, or you can order food from a restaurant. (See credits)
    -Talking to certain candidates will have an effect on your HP.

    -You own a berry farm where the cheapest berries you can sell is worth $1,000 (unless I adjust them.)
    -There are eight badges, but no Elite 4 yet
    -You can start dating, get married and have children.
    -You can date, marry and have a child with up to two people.
    --You can date anybody regardless of gender.
    --There are portraits so you can see who you're dating.

    -You can make your own clothes and dye your hair. (Details here.) (See credits)
    -You can buy buildings to be built.
    --You can gather lumber to make these buildings cheaper
    --A building that'll upgrade your house, add things to your farm, sell you furniture and ingredients for cooking.
    --An EV Training building
    --A library, where you can unlock a new character
    --You can get a kitchen where you can cook new items
    --You can get a Miltank Stable and sell the milk for $2,000
    --You can get a Mareep stable, some dye buckets and a "sewing machine" and make your own clothes. (You can sell the cloth, too.)
    --You can get your own personal Daycare Center. If you get this you can hire somebody to run it for you and you'll get some money and an opportunity of getting an egg every Friday.
    --You can own your own Combeehive, where you can battle Combees every day besides night time, and you can have the opportunity to get Honey that you can sell for $1,500
    -You can dig for fossils after a certain point.
    -You can grow mushrooms if you buy a sprinkler from one of the buildings you can buy.
    -There's a cave where you can go through a lot of floors. I won't reveal what's at the bottom, but there are certain "safe" points where you can get some amazing things.
    --There are rocks that you can "mine" in said cave if you have a pickaxe. (The mining mini-game won't show up, but you can get some cool things from the rock.)
    -There's a board where some people will post requests.

    -HM Items (See credits)
    -There's an "egg hatcher" item in your personal Day Care Center. (See credits.)

    -There are Delta Pokemon, but more importantly there are BETA Pokemon that I revamped. In fact, that's what the starters of this region is- the cut starts of the 1997 Spaceworld Demo
    -There's a Link Stone for Pokemon who evolves from trading, but also the Pokemon who evolves from trading while holding an item can now be evolved with that item being used like an evolutionary stone.

    -The time is more like Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley (See credits)
    -Your house acts like a Secret Base (See credits)
    -Murkrows can eat your berries, but you can either buy a "Cacturne doll" or place a certain Pokemon by the berries to scare them away.
    -Other things that you can farm are also worth more. (Like honey)
    -Instead of growing berries like you would in an official game, this crazy lady took months to create a system where it's event based. This means that instead of real time the berries will "grow" every time you go to bed.
    -There's a HUD, kind of. It's all based on pictures instead of anything I'd need a new script for.
    -Winter time. (There's no map differences between the other seasons.)
    -Weather that can effect your berries. (Mostly just watering them right now.)
    -Not really much of a feature but it's important- berries will only show the first and last stage. This is due to event limitations. I had a way to show you the progress but I think that makes the map kind of implode, so I'll just delete them.

    Screenshots to make you wanna play the game:


    Bonus screenshot:

    ...I'm not going to show off all of the Pokemon that I added here. I'll just link to where you can read about the Pokemon. I had to post them in parts though so I should probably describe them at least.
    -Most of them are revamped BETA Pokemon that were cut. (Not all of them. I did revamp all of them but I don't plan on having all of them in the game.)
    -Some of them are Delta Pokemon that I was commissioned to make.
    -And some are just extra things. (Like Luvdisc of every "relationship" color. A male Combee evolution, etc.)
    Also I changed the shinies of some of the Pokemon so they're more obvious. Some of them are based on something. (Like Pokemon Stadium nickname colors, and white Pichu.)
    1 2 3




    Other villagers (sprites are outdated):


    Gym Leaders and Elite 4:

    I can't remember if I gave them last names or not, but that doesn't matter in this game. These are characters from my Pokemon Distrust trilogy since they were originally in school to become Gym Leaders in the first place.

    Known Glitches and Oversights:
    Disclaimer: I'm not making this game to work on the cellphone, so any glitches you encounter while on the cellphone will probably not occur if you play on a desktop. (Specifically things like lag or sprite flickering.)
    Also: I can't fix a glitch if I don't know how to replicate the glitch, so you'll have to tell me in as much detail as possible if you want me to even attempt to fix it.


