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Pokemon G/S: Ultimate Item Tutorial


Veteran Hacker
  • 471
    Many of you have seen a document on this before, but did you know that theres an easy way to change what they items actually DO?

    First, let's start with the first part. I mapped this part out for easy access on what item you want, the values that aren't shown are in between other values (06 is in between 04 and 08 obviously)

    04 - 68B5
    08 - 68D1
    0C - 68ED
    10 - 6909
    14 - 6925
    18 - 6941
    1C - 695D
    20 - 6979
    24 - 6995
    28 - 69B1
    2C - 69CD
    30 - 69E9
    34 - 6A05
    38 - 6A21
    3C - 6A3D
    40 - 6A59
    44 - 6A75
    48 - 6A91
    4C - 6AAD
    50 - 6AC9
    54 - 6AE5
    58 - 6B01
    5C - 6B1D
    60 - 6B39
    64 - 6B55
    68 - 6B71
    6C - 6B8D
    70 - 6BA9
    74 - 6BC5
    78 - 6BE1
    7C - 6BFD
    80 - 6C19
    84 - 6C35
    88 - 6C51
    8C - 6C6D
    90 - 6C89
    94 - 6CA5
    98 - 6CC1
    9C - 6CDD
    A0 - 6CF9
    A4 - 6D15
    A8 - 6D31
    AC - 6D4D
    B0 - 6D69
    B4 - 6D85
    B8 - 6DA1
    BC - 6DBD
    C0 - 6DD9
    C4 - 6DF5
    C8 - 6E11
    CC - 6E2D
    D0 - 6E49
    D4 - 6E65
    D8 - 6E81
    DC - 6E9D
    E0 - 6EB9
    E4 - 6ED5
    E8 - 6EF1
    EC - 6F0D
    F0 - 6F29
    F4 - 6F45
    F8 - 6F61
    FC - 6F7D

    Each item has 7 bytes each for this part.
    1 = Price Byte 1
    2 = Price Byte 2
    3 = Effects when held
    - 00 = Nothing
    - 01 = Restores HP When Pokemon loses 1/2 of its total HP or 128 HP, whichever is less
    - 03 = Recovers HP every turn
    - 06 = Restores 5 PP to move that reaches 0 PP
    - 08 = Wild Pokémon Encounter Rate Lowers
    - 0A = Poison
    - 0B = Freeze
    - 0C = Burn
    - 0D = Sleep
    - 0E = Paralize
    - 0F = All status problems.
    - 10 = Confusion
    - 2A = Increases Defense of Ditto
    ==Type Increase==
    - 32 = Normal
    - 33 = Fighting
    - 34 = Flying
    - 35 = Poison
    - 36 = Ground
    - 37 = Rock
    - 38 = Bug
    - 39 = Ghost
    - 3A = Fire
    - 3B = Water
    - 3C = Grass
    - 3D = Electric
    - 3E = Psychic
    - 3F = Ice
    - 40 = Dragon
    - 41 = Dark
    - 42 = Steel
    - 48 = Helps escape from wild Pokemon.
    - 49 = Increases the chances of a Critical Hit by 1 level
    - 4A = % chance of the holding Pokemon going first.
    - 4B = Pokemon evolve by trading with item attached.
    - 4C = Multiples money receives Math Formula: X = Money Recieved Y = Variable (X + Y * X)
    - 4D = Reduces opposing Pokemon's Accuracy
    - 4F = % of keeping a Pokemon at 1 HP when the damage dealt directly by an attack would cause it to faint.
    4 = Supporting math variable
    5 = What options do you have when you select it?
    - 00 = Give/Toss/Select
    - 10 = Use/Give/Toss/Select
    - 40 = Give/Toss
    - 80 = Select
    - C0 = Use
    6 = Which Slot does it go in?
    - 1 = Items
    - 2 = Key items
    - 3 = Balls
    - 4 = TM/HM
    7 = Can you Use it?
    - 00 = Can't use
    - 06 = Pokeball
    - 40 = Brings up text in Item Menu
    - 50 = Brings up Pokemon Party Menu
    - 55 = Brings up Pokemon Party Menu + Heal / Status heal
    - 60 = Has special effect on player outside of battle (Bike/Escape Rope)

