I haven't really made an update for a while so I thought I'd do one now.
Since the beta I've been working on implementing dolls and fixing a secret base bug which is done now. Most of the bugs found in the beta were minor things which was good. I fixed quite a few move effect bugs and the in battle status effect bug. Fixed a bug with the female surf sprite and some music glitches. All other bugs were just text based.
I remapped some places I didn't like and added a few maps and events because I felt they were needed for the plot. Another major thing is expanding the number of moves and with that including all the new Champions. I also updated the icons because they looked really bad before.
Doesn't sound like much but it's really hard to find time to work on this while being at uni. I feel that it's been polished enough to provide a pretty bug free experience.
So you're probably wondering why it's not out yet if it's complete. Well, there are a few major problems for me that I would really prefer were fixed before releasing my hack. I'll put them in order of imprtance.
Firstly, the learnset hack is a must or the Champions released after Reck'Sai will only know basic attacks. Of these problems this is the biggest limiting factor so I'll probably release my hack when I've fixed the learnsets. The good thing is I know there's a solution I just have to wait for it.
Status effects come next. All status effects are pretty op atm so it affects battles quite a bit. The player will use them to his/her advantage more than the AI and it's less of a factor than say type advantages or something, but it's still an issue. I've spent ages looking at how they work but I just don't know. So I'll let the problem stay if no one else can fix it for me.
Those 2 are the main ones because they affect a large number of Champions, I'd also rather get move effects working properly. Luckily a few ASMers have been really helpful in helping me fix a ton of move effect bugs which means almost every move works properly. The 2 main effects that are left are entry hazards and 'revive'.
Entry hazards have been implemented for FireRed and KDS was kind enought to give the link to the routines but damn it's so complex. If it was ported, the instructions are easy enough to understand, it would be fine. But trying to understand it enough to port it is just not possible for me to do alone. I already spent a few hours looking at a hex editor. I can't port it.
Less urgent but still important for the 3 Champions with the move effect is the 'revive' effect. It basically prevents you or an ally from fainting and then heals the target if it gets hit by an attack which would faint it. Kind of like endure and recover in one move. This should have been easier because it's just joining 2 move effects together but I still couldn't get it working. The effect is really strong utility which makes those Champions a lot weaker without it, especially Zilean.
What's left is weather. This only affects 2 Champions so it's even less important. I would prefer if weather set by your teammate didn't hurt anyone in yoru party. It only bugs me because Anivia is my second favourite Champion and her Glacial Storm is the key to her it, having it hurt allies makes her less usable. Nasus summoning a Sandstorm isn't that necessary for him so players can choose to not use it. I guess I can include sunlight preventing freezing, i.e stuns. Removes both of leonas stuns from working which is a key part of her kit. I guess I could remove her passive 'Drought' but summoning sunlight is part of who she is.
So yeah they're the big ones, minor annoyances like Gnar's evolution and the Pokedex incorrectly showing locations on the Worldmap can be ignored. I'll make a list of wild locations anyway and Gnar's evolution method is more of a gimick, I could just make him evolve at a certain level.
I'm really excited for you guys to play this and see what you think. A ton of hard work has been put into making it and I've spent a long time trying to fix every little issue. I hope you see why it cant be released now especially with exams coming up.