    How this game differs from other farming/dating games:

    -Berries are already canon in Pokemon so instead of veggies you grow berries.
    -You can't "pass out" if you stay up past a certain time. That would suck if you passed out at night in the middle of the map and had to go back. (I suppose if Winds of Anthos could do it, I could too. But WOA is a very different game.)
    -You don't just give people gifts every day. It's more like a flash dating sim game that doesn't exist anymore- you have to talk to them and say what they want you to say. (I'll work on more dialogue options while waiting for the inevitable glitches that people will find even if I don't. If I can think of any.)
    -You can only give people gifts on their birthday (with the candidates they won't accept any gifts from you until you're so friendly with them. I might change this so it'll be purple heart instead of pink where you can give gifts) and Valentines day. (You do have to be at a red heart for that. I might make it pink heart, but like... 80 points or more pink heart.) If you're dating or married to them you can give a gift to them once a day.
    -There's an entire region to explore plus Gyms and other Pokemon things.

    Things to come in the next big build:

    -The ability to beat the Elite 4
    -More legendary Pokemon will be unlocked
    -"Spouse events," if I can think of any.
    -A finished map

    Credits *Due to unfortunate circumstances I can't directly link you to every one of them anymore. I'm lucky to have recovered what I was able to recover*:

    Junichi Masuda
    Minako Adachi Go Ichinose
    Toby Fox (At least one of the songs he made for Pokemon Sword and Shield)
    "The Promised Neverland" (There's one song that's in the game from the anime briefly and when I looked up the singer that's what I got.)
    Shoji Meguro (I briefly use part of a Persona 5 song.)
    Hikaru Utada (I think. For the TWEWY song that Elesa's Gym theme has samples of.)

    I have a hard time with making bodies for some reason. (I think I know the reason considering the timing that it started happening.) So I edited a portrait from Tales Of Symphonia to make the base for everybody.
    I also basically just traced the date faces from Persona 5. (I'm not making money off of this game so I don't really care that much.)
    I did edit all of the sprites, including revamping all of the cut BETA Pokemon. (I'm not going to be using all of them in the game though.) Of course I don't own any of these things.
    A Gen 6 pack... That I can't link since it'd automatically download it. You can find it in my blog. (Which you can find the link to in the "Credits.txt file.)
    I got the battle backgrounds from here
    Gen 5-styled sprites for Gen 7+ Pokemon
    Actual gen-4 styled back sprites for Gen 5-8+ (By PorousMist from Relic Castle)
    Gen 4-styled overworlds for Gen 6 Pokemon (By Sparta from Relic Castle)

    Pokemon Essentials, of course. (V. 17.2. I don't want to upgrade if it'll mean having to start over with some of the scripts I added.)

    FL's Unreal Time script for Pokemon Essentials
    FL's Roulette Minigame script
    FL's Wall Clock script
    Klein's Secret Base script
    Marin's HM Items script
    Kyu and Clara's egg hatcher script... Is unfortunately lost.
    Wild Pokemon can have hidden abilities code is also unfortunately lost.
    Shiney570's character customization script. The download is a reupload from me.
    Caruban's Gen 9 Pack
    Hunger script. (Though I slightly modified it.)

    Lemme know if I forgot anything please. I probably did since I added so much.
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    This seems really interesting so i'm downloading rn and wow that file is heavy
    During the kalani introduction cutscene in the beach , she may be also on the beach at the same time , you can also meet ollie before the intro cutscene , same thing with kai

    There also seems to be a problem with the growing trees since they won't show their growth

    The " stat boost in a pinch" berry section sells SE lowering damages berrys
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    During the kalani introduction cutscene in the beach , she may be also on the beach at the same time , you can also meet ollie before the intro cutscene , same thing with kai

    There also seems to be a problem with the growing trees since they won't show their growth

    The " stat boost in a pinch" berry section sells SE lowering damages berrys

    1. Whoops. I fixed that. (They'll probably flicker out of existence once the event starts.)
    2. I thought that I said something about that but I guess I didn't. Events has a 99 page limit, so I can only have the first and last stages in them. I did do something so you should see the progress every time you step away from your house when you're in a new day but it reverts back every time you leave. (Also I think it messes up anyway. It's a literal mess.)
    Every time I try to mess with the code at this point it just crashes the game so I'm just not gonna bother tweaking it anymore. Maybe I'll try (and fail) to make whatever I wanted to accomplish into a script at some point but for now the berries are what they are and that's due to RPG Maker limitations.
    3. Also whoops. That's also fixed.