    The second part is the most critical - What it actually DOES. Heres a similar data thing

    E7C0 - 1
    E7D0 - 9
    E7E0 - 11
    E7F0 - 19
    E800 - 21
    E810 - 29
    E820 - 31
    E830 - 39
    E840 - 41
    E850 - 49
    E860 - 51
    E870 - 59
    E880 - 61
    E890 - 69
    E8A0 - 71
    E8B0 - 79
    E8C0 - 81
    E8D0 - 89
    E8E0 - 91
    E8F0 - 99
    E900 - A1
    E910 - A9
    E920 - B1

    Each one of these points to an ASM Script, and the pointer is 2 bytes long, and MUST be inside the same bank. Example, if you change one of the pointer to 2669 (Which translates to E926 for this bank) it will become a Pokeball, however no value is assigned to that item HEX Value. Most items that do the same thing but with little difference (like Pokeballs Potions etc) have a hex number assigned to a certain part. This hex number tells the script what to do if when the item used matches that hex number. If it can apply (which it can for some things that don't need a separate ASM script for each item.) For example, each separate Pokeball needs a separate ASM script to function, however Potion's don't, so you can simple just repoint the table where it asks for the item byte number to somewhere else and increase from there.

    E926- Pokeballs

    Heres some more places you can point to:
    EE5C- Bicycle
    EE63- Evolution Stone
    EF68- Rare Candy
    F003- Heal Powder
    F022- Status Heal (Antidote, etc.)
    F0FF- Revival Herb
    F11E- Revives
    F17E- Full Restore
    F1C0- Confusion Fix
    F1DC- HP Recover (Potion, etc.)
    F1E2- Energy Powder
    F1E6- Energy Root
    F4A5- Escape Rope
    F4E5- Poke Doll
    F4FB- Guard Spec.
    F508- Dire Hit
    F5EC- Old Rod
    F5F0- Good Rod
    F5F4- Super Rod
    F5FF- Item Finder
    F606- Elixir / PP up / Ether
    F715- Stat enhancer (Battle Only) (Attack X, etc.)
    F785- Squirtbottle
    F78C- Card Key
    F793- Basement Key
    F79A- Sacred Ash
    F7AA- Normal Box
    F7AE- Gorgeous Box

    Heres some data within the item's ASM scripts in which you can change. I encourage everyone to look for themselves and try to find things themselves that they can change, even if you don't know ASM.

    EC7C-EC91 Special Ball Pointers - for this, first Item Number, then pointer to ASM Script. So you can switch two balls if you'd like
    EC98-ECA0 Park Ball
    ECA1-ED1F Heavy Ball
    ED20-ED30 Lure Ball
    ED31-ED65 Moon Ball
    ED66-EDBB Love Ball
    EDBC-EDDF Fast Ball
    EDE0-EDFD Level Ball

    EE91- Base Stat Increaser (Protein etc.)
    EEA7- Max stat
    EEAB- How much stats it gives

    EEFF-EF08 Stat Increases Text Types Pointers
    EF09-EF2C Stat Increases Text types

    EF30-EF32 Item/Stat it increases pointer

    EF3F-EF48 Item/Stat it increases

    F405-F407 - How Much Health does Fresh WAter Give you *Byte number then health*
    F408-F40A - How Much Health does Soda Gives you *Byte number then health*
    F40B-F40D - How much Health does Lemonade Give you *Byte number then health*
    F40F-F411 - How much Health Hyper Potion gives you *Byte number then health*
    F412-F414 - How much Health Super Potion gives you *Byte number then health*
    F415-F417 - How much Health Potion gives you *Byte number then health*
    F418-F41A - How much Health Max Potion gives you *Byte number then health* (Actually Gives you 999 Health!)
    F41B-F41D - How much Health Full Restore gives you *Byte number then health* (Actually Gives you 999 Health!)
    F41E-F420 - How much Health Moo Moo Milkgives you *Byte number then health*
    F421-F423 - How Much Health Berry Give you *Byte number then health*
    F423-F425 - How Much Health Gold Berry Gives you *Byte number then health*
    F426-F428 - How Much Health Energy Powder Gives you *Byte number then health*
    F429-F42B - How Much Health Energy Root Gives you *Byte number then health*
    F42C-F42E - How Much Health Rare Candy Bar Gives you *Byte number then health*
    F42F-F431 - How Much Health Berry Juice Gives you *Byte number then health*
    F432-F434 - Blank