    As far as the file size goes, I've noticed that it was taking forever to load at some point because I added so much into the game. I deleted a bunch of default Essentials maps that I didn't need anymore but now I think I should shove the events that I will need in an empty or in the debug map.
    I'm working on cleaning up some things now so the game shouldn't be as big... It's going to be bigger later but at least those maps will be necessary. I'll be uploading an updated version when I think I'm as done as I can on the cleanup part. This will also include the berries and clones fixes.
    cant wait to try this out later tonight, i enjoyed your pokemon distrust when i played that so i alrdy know im likely to enjoy this
    Just started playing but like what I'm seeing so far. A bug I noticed so far is that I can't catch deerling without crashing the game. I've only encountered deerling twice and both time after catching and naming the game encounters an error that crashes it( I'll try and get a screenshot if I run into deerling again-got it so far only happens with deerling). And sometimes selling the berries wont match up with dialogue boxed (ie you sold sitrus berries but it still appears in your item menu despite not actually being there anymore. Selling would just sell the next item in list but wont show any changes in the menu) its small and doesn't happen all the time either.) Having noticed much else since i've only just got the 1st badge so far. Really excited to continue playing though.

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    cant wait to try this out later tonight, i enjoyed your pokemon distrust when i played that so i alrdy know im likely to enjoy this

    Thank you!

    Do you have the download links of your other games.They all seems broken
    I'll try uploading them again. I dunno if that'll help though.

    Hello! Is there any way to change the game controls?

    I don't think so, which is frustrating because the controls are kind of dumb.

    Just started playing but like what I'm seeing so far. A bug I noticed so far is that I can't catch deerling without crashing the game. I've only encountered deerling twice and both time after catching and naming the game encounters an error that crashes it( I'll try and get a screenshot if I run into deerling again-got it so far only happens with deerling). And sometimes selling the berries wont match up with dialogue boxed (ie you sold sitrus berries but it still appears in your item menu despite not actually being there anymore. Selling would just sell the next item in list but wont show any changes in the menu) its small and doesn't happen all the time either.) Having noticed much else since i've only just got the 1st badge so far. Really excited to continue playing though.


    That's weird. I looked up a solution and it should be fixed now. If it's not I do have a different solution.
    Np I will try again once I find another deerling. It's not that bad even if it can't be fixed....I just like deerling but since, so far, it's the only pokemon effected I'm fine with it. Will tell you if you managed to fix it though. Thanks!

    Yep managed to catch a deerling without any trouble. Thank you for the quick fix!
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    New glitch found. A character( Kai I think?) gave me their number in the bar and it forced quite the game. Now I'm soft locked and unable to do anything when re-entering game. ( Can't move, open menus etc). Probably going to just start a new game though.
    New glitch found. A character( Kai I think?) gave me their number in the bar and it forced quite the game. Now I'm soft locked and unable to do anything when re-entering game. ( Can't move, open menus etc). Probably going to just start a new game though.

    That's weird. I wasn't able to recreate this. Still, I did some changes with Kai in the bar and also after getting his number you teleport back outside as a possible failsafe.

    Edit: No wait don't download it yet I just realized I forgot to delete something that could freeze the game in Kai's new position.
    Edit again: okay it should be fine now.
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    I noticed two things so far, I haven't gotten past the third badge yet but I think those two are a bit trivial to this game. First, when you try to fertilize the berries, the game crashes and shows something like a loop. Second, some berry patches bug and the berries never sprout. I hope I helped! I love this concept of the game and I really want to see it becoming even better!
    In the cave by the 2nd badge town there's a purple haired trainer by one of the ladders. When I try to go in front/interact I face away from the trainer and the game freezes. I haven't found a way to progress around them.

    sometimes when exiting from the bug contest( top area into the park) you will be randomly teleported into the wall of a cave( floor 35) and be unable to do anything.



    Sorry if I'm annoying you but figured reporting these before you finish with next part would help minimize future glitches.
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    Just built the library but a character's event at the farm is badly glitched. Most of the screen turns black, can only see the characters portrait, and when the event is over all that's left is the character sprite with a refection. Unable to leave the glitch area. try to get to my farm in different ways and the event is always glitched. Its the same character as with the bar that glitched me out.(trying to avoid any spoilers. This is a huge problem as the farm is a huge part of the game.


    okay after alot of different attempts I activated another character's event that involved teleporting from the event ending (was an in town event with a certain wary character) to the farm. It went to the scary reflection void but going up managed to go into my house. Leaving the house activated the problem event but luckily if you go straight up in the darkness you can get into the house. Once you exit things seem normal. ( I did try going straight up before but nothing worked before I was teleported back to farm after activating another character's event. Still was buggy but managed to go through the event.( Don't know if this will work for everyone/again)
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    Just built the library but a character's event at the farm is badly glitched. Most of the screen turns black, can only see the characters portrait, and when the event is over all that's left is the character sprite with a refection. Unable to leave the glitch area. try to get to my farm in different ways and the event is always glitched. Its the same character as with the bar that glitched me out.(trying to avoid any spoilers. This is a huge problem as the farm is a huge part of the game.


    okay after alot of different attempts I activated another character's event that involved teleporting from the event ending (was an in town event with a certain wary character) to the farm. It went to the scary reflection void but going up managed to go into my house. Leaving the house activated the problem event but luckily if you go straight up in the darkness you can get into the house. Once you exit things seem normal. ( I did try going straight up before but nothing worked before I was teleported back to farm after activating another character's event. Still was buggy but managed to go through the event.( Don't know if this will work for everyone/again)

    Oh crap! I thought I had a failsafe for that! I'm sorry! I'll be fixing that and uploading it now!
    So basically what happened is that the farm maps kept on corrupting the game so I had to copy and paste them and then destroy the originals. This happened twice and I forgot to change the teleportation map to the new farm. I also forgot to have it automatically teleport you to the new farm in case you're teleported to the void that used to be a farm. I'll do that as a failsafe and then I'll work on looking at every event in case I missed any more.

    I'm so sorry for missing that!
    No problem, I just like to report any bugs especially ones that make it hard to proceed in the game. Still love it so far and the more I interact with the characters the more I like them ( mostly the Pomona town residents but even the non-romanceable ones are great.) Have you figured a way to fix the trainer in the cave yet? Nevermind I think its addressed in the new download.

    Whelp don't know about the purple haired trainer but the new one causes the game to crash. Gonna try just avoiding her for now.

    Purple head is improved can actually see the pre-battle dialogue but crashes game. If you could have this trainer move( walk or change direction) as well we could avoid her(?) for now-which is how I got past the previous error trainer.

    Can no longer exit Pomona town pokecenter. Sadly I saved in the center so I'll probably have to restart again but this glitch occurs every time I try to exit. Might hold off for a bit though. The error message seem weird though since it says something about the item bag and wedding dress( I'm guessing I know nothing of programming or scripting) which is something I don't have. But hey at least this Pomona town glitch isn't caused by any of the character...I think.
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    I seem to have the same issue as WildShiro, Whenever i try to exit the Pomona pokecenter the game crashes after showing an error screen. but im not that far in yet but im enjoying the charaters so far.
    No problem, I just like to report any bugs especially ones that make it hard to proceed in the game. Still love it so far and the more I interact with the characters the more I like them ( mostly the Pomona town residents but even the non-romanceable ones are great.) Have you figured a way to fix the trainer in the cave yet? Nevermind I think its addressed in the new download.

    Whelp don't know about the purple haired trainer but the new one causes the game to crash. Gonna try just avoiding her for now.

    Purple head is improved can actually see the pre-battle dialogue but crashes game. If you could have this trainer move( walk or change direction) as well we could avoid her(?) for now-which is how I got past the previous error trainer.

    Can no longer exit Pomona town pokecenter. Sadly I saved in the center so I'll probably have to restart again but this glitch occurs every time I try to exit. Might hold off for a bit though. The error message seem weird though since it says something about the item bag and wedding dress( I'm guessing I know nothing of programming or scripting) which is something I don't have. But hey at least this Pomona town glitch isn't caused by any of the character...I think.

    I'll just delete the two trainers. I kind of hate trying to add trainers in Essentials. As far as the Pokemon Center thing goes, you wanna know what the problem is?
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Everlasting Orchard (Dating/Farming sim Pokemon game)

    Some keys on my keyboard are messed up. "E" being one of those. (Though it's making me out to be a liar right now.)
    I'd replace it if I didn't have a laptop.
    I fixed the stupid typo and it's being compressed right now. When I update the date and fixes on the main post is when it should be safe to leave the Pokemon Center.
    Thank you your adressing the issue so quickly, im really liking the game so far but i think i found another problem, not sure if anyone else brought it up but after leaving the bug catching contest i was teleported into the i think caves walls? i saved before i did the contest so i wasint stuck but i just wanted to put this here in case it wasint just my computer being wierd again. not sure if it was already fixed with the newest update if so sorry for bringing up a already fixed issue. have a nice day. (Edit) and apparently after downloading it says my map is corrupt? i guess that means i just start a new game i guess. (edit 2) Never mind thats a my B apparently the game stalled when i was opening my Save and it auto saved before it closed. (Edit 3) no apparently its doing it to my new game to apparently. does this happen when it auto saves when the script hangs when entering or leaving somthing?
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    Is fly available and working in game? I know the gym leader said something about there not being an item that warps but I think they said we could use fly. Where would we be able to get it? Or are the flying type pokemon you catch able to learn it by level up in this game? If it's not yet ready that fine but travelling can take quite a bit of time once you get past the second gym. Also I want to wrap up all the datable characters in warmed blankets they all need some hugs it seems( still love them all I just want them all to be warm, happy and safe).