    F4B8-F4BB Steps for Super Repel
    F4BC-F4BF Steps for Max Repel
    F4C0-F4C3 Steps for Repel

    So there you go, I'm sure anyone could find more information, with the information that I've provided. I didn't include everything because I want people to actually look and find things for themselves. You'll be shocked at what I didn't include, it's quite cool.
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    Nice, its a good tutorial for all the G/S/C Hackers out there.
    It is really useful

    This can be very helpful. Could that also mean new items can be added in?(just double checking with you). Hopefully people won't go creating the ultimate healing item xD
    This can be very helpful. Could that also mean new items can be added in?(just double checking with you). Hopefully people won't go creating the ultimate healing item xD

    Yeah, but to add actual NEW items that aren't based off other items, you'd need to know ASM.

    However one could work around it like what you did with the Hiking Kit, make it so it does a function at a certain point of the game, instead of letting people use it whenever they want in the item menu. This is used for a few other items in Gold anyway, and should be taken advantage of.
    The Use/Give/Toss/Select should come in handy with an upcoming item I am planning, CBM. Seeing as the Hiker Kit is a Key Item, there is no need to edit it. The next step I probably have to take is ASM. Anyway hopefully you get some more up CBM so people will get back into GSC.
    Wow.. that must have tooken you awhile eh? Well, I don't excpet anything less from CBM. ^_^

    I am sure that this will come in handy when I start hacking G/S and others who want to as well.. Thanks CBM!
    Funny you should mention that, I found something today, the two missing bytes.

    1 = Price Byte 1
    2 = Price Byte 2
    3 = What happens when held?
    4 = Supporting math variable
    5 = What options do you have when you select it?
    6 = Which Slot does it go in?
    7 = Can you Use it?

    The third byte is the effect when a Pokemon holds onto it. The fourth byte is usually a multiplier or adder (when necessary) that starts at 0.1 (Example, 09 = 0.9) I'll look into this a bit more tonight, for other variables to use, but I'm quite shocked actually I missed this.

    00 = Nothing
    01 = Restores HP When Pokemon loses 1/2 of its total HP or 128 HP, whichever is less

    03 = Recovers HP every turn

    06 = Restores 5 PP to move that reaches 0 PP

    08 = Wild Pokémon Encounter Rate Lowers

    0A = Poison
    0B = Freeze
    0C = Burn
    0D = Sleep
    0E = Paralize
    0F = All status problems.
    10 = Confusion

    2A = Increases Defense of Ditto

    ==Type Increase==
    32 = Normal
    33 = Fighting
    34 = Flying
    35 = Poison
    36 = Ground
    37 = Rock
    38 = Bug
    39 = Ghost
    3A = Fire
    3B = Water
    3C = Grass
    3D = Electric
    3E = Psychic
    3F = Ice
    40 = Dragon
    41 = Dark
    42 = Steel

    48 = Helps escape from wild Pokemon.
    49 = Increases the chances of a Critical Hit by 1 level
    4A = % chance of the holding pokemon going first.
    4B = Pokémon evolve by trading with item attached.
    4C = Multiples money recieves Math Formula: X = Money Recieved Y = Variable (X + Y * X)
    4D = Reduces opposing pokemon's Accuracy

    4F = % of keeping a pokemon at 1 HP when the damage dealt directly by an attack would cause it to faint.

    =Fourth Value=
    This is used for variables (in battle only), which can be used when the third one is 0. If item is a healing item, this is used for recovering HP, if Elixir, recovers PP, etc. Can do 1-254 HP, and if it's FF, it sets it to the max.
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    Thank you for the info! Gen 2 resources are unfortunately slim.